CHILD GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Imagine how many fewer orgies of irritation in the aver- age family of school-age chil- dren there might be on a school . | morning if all its members were to rise 15 or 20 minutes earlier than they do, By and by there might be a marked reduction of "nervous" and neurotic persons and of the population in our in- stitutions for the mentally ill. The school children must be ready for the school bus; the adults to catch the 7:30 train or bus or the car pool or to make their place of work by car. Parents with or without chil- dren, and other persons who work, often eat their breakfast against the watch. They often haven't time for a goodbye to anybody, At no other period of the day are a few minutes so important to so many persons. Did you. ever wonder why so many persons put such - nigh value on a few minutes of sleep in the morning These same persons think nothing of losing| | several hours of sleep by going | |to bed late at night. } Of course it usually requires |more effert to get up than to go to bed. I fancy, too, that sleep- ing late in the morning causes | a hidden or open suggestion of} status, ease and privilege. The} "Mother-Approved' Play Clay Makes Excellent Child's Gift There's no need to brave the;recipe for the clay since there's bedlam of your local toy store|bound to be a request for more to get a last minute Christmas|at a future date. Add a footnote gift for Janie's. little friend up|to the recipe advising that the the street or some unexpected |clay dries out hard as cement} young guest. Just step into yourjovernight, within half an hour or nice quiet kitchen and cook up/so if placed on a wire rack in a a batch of "'play-clay." Children| warm, turned-off oven; that it of all ages love to model and|can be decorated with paints or this particular clay will be/felt-tip marker; and for the . "mother-approved" for the two|benefit of older modelers, ea bange egy Fagg Boge es se ingredients are baking soda and|it can be shellacked for a pro-|@5 they li iy re cornstarch . . . both foods . . . | fessional, ceramic effect. must rise' early, which means it's safe even in} you'll do well to record the| PITY EARLY RISERS the hands of those in the taste-|recipe, too, for batches of this| So potent is this status factor everything stage. Since both|clean, safe "play-clay" along|that some persons express pity products are also recommended) with the '"how-to-make" direc-|and amazement of the early bath additives for sensitive skin ti9ns are ideal donations to|riser, as my neighbors do, on it's gentle to small tender|church bazaars or other fund-|seeing Mrs. Myers and me} hands. And it won't spot OF raising sales, and a nice change|leaving home for work half an stain clothes, rugs or uphol-|of pace from the usual cakes|hour earlier than most others of stery. j|and pot-holders. The clay can|the community. Some of your) To make the clay, simply mixjalso provide quiet, safe amuse-| friends, when visiting you, may together in a saucepan 1 cup of|ment when you're hosting ajconsider it a great hardship to cornstarch, 2 cups of: baking|birthday party for one of your|eat breakfast at 7 or 8 o'clock soda and 1% cups water to|small fry or working with alinstead of 9 or 10. which a few drops of food color-|troop of Brownies. Some office girls arriving for | ing have been added. Bring to a) eee ---- | office o rother place of work must, as a rule, arrive earlier |than the chief executive, though} he may choose in some in- |stances "to open up the place." | {Adults of wealth, who live in| "Time Is Important -- On School Mornings |comes. By the time he leaves, |uproar and this may happen work at a regular time may arrive five, 19 or 15 minutes late. No doubt it gives them a feeling of superiority over those who arrive promptly at the opening hour. i How amazing it is that they can be on hand at such a regu- lar time and stili te always late! However competent these persons may be, their practice can be a cancerous sore to the office morale. Not all members of a family may choose to rise at the same hour. Some parents may have to leave for work early. A few grown children may; also an occasional college or high school student, not to mention the paper boy. EAT TOGETHER But the average family with school - age children may be able to eat breakfast together. Among them, some of the mem- bers may scramble to get off on time, Some school-age children may dawdle on a school morn- ing while the rest of the family fret and struggle to get them ready for the school bus, car pool and the like. Even man a child who walks to school 9p far away may have his whol family upset trying to get him ready for school on time. Often the dawdling youngster average person in a factory,/hears the word "Hurry" from| the time he awakens, till he's off and away and the oftener he hears it, the slower he be- the whole family may be in an morning after morning. on achonl mornings, consider, first having the whole family ties 18 or..20 minutes earlier change of schedule sléas. lem. : If this revised schedule does THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW | Generous planetary influences | now smile upon all your affairs. In job and financial matters, new ventures, launched now, give high promise of success and, along personal lines, do- mestic, social and sentimental interests should prove unusually pleasant. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates a pro- ductive year, but a great deal {will depend upon your co-opera- |tion with superiors, partners and business associates. As of last week, you entered an ex- cellent financial period -- one which will Jast for at least 14 months. Don't offset gains, how- ever, by indulging in extrava- gance -- especially during the first two weeks of April, in mid- May or next November. Espe- cially. good monetary cycles: The entire months of August, | September and October. Best periods for job advancement: The balance of this month, Jan- uary, late April, May and next September. | Where personal matters are| concerned, romance will be fa-| vored in January, May and| August. Don't take sentimental | affairs too seriously from late} September through the first weeks of October, however. | Some deceptive influences will) If you have a dawdling child prevail at that time. not solve the following. Tet the youngster know in the |? than tins 'tooen-your-custonh, 'This feventng Yhat if hots Tot ready (fe nie, ines ne one wit might lias shoot en time tomottow ihic's not ready on thie. greatly-ease or solve your prob-| morning, .-he -will-remain. home all day and sit, unamused, doing|the word "Hurry." It might help | book yourself « eee eeeeeeeeee i@ problem 'consider (nothing while school is ir ses-} PHS OSHAWA TIMES: jsion, with a -- of 0 mi-| n ! ites at tie eid Of ead tif you iet him collect a nickelj A; Tes, if you wish to : every time he does. ; the book intelligently ts Gocaat Q. If you rhage tee vour child! Vou and I know = eee J gee to rea a k during a given|teachers who wi Resolve.that he shall not hear|neriod, should "you KBs bovks "they wt ineis ~pupus, lee students to read. : DINETTE SUITE Arborite top, drop leaf table with bronzetone frame 2 "'care- free" vinyl chairs. MODERN 5-PIECE DINETTE SUITE Most dinettes appear to look alike from a distance of 10 feet. It's how they're made that's different! This one's as sound and sturdy os it is beautiful. Maple grained arborite top has a dent-free rubber bumper edge. Chairs have matching grained backs, deep sewn box seats. Chrome STEP STOOL @ Padded Seat 7.88 and Bock @ Fold-under Steps oe boil, stirring constantly and con- KARN'S Suggests... | tinue to cook until mixture e | ; | "4 on | reaches. a dough-like consis- tency. Remove from heat and when cool enough to handle, GIFTS BY BOURJOIS | Perfumes and Cologues $1 to $6.00 Gift sets from $1.75 te $5.00 knead a little as you would dough and pack in a pliofilm bag. Add your Christmas gift wrappings and along with your gift tag a second tag giving the TARGET NOT MET | MONTREAL (CP)--The Red Feather campaign in Montreal collected $2,453,931 in its 1965 appeal, but fell short by $96,000" of its objective. This 'gives us| cause for deep concern," sald T. R. Meighan, president of the fund drive. Decorate your home with and Trim Shop for the la mos decorating needs. ers @ Table centres @ U RUNDLE'S G 1015 King St. E. For Ali Your Christmas Decorating Needs, it's .. . oration, and trim. Visit RUNDLE'S Yule Tide Gift @ Decorated candle table centres @ Door knock- door and outdoor lights @ Novelties @ Gift wrap- ping @ Christmas trees (coloured or plain). RUNDLE'S Yuletide Gift and Trim Shop beautiful exclusive dec- rgest selection of Christ- nusual fancy balls @ In- arden Centre 725-6551 SCANDIA 5-PIECE DINETTE SUITE Good taste ond the simple Scandia style, mokes this suite different, des- irable. Come see! The sparkling chrome table hos oan arborite teak wood grained top. The matching chairs have contour shaped backs, comfortable foam padded seats cove ered in black "leather-like" vinyl. CHRISTMAS TERMS NO MONEY DOWN No Payment 'Til Feb. '66 28 KING ST. EAST -- PHONE 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. They Had Me Crying The men from Ross Mills come in and gently removed the rugs from the floor. It wasri't the men's fault,.| thought our rugs had gone for good, so | cried like a baby. But was | ever glad later! They brought our, rugs back looking so fresh, clean and room brightening right | literally pranced with joy. Where had they gone? To the famous Baker Cleaning plant for their annual cleaning. You try Baker Cleaning today, you'll see what | mean. BLOSSOM Act Carved' DREAM DIAMOND RINGS The aristocrats of the dia- mond world come to you on their own precious little thrones. Why? Because . ArtCarved rings really de- serve them! Their designs are loftier, their brilliance superior, their quality world famous. Come see all our ArtCarved styles. From $150 Up. rings enierged to show detail, BASSETT'S JEWELLERS OSHAWA 1 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" = "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" se "Over 80 Years Experience" For 'BAKER SERVICE" --~ call your local Cleaning Co. ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. 80 SIMCOE NORTH WHITBY cee EERO crs a PHONE 728-6218 BLOUSE BEAUTIES... Romantic ruffles, lovely laces, beguiling bows mean your young miss Sas almost endless variations to her wardrobe. Practicality, too, fine canforizad hrnadelaths Clatah & santorized Droagcioths. Sket in easy-care terylenes and on men moh ad 2 cneG, o OF ai Gao able collection in white and prints. Sizes 4-6x, 7-14. From 83. © 85. "Of Course You Can Charge It" Le Fashions Since 1867 STUNNING 5-PIECE DINETTE SUITE Strikingly -modern and lovely this suite in sparkling jewellers chrome is on outstanding buy! The 36" x 48" oval table has an arborite wood grained top. The contour back chairs, covered in a_ reinforced washable vinyl have swivel seats. Simply tie @ bright red bow ond its ready for . Christmas ! 149.88 HOOVER POLISHER An ideal gift: Com-_ a, an 24° plete with felt buff- ing pads. T-PIEGE BRONZE TONE DINETTE SUITE Dinettes are as different Gs people. 'You have to know how Good" they are. Come in, let us point out the good features of this bronzetone beauty. The shaped arborite walnut grained table extends to 60". The handle back chairs have contour shaped backs, foam padded sewn box seats with gay floral pat- terned, washable vinyl fabric. Py @ herney's SHOP CHERNEY'S (DOWNTOWN. OSHAWA) 80 KING ST. E.