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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1965, p. 23

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ws : "s i +" WEDDING ALBUM. A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony, You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Prouse - Stevenson Brooklin United Church was|Linda Stevenson, Oshawa, pe i the maid of honor and the co Gace other attendants were Mrs. Wil- ise * *~'|liam Dotzko, Toronto, and Miss and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Marilyn Burton, Oshawa, The Oshawa, to James William|flower girl was Miss Marjorie Prouse, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Young, Trenton. Lloyd Prouse, Brooklin, | The best man was Mr. Robert The Reverend G. A. Mundy | Nesbitt, Brooklin, and the officiated and Mr. Norman Wil-|ushers were Mr. Gordon Den- liams played the wedding | nis, Brooklin, and Mr. Robert music. |Randall, Cobourg. Given in marriage by her; Following the reception held father, the bride wore an ivory|in the Christian Education peau de soie formal gown with|Building, Brooklin, the couple lily-point sleeves. The fittedileft for a honeymoon in Que- bodice was enhanced by Swiss!bec City with the bride don- drop lace at the scoop neck-|ning for travelling, an all-wool line and waist. The full-length|pink sheath with black patent detachable train, bordered with! leather accessories and a cor- similiar lace was caught at the|sage of pink and white sweet- waist by two large: self roses. | heart roses. Mr. and Mrs. Her self rose headdress, en-|Prouse will reside at: RR 1, crusted with seed pearls, held| Brooklin. her bouffant shoulder-length| Guests were present scalloped veil and she carried|wedding from. Cobourg, a bouquet of gold roses andjton, Toronto, London, stephanotis Oshawa, Brooklin, The bride's sister, _Miss|Hawarden, seed at the Tren- Sarnia, and DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by 'their secretaries. | | | | | BETA SIGMA PHI Mrs. Sheridan Johnson for the The Ontario Gamma Epsilon|most musical and Mrs, R. B.! Chapter of pele Sigma Phi met Eliott, for the most serious recently at the home of Miss Mrs. James McConnell! and Eleanor Horrigan, Bloor street M eat peter Mrs. D. W. Armstead won a game of passing the parcel Amid plans for the Ritual Of/and in a similar game prizes Jewels degree and a Christmas were won by Mrs. Forrest and party, much was accomplished.| Mrs, Cecil Oakes, Mrs. Forrest It was decided. that as thelanswered more riddles than night planned for the Ritual Of/anvone else arid Mrs. Oakes Jewels degree, was also the! won the second game of answer- tenth anniversary of the Gam-|ing riddles, and -Mrs. McCon- ma Epsilon Chapter in Osh-|nel) won another game. awa, there would. be birthday' Following the singing of "God cake and coffee following the Saye The Queen" Lionettes ritual, to honor the occasion. (Mrs, Kenneth Loverock and "Poetry in Music," Missi/Mrs, William Borrowdale Gloria Erwin's topic, was truly served refreshments. brought to life by her presen- VICTORY LODGE tation. Percussion instruments were The regular meeting of Vic- given each member. A record 'ory Lodge LOBA No.'583, was was played and members play- held recently in the Orange ed their instruments feeling the Temple. : rhythm and beat of the music, . Lodge was opened by Worthy and were able to feel the inter- Mistress Betty Atkins, assisted| national language of music -- aby Deputy Mistress Donalda| language written in notes rather Strong. Devotional exercises} than words. were performed by the Chap- To show how words often Jain, Ann McNevin. The flags suggest music Miss Erwin| Were presented by Louise Hock- read the poem, 'Drink to Mej®t and Cora Gardener. 'God Only" and played the music Save The Queen' was sung and accompanying the words, on the piano. : The members sang "Annie Laurie," accompanied by Miss Erwin. The new winter term, et the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 1966 "The hills are alive with the sound of music .... my heart will be filled with the sound of music and I'll sing once more" --fitting svords quoted as a Nine-coreer designed courses from which to choose. Special classes alse for housewives, shift-work ond regular eve- ning classes finale to an enthralling topic Junior typing classes Saturday Members were served re- freshments by the hostess as morning for young people from Grades 6,7 & 8. they chatted and planned for) their December 10 Christmas Get Free Literature -- Then Act! party to be held at the Oshawa Tennis Club HUMORESQUE CLUB The Humoresque Club for the Blind held its regular meeting at the. Civie Auditorium, The president, Mrs. Guy Forrest opened the meetiig with the singing of the club song, fol lowed' by the verse for the blind Miss Vera Siblock, social con- vener, was master of ceremo nies for the talent night, and the judges were Mrs. Gordon Brett; Mr. Val Harvey, and Mr William Merry. Mrs. Forrest took the prize for being the most comical Registration is Limited Oshawa Business College A College Where Careers Are Born 10 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa DIAL 725-3375 BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON WITH New Drapes From Ward's plete | i ie q ¢ 4) cH OOSE YOUR NEW! DRAPERIES FROM THE LARGEST VARIETY IN OSHAWA < PLE EN He pepstercttres Big--variety---of--fabrics,patterns and colors . Sizes to fit any window or wall-to-wall . . low prices at low, Immediate delivery . Ward's have over 100 pair of beautiful drapes in: stock now 0 Don't put up with those old drapes or bare win dows any longer . treat-your.windows.to new beauty this week! ' WARD'S Simeoe St. $. at Athol 725-1151 i;UCW members F as BROOKLIN United Church was the setting for the mar- riage of Gail Louise, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Oshawa, to James William Prouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Prouse, Brooklin --Photo by Hornsby the Pledge of Loyalty was re-jof January, weather ting. A successful sale of Christ- mas and baked goods was held before the méeting with Mrs. Bert Fry in charge 'of the tables A skit was put on by Mrs. D. Courtney who played the part of the teacher and Mrs Harold Jollow who played the part of the parent, entitled the right and wrong way to approach a child's teacher. The room prize was wen by Miss Lynda Singers class. The door prize was won by Mrs. William: Blake. Caro] singing, tea and Christ- mas cake were enjoyed, ST. ANDREW'S UCW Candlelit tables and a gay Christmas buffet provided a fes- tive setting for the annual sup- per meeting held recently by St. Andrew's United Church Women. Mrs. George Werry, secre- tary, conducted a brief business permit- peated by all Agnes Wellman and Anne Bur- gess were reported in the hospi- tal. It was announced the Christ- mas Party 'vould be held on De- cember 10 with supper starting at 6.30 p.m, J. The prizes for the draw were donated by Donalda Strong and Ann McNevin and won by Anne Foote and Ann Terry. It was announced that the next meeting would be held on December 16 when the installa- tion of officers would take place. Lodge closed in the usual manner, after which refresh- ments were served by Louise Hockett and Doris Law. SOUTH SIMCOE H and § The reguiar meeting of the South Simcoe Home and School was held in the music room of the school with Mrs. Gary Taylor presiding. ; The children's skating carni- val is to be held around 2I1st.' JOHN SWAN'S HARDWARE SVZ 4 has... 10,000 For All Ages! @ KITCHEN- SETS MELMAC DINNERWARE CORNING WARE SNOW BLOWERS TY TRAYS CARVING SETS RIFLES RODS AND REELS COCKTAIL SETS CANISTER SETS POLISHERS VACUUM CLEANERS @ FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT © FIGURINES And Many More Gifts: Thet Please ! POWER TOOLS ZAALL APPLIANCES esewpeeeeeee2 0080 SPECIALS Cordless Electric Toothbrush 'a 98 T.V. Table and Tray Sets, Reg. 15.95 9.99 Cordless Automatic Shoe Brush.....,. 3.98 15-Pee, Punch Bowl Set. Reg 6.95 3.87 BLACK & DECKER POWER TOOL KITS 14 Pce. POWER KIT, drill, sond or grind. Reg, 24.88. 18.88 ° 47.98 24.68 Dy POWER SAW KIT, Reg. 60.89....., 16 Pee. JIG KIT, Reg. 29.89. TOYS TOYS Johnny 7 Gun ... 14.88 Plus thousands ef others. for children of all ages. Ask anyone, we have the finest selection in Oshewa. Feel Free To Browse At Tiger Joe Tank iivist OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ou Name it -- We've Got It] meeting for the nresident,. Mrs. | \Irving Macleod, who .was re-| |cuperating from @ recent "acci- |dent. Mrs: cent successful téa and bazaar ithanking the women of St. | Andrew's for their generosity. Mrs, W.-F. Manuel announced | ithe packing of a bale. Mrs.) |James R. Warnica reported on} |the results of the questionnaire | recently distributed to all} | regarding the \1966 spring buffet. When the; i THE GSHAWA Times, 'hain HT Greer} ° Boo van Uijen delighted ier |gave a brief account of the re-|11, Bleak Midwinter" audience with the beautiful "In by Holst mas,' made famous by Harry Belafonte. Mrs. Ralph Moore thanked her, Mrs. Macleod will open her home on Darcy street on Tues- day, December 14, for the monthly executive meeting, at which time it is hoped that all units will have filed their an- Friday, December 16; 3942 {hslalied "into the "Grass {hearty welcome was extended t ; |them. f jand the lively "'Calypa Christ-| Arrangements were made for! ja card party to be held in the) learly part of Februany. An-| jnouncements will be made at a! jlater date. A farewell was given by the! {Worthy Matron, Wilma Taylor, | jafter which a pot-luck supper was enjoyed. dtouse of 3 Ee COIFFEURS NOW IN NEW LOCATION 14 Ontario Street -- Oshawa Expert heir stylists to give you the ultimete in hair styling . . « in @ comfortable, friendly atmosphere. Facials with Revion and Sens Soucie preperations. PHONE 723-6901 jremainder of the question-| jnaires have been received a} jdefinite decision will be made), jas to the future of this annual | event. 9 Nominating chairman, Mrs.|" Arrangements for the Christ-| | NOT MANY SEEK BAR as buffet and program were The proportion of women law- ade by the members of Unit/yers in Canada has tripled in f 30 years, from one to three per nual reports with Mrs. Werry. |William Siksay, reported that) OES \the offices of first and third| | The Christmas meeting of} |vice-presidents and social con-|Sunbeam Chapter No. 73, Order} vener were as yet unfilled. Mrs. |of the Eastern Star, was opened! | Alfred Austin presided for fur-!phy the Worthy Matron, Wilma| ther nominations. The installa-/Taylor and Worthy Patron,} j tion of officers will be held on| George Taylor. |Tuesday evening, January 18,| The flag was presented by the, | 1966. \Marshal, Pearle Davidson; the| | Unit 2 will prepare the re-jdevotional was conducted by the! \freshments for the beginners' |Chaplain, Beatrice Duchemin. | Christmas party on Saturday,! Several new members were} December 11, from 3.00 to 5\-- reoencmorarm maemensana a p.m. Miss Marion Davenport chose the Advent for the theme of the evening's devotional period. Approximately 28 UCW mem- bers offered to become spon- |sors of retarded children in the Orillia home. For those who may have missed the address of 'their child,' it The child's name, cottage number, the child's number, Ontario Hospital School, Orillia. Further information may be obtained from Mrs; Warnica, 725-2181. Accompanied by Mrs. John Morris at the piano, Mrs. A. R. IN NEED of a HOMEMAKER? @ Call... RED CROSS Homemaker Service at 723-7073 to make her happy and you proud... see GIFTS 1S: OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE re CHERNEY'S Furniture World (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA WESTINGHOUSE DRYER Come in tonight ! Look over the automatic electric clothes WESTINGHOUSE 2-CYCLE . . . MULTI-SPEED LAUNDROMAT dryers --- several models available. @ Full 24 tb. Capacity PRICED FROM @ All Porcelain drum @ Automatie door shut-off BIG 12 POUND CAPACITY @ Full worrenty . . . service HEAVY-DUTY MODEL AUTOMATIC LINT-EJECTOR @ SELF CLEANING The only automatic that washes itself as well as your clothes -- it's always white glove elean. @ SAFE FOR ALL FABRICS If it's woshable, it's sofe in this good looking Westing- house eutomatic. 2as CLEANER VALUE Powerful 1% h.p. motor provides ample power to get the deeply imbedded dirt. Touch 'n' lock magnetic cover. Vinyl braided hose. Toe control switch. Chrome plated steel wands. Inside stor- age tray holds combination rug - floor nozzle... upholstery tool . . . dusting brush ,. . crevice tool, AND YOUR OLD WASHER McCLARY-EASY DELUXE 30 IN. ELECTRIC RANGE FULLY AUTOMATIC FULL-WIDTH FLUORSCENT LIGHT AUTOMATIC CLOCK For Absentee Cooking 2 INFINITE HEAT 2, 7-HEAT BURNERS LIFT-OFF OVEN DOOR OVEN WINDOW STORAGE DRAWER VARIABLE HEAT BROILER TIMED APPLIANCE OUTLET FINDLAY "SPACE-SAVER" RANGE Good looking range with clock controlled oven, minute minder, oven window, oven light, lift-off oven door, storage drawer, family - size oven, Takes only 20/2" floor space. €"'herney's CHERNEY'S FURNITURE WORLD 80 KING ST. E. OPEN EVERY NITE 'TIL 9 P.M. UNTIL CHRISTMAS -- SATURDAYS 'TIL 6 P.M. AND YOUR OLD RANGE REGARDLESS OF CONDITION Available with Self-Basting Rotisserie (Optional Extra)

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