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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1965, p. 28

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'Want Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles For Sale 111--Pets and Livestock 17--Female Help Wanted IDEAL Christmas pet, five month oid SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R 1 SCOTT recline 38a 'shoe's BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | If NS SEARS. terranes' mrencae| = A & W | . 4 FURNITURE «arse es eee DRIVEIN SAMOA CAN BE. ST. BERNARD pups registered. Excel 4 ' HEARD FOR MORE. CLEARANCE lent pets and watch dogs. Stud service, . ti : : HAM A MILE. boarding. Brooklin 655-4760. €quires part-time car Accountants Barristers . Mortgages _ ____|T¥--Radio Repairs : " | PUPPIES -- five weeks old, black with " Pictaaas JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-[JOSEPH P.MANGAN, QC, Solicitor : > ie . CENTRE -|white paws, noses, $2. each. Telephone OR G, GE |725 . : 25-8902 Licenséd Trus 17 Bond Street/Money to loan. Office, 14' King Street T Y \4 o teens, sy x . East, voshaw 728-8232 : M 3A lV TOWERS 4 ' y yes |REAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for Su day to Thursday paola teee o a Sparro 1% ACROSS BEAWEEN j teainine. Selina alain Rass GORDON R. DAY, Certified General ReGiBBON | and | BASTEDO, (Berrisiers mf LOANS A CAMADIAY GOOsE Just in time for Christmas |Efocatina ion eet ee Lg ogy holiday poy per A sntant, Suite 205W,; Oshawa Shop- icitors. Mortgages arran ot f f ortgages i xD 1A) ' > pay Centre, 725.9953 Trust Building, 32 Simcoe Street South, Poe Man oe ECONOMY AND j \ { SUA. else gifting ! Items are lim ibe Meal ete riggs me mie wibalepiAd BOB Cl '< houing Savini', es C MeGlobon oa) Fes ak ote 5 j r ' ited, so early shopping {months registered. LAtie beauties, Free uniforms supplied BOB CLANCY'S | Accounting | Service.|Edgar F. Basted, QC; Grant H. Arm-| Interest at 7% DELUXE 1, t ' y PPIPG - | cctant commander dose Uxbridge 852- ws jae' aaa ae lete ook keepin Si e, i South, 725-0997, Res. 773-7608 strong. No Bonus , Priced to suit your budget, ; is suggested if you want enlace --*iong haired Chihuahua, voli home ater midnight ta - - ay en seas No Charges for Valuatior TERMS ARRANGED ' to save money female, two years old. Suitable for adult : RT HOWMAR, Chartered Account- >| ' LIIVIS i 4 PY. ws ' ALBERT WOWMAR, 'Chartered "Account Building Trades Mortgages and Agreements j | me. Telephone 728-9554 : Pleasant working conditions PONY - Gelding, part-Shelland, two Experience not required Ontario, Telephone 723-1221 purchased aye bs wet i : teach lne - " H NLY lyears old He. Phone 942-1924 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND , Money for Second Mortgages OSHAWA TV 2 ONLY \" ktibees eal thd SEs Training program provided fee" Bandrontay 4 simene BIGGEST OFFER | f= sv SUPPLY LIMITED eal Ay i 22 cu. Ft. Freezens |12--Articles Wented cooly, Mas a fae Oshawa, 728-73 5 M a SWARTZ TAUNTON RD Fs 23 ; i J orcelain . lined, fost freeze |WANTED -- Small metal turning lathe ladsank 'an arituslestic, HOPKINS, ~READLE AND ©O. ' i ' , throughout 5 year system lor bench type. Telephone 725-4068. tered Accountants, Financial Trade Bulg IN T WN | 2614 King St: East j WHAT EMABLES warranty, 5 user fond prothe ; age 18 to 35 years te . ing, 187 King Street Oshawa, On Oshawa. Ontario Just East of Ritson a Hy 9 YOuR EYES 40 SEE. {CHRISTMAS TREES, high quality. Cal! Phone for appointment Satie , CA; H, MK COLOR 4 BABIE tion. Floor samples. REG Jor write: Headley Ed-Paul, Inc, Area oe ees ; 'Avid we teen business, the finest 723-4697 at 8180 4 , ri : ¢ wr GREEN $259.95. ors 201 725.225 attighway No 22, Box 728 5731 HALL. a AN AND CO., aterials and workmanship on|PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for [i P EYES AND 5 - eed Secunia. tite King Street] eating . | all sitll es. Mortgages and agree : GY! WOMANS FACE VEIL OF THREE COLOR RED HAIR {WANTED -- good used set of drums for r] 0 Chartered Ac REC. ROOMS ' PIGMENTS I YouUR | beginner. Call after 6 p.m., 728-2938. \ car Wwilen Hol, A . leneiis: 'or dale puree. Craleninn ARE COMMONER. 47PE. 1 GMEK1S ARE. COMMOH . | --~| 1327 Simcoe Street North Perkin, CA; REMODELLING Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar WINTERTIME RSE BLACK CREPE EYES WHICH ACT AS 1 WoRtK Ctnthe USED CHILDCRAFT Encyclopedia, all ALTERATIONS jristers rv. TIM MADE OF Cou LACK CRETE) OLOR FILTERS, ¢ : one fifteen volumes, In a recent edition. Tele See ted 7 a. Vv E WHICH A LITRE G YLINDER Yo YNLY COLONIA pe hoa ; H Ba ; | CUSTOM BUILT 17 AND 2ND pMORTOAGE avaliable T.V.: Service Anytime KEEPS FROM NOSE AMD MOUTH. «| ao z 2-0 Che + me ield S Sets Z : arristers KITCHEN CABINETS ite ae ee blak yaa cars sth cae | este ~ 13---Articles For R j or thy, 668-3328 a icles For Rent HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN,. and HILL-| and CUPBOARDS lease AN SECOND mortoage. Sale T. R . : A), Ideal for the recreatic patie uae Experienced Barristers, Solicitors, 36' King! FLOOR and CEILING jagreements purchased and sold. Henr TELEVISION Your choice. R $ ai, Caneel Be eee TILE, ETC [and "Hennick, Barristers, 31 King street S 5. Boychy 5 'D. Humphréys, BA, LLB. Office: |For the deal of a lifetime . . 1177; R = 725-4604; Whitby; . v i i 5-177 Reeside a ase EP slate ad CALL NOW! |Optometrist city Tv TOWER, antennas, a so repairs. | nso repairs FALL KINDS For Progressive ther first mortgage funds available ise Bimmcoal Telephone 73 : pias | 1 ONLY 2 Chemical Co. ree Mae eeeET aac OIE McKov's Const. (inn sm sen tess | F R ; F e | 303 RIFLE | ONLY. 2 PIECE O emical Co tors, ete., 114 King Street East. Dial| C Oy S ons a 723-4191 Well Dril ing--Digging | * | Chessedua Suite - Duties are varied and inter- 7 Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,| | | A ts accurocy and light anding Machines esting and offer o complete C, 725.3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 2¢ | WELL DIGGING by machine specializing _ : 5 Light blue, 'ae : d QC, 725-3368; Terence V, Kelly, and GENERAL REPAIRS [Painting | and Decorating _ An All Expense Paid, this rugged gun REG $149 95 * Plumber's Tools , inaloht tn eur bdsinee East, 723-7232 é 728-5143 8--Articles For Sale 8---Articles For Sale } 409 95 R [ N , A LS Typist-Secretary a, Themes 1 dures, GALLE, 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut 449 | Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-2809. | - - v r ver years of i S "i Oshawa 725-8576 | PAINTING AND = Week Long Trip To : ' < itil * Painter's Equipment Speed, accuracy and dicta | : s ACDONALD, BA tts, Ni shooting } lj Tbe * we tor and Notary Pub-| DECOR A " way Column | ' Y : phone ability mecessary along C r TING | $24.95 * Welding Equipment with pleasant telephone voice ine Soravenrceal Soler cag Bowmanville | INTERIOR ar TE PERMANENTS on special, Page Hair-| FLORIDA yu Y Excellent fringe benefits anid a7\6 of 725-4717 623-341] | Broadtoon roy Nestmount "Srelephone 725 wae EN at * Builder's Equipment vacation plans entirely com- CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and | EREE ESTIMATE 3 eo | F Tw 5 SKATES KENMORE ayy MATIC | pany supported. Apply arristers, Solicitors, Notaries, ' ZIG ZAG yicrony aan mune a eines DODD & SOUTER _|2--Persenal OF mee é kawinig chine SKATE AND MR. J. BAHL , n Skating Out ewin acnin HOCKEY North $ 23-3446; T | 2 e Oshawa, 7233 668-586 ee) | f CHRISTMAS ue moval of superfluous hair | e fite for the whole family dur- | In beautiful cabinet. Decor pees SPECIAL Plumbing and Heating a Murduff will be in Any order of ing our Big Fall Sole ative stitching. Ideal gift for EQUIPMENT Drew Chemical SWEHONY "EOWAKD LAKOWSKY.| 25% OFF ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING si , EE age aie Me | DIXIE LEF from $7.25 pr. Mom. REG "$159 95 EXCHANGE C6. Ltd. erire Street, Office hours! t etar| ON ALL ORDERS nar'225 Simcoe' streets St ee ee an ae: on iboats Dl a j Remodelling, carpentry, ek ALL TYPES of repairs ar / 3 : El ECTROLYSIS CHICKEN SNOW TIRES Now at Stan's you can ex AJAX -- 942-0150 f i ; | | | BA, BCL, Barrister and Solicitor, 73} plies. Telephone u ' = 4 change your old SKAT ing, painting, plumbing, elec- |New. and. used mote ge y d§ E r 7 ONLY 9g snneeensinentntnntneeints +g ra stimates fre 23-119 eke 5 All nylo construction, full ' Classified Rates trical work, roofing, eaves- | thal Ate dee-tharatee 723 464] Gives you a FREE depit és ac t Sk bend Occasional Chairs and HOCKEY EQUIP. troughing, plastering, cement 'Rug- Upholstery Service AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Co= bd AAR ibasi hd eg / FOR MENT with a fair allow- WORD ADS ork oF all dnd Aloeainitien a, Florida, California, Bonded drivers ENTRY FORM | new winter tire priced almost Nylon covers, walnut arms | Used JUNIOR RE-UPHOLSTERY by exper blls 0 _Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge os low as a retread and legs. Choose from red or ance on New or . " | -from $17.56 up |" beive, REG. $34.95 Sauron CLERK-TYPIST scaitional" words iae, each, eon | serve you i Free estimates. Credit te Telephone 5 Dixie Lee Chicken anc $24 95 DECEMBER HOURS Seats marae Ge | | ELE IS PIRES or eaten Eoniivre ratinaped, ahaa pS ate errno RANI OR ar eres IMPROVEMENTS 725081 3--Sportsman's Column | only at RRA lla aie The Soard of Education of Oshawa -- 728-2061 CHESTERFIELDS and SKATE EXCHANGE the City of Oshawa requires'e if not paid within 8 days. O ara We Mees Get tho F : Freee dates ae hati, Valtay | LARGE « ON full time Junior Clerk-Typist sks st ronal aka Bs taten,Upoler ay Spans conto sond wen, Mase" "| MAODERN GRILL | TIRE STORE BouBLE AND TRI aN C for employment. ot one. of Insertion of 24 words, doors and windows, siding. 20 skilled men ready to Workmanship guaranteed five y « s.|ACCOMMODATION for male boarders Street. Telephone 225-7754 ed 17 years. Complete rar 10 per cent additional charge nts as 24 Words; each Scene |ROOFING, concrete Moors, fat roofing, |S 'r eet z 2 | the secondary school offices. or abbreviation counts jour specialty New work and repairs. estimate - 345 Ritson Rd. $ 145 King SEW Dressers, Chests of phone number counts |Large and small obs. L. and H. Roofing CHESTERFIELDS | ' jand Construction, RR 3, 725-6937. estimate. See our materia ne Telephone 725-6511 Drawers and Night Sharpening & Rental Ltd, Apply in writing stating qual- sata DEATHS-- GUARANTEED repairs to all "wringer Chart ie , FALL SALE Phone 725-3887 HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appl Tables. Star take" Gee RN: RETR torr coe ME gi -- SOCIAL NOTICES baci and ranges. Free estimates. Call counts without sacrificing | 223 King St. West, Oshawa other relevant information, | 728- King Street West, Oshawa,| $2.06 per insertion with 2 conte addb [o- |Sales. and Service including references to:--- A-T CARPENTRY, block and oe 8.9191 REDUCED FOR FAST ' ae tlona harges if not paid within 8 t * ~ oni a ak us work. Hew Se remedelling. . Specie! "ral : 1965 FREE -- 24-hour Burner |FiLTER QUEEN, Saies and Service CLEARANCE PHONE 723-3224 prices. Call Tony. 725-4953 Bale Vic Hin A DO a Caeien [Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free Es | . nt J. B. BACKUS iN MEMORIAMS NEW PLASTERING and repairs, _stucen,| Piano or Organ, | EVINRUDE MOTORS : timates, 323 King West, 728-7552 | rl i ae te rd Woes ak les ein rae or nee ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash Tables Chairs, Linéns, Dish- | BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR thereatior, plus Jac. per line Of jestimaten, A.C. Weeds, Sasai0 or R ' oil, "Blue Coal"' laa: RUE WE bic at rei nei SIMPSONS : itlery, Glasses, Coffee | Se scctenat choles set | Tae | HEINTZM AN "gn char cole & Sisb desks, chairs. We buy, sell rent, service Punch Bowls, Bride! |BOARD OF EDUCATION thin 8 days. _ ee | ' ; and trade, with budget terms. New and ALL TYPES. Tgulidine. 9 roofing repairs Rts ts 2H $ Cannel Coal @ Building' Si sed, Low, low prices, Bill Hamilton,| | Vear, Men's Formals, White 555 Rossland Rd. West CARDS OF THANKS and remodelling; chimneys, new and re]. yng cine 6 HP. alies. 2 SEARS | Rox Fina, Mio stokes" OSHAWA, ONT. Whitby 668-2774, Gord May TELEPHONE 728-2 92] ) E $ 668-3524 SHOE 'SHINE stand with all equipment,| - . 4 paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs | aA DRAP oe: SAWDONS' (Whitby). (22 tester: Best etter.' 18 Bond: street LIMITED | SARGEANT'S RENTALS 'Denti stry PE Remon wet, VeNesien LIMITED |vas awnings. Complete s BEDROOM SET, wainut, bed, spring 48 OMING ENT en nite =: | c c | £2 Bit ey peal tage $1.50 tor the [CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dentail mates. Mil Jelinek, 722-199 WHI 1EY | 244 Brock St. §, --- Whitby |mattress, night table, dresser; electric Simcoe St. N. | __463 Ritson Rd. $._ 725-3338 $2.00 pe a prong each. thereafter |Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, Oshawa. GUARANTEED REPAIRS {5 all wring | sewing machine, console, 'Seamstress.' | CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, 7 church} ret 20 ¢ |For appointment, 728-51 washers and ranges. Free estimates. Ca tee Storage Till Spring BEST QUALITY aluminum windows, | 99% Condition. Reasonable price. Tele aisle ners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412) | han eee entonreenieceiersomt phone 725-434) | | |BIALEK, DR. P.,. Dental Surgeon.) 0174? nient Budget Terms doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low : ? Telephone 728-9411 Simcoe Street North, Cal Tarek AUCTION SALES Ties Tg Do Seg ween.) --_ prices! Call 728-5385. or 723-3492 ARTIFICIAL fireplace, white, -- electric THREE-TON STAKE TRUCK for rent, 216 PER INCH PER INSERTION imcoe Stree' orth, awa. 0 Se tie Service WE grate; girl's figure skates, size 4, price mg ia evenings, with driver. Telephone 723-4740. $2.10 PE SERTI jappointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441 }9ep O h BUY, sell and exchange used furni- $4. Telephone 728-0258. AEROPLANE, fovr-place Stinson Voy. " : na Stone t D SEPTIC TANKS "a P snawa yeaa "one ae aa a The Pa re pant ee iag| ageUr 108-1 new, C. of A. For informa-|WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, ino ied Zt * cleaned >rompt serv rading 'Os ore, 44 meoe ree INGS -- andscapes, portraits, 225 reducing machines, sick si fi EA N i j A 20 + telephone Whitby, 668-62? ucing machines, ck room supplies. y INES ressmaking -- diesen BE hd cab gy iA Pe a Yachthaven af sourn, 723-1671 figure work, custom picture framing [eo a . ee ids gr Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 72516a"" if oo Ripae pork an iret WORD ADS |DRESSMAKING -- its, coats, dr "|Street West, Whit 568 alee Clark Studio, evenings and weekends, antique room suite; also love on an m ine S$ pm. DAY PREVIOUS alterations. Fitting ~ peaclatty Quick sae a e Ltd TYPEWRITER, standard $25.; portable, | 49 4497. 325 Brock North, Whitby |seat, steel bedstead, small oak china ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred| G14 would like port Sinie service, Phone 723-8755 ' ae fd Sree Snaenoe, 805.4" Slectrtc Type: |cabinette, good Marshall mattress, Brook-/people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban ' | 723-8755, ase ; ; '3 writer, $40.3 iy total 'electrical cash FOUR LARGE stock bins , Suitable tor] lin, 655-3243 quets, parties, weddings, anni Iversaries.| work . , . then register with ' | DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses. r Rd, (Off Simcoe St register, $ A434 garage or factory, $50 eaci elepho ---- = Facilities, bar, ki ichen, arking. Ri CA % : 5 . A » Pi 9. Reason-| TION alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a|4: FLIM AND TROLLOPE, 728-7341 |TWO-PIECE chesterfield suite, green 7 t 728-63 | | Surveyors. 113 Elgin Street E Phor THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No Ve condition 5 best offer.|/o 7 (ales |specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. | Survey 723-1901 down payment, $15 monthly at HonestiTWO BRAND NEW Snow Cruisers, 1965 [Telephone 668.2791 ntter tive. j : mar ALTERATION, pani culfing, mending . Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 models, reasonable. Can be seen at 12 114--Business. Opportunities Fast,sccurate service! Gift Items made bitalt fob and Ft SEISOHMANH, | Park Road South after 6.30 p.m. | CLAssic Piano for-sale, In excellent con a - B arts and Sur meal ; . VACUUM repairs, ail makes, hoses, int os anae ne and--Survey. dit 50. Telephone Whitby 668-440 dovpreulaus:.4 cok | oe": Telephone 728-182 Nt Oniario. Stree), 725-88 7--Swap and- Barter brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. ENCYCLOPAEDIA Britfanica, latest edi<{ 7.0" 5% °-_ Telephon cg ' OVERLOAD Raglan | $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se. each thereafter, with 28¢. additional charge if not pald within ® days ae a previous riciesiaiamecan wa rs = manatee Sea Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, tion. A must In education. A student's|@OOD™ used red bricks in large quantity MUST BE SOLED Gardening ond Supplies TV--Radio R . CHRISTMAS TREES Free-witt-s10"por- Pic ekering « most.helptul bia brother, 24 large vol-|For information telephone 668-6) steatictnsts_eteciinoasimalanel_o_cilahed Pee ----Kadio Kepairs $10, basins $5, tollets, shower | = ymes. Originally $495, Brookcase inélud-| Whitby . " tchen cabinets 'sfuintens| STUDENT YPEWRITERS, new, used. a4, $975. Telephone 773-2117 H pes aR . cash registers, adding machines, $35, ur |SUPER 8 KODAK movie camera and Neighbourhood Grocery Store TION TELEVISION 2A § sr Z bar sinks, SUMP PUMPS: |Vear guarantee. Oshawa Business Ma-|21 TELEVISIONS Your choice. Alljprojector, like new; also lady's muskrat a aioe : A nent cancelled before "Eni 0 Yo ee 24} JOUR : bey Ieee ponets, Meek aha pik ad: jchines, 728-3664, 725-9748 reconditioned. Console models of Ad-|coal, size 14-16, modern styling. Excel-| © ving i aldenie in yb be char . Py < | 4 ahaa bbe ~ miral, lips, A i lent condition, Telephone 655-446 r one in this area n ged one day's | y urse dry tubs hinn, Hillside and Park|FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free. miral, Philljps, Marconi, Rogers-Maljestic) len Ms . : | ' " Lah fe at $40 each. Telephone 623-279 + with forces sale. Low down pay- 'ad South. Phone 723-7088. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if : | BASE AMPLIFIER, 25 wat two 40 Pay: WE NEED YOU NOW! SUNFLOWER SEED HOLMES. - -- {purchase from Western Oil Co., 725-1212,|RANGE -- Biue ribbon: 24" heavy duty,|watt Goodman speakers. Apply 723-6780. | ment possible. All details on : ; = ood condit Apply 23 D Street (off, USED REFRIGERATOR and electric] ) 2. 1 REF eee rete WILD BIRD MIX 8--Articles For Sale BUY AND SELL -- Good used turniture| Ring Street Easth |stove. Good condition.) Telephone 123-8835 sent Co eo. dreau o scnotie er ls be made and appliances, One location only. Pre = : | numbers to CRACKED CORN ATTENTION MEN |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 27 RIFLE -- Winchester 30-30 with case, Ex Bild tea four, 550 x 13, nearly new, fit) | 723-2265 or 728-2233 ; ARE Y U ' g | 1 i | False nosetar cables 23-226 728. : fe) i MILLET ] TR NICS MAKE IT A "WHITE" |USED WRINGER washers, from $20,|ellent condition. Phone 728-5097, | Telephone 725:3840 a : Ash rise | WHEAT | | ide |Wayne's Appliances, Telephone 723-1411, |CAMERA -- 35 mm Alpha Reflex, Macro| | emcee | arise | SEWING MACHINE Switar lens, pertect condition. Telephone|THREE-WAY combination 'television, |VARIETY STORE near OCVI. Excellent! EXPERIENCED ? re or delay in for- | BIRD FEE DINC Cc AT 1¢ or prompt ¥ ) 3 |BABY CARRIAGE, stroller, play-pen, 668-4844 after 5 p.m. radio and record player ve speakers. | locatio: Steady, well established year ™ s, however caused | f 2 ST IONS | CHRISTMAS |small crib, car seat, all in good shape -----| Deluxe model, new condition. Also Frigi-|round business, Telephone after 6:30 p.m. ce or etherwise WATER SOFT SALT Whitb 668 i | - - Reasonable. Telephone 723-1276. ii coun by Odin an in daire frig, family size, late mode!. Apply | 728-329 . Onn combate ar 6: boca responsible for - a ew S stitch - = ; -lexcellent condition ny service i - a | ICE SALT | y - ne ies ye oe DLA Tees. - Spruce Scotch with extra blades. Save by clipping your |*4 Glencairn Street SPORTS SHOP for sale. Agencies for) to general ledger trial bal- SAND d automatic portables, con- euike Teal dariati wholes ape Fresh cut' own dog. Telephone 725-5294 GLENTONE electric guitar and ampli-|snow cruisers, 'chain saws, Bauer, CCM! once Slice aul ded daily, i s Ww . 7 na. Street aldin , ; il ; SNOW si ee , and desk models, |deliver. H. Chinn, Park Road South, at/BABY CARRIAGE, "Springtime", Excel-|~°r $85. Apply 777 Rowena Stree i ameter ite | Do you want on interesting SNOW SHOVELS HOT DIPPED GALVANIZ SALE FROM $49.50. |Hiliside. Telephone 723-7088 lent condition, $35. Wedding gown, white| ELECTRIC TRAIN -- Lionel; GE retrig location. Owner has other in-| position, pleasant working not be re c ; | : satin brocade, size 10, $35. Phone 728-9666. | kg doll carriage, ski boots, size ' t Nrite ' St advertisements | STRAW TV TOWERS eae ' |MERCURY FURNITURE -- Sklar and a ped | 16 Write Steve's' Sport. Shop, PO! conditions, all company e- | } V - Elna dealer i , ke new; washing machine; % sy n writing not | ci c Hl e Kroehler; GE and Phillips small appli-; PUBLIC ADDRESS system, powerful! th B , Hastings, Ontario, Only interest. a har oh acre) SUPPLIES 1 | < Jances, TV's. Discounts for Christmas!|Bogen amplifier, two mike inputs, one and spring. Sey Ritson. South es need apply fits and top wages? beyond the price | ' A 2E THE BES a | OSHAWA SEWING |Open evenings In December. Ajax 942-| phono. input, two 12-inch Jensen speakers,| ELECTRIC oultar: and "electric amplifier} BEAUTY, SALON for sale Simcoe North| This is the job for YOU starion ih 4 - 1 0 feet x . ic dryer. Telepho i 'eos! Cooper-Smit WHY SETTLE FOR Li CENTRE a "as kas Fearne alate Smee ever Tenens ASUTY Sa Eucien chose References Required 1Y 3 LET LES 329 S CABBAGE ROLLS -- orders taken for ue [Ful price, $3,000. Call 728-9611. Only those with the above sImcoe = ~ | : Papp : Day' or Night idozen. 725-4693 Court's Furniture and Appliances Ltd., ieoumore AND | SERVICE station in| 'qualifications need apply in 0 v1 16 Gr haa ST; ie head © Lindsay, 324-2272 manville, for lease with option to 3 : _app ointment, |ToBoGean, aluminum; -flying saucer; _. |APPLES, Courtland, Delicious, Spy. Glen-|purchase if desired, Steady year round, Person to: We Deliver jgirl's skates, size 2; tricycle; cafe kit-]/ WASHING MACHINE, in good condition;|osha Farms, '-mile south of Taunton! local business. Tools and equipment avail- . " ' S i "| chen curtains, 3 pair (new); 30-inch/three-piece bedroom suite. Will sell sepa-|Village, on Townline North, Telephone| able. Evenings 623-3591 J FOLEY respon- 723-1139 723-2312 sah is S jlength for recreation room, arm chair,|rately. Telephone 725-1937 | 728-6908 - . that which | r Bond ar INDA SHOP Vinyl 'covered seat. Talentione Je5ani6 SERVIC E. "STATION and Garage! \ : nat. which | y Teleg |BABY CARRIAGE, converts to stroller, ROASTING CHICKENS -- Ord ken| Business rville, excellent toca-|Plumbing & Heating Ltd. The pub- | i r h vi ae : TREE TO TRIM? Cali $! Or I'll cut ie , V wt |TV TOWERS SPECIAL 40-foot tower|car bed, car seat and high chair; alsojfor freezer, 4 Ib. $1.35, t 5. NV ov 000 gallonage." For reproduce all ad- | a € F | 319 College Ave. (No telephone calls please) ei ke weekends, parties. any amount, $1.25|PLAYER PIANO, used, perfect condition. 1S Market Basket rly, but assume (them down, Free estimates, 725-5118 or Mo 0 10 hp» $595 [structure all-channel ar tenna nstalled,|large crib. Telephone 728-4074 | Delivery on 10 or more. 72 1 rther information telephone 623-5063 | 728-0610 ¢ ' 1 5 shawa Vv Supply imited, 36! -- --------_--__-- £ -- ¢ / 4 1° ih i] | Pie 0. ; y \ C | dis cbriers. windshields boil soc LA rad 0-galion tank, like new, $65. Telephone |Spy apples, $2.50 bushel. Call evenings s, duplexes, apartment buildings,| Instruction c P | J re |SKATE EXCHANGE -- $2.97 plus your| 725-915 655-4983. | offic ding with warehouse space We| WAITRESS wanted for fish and chip Hsien lini jackets |trade. Sportsman's Corner, 10 Byron . | = ~ ha wumber of investments to suit|Store, 10 to 7 p.m., five-day week. Apply TO PLACE A - NEW HONDAS $295 S$. Whitby. One block west of Four| SFOOT cabin cruiser, 75 HP Scott out-/DUCKS FOR SALE Pekin, Rover 0 wn payment. Call our iyveatment |Aab Hortop ~ DOMIN ite ) > board: Tee-Nee trailer, skis, lackets, etc.|Muscavy, also Bantams, 5 to & Ibs., $2.50'%° Mat ata De eaten bet down payment | Almost new. Reasonable for cash. Tele-jup. 668-6700 ; ; Boe DOES A "BEAUTY COUNSELOR" call MES ACTION WANT AD Canada Vriving School | Caners Saat eauies Ooe Call Classified Direct @ Fully insured dual contro! TELEVISIO} : 1 199 Kine 728-4242 |TYPEWRITER and cash regisier, $20:|phone 728.1041 ect . iE ssional advice. 728-9466, OHA oy yout: We may inked sernbane Ih: Your c * rc « _ three spindle milk shaker, $119; electric 5 | ee jarea, or call for products. 723-9349. 723 3492 ars @ Licensed by Ontario [759 5154 og 9 Bre BeOe awe aa8 meray SLIM: Plectric|SKi-D00 Snowmobile -- Sales and ser|10---Farmer's Column |eroceRy STORE. WAR ee In eae Department of Transport @ ' " Ee ' three-place sink, $55; fan, $9. Bill Hamil-(vice, United Rent-Alls, 352 Wilton Road! sean ang crippled farm alock picked | gross ver. Two apartments, now |BOOKKEEPER, part-time, to take com- h All work 'aua = G N Cc 5 2 : |South (at Olive), 728-5565. | plate charge of company books and Cars supplied for Government = ton, Raglan 985-7160 | {up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone 9 eolently and "centrally Preparation of same for submission te Tests @ Home pickup ser- hristmas wrap, Sacred books, TYPEWRITERS, new ond rebuili. stand | STEAK DINNERS, .99, consisting of steak, Telephone Collect Hampton 243-2721.! n street, Excellent business |Preparal Write stating age, telephone NDEX TO vith 6 SA nak loner T T.V. Towers $50 U - . s, novelties, Every ards, portables, electrics. The ideal aif chi ips, col slaw and roll Crowley' Reslou Licence 389-C-65.__ jonportunit r_ more information, or number and qualifications to Box 10S@1, per 'es ; for students. Large stock to choose from. | ENE: SNS" SITS Oads. 725-159 GRADE Collie, Holsiein, some Cherole ore 'oss, 728-5103 or 728- Oshawa Times. ° CLAS BCE Cre 728 ABI) Oo R ON' s TV : tor all at 2 eae One year full quarantee. Low prices |°768 geese, ducks, police pups, 468-2047, 7. 9.1" Aartin Realto GhGENt" GaihG Gaara Jecember at Jenkins Business Machines, Sales and/ PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; ma. j|COMBIN D grocery Store and residence; eer f & " 5 79R-77: nike feels ae i : Ls 5 oi Ae week, for two pre-schoolers, Wve out, PRIVATE TUITION In English, Latin.| WW ny \A/ r nee and King St. ervice, 728-7783. Open evening: ernity dresses, sizes 14-16, Very clean,|]] Pets and Livestock potential and future OP-| vicinity north .General Motore, close. te advertisement if any any form are contained CONVERTIBLE deepwell jet pump with| NO. } WINTER potato, 75-lb ? Hi deielsaier abl PROPERTIES -- Income Basil siderite Ghee a bea Burns Jewellers) SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and. used| 900d Condition, Apply 23 Drew Street list fportuniiy, in a rapidly expanding cone. |DUS. Good remuneration for right person. Boe tinh asd OE skates. Sold, exchanged. Expert sharpen-|MAPLE DINING-ROOM suite, in good| SPANIEL and Border Collie puppies. Also| Mercia! area 'awn ana Te double | 722-4066 after 6 PARENTS, improve your child's grades ling. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344.| condition; buffet, table and four chairs.jone large terrier, spayed, trained, $20 on parking : nana Ne , is T és - ly be i - ort Perry 9as.igarags. Call Dic © See etek ciate erate! R RON GRIGHTLING »ARTS [MICELY. PRUMED soruce and Scalch| Rete Mogi PPH" Delore, 2 Pim SIRE, delivered, Telephone Port Perry P85 Sr 3h, Wo. martin: Rede 18--Male Help Wanted all grade levels, Call 723-1445 after $p.m.| ~ | PARTS pine. Plantation stock. Free delivery. 509 M Bloor East, 723-2281 FUR COAT -- Full-length grey Persian| TOY Pomeranian, female, eiq h 1 1 5 E 1 ne Ww t ee Vashers; Stoves and Spe egal Bate elt --Emp oymen ante DESK 24 inches by 48 inches, se seven| ¢ amb, small roll collar, full back, size;|months old; registered. Will k Janitor Service / " Dryer 14.16. Excellent conditt th. | Christ $95. Telephone 725-4585 itor Serv . : rye arawara, acellent condition; new. Telal xcell 'ondittion, moving south. ristmas, phone 725-4585 "|puren GIRL wants housework by the SALESMAN EVIENTION HOUSEWIVES Fant Oshawa S$ Fa stest LECTRIC MOTOR phone 794.8164 jPall ee $275. Alter 4 p.m., 723-5672 and| HORSES BOARDED -- new, insviated{"AY. Telephone 723-8616 x cc oe : . barn, box stalls, $35 month' Brooklir Ks nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done b - Repair and. Exct q TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-41 - J modern machine. Free estimates, Work NIGHT SERVICE OSHAWA" APPL IARICE Sructures hot. diowed Gaivanied' 1°" twey|CLARINET, good for student use, Tele-|Dial 655-4937 }17---Fem ale-Help Wanted. e first served! guaranteed. 728-7736 included, single all-channel antenna com-|Phone 728-1307 ____|AMERICAN COCKER Spaniel puppies --| ALERT young man' tor Osh: - 728-7535 plete, installed, tax inclided, guaranteed|NEW, USED vacuums, polishers. Re|Registered, champion breeding | ) > awa's finest MEN'S WEAR t PART-TIME Mo o n . year, $50. See all towers at TRIO|pairs to all makes. New hoses, Phoneland blacks, $50; poodles, white To STORE. Experience not nee- ney T Loa aS J aie evening gown, size 12,| Television, corner Bond----and--Divisiony|tack--Lees;--?78-6956 ]ver and black miniafores, $75 ies fel ig RAE'S dry--cleanedy, Custom mare, |729.5143 | Help Wanted ales iw fo $5,000 2 | 7 4 nee essary -- we will train cl re sereptabie ere ce ae te Manat s ne, s Thenhens Port : |REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $17.;| 725-64 to $1.50 per hour 4s ; ; ; e your bills or for any other worthwhile! RADIO & TELEV 085-2310. BRAND NEW high-back swivel rocker,|new smooth-top mattresses; $24.95:|CHIHUAHUAS for sale. . Req ; ts ' ; Write stating age, experience purnose--providingyou..are. steadily. er - a - $23.00; % x 12' carpet, $98.00. 20 Church|stoves; $24.95; cribs, $10.95; new. crib]Please telephone 668-4401 anytime before mar or pleasant = tele- if any and telephone number fed Ipioyed and have good credit. Telephone RACER BICYCL E, boy + CCM, in excel | Street mattresses, $9.95 s, $24.95; TV's,|4:30 p.m | , 4 hours daily. to a ir ; nt conditic est offer elephone v 1549.9 pace savers, $54.95; dressers - | i $ Storage 723-A631 4 GUNS Rough, sold, traded, repaired|** ui s|FIVE YEAR OLD horse. Good de De: if oe TV SE RV [AC ; at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Stree! West jchrome sets, radios. Gums, new and and drive. Pair of Welsh Pa 10 | 723 5051 BOX 10453 Rent Mortgages cg [Vee IsiON General Electric',| 799 972) |Wsed. Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West.loonies. Set of driving harnass and saddle | : OSHAWA TIMES ; DAY_OF hide Pi Silbal Mi baivanr iH dlbel pgs id [Te ye aamgeamames rere ogee ae lsuy AND SELL -- Good used furniture! Telephone Markham, 294-1870 | MR. GOULD - eid agen 128-576 aE kien tee Sistitaes "tween, oe ety ygiiand appliances. Gord's "Furniture, 215! DAPPLE GREY SHOW PONY. Will sail Seen RELIABLE, over 25 and married, te MOR r¢ AGE LOANS 4 hi ; ies Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 frade for 550 bales of hay or GOOD TYPIST to work in dispensary. drive olf truck, Mechanically Inclined te 3 ) } REFRIGERATOR $15. Coal and w itman Crescent, Oshawa | or 'e ot > y IGrade 11 or better Apply Box 9707, Osh-|learn furnace work. Stead 1 ent, ¢ A sca aie © hansen : wood PER ii jengin |FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-lAlso five year old Bay Pony' mare in el fag IR a Ped Res ly employment. FIRST & SECONDS OS! 1AV VA . mmersion 'heater, $3./ PERSIAN LAMB cogt, biack, full length.li) queniture, only $299., Inc. completelfoal: to registered Shetland, both con pply 238 Kaiser Crescent. Perry, 985-778 Size 14-16, good condition, $70. Telephone |, stent wins Ide it for Christmas. (TYPIST, knowledge of akkeepi a c é o edroom, living room, kitchen aensem-|sistent winners alg nas 0 bookkeeping an|WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Licensed NO BONUS E 1a FRON IC S FULLER BRUSH. PRODUCTS Specials | 72° 7154 bles. Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable|Call Mrs. Pat Milne, Dunbarton, 839-3779 sa Apply fully in own writing to Post mechanics for new car and Bie gin Ask for "Bill" Horner | ~ = sche tere ow # Christmas. Telephone|HUS-SKI snow machine, Mode! 400, 10'4 value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 or 668-5679 eB 2 hawa, Ontario 'ce Excellent working conditions and 728-5157 rasa ete inet. Bermonstasers * 2 Gh cs cece COZY) RANCH KENNELS. German RELIABLE PERSON living in vicinily of fringe benefits. Telephone 725-6561. [TELEVISION 1 ser ed/BUYING OR: SELLING turniture or apd ?27) 37er bai SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengihs,|Shepherds, trained wr k and B or part-time baby sit:/COOK part-time, evenin only. Appiv Active Realty Ltd Thompson E - 7 t ance Call. Elmer, Hampton 243-2294)USED LUMBER, 3 x 8, in good condi-|$7.75 singje cord. Phone 723-2281 before) Palominos, Pintos, eaiey ponies As shourn|t ng for two smail children. in: my home.|to. Scott's Chicken vittae Or Fs 34 - work guaranteed . gia 263-2695, tien) ever 200 pieces, Telephone: 725-0897, 9.30 a.m. er evenings, "655-4662 evenings, Telephone 723-5539, West, Whitby,

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