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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1965, p. 26

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< _ Pe ermeeensenensinense 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 10, 1965 DISTRICT NEWS : Audley Communit Elects Slate Of Officers | AUDLEY (TC)--A box social was held at the school by the Community Club, The boxed lunches were auctioned by Bill Guthrie. Bags of candy were given to the children. Club officers for 1966 are: Alee Richards, past president; Leonard Waltham, president; Fred Puckrin and Bob Betson, vice-presidents; Blanche Cen- drie, secretary-!reasurer; assis- tant secretary - treasurer, Mrs. richest pauper nation in Africa, stands to suffer as an innocent bystander because of Rhodesia's breakaway white - minority re- gime, and it feels its African neighbors do not understand its problems. held its pot luck supper and business meeting in the Recrea- tion Centre Tuesday night. Victor Maicolm, Walter Wright, Glenn Larmer, Mrs, Ross Duff, Mrs. Lorna Thomp-| PFS , ' son and Mrs, William Mahaffey| Zambia is so rich in copper represented the Cartwright| export earnings that it is unable Agricultural Society at the Dis-|t0 Spend as fast as it would like trict 4 meeting in Lindsay, for development. But few other Seven members of the countries, gained independence Homemakers Club. and so lacking in native professional leaders, Mrs. Ralph Larmer| talent, education and social ser- L, Waltham. jand Mrs. Richard VanCamp, at-| vices. : George Izatt, Bob Batty, Dick|tended the Achievement Day at Most other predominantly-Ne- Winter, John Ashton and Harold|Orono, Of the six clubs in the gro African states became in- Guthrie, directors; Mrs. W.|county, six gave demonstrations|dependent with deficit budgets, Guthrie and Mrs, C. Clem-jand six had exhibits. Each girl| few known resources and dismal ence, lunth committee; Mrs | who took the course received aj prospects. -- ' os Bert Guthrie, Mrs. A, Bell andi spoon. ' righnieg pl by ~~ firs. George Izatt, flower com- : jhad deep tribal cleavages. - abe: Bert Guthrie, George! PICKERING BEACH lers, such as Kenya and Tangan- Izatt and Alec Richards, enter- CONCERT lyika, faced white settler prob- tainment committee; Mrs, Fred), PICKERING BEACH: (TC) '--/ Jems while still others, including Puckrin, press; Mrs, A. Bell, The Christmas concert at the Togo and Dahomey, were too Mrs. C. Clemence and Mrs. L. ;Community Church Dec,' 3 had) small and poor to support their Waltham, pianists; William | Capacity audience, More than' populations. Brown and William Guthrie, |89 Sunday School children pre-' Zambia, formerly Northern auditors jsented the Christmas' panto- Rhodesia, had none of these The Hi-C Club held a Vesper|mine, ""The Message of the'troubles when it became a re- Service Sunday evening. Keith | 3ells." Rev. Charles Long was public in the British Common- Puckrin and Bob Richards con- narrator and director, Soloists wealth 14 months ago, : dutted the service with Joyce Were Miss Jane Dale and Mrs. Jt has immense copper ore re- Smith reading the lesson. The Marie Manning serves, plenty of arable land for girls' choir presented two The pantomime was preceded|g comparatively small popula- Christmas selections, Rev. John|>Y & special performance by the|tjon and only about 600 white Morris of St.. Andrew's United Dursery and. primary depart-/ farmers Church, Oshawa, was the|ments, The choir sang "Lo, in) Jt'was so rich it could decline speaker. The young people - Manger and "This Light of to pick up Britain's £10,000,000 served refreshments ine ($28,000,000) independence gift BAPTISMS AT KEDRON Attendance prizes were dis-| Sources here said Zambia is un- KEDRON (TC) -- Four in-|tributed, at the close of the con- likely to draw on these funds fants. received the Sacrament'cert, to the following scholars, during Britain's present, sterling of Baptism at Kedron United' Gold pin for Perfect Atten'/ difficulties Church last Sunday. Rev. Win-\dance (52 Sundays) -- Jennifer Zambia has between £50,000,- nifred Bridges conducted the/Long, Valerie Parker, Philip 000 and £60,000,000 in foreign service Manning, Richard Long, Ste-\exchange on hand compared The children were: Connie/phen Long, Daniel Manning and with £150,000,000 for South Af- Lynn, daughter of Mr. and/Paul Manning rica Mrs. Clifford Brown; Elizabeth; Silver pins Mary Anne, daughter of Mr.|Verlene Parker, and Mrs. Gordon Cory; Jacque-/Dianne Armstrong, Jimmy line Ann, daughter of Mr. and|Armstrong and Jimmy .Fowler Mrs. Frank Trull and Mark; Copper pins for 50 Sundays: Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs.|Vicky Fowler, David Arm- Ronald Sproul. strong, David Mann, Ronnie FUNDS VOTED Armstrong BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Dona-| Bronze pins for tions of $10 to the bursary|Vicky Parker, Vance fund, $100 to the Over and/Virginia. Parker Above Fund, $5 to Port Perry' The church was beautifully ada may bargain for trade con- Memorial Hospital doll drawjdecorated. Christmas carols|cessions in United States mar- and $20 to the Overseas Reliefjand chimes rang out over the kets if it ever decides to share Fund were voted at a meeting|public address system as par-|its vast supplies of water, John of the United Church Women. (ents and friends gathered to Turner, parliamentary secre- A letter from LAW Chanienjoy the Christmas program, |tary to Resources Minister Ar- Ling, the group's adopted boy,/ Mrs. R. B. Lytle, of Calvary thur Laing, said today. was read at the Women's Insti-/Baptist Church, Oshawa, was| Mr. Turner told a tute meeting expressing thanks|the speaker at. the meeting of| water for his birthday gift. It was de-|the Ladies' Fellowship Group.|the U.S. Chamber of Commerce cided to send $5 to his teacher|/Mrs. Marie Manning conducted | that no'decision about exporting to purchase a Christmas gift|the meeting. Mrs. Westlake and water will be made until Can- and donate $60 to his support. A;Mrs. Grant sang two duets,/ada decides its water needs are bale of clothing will be sent to|accompanied by Mrs. Margaret) met and a surplus is available. the Harold King Farm. |Taylor. Christmas carols were' "We want to protect our po- tential for growth into the rea- sonably foreseeable future. This {growth will depend on water. 4-H their for 51 Sundays: Lynn Smerhy Water Could 49 Sundays: Parker WASHINGTON (CP) -- Can- national The Big Four Guernsey Club|sung. The Lusaka government is) |water conference sponsored by| but and contracting capacity slowed this spending. "This country had nothing} ahead but success and prosper- ity until Rhodesia declared in- dependence," said one Western| Rhodesia cut the railway, emer-| | gency measures such as an air-|cramped spacecraft with a liv-| ap ' i ilift and the truck-rail link tojing area. for two men no larger Borman said. "Either we're los Tanzani would be little more|than the front seat of a small! diplomat. CONTROL IS LIMITED "Now Zambia is jammed in a situation over which it has Zambia is a country | times larger than the United Kingdom in Central Africa bounded on the south by Rho- 'desia, Malawi on 'the east, An- gola on the west, The Congo to the north and northwest, Tan-| zania to the northeast, Mozam-' bique to the southeast and a strip of Africa in the southwest. Zambia cannot help hurt in a confrontation with Prime Minister Ian Smith's Sal- isbury regime. At worst, it could lose vital electricity from the Rhodesian- controlled Kariba 7 powers the copper industry. Or Rhodesia could cut Zambia's main railway route to the sea. At best, Zambians can expect rationing of gasoline 9nd other petroleum products and a pos sible rise in the cost of living as well as a shortage of imported consumer goods, Exchange controls imposed this week have already compli cated financial dealings in Zam- bia Ironically, the-country which could profit most from British and Zambian sanctions against Rhodesia is South Africa. More than half of Zambia's annual imports come from Rho- desia. But Rhodesia 1s a high- Be A Lever To Advantageous Trading later your now only to find that we have impoiied problems." But, he said later, 'if. some- day we can agree to the shar- ing of this continent's water by offering some of our water for export, we might want at that time to insist that if water is to be considered as a continental resource, markets should also {be considered on the same ba- sis." | SUGGESTS TRADE "'We might wish to export wa- ter not for money (as we sold power under the Columbia River treaty) but in return for We don't want to export our|access to your markets." Several Questions 'Hang' At Vatican Council's End VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Thelin September and ended Wed- Vatican ecumenical coun-|nesday, the Pope was reported cil ended Wednesday with sev-'on the verge of issuing a docu- eral key questions, particularly|ment relaxing certain pledges on birth control and mixed mar-'a non-Catholic is expected to riages, left unanswered. make when marrying a Catho- Two expected papal state-|lic ments, ending mandatory meat-| Sources said the issuance of less Fridays and announcing the mixed marriage document e See Our Exciting Gift Selection new cardinals, did not come. It may well be months before was postponed because of dif- fering suggestions by bishops 3 -- 9.5 -- 33 -- 40 HP. the birth control and mixed marriage questions are an- swered, if ever. But Vatican sources said it is probably only a matter of time before Pope Paul will announce a eonsistory for the creation of new cardinals. He already had 6aid-publicly-that-he-will name new princes of the church after | the council had ended An announcement lifting the centuries-old rule of Friday ab- Stinence also is reported immi- nent : The rule forbidding Catholics to eat meat on Fridays goes back to the ninth century. In recent vears, theologians and bishops have argued that in the modern world there may be better ways for Catholics to do penance Frequently during the last council session, which started bos PRESCRIPTIONS City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS Simcoe N. "723-3431 ngs Till 9 P.M Open Ever Up to 30% OFF Depth CONVENIENT BUDGET TERMS YACHTHAVEN Harbour Rd. off Simcoe S. 1965 Evinrudes 1966 Evinrudes, including the fold-up 3 h.p. exclusive with Evinrude A selection of compasses, tach- ometers, speedometers, electri¢ horns, boat hardware indicators, radio tele- phones; Special Price on BOC-A. Citizens Band 159.95 For family fun ----see the new Outboard Marine Snow Cruiser, now on display. OSHAWA 723-1901 We. sherry An appetizer wine, most populer in Canada. Serve with hors d'oeuvres, and the soup course. My "cellar" is a small wine rack with about a dozen Brights wines in it. Does @ guest want an appetizer wine at room temperature? A chilled sauterne? A claret, bubbly wine? You name it; I've got it. And the /ot didn't cost much getting |» Poor-Little-Rich Zambia's mmunity Club Innocent Bystander' Role Ry KENNETH L, WHITING [trying to use $2,000,000 on de-j cost producer of manufactured LUSAKA (AP)--Zambia, the| velopment projects each month goods and Zambia took Rhodesia) lack of skilled manpower/off Commonwealth preference). ' i. has|for imports. This means. South|ini 7 astronauts Frank Borman} ground controllers, they seem to |Africa now has most. items|/and James Lovell face a house-/be running a pretty tight ship. better | keeping Zambia needs and at prices than Rhodesia. Economists here say that if|¥UP her hands in disgust. than a stopgap. One said: i 4 Bet The copper mines would be floats aimlessly and weightless. limited control and everybody) kept pumped dry and consumer _,, ss ms | A into th | . id , a To make matters worse, Bor-|age problem by using every else wants to get into the 1 [gap ppeorhigeer: red ith sd |man and Lovell are not allowed/nook and cranny in the craft. our) m c activity would be} +, disnose of anything in space.| Several times before the flight| Ported. crippled," President electric power for copper belt. Kenneth Kaunda would like nothing better than ( British troops to enter Rhodesia for the high-flying space twins.| immediately and put down the|This means stuffing away trash rebel government. Barring that,|or storing cameras and other he expects Britain to safeguard|experiment Zambia's|during a busy day circling the Windsor 'Exacta' | Pays Big Profit | | Fe BOYS HOLDING UP | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP) -- An| i | Trouble With Spaceships: | } fexacta-of $040.00, hizesst af ine! jMBouNE, ~ Was -paru~--TiuTsaay) night on. the ninth .and. final) e at Windsor Raceway. Only 13 tickets were issued jon the combination of 28 and \8--Borderview Sam at 50-to-1| jand Angus at 12-to-1 for the! exacta, They finished in that 'Hard To Keep 'Em Ciean problem that would)... ie make any good housewife throw| FIND MORE SPACE | "It's amazing how the space- : ee jcraft seems to be getting bigger two weeks In @/ nq bigger," command pilot selves in the same shape the Gemini 5 crew of L. Gordon Cooper and Charles Conrad Jr. did at one point during the Jat-! ter part'of their eight-day flight. "We were up to our eyeballs jin wastepaper and equipment and everything else," Cooper re- Home for ing weight or we're getting used Preys foreign car. Anything loose) "mi, asronauts harbor no |doubt they can master the stow- What went up must come down. | they surveyed the cabin inch by} The Gemini 7 crew heeded the inch, converting unused space| words of Cooper and reviewed linto storage bins, drawers and|stowage procedures several pouches, |times, at yarious make-believe They do not want to find them-'stages of the flight. Housekeeping is a daily chore order with Royal R Joe third at 16-to-1. All three were noses apart at the wire, Borderview Sam was the first horse ts pay in triple figures -here...returning...@1aF 8A for-the-wins=: NUMBERS GROW The world's--population,. now /3,000,000,000, has increased 400 per cent in 250 years, a People's 36 SIMCOE ST. NORTH We'll take care of Your Man this Christmas CLOTHING FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN SE equipment used globe * your hair care Montreal. nician, NOW OPEN SUZANNE Hair Styling 5 John St. West and Simcoe South Madame Suzanne Lemieux, ially invites you to consult her 15 years of experience in Permanent and Color Niner, cord- Suddenly, + all Tech- 15.00 PERMANENT OPENING SPECIAL !! TO DECEMBER 11th 8.50 SUZANN 5 John St. W. and Simcoe South For Appointment Call 725-4541 HAIR STYLING { SLIDE CAMERAS and instruction enses ng cose - ou tric eye meter 39 From 88 TAPE RECORDERS "FU a ta Ww as' b casi THE ELECTRA Best value ul) $ month guarantee Now Many others to ¢ a4 MOVIE CAMERAS BRING THIS CHRISTMAS BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN--IN ACTION! The Camera Centre has o sélection of movie cameras to suit ever See our famous name selection of cam- eras and. equipment Starts As Low As buaget, 19,88 all flights to the Sun and the South are not the same! Starting December 16,1965 ELECTRONIC FLASH Air Canada's Club Calypso "@ uilt des peg phones, botteries 24.8 cleuit eam 21,88 MICROSCOPE KIT is the new and delightful BAHAMAS Nassau leave Club Calypso--that's what we call the new, strictly-for-fun feeling you will experience soorror every AIR CANADA flight South to the Islands in the Sun. Soon as you step on board your AIR CANADA jet, you'll sense the mood and atmosphere of the South in the colour- ful decor, the catchy Calypso music and, later on, taste the real, down-in- Mag at ge x to 600x--comes-with dissecting kit. St c " rgludes---carrying 10:88 FUN SAVER MOVIE CAMERA KIT Wednesdays! camera ANTIGUA | 21.88 made Kodak OSHAWA OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE SHOPPING CENTRE 28-5211 LAYAWAY NOW -- BUDGET TERMS the-South-style food and refreshments. And remember, all this atmosphere is in addition to the best-ever jet service South offered by AIR CANADA! How can you enjoy Club Calypso? Easy. arent TRINIDAD BERMUDA a dessert wine, a port or a more than I'd pay for a pair of bedroom slippers. 74 port A delightful dessert wine. After dinner, with snacks, with cheese--perfect Maw G, Dunit CLARET Canada's most distinc- tive "wine of the country." Ideal with steaks, hamburgers, red meat of any kind. TLAZEL TOY A tich "kosher" Delicious everyone. appeals wine, & Du Barry SPARKLING VIN ROSE to An "anytime" wins that's light and tingling on the tongue:--Serve before, during and after any meal at all. ~@ What more pleasant or welcome gift than a cellar of Brights fine Canadian wines? You'll never get a warmer "thank youl". Toronto, Just buy an AIR CANADA ticket to your favourite Island in the Sun and your holiday will be off to a colourful, fun- filled beginning! And following are the islands we serve: from Toron Interested? Just ask your Travel Agent for more or write AIR CANADA in Toronto at Mn Ge. Dent SAUTERNE Chilled, it does wonders for white meat of any week from Toronto. difference ! Daily non-stop jet flights' to Toronto International Airport at 9.30 ai. You're there in just 2'hrs: 50 mins. $1 49 return JAMAICA Daily non-stop jet service except Leave Toronto at 10.40 a.m. $199 return Jp to 5 jet flights a week and 4 of them are non-stop from Toronto. $219 return BARBADOS Up to 6 jets a week (one is non stop) from Toronto. $256 return & TOBAGO Up to 3 jets a $278 return Up to 5 flights a week from $114 return (until March 15) All fares shown (except Bermuda) are 21-Day Economy Excursion Return to and are effective Dec. 16, 1965--Apr. 14, 1966. Great Gift Idea! Give an Air Canada ticket to that special someone. information 130 Bloor Street West. AIR CANADA () kind--fish, fowl! or pork ~--and salads! 104 BROCK ST. S. For Reservation and Information Call DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- wakes : WHITBY P NE 668-8867 'Brights PAINE CUO nS 57 KING ST. E. For Travel Information Call or See FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 728-6201 Wines SINGE 1674 OSHAWA 25 KING ST. E. Call Now For Complete Travel Arrangements MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-7001

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