| Woman Dies From Arsenic 'After 7 Weeks In Hospital she and her son had gone on| Another witness, Sheila Lu- o Rs * i BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE. i a 'Youths Draw Eight Moni/is -- n Break-Enter And Thef Mr, Affleck introduced police N @_THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Becember 6, 1965 Terms in the reformatory She said that the couple: had VANCOUVER (CP)--A coro,| ner's jury Friday said the July 11 death of Mrs. Esther Castel- Jani was due to arsenic poison- ipg and classified it as homicide by person or persons unknown. Mrs. Castellani died after be- ing ill for seven weeks in hos- pital and the jury said: "We think the numerous doc- tors would have benefited by group consultation in order to arrive at a more definite diag- nosis at an earlier date." The jury recommended that pesticides and herbicides con- taining poisons such as arsenic be sold only on the signature of the buyer in a register kept by the vendor. | Coroner Glen McDonald, at the close of a 24-day inquest which heard evidence given.and) court Friday-when found guilty|three employees. denied that. Mrs. Castellani's husband was planning to marry another woman, told the jury of three men and three women that they had to decide whether! it was a case of suicide, acci- dental death or homicide. But if they found the latter he sug- gested they could not find any particular person responsible. FIND ARSENIC Following Mrs. Castellani's death, mdical examinatton of tissue from her body showed traces of arsenic. Her body was exhumed and experts told the coroner's jury that about 300) s of arsenic were|the local is considering an ap- Mr. Wilson, a deaf mute, as an about 100 milligrams/ peal. found, more than could prove fatal to. a human being. They said the! ingestion of the arsenic had oc- curred over a period of several months. Earlier, the jury heard Mrs. | the Simcoe st. s. main building | Adelaide (Lolly) Miller deny|of General Printers. June 8 last year when Printers Ltd., Inter-City shared| Union membership. a California holiday with Cas-|ond, Mrs. Castellani's sister-in- tellani and his daughter five|law, testified that Castellani days after Mrs, Castellani's|had brought food to his wife death. She said there was no|while she was in hospital and talk of marriage before Mrs.|Mrs,. Castellani had complained Castellani died. iof the taste. - Police testified to finding a|- She said Castellani had once partly used can of Ortho Triox, insisted that she dispose of the a weed killer containing arsenic,|remains of a meal he had been in Castellani's home. feeding his wife in hospital. Oshawa ITU Fined $125, For Calling 'Illegal' Strike Oshawa Local 969, Interna-;employees in a bargaining unit tional Typographical Union, was| which included Wilson, Parrott fined $125 at Oshawa Police|and Scott, did bargain with the of calling an illegal strike last) Peter Scott said that Stewart year at Inter-City Typesetting| and Russell promised him more Ltd. money and a better future "if Alan Heritage, an ITU inter-|1 dropped my union card." He! national representative, was/said that his employers indi- fined $25 on a charge of en-|cated they would loose their| couraging or procuring a strike| homes if business dropped off) by company employees. because of the GP strike situa- Counter charges laid by the tion. union against the fitm's owners,| Mr. Parrott said that he was David Russell and Elmer Stew-| offered a company-paid pension art, were dismissed by Magis-|and a secure job if he gave up trate Harry Jermyn. his union card. He said that he Mr. Heritage said after rp segue because of the benefits) tence was passed that he will/his union membership gave lodge an appeal. Local 969 presi-| him. dent Thomas Thomson said that; No testimony. was giyen by; linterpreter was not available. | | Magistrate Jermyn heard Mr. | Stewart say that he and his partner made no effort to make their employees give up their Evidence at the Nov. 26 hear- ing covered events following lodal A Vietnamese mother carrying her injured child escorts a bandaged woman from their apartment oppo- | site the bomb-damaged Met- went on strike against General "I thought we had the best group of people in Oshawa," BLOODIED VICTIMS OF TERRORIST BOMB ropole Hotel in Saigon this morning, Vietnamese wounded when a Viet Cong assault squad hit the enlist- ed men's billet with a 250- pound bomb driven to the site in a light truck. Two Americans were killed. --AP Wirephoto More than 100 were killed or Rnseell anid last week | He told prosecuting counsel Ian || were handed down on two Osh- lawa youths by Magistrate Frank Ebbs Friday at Oshawa Police Court. : John Kenneth MacDonald of Adelaide ave. e. and Norvin Welsh of Albert st., both 18, were sentenced to eight months de- finite and four nionths indefinite when they appeared for sentence of a joint charge of break, enter and theft. They appearéd before Magis- trate Ebbs, Nov. 26 when evi- dence was heard of a break-in at the Grandview Golf Club. | A total of $200 in fines with the option of one month in jail |was levied on Roy Edward |Rosseau, 29, of 207 Huron st., |who pleaded guilty to charges \of failing to remain at the | scene of an accident and driving | whilst under sugpension. | Crown Attorney Bruce Af- fleck told the court that $90 damage was caused to both |vehicles Nov. 3 when the ac- 'cused drove into a parked car jon Bloor st. e. The fines were levied plus costs. Guilty pleas to two. traffic offences brought fines to Mau- rice Latour of Ontario st., Tor- onto. He was charged with driving whilst disqualified and making a false statement in |applying for a driver*s licence. | Crown Attorney Affleck said \that the accused was halted by a Department of Highways in- spector Dec. 2 when the offences were discovered. Magistrate Ebbs imposed a $100 fine plus costs or a month in jail on the | Suspension charge and $50 and }costs or a month in jail on the | second count. testimony which told of a police chase after the accused's car Dec. 1 in the King st., Queen st., creek valley district. The police radar trap clocked Hallett's speeding car at 55 miles per hour, Mr. said. When the officers gave chase the accused evaded them them until cornered in the Dominion store parking lot in the creek valley. He stated that, in police opin- ion, Hallett was impaired by the effects of alchol. Being drunk in a public place brought a $50 fine plus costs to James Henry of Stone st. Henry, who pleaded guilty to the charge was found by police Nov. 30 in a drunken condition and carry- ing two bottles of sherry. The fine was imposed with the option of one month in the county jail. Another $50 fine plus costs was levied on Jack Reid, of no fixed abode, who was found drunk Dec. 2 on King st. He entered a plea of guilty to the 'drunk count and was faced with the option of paying the fine or lodging for a month in jail. Masisirate Ebbs issued a bench warrant for the arrest of Joseph Fenyves of 822 Glen st. who was scheduled to appear in court Friday for sentence on an An assault charge brought be-' fore the court by Christina Or- dowski of Patricia st., against} John Dobrowski of Cubert st. failed to bring a conviction. Mrs, Ordowski told the court she accompanied Mr. Dobrow- assault charge. | broken up and Mrs. Szyelow- ski had returned to pick up some of her goods. Mrs. Or- dowski said that once at the house Mr. Dobrowski accused her of having his children taken Affleck|away from him by the Chil- ren's Aid Society. The witness said that the accused- seized her by the throat causing scratches and bruises. 4 'Mrs. Szyelowski told the court that she did not see any assault. Mr. Dobrowski denied having attacked Mrs. Ordowski. Magistrate Ebbs found the accused not guilty. ' HOLDS DOWN STRIKES There was only one strike, leaving 200 men idle for 13 days, in the businesses covered by last year's employer - em- - ployee agreements in Norway. OLD WORLD TRADITION LONDON CREAM Lompoc urea LONDON © ONTAMD CAMADA that she had ever had a roman-| mr, tic association with Rene Cas-|that the majority of his com- tellani, husband of the dead/positors quit when asked to do woman and an employee of ra-| additional GP work. dio station CKNW where Mrs. Miller also worked. Mrs. Miller, a widow with<a six-year-old son, admitted that ski's former common-law wife, Mrs. Nadya Szyelowski, to the Cubert st. house on the night of : Nov. 18. } NEW WORLD PERFECTION ENJOY A Richmond Hill resident, Thomas Richard Hallett, 23, was fined $100 and costs or 10) days in jail when he pleaded} guilty to a charge of driving) while his abilities were im- paired by alcohol. ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN... ! We serve o special businessmen's lunch, including main course, soup, bread, butter, vegetables and desert, for 80¢ and up. Tea or coffee 5c extra, TRY US TODAY! We also specialize in delicious @ LIGHT LUNCHES ond taste tempting e CHINESE FONDS Including Toke-Out-Orders, HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER "SO YEARS abate RESTAURANT Vil AV id 14% KING ST. E, om 728-4666 -- 725-0075 @ married man between ages 25 and 40 a ders ¥ to consider a worthwhile business opportunity with @ well-known international: company. This mon should have a reasonably good education and, pre- ferably, sales experience. We are prepared to invest considerable. money in training the right man. If interested in a career opportunity. Telephone 668- Sault CIVIL DRAFTSMAN from BASSETT'S Ste. Marie: Clearing this after- noon. Colder. Ciduding" 'over again tonight with snow occa- sionally mixed. with rain begin- ning late tonight and changing to snowflurries about Sunday midday. Winds beconging light this afternoon southeasterly 20 tonight and northwest 25 Sunday afternoon. City of Oshawa Engineering Deportment SALARY RANGE -- $84.00 to $95.00 per week (36% hour week) Due to expansion of stoff, the City of Oshawa requires one Civil Draftsman, REQUIRED: Energetic, accurate draftsman to perform the following duties; plot surveyors' field notes, calculate earthwork quantities, make tracings of municipal maps, prepare sewer information for construction projects and related assignments, Applicants must have full high school and municipal drafting ex- THE GIFT HE OPENS FIRST ...PUT STARS IN THEIR EYES .. « For Chitristmas gifts:thet leet forever... buy quolity jewellery gifts from BASSETT'S ... @ Rings e Figurines © Watches © Tie Tacks @ Silverplate @ Diamonds China Handbags Lighters Crystal When. You. Buy, Buy Quality'From .. . Will Come From KINLOCH'S MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA perience will be an asset Applicants should give full details of education, experience, morital status; etc., and-submit application by 5:00 p.m., December 10th, 1965. Personnel Officer, City Hell, Oshewa, Onterio Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Thursday: Windsor ......05+. 32 42 3 Convenient Locations Whitby -- 106 Brock St. N. Fresh Christmas NUTS Delivered to Your Door AT 10 % SAVINGS CASHEWS "= ss, 89 REG. 239 MIXED NUTS nici rice 1.89 Call Today - 725-7151 THE GOODIE SHOPPE 40 Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshewe 1 Simcoe St. S$. |GGIFT CERTIFICATES 10 King St. West OUR errr errr seeeeceeeee ] | Scott. e e H® said that the company had h _ V t W : Thant: Vie Ar Gathering tee ces vin svn The court was told last week|contract was signed with the . | guilty plea brought a $100 fine icompositors were told by Mr. nosition to strike in two or The court heard that the ac- six GP jobs. He said that they| pensions." Secretary - General The 18 - nation disarmament|Union were among the 14 ab-|be under suspension, as he Turn Repairmen «| viet Naw) : strike-bound company. trate Jermyn said that he didjappeared to be gathering dan-}a member, is expected to re-| 'This resolution was aimed Co. Ltd. today will attempt to|days in jail for Mr. Heritage,|<*ppere had been a healthy dis-|eral Assembly after it had ap-| Canada joined 92 countries in| ¢peq by partial nuclear test Emergency service crews ofjthe company did unlawfully; pefore: sentence on the|that nothing would improve the) Clear tests. Albania. cast thelonmminist Chita to pic se Youth, 18, Killed » si the|or any of them to cease to be! po, i -j ste ' ' tablished at the site of the|or any m because both sides tried an|namese war. approve the resolutions on the Gas Workers. 'tinued to be entitled to represent! Counsel for Inter-City Douglas |; f : sion of all nuclear weapons! wij-ocks 18 of nearby Forest, | Portugal abstaining. South Af- they are not subject to the same ient K 2 y Lu the signing of a treaty. to stoD| crossing Highway 7, about five sembly's political committee . 1 OSgue, * . Mil der I d Sno Sun da mcs SURED que | wrens some 0 ee We Would Like To Interview Lancashire town held a three-| coming year." 6.30 a.m.: Northern Georgian Bay, Tim-|Founder's Day. Most of them] resume its work against the; background of a war that seems| ever the forecast regions and/with light snow ending this aft-|master got wind of the pool andjgerous momentum," said) light snow and snowflurries arejernoon. Clearing this evening.|spoke for a record 1914 minutes/Thant. "Nothing could more} tinue until late afternoon injnorthwest 20 to 25 becoming',- most areas accumulations arejlight this evening. with little or no accumulation in the south with temperatures! late today and tonight as higher pressure moves across the ever as another vigorous storm centre will bring more rain and Lake Huron, southern Georgian Bay, Windsor, London: Cloudy|St. Thomas . 30 42 ending this afternoon. Clearing|Mount Forest . by late this evening. Sunday|Wingham . again Sunday. Winds northwest/Toronto ....... 20 to 25 becoming light tonight.|Peterborough ..... onto: Cloudy with scattered|Killaloe showers or flurries of wet snow|Muskoka ......+0. day. Sunday clody with oc-|Earlton ......... casional rain likely beginning as|Sault Ste. Marie told the union it would go along é under suspension was Joseph E. i 4 5 by John Webb, a former ITU/Inter-City unit of the local. angerous OMENTUM) _ Eira costs' with the' option of | Heritage June 8, 1964, that they/ three weeks, we couldn't afford (CP)--|armament than bring an end only vote against the resolution, cused was stopped by city | were told to resign or be fired) jy dismissing the charges; warned the United Nations Fri-) drove down park rd. WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Super-| The fines were imposed plus/no: think the partners 'had|gerous momentum," sume negotiations in Geneva in specifically at halting under- repair a ruptured main gas and 14 days for the union local. | yccion by a worried manage-| proved overwhelmingly a couple| favoring the resolution calling ban treaty signed in Moscow the strike - bound company re-|seek or compel Peter Scott, harges against the union lanjprospects for disarmament|qy oni HUGIERY baaie. break near LaSalle by members/members of a trade union. agreement which didn't come! Resolutions approved by the| Crossing Highway denuclearization of Africa by a Laidlaw, told the court that ad ' 0 WEATHER FORECAST tests, the arranging of a world) yas killed Friday night when|rica had abstained when the controls and punitive measures C conn ee Y the spread of nuclear weapons.| miles east of here. but she pvas absent Friday. BARROW, England (CP) -- istence of a consensus, at least TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Milder Sunday. Winds northwest|penny sweepstake on the length) "Unfortunately the 18-nation) Synopsis: A surge of colderjagami, Cochrane, North Bay,|guessed 30 to 40 minutes, from) eecurring in many localities, Al-|Sunday cloudy with snow begin-|"'to show what a risky business| quickly and surely improve the expected to be light generaily; Wiite River, Aigoma, in the mid-30s Great Lakes. This improving snow to Ontario Sunday. with scattered snowflurries or|London ... cloudy with occasional rain.|/Hamilton ... Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali-|Kingston ending by late afternoon and a|North Bay .. wet snow during the morning.' Kapuskasing with a GP settlement when a Udal, 26, of 310 Park rd. s. His member that the Intercity) "we expected them to be in a one month in the county jail. ; were to work on only five Or|tg pay increased wages or UNITED NATIONS Gas Supervisors pa} U_ Thant|to this conflict.' while France and the Soviet|PO0lice, who knew his licence to |if given more work from the|soainst the company Magis-|day that the war in Viet Nam|committee, of which Canada is|stainers. visory personnel of Union Gas costs with the option of five)pargained with the employees. Thant told the 117-nation Gen-| January. ground nuclear tests not cov- pipe south of here. The counter charges were that] nent," of resolutions on disarmament|for the suspension of all nu-jang at bringing France and ss picket lines -| Harold Parrott and Elvin Wilson ; ; Bae se - Tot. fused to cross picket lines es r | Scott said that the issue arose| more than an end to the Viet The assembly then went on to of the National Union of Natural) And while a trade union con- bi - : off successfully. assembly called for the suspen-| sarnta (CP) -- Elmer Bruce|105-to-0 vote, with France and \wnions sometimes feel thsal) gicar disarmament conference and) struck by a car as he was) resolution was passed in the as- C | With S Tod alae © individuals and com- The secretary - general said) -- 00 er | now ay, ----$ + __--_------ | the adoption of the resolutions | * \ \Boys at the high school in this| on goals and guidelines for the} Issued by the weather office at'20 to 25 becoming light tonight.jof the principal's speech onjdisarmament committee will| air is now spreading southward|Sudbury: Cloudy and colder|past experience, but the head-|to be gathering fresh and dan- though snowflurries will con-jning early in the day. Winds | gambling ig." prospects for agreement or dis-| ene to two inches in the north Some clearing will take place weather will be short lived how- Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| showers of snow and rain mixed|Kitchener . Colder today becoming milder|St, Catharines ... burton, Killaloe; Hamilton, Tor-|Trenton .. little colder. Clearing late to-|Sudbury . \ if ar a > CANADA'S _ ISTMAS STORE ANNOUNCEMENT I'd. Rather Fight Than Switch ! "Why? Because my Shirts 1 have never looked better! | sent my DIRTY SHIRTS to PICKWICK CLEANERS end they came bock as fresh and - neoreenuentonens white-as new'. DON'T FORGET Che Rih Room Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL i -- AY" iy Atl {7 DR. W. D. WARREN WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR GENERAL PRACTICE AND OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE. One-stop gift-shopping for everyone on your we list ! A 80 Departments to serve you AY \S "Se ZA 348 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-5274 a A Budget-Charge Terms available with No Mm& Down Payment = Open Until 9 P.M. Every Night including m oaturday. TRY PICKWICK CLEANERS EX- PERT SHIRT LAUNDERING, YOU'LL FIND THAT YOU'D RATHER FIGHT THAN SWITCH TOO! PICKWICK | Cleaners & Shirt Launderers 434 Simcoe South 728-5133 SERVICE °