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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1965, p. 3

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STRONGEST IN DECADES -- F 7 ~s 9 awn = Ss eau se By STEWART MacLEOD OTTAWA (CP) -- The re- shuffled cabinet of Prime Min- ister Pearson is going to face a far more potent opposition in the new Parliament. In the eyes of some observers, the Conserv- atives may be mounting. the strongest attack force since the 1930s. While the Nov. 8 general elec- tion made insignificant changes in terms of numbers, it caused a real dust-up in terms of per- sonnel. And the Conservatives claim they are easy winners when the spoils are counted. Although gaining only two ad- ditional seats from the 1963 gen- eral election--they now have 97 --the Conservatives managed a major shuffle in personnel that leaves their front bench firmly packed with experience, All former' Conservative cab- inet ministers who sat in the * Jast Parliament hung onto their seats. They have been joined by former justice minister E. PC Benen Davie Fulton, former trade min- ister George Hees, former im- major amendments to the Im- migration Act. Representing Carleton, predominantly a civil service riding, he also is ex- pected to figure largely in de- bate on collective bargaining for government employees. In addition to these men, Con- servatives have brought in some young, articulate members viewed with some pride by party officials. They are quick to point to Bud Sherman, a former tele- vision personality and news- paper man from Winnipeg, and Pat Nowlan; who won his late father's seat. in Digby-Anna- polis-Kings. Another highly-re- garded rookie is Rev. David MacDonald, a United Church minister from P.E.I. who upset Mines Minister J. Watson Mac- naught, "In 'the last session," said a Conservative, "we were out to embarrass the Liberals; this time we'll try to prove we're a responsible alternative to them." The " New Democratic' Party No Planned Big Change in Taxation TORONTO (CP)--Provincial treasurer James Allan said Thursday that it's virtually cer- tain there will be no major changes in the provincial tax structure next year "ecause of an unexpected delay in drafting two important tax - study re- ports. Mr. Allan says he had hoped by now to have received the final report of the Ontario tax- ation committee "so we could do some major surgery" in the next budget, due to be pre- sented to the legislature in February. The committee, appointed in the fall of 1962 under the chair- manship of Lancelot Smith, a Toronto chartered accountant, has spent three years making! a detailed examination of On-| tario's provincial and municipal! tax structure. | | Mr. Allan said it would be limpossible to incorporate the! 'Smith report recommendations | lin the budget for the 1966 fis cal year. migration minister Richard A.|also expects itself to be a"more) Bell and former forestry minis-| potent force in the new Parlia- ter Martial Asselin. jment, Although increasing by| They will sit with such her eats three members, the party/ * former ministers as Douglas|made massive gains in popular| Harkness (defence), Walter|support and members feel they) To Mariposa Dinsdale (northern affairs), Mi-| will speak with louder voices on chael Starr (labor), J. Waldo|behalf of more people. ORILLIA (CP) -- The Mari Monteith (health and welfare), While the party will feel the|nosa Folk Festival, booted out! Gordon Churchill (trade) and|loss of Douglas Fisher, the for-|o¢ town two years ago for be-| Marcel Lambert (veterans af-|midable former deputy leaderling too rowdy, returns next! fairs). who décided not to seek re-| year with an entirely new for-| The return of the fov: will, injelection, it will gain strength) mat. | the eyes of most observers, give|from the addition of David) jt will be staged indoors in the official opposition some| Lewis, a brilliant Toronto labor] mid-February, the first time in solid strength in specific fields.|lawyer who was a_ powerfullits five - year history that the Since the death earlier this|voice in Parliament during the | festival has not had an outdoor| Folk Returns The Rev. James M. Grop- pi, a Roman Catholic priest active in Milwaukee civil rights activity, holds cigar- ette for Robert Bundy, who chained himself to gate today at .construction -- site for new school which demon- strators contend will be pre- dominently Negro because RELIEF FOR CHAINED - SMOKER of its location and thus ex- tend city's alleged de facto segregation. (AP) Laws Alone No Help Te Health-Woe TORONTO (CP) -- Govern- ments should not consider the introduction of legislation alone as a solution to the country's health problems, the chairman of the royal commission on health services said Thursday. Mr. Justice Emmett Hall of the Supreme Court of Canada said governments would com- mit 'an error fatal to a proper understanding of what one might call the grand design for Canada" if they feel they have exhausted their r sibilities and functions by bringing in medical care. Health legislation alone will not care for the mentally re- tarded, the blind, the deformed and spastic children and those who develop cancer or tuber- culosis, he said. ' In a speech to the Empire Club of Toronto, Mr. Justice Hall said both health and edu- cation must be considered a co- partnership in considering pri- orities for the future. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 10, 1965 3 By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP) -- The armed forces are beginning to feel the manpower pinch, Informed sources say the de- fence department's planned re- duction in military personnel has accidentally got out of hand to the extent that the forces' combat effectiveness is being damaged. Officials attribute this ac- cident to a booming economy and say the problem of skilled manpower in the country as a whole is accurately reflected in the armed forces. Commercial airlines, for in- stance, are raiding the RCAF for pilots, with a good deal of success. Some infantry bat- talions are below strength. There is a possibility that some destroyer operations will be cur- tailed because of a shortage of experienced crews. So serious has the situation become that Air Vice-Marshal Edwin Rehno, deputy chief of personnel at defence headquar- Lt.-Gen. Frank Fleury, comp- troller - general of the armed forces, said recently: é "One reason recruiting has been poor is the high level of employment. . . , I don't think we have ever seen an ment situation such as we have today. "There is no doubt phatever that in the present state of the (manpower) market, the pay and career prospects of a re- cruit are not likely to look at- tractive to a young man of 17 or 18 years of age in com- parison with what he can get on civvy street." Officials said there is ne longer any orderly flow of per- isons joining and leaving the services. Many experienced men are going out before re- cruits can be adequately trained to take their places. This situation has been ag- gravated by the large number of Second World War veterans who now are reaching ment age at about the same time. ters here, has been sent across Suicidal 'Bent 2-Death Cause ST. CATHARINES (CP)--~A woman bent on suicide killed herself and a New York minis- ter Aug. 10 when she wrenched the steering wheel of a car from its driver, a coroner's in- iquest was told Wednesday. Mrs, Elizabeth Sutak, 42, of Hamilton and Rev. Paul the country to try to persuade |more servicemen to re-enlist as | their terms expire. | Defence Minister Hellyer's| HEAT WITH OIL driver has quit the RCAF to} DIXON'S \take a higher-paying j | |take a hig er-paying job as a) OIL array bs civvy street. Mr. H ttai d 10 ahead of schedul 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE months ahead of schedule his) 723-4663 target of reducing the numerical) strength of the armed forces by SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 10,000 to 110,000 men. i Officials said the strength was |supposed to level out at this number but that it is still fall- ing rapidly and may be down to 107,000 by next month. Effectiveness Cut By Military Cuts + ---- RENT-A-CAR | DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH Wheaton, 34, of Snyder, N.Y., died in a two-car crash on the| Queen Elizabeth Way near) here. Frank Krnezich, 24, of Ham-| ilton, told the jury Mrs. Sutak) Ottawa Meets Provinces To Re-Write Tax Sharing _ rics meaiom ns I a tree on the median. The car| year of George Nowlan the!1961-62 session. |summer setting. party has been without a pol-| Except for fewer members,| promoters of the new fes- ished financial critic. Mr. Hees,|there has been little basic/tiyal, the Orillia and District who until. September was presi-|change in the Social Credit and/chamber of Commerce, made dent of the Montreal and Cana-|Creditiste parties. : the change in order to return dian stock exchanges, is ex-| Until Mr. Pearson announces|the festival to its birthplace pected to fill that role. }his new cabinet lineup shortly/orijlia's town council banned Mr. Fulton, an author of the|after his return to Ottawa Dec.|the festival after 1963 rowdyism PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGES Fulton - Favreau formula for|16, it won't be known what the! resulted in vandalism, property amending the Canadian consti-|opposition will be facing. damage and liquor violations.. OTTAWA (CP) Working | tution, returns to Ottawa at a| But the prime minister has|he council said it would favor|f{rom a comprehensive report time when constitutional ques-| promised 'extensive' changes, | the festival only if it were held|on estimated future revenues tions are dominating many fed-|and when these are added to!j, winter, when the snows arejand spending, the federal and eral-provincial discussions. |the changed opposition, Parlia-|qeep and the only nip is in the|provincial governments today Mr, Bell returns to a Parlia-|ment likely will be far differ-| jj, x begin the opening rounds of bar- ment that is expected to make|ent from the last. Plans now are to hold the/gaining that next year will re- = cl rin pera ne fa robe ren Shake-Up In The Kremlin: Some Day-After Thoughts ing with a concert Feb, 18. They will discuss a back- By JOHN BEST Other concerts will be held on/ground report of the tax struc-| the two following days. A folk|ture committee set up at a fed-| song workshop also is planned. |eral - provincial conference in MOSCOW (CP) -- Retirement |" both the party's central com-| : c of ageless and indestructible|mittee secretariat and presi-|lia - born humorist. Anastas Mikoyan as Soviet pres-| dium. Others are Podgorny him- pia Syd Banks, a Toronto televis-| the spring of 1964. : ion producer, has been hired to} The end result of the bargain- ldent opens way for a new | self, Brezhnev: and Mikhail Sus- shuffling of power alignments in love. put on the festival, named afterjing will determine how well) tbeen holding dual key positions,a mythical town created by the|both levels of government are > llate Stephen Leacock, the Oril-|able to meet their responsibil- es | and increased education costs. a Acting Finance Minister B Of M Raises Sharp is: chairman. Premiers the Kremlin. There was immediate specula- : 7 | Its most immediate effect is| tion, after the announcement of| Interest To 6% Lge rgd gritos to bring into the spotlight a man|Podgorny's elevation to the (4) are rentapenting. thalk prov: garded as second most power- Shelepin would take over from Bank of SManiveat: : siieut cel ineasavers tie GHiee ful in the agen meng ig hog _ as the Acts Se ee aren | Thursday that effective Dec. 13. Their conference began Hence in te Soviet Union, Nik-| Party Orgameanon ke "°-lits prime lending rate will be|Thursday with Mr. Sharp fore- cessor as president to offset any blow to Shelepin's| 53, growth next year, but express- Podgorny, 62, is believed to position resulting from the an A spokesman for the bank ing concern at inflationary have been exercising primary nouncement earlier this week <aidq in a statement that the| trends. A communique said his ities for economic development Jean Lesage of Quebec, Duff whom many observers have re-|presidency Thursday, that MONTREAL (CP) -- The inces, and finance Winisters or olai Podgorny, Mikoyan's suc-) If this is true it would tend] increased to six per cent fromicasting continued economic responsibility for the party or- that the committee for party change was made necessary|view was concurred by the discussions started last year by former. Finance Minister Wal- ter Gordon. They are intended to help all governments prepare their bud- gets with some indication of the factors that might influence de- cisions by the others. Mr. Sharp said continued ex- pansion depends on more pro- ductivity which in turn depends upon how much the labor force produces, Although this meant that fur. ther capital investment was needed, he saw no need to of- fer new incentives to. manufac- turing industries. Mr. Sharp said none of the governments expressed fear that there might be a lack of capital available in the United States as a result of U.S. re- strictions on investment in for- eign countries. While there is always only so much money available, "there is no need to think there will be) any gap unfilled," he said. Mr. Sharp said control of con- struction programs is a major weapon to control inflation, and the governments had discussed ways to harmonize efforts in this area avoid disorderly growth by sud- den leaps, and any other fur-|struck Mr. into another lane and Wheaton's car, he spun ther sudden increase in prices |said and wages. Mr. Roblin said it is impor- tant the federal government have "'sufficient leverage" to develop policies to support all regions, Mr. Bennett called on the fed- eral government to announce its policy on aid to universities in line with the Bladen report which recommended increased grants for university construc- tion, He also asked that men- tal and tuberculosis cases be in- cluded in hospital insurance. Informants said Mr. Sharp re- iterated Prime Minister Pear- son's recefit statements that a federal-provincial conference is planned for early next year. . ae Canadian Port LONDON WINERY LIMITED IF YOU THINK THAT THERE IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO '5,00 PER DAY 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST, Oshawa | --- Simply beautiful ganization and cadres under the and state control would be re-|«hy background monetary de-| provinces leadership of First Secretary moulded into "organs of peo- yeiopments beyond the bank's : Leonid Brazhnev That is the job held by Brez- ple's control.' Shelepin had been chairman control." hney himself between the time 4¢ the committee. The change, caused an increase in the cost he gave up the presidency in| July, 1964, until he ousted Nikita was interpreted in some quar-|in Canada and elsewhere," the! Khrushchev as party boss three tore as a dilution of committee spokesman said months later. According to some_ reports Brezhnev, while busy with the presidency, shared with Pod- gorny some of the power and responsibilities of the second ranking -party-pest.That-was-in the period of April, 1963, to July, 1964. With that kind of background Podgorny, a moon-faced man with some of Khrushchev's folksiness but less apparent ag- gressiveness in his manner, should be a power to be reck- oned with in future power struggles. Indirectly, Mikoyan's long an- ticipated retirement may open new possibilities for eager, young Alexander Shelepin, widely considered a definite long-term threat to the leader- ship. Shelepin, 47, is one of a quartet of leaders who have Your Personal Christmas Gift Centre SAM ROTISH Men's Wear 7 KING ST. E. 725-2433 power and of Shelepin's author ity. On the surface at least, Thuys- day's changes would appear to leave-Shelepin-.as a definite long-term-contender-for the top power. However, Podgorny, | holding a position that used to be regarded as a figurehead post but no longer is--both Mi koyan and Brezhnev remained influential party 'types while holding the presidency--seems for the moment highest in di- rect line of succession to Brez hney. MINISTERS WILL MEET MONTREAL (CP) -- The Canadian Council of Resource Ministers will meet here Dec. 15 to discuss the use and man- agement of water resources, it was announced Thursday. | discount "A good deal of concern was expressed about "These developments have Sharp said after the meeting. was announced by Brezhriev himself,|}of money on a broad front both) part of confidential pre-budget this," The economic review Mr. Mr. Lesage said any curb on construction would not result in restrictions at Expo 67 or in capital investment in underde- veloped areas "The thing we have to do is) "so that the present legal become essen- increase to the maximum has tial." The Bank of Canada earlier announced an increase in_ its rate---to--4%--from- 447 per cent. EMERGENCY the Lake Vista Park Association considerable money in 4251. We Would Like To Interview a married man between ages 25 and 40 who wants to -consider-e-werthwhile-business opportunity with a well-known international company. This man should have a reasonably good education, and pre- ferably, sales experience. We are prepared to invest interested in a career opportunity. Telephone 668- training the right man. If & Will hold « General Mem- bership meeting ot the Park Club House on Emerald Ave. on the {2th of December 8:00 P.M. DON'T F Che Kih Room Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 ' GENOSHA HOTEL ORGET FUEL oll COAL & SUPPLIES OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- ways on the reody to serve you, McLAUGHLIN 723-348 | KING ST. W, Fuel Oi! Budget Plan available. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. THE ULTIMATE IN _ PRESTIGE DISTINCTION BEYOND COMPARE UNDERGROUND |=) PARKING 124.PARK ROAD G@ORGIGAN mansions LUXURY LIVING!! ie * Only By Appointment 723-1712 or 728-2911 NORTHs GSHAWA ENJOY including. main course, soup or coffee 5c extra. TRY US TODAY! e LIGHT LUNCHES and taste tempting © CHINESE FONDS We serve a speciol businessmen's lunch, . bread, butter, vegetables and desert, for 80€ ond up. Tea We also specialize in delicious Includirig Take-Qut-Orders, Bnd pa RESTAURANT pstairs U 14% KING ST. E, 728-4666. »-- 725-0075 EAT IN OSHAWA THEN YOU HAVE NOT TRIED THE Hotel Lancaster Dining Room MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT Extra Fast Service When You Want It! BORROW UP TO Need money to- day ?--Call Citizens Finance right away!! Speedy service-is as much _ @ part of our busi- ness as the friend- is ly, confidential Zovi™ treatment that awaits you here, ON JUST YOUR m SIGNATURE A TYPICAL PAYMENT PLAN Cash 20 30 36 You Get Months Months Months 11446 7.00 310.78 19,00 758.89 32.00 1489.74 60.00 2499.80 3107.92 4999.86 $500 $6.52 120.00 193.05 \ CASH LOANS OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 P.M iTIZENS INANC COMPANY LIMITED 61 KING STREET--WEST Phone 723-3451 BRANCH OFFICE Phone 668-5821 WHITBY: 319 Brock Street, Suite 1 We ttke t AO PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 In Grand Occasion GIFT PACKAGE beautifully simple... crafted in SILVERPLATE by 1847 ROGERS BROS, Set your table tonight with this new concept in contemporary table luxury $ cee only * 60 pc. service for 12 only $9995 FOR LIMITED TIME. ONLY 4 COFFEE SPOONS Reg $4.00 Value ONLY $2.00 Open"to'9 p.m. Th 'CHARGE-IT AT BURNS JEWELLERS 20 Simcoe North Starting Monday, Open Daily to 9 P.M, ursday and Friday

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