THE OSHAWA TIMS, Tuesday, Becember 7, wes iS Report On Chaotic Watis: August Riots Just Prelim By GENE HANDSAKER LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Gov- ernor Edmurid Brown of Cal- ifornia says he'll try to imple- ment a critical commission re- port that warned of future racial violence worse than the rioting at Watts last August un- less the "explosive" conditions under which Negroes live are improved, What's, more, Brown said as he accepted the 101-page study, he'll call the commission back in six months so it can check) progress. But considerable unfavorable reaction also greeted the eight civic leaders' report released Monday on the deadly, destruc- tive six days in a 4614-square- mile area that included shat- violence, the commission said, perhaps 10,000 Negroes took to the streets in marauding bands. Commission chairman was John McCone, former chief of the U.S. Atomic Energy Com- mission and the Central Intelli- gence Agency. The commissioners reported they found no one cause of the August terror, but "sowing the winds" were too few jobs, es- pecially for untrained Negroes. Insufficient schooling designed) The Seaway All Cleared tered Watts. "Totally inadequate," said a} The Norwegian tanker, An-| union labor official. '"Deeplyjina, slipped through the St. disappointed," said a civillLambert locks at the entrance rights Jeader. to Montreal harbor at 3 a.m. Tucked into the report, 100\today and marked the end of days in the making at a cost|the annual rush to escape the of $250,000, was this paragraph: |freeze-up of the Great Lakes) "So serious and so explosive|and St. Lawrence River seaway) is the situation that, unless it)system. is checked, the August riots) Skippered by Capt. Jacob may seem by comparison to be|Hamre, the 13,000-ton Anina is} only a curtain-raiser for what|owned by Arne Blystad of) Oslo could blow up one day in the|and is bound from Toronto Liv- fugure."" lerpool, England, and other PROGRAMS EXTENSIVE |European ports. She left Tor- The commission Proposed) onto at 6:05 a.m. Sunday. "expensive and burdensome") The Welland Canal, between programs in job development,|Lake Erie and Lake Ontario,| education and law enforcement|was cleared at 3 p.m. Saturday} to prevent a recurrence of the|when the Antonio began her) fire-bombing, gunfire and loot-|race for the sea. ing that left 34 persons dead,| At present there are five lake 1,032 injured and property|ships hurrying up the seaway to losses estimated at more than| winter in the lakes, and a sea- $40,000,000. More than 200 build-| way spokesman said the water ings were destroyed and 600/temperature at St. Lambert} damaged. Some 3,952 persons) llock, usually the first to freeze, |i were arrested. }was 35 degrees compared with) At the height of the Aug. 11-17/32 at the same time last year. National Highways Policy| Agreed To By Ministers TORONTO (CP) -- Generallice experts to fill out the out- agreement on the need for a/line of a general policy, he said. | national highways policy was| Premier Robarts, speaking to! reached by highways ministersja dinner meeting, said he} from the 10 provinces Monday.|doubts whether governments| This was the only information |fully appreciate how much ef- volunteered by a spokesman for|fect highways have on. indus- the ministers after they de-|trial development, for poor Negro children and "a resentment, even hatred, of the police, as the symbol -of "author- ity. The report said these prob- lems were intensified by an ex- ploding Negro pupulation up nearly tenfold from 75,000 in 1940 to .50,000 now. Frustration and disillusionment have met the high hopes of many Negroes from Southern states. PEOPLE DISAPPOINTED Rev. H. W. Brookins, chair- iman, said the United Civil Rights Committee was 'deeply disappointed with the report." He said he couldn't see "any forthright solutions' workable "in the dark corners of the ghetto." People in the heart of the Ne- gro area probably won't even read the report, said Mr. Brook- ins. "What they're looking for is jobs." Paul Schrade, western re- gional director for the United |Auto and Aerospace Workers Union, said: "The commission's mendations for more training, information and reporting, in the absence of enough jobs, ar totally inadequate to meet th need to create at least 50,0 jobs now. MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE cided against issuing a commu-| The great bulk of Ontario's | nique following the first of two;manufacturing industries, pro-| days of discussion here. |ducing about 40 per cent of The spokesman said each of |Canada's manufactured goods, the 10 ministers had presented|are located a few miles on a writtem submission to the con-|either side of the Macdonald- ference, but that. none wanted|Cartier Freeway stretching} | SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada BUSINESS: 725-4563 HOME: the werking papers made pub-/from the Michigan border to lic. 723-7900 Quebec, he said. After formal reading of the briefs the delegates began an} analysis of provincial road | needs as the first step in their) attempt to devise a unified rec- ommendation to the federal government for a national high-| | ways policy. Highways Minister Charles | MacNaughton of Ontario in- vited his nine counterparts here | but federal observers were not invited. NOT A LOBBY Before the morning session Mr. MacNaughton denied there was any intention of forming a 'pressure group" to act as a} lobby: at Ottawa for more fed- eral highways spending. \ He said it is necessary to for mulate licy on future fed- eral - provinci programs because of the expiry in 1967 of thé existing Trans-/ @ OOMPHIES Canada Highway and roads-to- | resources agreements. After the initial conference | the ministers likely would set SIMCOE AND KING ST. up working groups of civil serv- A Favored Gift Shop at Burn's for slippers @ FOAMTREAD with Everyone in every style and colour. @ PACKARD @ HABITANT SHOES OSHAWA Your Blueprint For Happier Living Begins With A It's the thrill of IN BEAUTIFUL a lifetime to find the One recom-| ee Saar * seater ae eg = aT aN SDT OST IR IS OFS SALE BEGINS TOMORROW KING ST. 58 - 62 EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA FIRST QUALITY Seamless Mesh "Exquisite" NYLONS Light, medium and dark shades. 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