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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1965, p. 31

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us ady's gold watch, vicinity' 'oping Centre, ? entel vaive, Reward, de ch. Telephone 725-5422 after '\the family residence, pee raeamenenaae n's initial ring at Civic Avi aturday. Reward. Telephone! 4 rthur Cryderman She was in WHITBY -- UMBING TRACTORS > HOSPITAL BULL on aDERS will be re- ii 3:00 p.m. ANUARY 6, 1966 Plec. vations ond Al- 1e plumbing in EMF irses Residence ¢ AHospite!, Whit- Apres may be or viewed at Jepartment of East Block, ings, Toronto OP Bid Bond, @ "hance Bond and Sat Bond will Permane vecified. sponsibl: type ind active cc lic. Thre plus han pensatior fits. Os ferred, 2 be consider- e on. forms ' Department. "any tender , pecepted. AILLAR, Positio juty Minister. wit! a DER OR os MAINS . Tenders properly ender for Water Frist W65-2" will the under- pb 20th, Al is for the laying of ately 1,530 ft.. of 7,026 ft. of 12" Rnain in the City of s ond specifications e obtained at the of- the undersigned upon eposit of a certified we in the emount. of 4,00, Lowest or ony tender not necesscrily accepted. L. Algor for J. B. Annand General Monager THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA 100 Simece St, South, Oshawe NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of Chester Kin- noird Muckle, deceased. All creditors of the estate of Chester Kinnaird Muckle, re- tired, formerly of R.R. No. 1, Udney, Ontario, who died aot Orillia, on August 28, 1965, ore advised to send their claims to the undersigned on or before January 15, 1966, os after that date the estate will be distributed; having re gord only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have hod notice. WILLIAM ARTHUR "SUTHERLAND Se icitor, Executor, ¢ oor Street, Eost, nto 5, Ontario. ing Events "INGO IGE TEMPLE °2DAY, DEC. 11th 7:30 P.M. 0 Games $8 ure the Wealth 540. Jackpots to go $150 Jackpot to go Under 16 Not Admitted BINGO L.A.W.A. HALL ATURDAY, DEC. 11th 7:30 P.M 20 GAMES $10 A GAME 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH 7. JOHN'S PARISH BING ¥---FRIDAY AT 7:45 P/M. rner Bloor and Simcoe Games-$10-and $15. kpot 57 numbers $170 Extro Games at $25 sot and Share the Wealth | QOBITUAR @[(OUlOWINg & iene ty SCSR > IES iMRS. ARTHUR CRYDERMAN|ton area of Wellington County. NT The death occurred; Dec; 9,/she was married there. In 1886 88; at! ~and Mrs. -Cryderman moved! Quotations in. 108-King/to- the Blackstock area where| Tights, ww -exwarrants. Net change (s| of Mrs.|they farmed until retiring to) érage previous board-iot closing sale. | Bowmanville in 1919, She was INDUSTRIALS a member of Trinity United 10:68 Net | The former Ida Margaret/Church, Bowmanville. High Low a.m. Ch'ge! | Spinks, the deceased: was, a Predeceased by her husband) i 10% 104 |daughter of the late Henry andjin 1939, Mrs. Cryderman is sur- | Ellen Spinks. Born in the Dray-jvived by two daughters, Misses Winnifred and Frances Crty- ; " derman and a son, Byron, all of / \Bowmanville; three grand- BIRTHS 'children and two great-grand- \children, She was predeceased \by two daughters, Helen and) | EISHER -- Don and Elaine are pleased) B to announce the birth of their son, David! eatrice. - | A private funeral service will Stanley, 6 Ibs, 12 ozs., on December Ming ' 7 Mi Se Oshawa General Hospite be held at. the Morris Funeral 14 am. A brother for Laurie Anne.| Chapel, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m. Thanks to Dr. R. F. Beckett and fourthinerc 11. Interment will be in ' tatt. . vapee aide Bowmanville Cemetery. Rev. ( € rd will conduct the GEISBERGER -- August and Joanne _K Ward \ c (nee Richardson) wish fo' announce the service, birth of their daughter, on Tuesday, December 7th, 1965, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Judy, Debbie and Ricky. ch betrib Terento Stock a --ER-] st. e., Bowmanville, ther 99th year. i Stock Abitibi Alta Gas Alla GCp Alta Gasw Alg Cen Aigome Alumip! Ang pan Anthes A Argus 20 Arg C Par 2a Arg 260 pr $50" $0 Ash Templ 20% Bank Mont * 59% Bank NS 2 Bell Phone Bramales Brazil BA 'Oil BC Forest BC Phone Brooke pr Burns Burrard A Cal Pow Can Cem Can Cemp Can iron C PackB Can Perm Cc Brew cB AlAw Cdn Cand Cc Chem w Cc Curt W Cimp BkC 164 Cind GO 865 CiL 2 Cc Mare 770 CPR 1306 CPR Pr 1400 Cdn Pet zi Sales 430 265 250 300 175 25 »" 96% 11% 9% 60" 298 23\ 26 MRS. GARNET MAHOOD The death occurred, Dec. 9, lat the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, following a short sick- ness, of Mrs. Garnet Mahood, ig Jane st., Bowmanville. She was in her 72nd year. | A daughter of the late John) Devitt Carscadden and Emma} _., Spinks, the deceased was born o.\in Cartwright Township. Follow- |1965, Ida Margaret Spinks, aged 98 years.|ing their marriage, Mr. and ; jwite of the late Artur Crycerman"sad|Mrs. Mahood farmed in Cart-jheld at Simmons-McBride| the late Beatrice and Helen Cryderman ght Township and from 1916 Funeral Home, Broadway ave.,| ee Cavite as te chee on to 1922, when they moved to Vancouver, Dec. 11 Interment} Bowmanville 2c, Interment Bowman-/ Bowmanville, they farmed in|Will be in Forest Lawn Ceme- vile Serarery. Funere) private Darlington Township, north of tery, Vancouver. | Bowmanville ainrORD, Francs Lovie ||) Mrs» Mahood was a member MRS. ELIZABETH H. POWER cember , 1965, in her 87th year, beloved | OF alg eas ce. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Power,| wife of the late George W. Gifford of} manville, anc ly S$ ac- ® e -k woo. . posal Ontario; ebbing PBR slags! tive in the work of the Women's nigger ily Wb gaan nd | Oshawa Richard Axworthy (Ber- Institure and the United Church le: Dee. 8 " following a heact| EU ay Bie UL gf tig (Hazel): Women. She gvas also a mem-| 11,0) , 2 Eva}, ber of the Bowmanville Senior . 4 1 The former Elizabeth H husband, Mrs,.|SPratt, the deceased was a Brightor Mrs Steacy | ster! ng, R } ell's Funeral Citizens' Club. Home, Elgin, tario, for service in i Crosby United Church on Monday, Oe Besides her oe 113, at 2 p.m. Interment Crosby Ceme-|Mahood is survived by a daugh- daughter of the late Richard) il iter. Mrs, Gordon Byers|and Mary Spratt. She was born} |(Marion) of Ottawa and a son,|@t Lindsay where she lived lAlan. of Willowdale, Also sur-|before coming to Oshawa 15 *-|viving are a sister; Miss Hazel| years ago. | Carscadden, of Toronto Mrs. eight g.andchildren, of St Funeral sérvice will be held lic Church y . 23 \at 3:30 p.m., Dec 11. at the|member of the Catholic rch Street. Serv n the. chapel $at : . ' e L : jurday Seen on at 4 orclock. Imermeni| Morris Funeral Home, Bowman-/€n s League in Lindsay jin Park Lawn Cemetery, Sudbury ville. Interment will be in Bow-| Oshawa. | | manville Cemetery. Rev. G. K Predeceased by her husband,| | MAHOOD, Helen Ward will conduct the services.|Thomas J. Power, in ger | son, Paul] 200 600 DEATHS | CRYDERMAN, Ida Margaret lAt her residence, 108 King S | Bowmanville, on Thursday the HOLDEN, John At Sudbury lday morning, Holden, belov | Kennedy of 37 |dear father of Sudbury; his éist year |Jackson and Barnard Funera Memorial Hospita vaeeren §._ 1 Power was a member Gregory's Roman Catho- and was an active Wom and and on Helen belc eet |At Memoria! Hospital jis survived by a |Carscadden 72nd year ved Y The death of Mrs. Florence|,.. Rey, John Spratt, CSB, of (Mrs. Gordon Byers) Ottawa and Alan | { H nvil 8 ; Morris Funeral Chapel, Sowmanville.|after a three-month illness. She} dist, Kentucky and three grand- | | |. MOLLON, Genevieve w jin strong Funeral Home for |beloved wife of Russell Mollon (754 Som Beloved mother of Mrs.\late John and Emma Scafe. at Bowmanville hursday, December 9th, 1965 ee DSO Ae Power, of North Bay |wife of Garnet Mahood, 18 Jane § MRS. FLORENCE C. MILKS Also surviving are two broth | (irs. ord Bye pote ne , r, Charlotte Milks occurred Dec. 9, Rochester, N.Y. and Bro. M aho liowdale, Dear sister of Haze ® | s Fae ' M. lCarscedden, Toronto. Resting at the|at the Oshawa General Hospital,| witfred Spratt, OCSO, of Trap- | Service In the chapel on Saturday at 3:30 was in her 64th year and for-| children. merly resided at 291 Adelaide)" y7,.. power is at the Arm-| ave. w. Oshawa Genera! Hospital, on Thurs y nt ' = lday, December! 9, 1965, Genevieve Sine,| Mrs. Milks was born in Ridge lrequiem mass in St. Gregory's owed. |town, Ont., the daughter of the|Ghurch at 10 a.m., Dec. 11 ervilie Avenue) avarae : ra G. Robinson (Marlene) of London, Mrs. | / Interment will be in St. Mary's H. Hapvis (Diane) of San Francisco and|1919 she married Garry Milks|;, +h z Paul Molion of North Bay. Sister of Mrs.jin Duart, Ont. She was pre- cametery, Lindsey. | George Wood of Hamilton, Mrs, | dec: b band { Holden of Napanee, Kenneth of Frank.|deceased by her husban n [Ncaitt.Aoesst Posen" nome fare | Psy | lice in the 'chapel on Saturday, Decem-| Mrs. Milks had been a resi-| A farmer in the Purple Hill hp Pod 2.30 m oy foun dent of Oshawa for 13 years and| area for many years, Lewis Rus- |Lawn Cemetery. ontributions to the! 4) ° i i- i [etree "Ecos Beapereceed) "| aI80 aS Kae aan anion. died, Dec. 0, at the Oshawa ladherent of Westmount United'/General Hospital. Mr. Spinks, on Thursday, De} Church, |who had been sick for four cember Elizabeth H. Spratt.|. Surviving relatives include) weeks, was in his 76th year. LEWIS RUSSELL SPINKS POWER, Elizabeth H. Mrs SPINKS, Lewis Russel! At the Oshawa General Hospifal on Thurs jday, December 9, 1965, Lewis Russell} Spinks, of 283 s Ww Osh awa, beloved nd oft late Albertha Rahme V dear brother of Mrs. Mabei Darcy Margaret Ar father of Robert Oshawa, and in his 76th year McDermott-Panabake service on Saturd St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. ZALESCHOOK, Nicholas Entered into rest in the far 314 Oshawa Bivd h Thursday, December Zaleschook, beloved Paraschuk, father of Wi!i and Waiter of Oshawa t Annie Rozko of awa; in his 76th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa, 10 a.m. Saturday, Decem ber 11 and then at the Ukrainian Presby terian Church with service at 2 p.m, | terment Oshawa Union Cemetery until FUNERAL OF ARTHUR E. FLINDERS "Life cunt Cap Bidg Chemcell Col Celt <or cell pF Con Ride Con M$ Con Paner Con Gas Coronatn Crestbrk Cygnus A Dofasen p OD Glass pr Dom Store Domtar Du -Pent Fed Grain Fleet Mig GMC Goodyear G Mack A Greyhnd Guar Tr Hardee Hard CrpA Hawker S$ Hawker pr Hayes Sti Horne Pf Home A Husky Husky Apr HBC HB OG Imp Oit Imp Tob Ind Accep Ina Wire inland Gas Int-cty & IBM IMC Int Nickel int Util Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey Jock 2 pr Lataroe Lafarge A LOnt Cem Locem w Leu Fin Lau Finl4 Levy Levy B pr Invest 6 eb M MB PR Mass-F Molson A Molson B Mon Poods Mont Loco core Morse Nat Ocean Cm Ont t Ont Oshawa Pac Pete Pow Corp Price Bros QN Gas Reveistk R Yarns Robertsn Rob 2or Rothman Royal Bnk Salada Sayvette Seven Arts Sheil Can Shell | pr Shell Iw Shop Save Shopper Ct Silverwd A Simpsons SKD Mfg Slater Sti St Pav Stly Brock Stéei Can Suptest od Texaco TorOm Bk Tower T Find T FinAp Transair Tr Can PL Trans Mt Trans PPL Turnbull Union Ace UnAcc 2p Un Acc rt Un Carbid Versatile Walk GW Webb Knp Westcost WSuppls A Weston A Whte Pas Woodwd. A Zellers Acad Uran Acme Gas Aetna inv ounty Ex nker H Cam Mine Camtlo Camp Chib DVIVIHBGOOMOd> > H> >> C Faraday Cc Jamiesn Cdn Keely Chimo Coch Will Comb Met Conlagas Con-Key C Bellek Cons Brew € Callinan Con Gillles Cc Halli C Marben 50 $1 400 705 125 225 7 200 225 250 $374 $28\4 16 $\4% $26% 998 si" $25 81!" $422% 510 $13 200 $id' 10.$240 100 100 500 245% 280 200 $1081 $7 ayy 30 $215 $7 00 $23% 2100 2000 9200 2 $214 $30 $26% 14% 14+ Ve 26% 26% + ws 98 7' 1" BS 2 WW Whe 2 dhe 240 20 20 6+ CS 108% 1084 + Va 7 7 mM 56 110% 110% 215 218 +1 1, 21% 21% 13% 13% | 50% $0% -- Vj} "44 44+ 18 1% 53.4 S3%-- Ve 4% 14% 1444NT 2% 148 $1 $15% $26 $34% $31% $25 615 $13% m5 315% $285 39% $144 $14% $° $25% $21% $52 $60% 0 $27% $3) 1% $30 425 $18% $35 15 $23) $10 $19% $9% $24 62 44a 24 24 16 it) 5 5 9 We 13% 10% bad 290 1% Ws 5% ' 8 10a 10% 15% 26 D --% 34% + Vel 3% 32 7% + Wa 774 + 'al bam Ve +% + %! +M 25Ve Uie+ Ve uM 9 25% 21% 52 60% 60 i "mtv 410 1 We 27% + Vs 307% 31 + 12 12% 30 30 425 425 18% 18% 35¥e 35% 15 15 23% 23% 10 19% 9% 23% 24 12 25 a 64 6 44 Aa -- Va --% 25 +2 a ua | 1 14 + Va). 40 +14] Ireland's Prime Minister Sean Lemass (left) tells Ca- nadian Press reporter Har- old Morrison that Ireland is 420 600 © Mogul 365 ¢ Morrisn C Mosher Cop Corp Cop Fields Coulee Cowich Craigmt Croinor Crowpat Daering D'Eida Delhi Pac Denison Dicknsn Dona! Duvan Heath Huds Bay Hu-Pam Int Bibis T Int Heliun int Heilmr irish Cop iron Bay Iso. Jaye Jelex Jonsmith Jowsey Kerr Add Kopan L Dufauit Lakehead La Luz Leitch Lorado Louvicrt MacLeod Malartic Manok MS Marchant 'con " sa at 5," * Mart 60 245 260 + 22: Sil Stand Mattgm! Maybrun t+ LEMASS BREAKS DOWN OLD WALLS + --w wot iw 13 BWat 16a + Nor lex Normetal Norpax S883 56 900 Silvrfids Silvmaq Sil Miller 3000 1 200 10 erecta lace hear and siete. aT nev, | {Our daughters: Mrs. T. Con-| A son of the late Matthew Ry ye eg ee ist meee Pigg pana ant ule 4 , ceased was born a l i | wurst tee Onnewer baer ol of Oshawa and Mrs. Tony Con-| and farmed on the family home- | High, Maes In. 8 Sregery's Church, Sat-) stante (Mona), of St. Catharines) stead until 12 years ago when St Mary's Cemetery, Lindsay, approx-jand a son, Garry, of New-jhe moved to Oshawa. jmately 12 o'clock. market. He was a member of the| | Three sisters, Mrs. Violet;|Church of England at Black- MILKS, Florence Charlotte Stover and Mrs. Sylvia Tracy,| stock and of the Loyal Orange) JAt the Othawa General Hospital on both of Fort Lauderdale, Flor-|Lodge at Purple Hill. | |Thursday, December 9th, 1965. Florence |ida: and Mrs. Merle DeClute of} Twice married, Mr. Spinks ng mother of Garry Warren, Michigan; 11 grand-|was predeceased by both his} ae Melntesn( children and one great-grand-| wifes. He was married to Gert- Tony Costante (Mona) of st. Child also survive. rude. Edgerton in 1919. She pre- Se rane: ward The remains are at the Ger- deceased him in 1944. In 1946 he @ Florida, Mrs Merle De Ciute,| row Funeral Chapel for the fu-| was married to Albertha Rhame Mich., Mrs. Milks is resting at) neral service i e 3 c.| Wilson, Ww e s i Ine Gerow Pineal hone King sults Ug ym, Rev, Frak Hie | December 13th at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Ward, minister of Westmount; Mr. Spinks is survived by two Lawn Semetery. UnitedChurch, .will conduct the|sisters,. Mrs. Mabel Darcy of| service, Interment. will be in|Blackstock and Mrs." Margaret) Mount Lawn Cemetery. Argue of Burketon; three step-| f sons, Robert and Edgar Wilson MRS. RUSSEL MOLLON of Oshawa and Harold Wilson The death occurred, Dec, 9,|0f Alliston and two nieces, Mrs, 2nd at the Oshawa General Hospital, Cecil Hyde (Mabel) of Toronto ep; of Mrs. Russell: Mollon, of 754/and Mrs. Thomas Hodge (Mar- :'Somerville ave. She had been ion) of Burketon. Pel fin failing health for a few, The funeral service will be interment! months. held at 2 p.m., Dec. 11, at the The former Genevieve Sine,| McDermott - Panabaker Fu-| the deceased was born at Frank-|neral Home, Port Perry, Inter-| ford. Ont. She was a daughter] ment will be in St. John's Ceme-| nce lof the late Murney and Louise|tery, Blackstock. Canon Ash-| Nicholas| Sine. : more, rector of St. John's Ang-} ® "A resident of Oshawa for 30\lican Church, Blackstock, will years, Mrs. Mollon was a mem-|condiict the service. ber of King Street United The pallbearers will be Cecil Church and of the United|Gibson, Henry Wotten, Donald Church Women. Wilson, Jack Wilson, Roy Stin- Besides her husband, she is Son and Fred Pascoe. survived by two daughters, Mrs. G. Robinson (Marlene) of London, Ont. and Mrs. H. Har- ris (Diane) of. San Francisco The funeral service for Arthur and a son, Paul, of North Bay.| ernest Flinders, a resident of FUNERAL CHAPEL ee reat ot Hamiiton| Hillsdale Manor, who died, Dec 390 KING STREET septa het m 7, at the Oshawa General Hos- WEST and Mrs. H. Holden of 'Na- 1 > 4 t y hel t 3:3 .m., Telephone. 726-4026 |gumes; Gre brothers, Konner Oe 7a Won MU Bee aos tu ica paces Sine of Frankford and Clare son 'funeral Home : LOCKE'S FLORIST Sine of Prescott and three' 'phe service was conducted by funeral pee gh gy oe 'sam will bale verierable Archdeacon H floral all jy Syl gi Me e will hel D Cleverdon, rector of Christ occas jheld at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 11,-at the) wemorial Anglican Church. In-| |McIntosh Anderson Funeral|+arment was in Mount Lawn Interment will be in| cemetery : : . ms Lawn Cemetery. Rev. - The pallbearers were Ernest L. W. Herbert, minister of King/rowns and five grandsons, Roy Street United Church; will con- and William Plowright, Douglas duct the wedi ; ._| Harding and Joseph Larocque A ontributions to the Canadian and Donald McCormack ee Society would be appre- The members of 'Corinthian ciated. Lodge, IOOF, held a service at uns. MARY T. ODOR ee Following a short sickness the death occurred Dec. 9, at her home in Vancouver, B.C., Mrs. Mary T. O'Donnell. was in her 88th year The The former Mary. T. Bauer,; Thomas the deceased was the widow of|Vista ave., who died suddenly Martin Harvey ° O'Donnell; A}Dec._6, was held at the Mc- native of Wisconsin,-U.S.A., she|Intosh-Anderson Funeral Home arrangements arrangements for ons SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Everlasting Memorialization MARKER supply ond insta Please call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 FUNERAL OF THOMAS WHITSITT funeral service Whitsitt, 309 of She for Buena | IN MEMORIAM BINGO HOLY CROSS TONIGHT 7:45 P.M Jackpot 56 and 56 Christmas turkeys to be drawn for to-night, et ry had spent most of her life in/at 2 p.m. Dec, 9 Canada. Rev. R. G. Brooks, of St Predeceased by her husband,;George's Memorail Anglican Mrs. O'Donnell is survived by|Church, conducted the service iy four daughters, Mrs. J. C.|Interment was in Oshawa Union and 9 mith, whe Boyle, of Vancouver; Mrs. H.|Cemeters oe owey Decerr 95 W. Benson of Washington, D.C.;| The pallbearers were John s Mrs. S. W. McDonald, of Tor-|Crook, Lloyd Brown, Thomas onto and Mrs. Harry Donald;; Dalgleis Thomas Broadbent --In loving memory by his wife, Bertha. SMITH dad pas ng mer Too many mem Ae were Forever in our memory. --Ever remembered by son, you fo W Don, Mill-Built Will Help You Plan REC ROOM Supplying Ali Labor and Materials. FOR AS AS '990 and Build A A Full 12' x 20° Size -- No Down Payment UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY Payments Arranged To Suit Your Budget. The price shown here is for the average installation and may be slightly lower or higher depending on your needs ond requirements. Call us now'. . . your family to enjoy FOR COMPLETE REMODELLING SERVICE MILLWORK & Building Supplies Lid. a Eaie,|! Whitby William Sargent' and William Kathy and Pat, The funeral gervice will bei Jackson, 1279 Simcoe North let us plan @ ree room: for 728-6291 ending its old isolation. The old revolutionary talks about "practical co - operation" with Britain and Northern Ireland and modified free trade with Canada and other He said Ireland countries. ada. had been successful in in- creasing its trade with Can- --CP Photo Siscoe 525 227 Starratt yy e R 075 665 Sullivan 585 Texmont 500 126 12 Thom L 2 Tombil 138 U_ Buffadn 47 Un Keno 490 Upp Can an Q 227 4 Violar West Mine White Star Windfall Yk Bear Yukon ¢ Zenmac Zulapa Alminex Am Leduc Asamers Banff CS Pete Cc Ex Gas © High Cr C Homestd Cdn Sup oO Cent Del Dome Pete Dynamic Place @ OILS 40s 20 81 1s 400 258 280 27 190 $19%e 19% 19% ----- Ve) $10% 10% 10% $15% 15 154 137 $1 8) "9 510 340% v % 73 179 400 9% WA 270 800 258 280 % 185 135 WV 5) 68 510 40% 40% Vv Ws 400 270 800 258 280 27 190 135 YW 5} 68 510 7 79 | Ponder Provo Gas Seurry Rn Spooner Triad Ol! Union Oll U_ Canso Wsburne W Decaite - § 1 + 0 + 2 «= §} | 700 ke 1500 360 | Sales to 11:00 a.m. + 3 | Falcon Dickenson Int Bibis Kerr-Add \ 600 485 1700 200 200 400 100 1900 100 525 5000 43 200 570 250 525 43 Place +1 Sherritt Yukon Cons 3% +3 26 + 6 BAa+ 1,867,000. FOREIGN TRADING 210 $1094 10914 10914 475 475 = BS 200 oS +148 200 +8 $70 250 = 525 = 8 a -7 DON'T NEEDS WITH.

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