SCHOOL WING OPENED Miss M. M. Van Camp, a Toronto lawyer who spe- cializes in family law, is shown snipping the ribbon _to officially open the new wing of the Cartwright Cen- tral Public School in Black- stock. Looking on, left to right, are Trustee Walter _ Wright, Reeve Merrill Van Catholic Women's League Holds Christmas Party WHITBY -- The Catholic| Women's League of St. Evangelist Roman Church held its Party Dec. 7 in the parish hall. Among the guests were Rey. Leo J. Austin, the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception! and many Whitby and out of| town visitors. The party was preceded by a business meeting donducted by Mrs. H. C. Munro. Mrs. J. McCarroll, convener of the an- nual bazaar and Mrs Mackey, convener of the Mistle- toe Ball, announced the pro- ceeds of these events which were both very successful. Cheques for these and other fund raising projects were pre- sented to Father Austin, who thanked the members for their Catholic hard work and expressed appre-|munity carol singing and the parber Shop 9, tiation of their devotion. The party was an outstanding John the| success. The program was high-| Moore 692 (256, 226); lighted by the entertainment Christmas| provided by the convener, Mrs. |ggg (268, Andrew Miller. The "Ding Dong} Belles', from the Oshawa Sweet Adelines, presented barbershop selections Marcella Polsen sang two beautiful Irish songs, accompan- ied on the piano by Mrs. Mc- Gee. The ethereal quality of her voice, as usual left the audience | Latulipe 271, Harry Vanstaveren breathless Suzanne McCarl and Mary Flilen Miller, two teenagers, showed considerable dexterity) with their tap dancing. Accor- dion solos were expertly given by Deborah Moreau, of Brook- lin and by Chester Zdanowicz. The evening closed with com- serving of refreshments. WHITBY CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, Dec. 13 \ Co-Op .Credit Union banking night ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Ex- plorers Blair Park Vista Teen. Club House of Windsor IODE Chap- ter St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 5 St. Mark's United Women Unit No. 7 Whitby Brass Band Auxiliary TUESDAY, Dec. 14 Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club Whitby Shrinking Violets TOPS Club Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Salvation Cubs Whitby Scout Mothers Meet Make Plans Fifth Whitby Cubs and Scouts Mother's Auxiliary held its meeting in St. Joseph meeting room. Mrs. Vincent Mallon, presi- dent, chaired the meeting which opened withh a prayer and the mother's promise. Five members Mother's Auxiliary were wel- comed. Mrs Dan O'Hagan thanked the members who as- sisted in any ways in making the recently held card party a success, Members were reminded of the cubs' Christmas party next Tuesday and for the Scouts on Wednesday. In charge will be members of the Sixers groups The. meeting came to a close with a sing-song accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Clinton McGhee. This was followed by a hot turkey supper served by Mrs. William Lavally and her} Sixers assisting after' ueohld Christmas gifts were ex- changed. Mrs. Mallon thanked the visi- tors for attending, she also} thanked all who were respon-| sible for the success of the party and extended her best} wishes for the fe stive season. Church Ladies Army 24 of Brooklin Family Monuments Created To individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 T Royal Canadian Legion Ladies} Auxiliary Fifth Cubs and Scouts Mother's Auxiliary All Saints Anglican Church Af- jternoon Guild Whitby Chapter Order of the Eastern Star No. 248 WEDNESDAY, Dec. 15 Whitby St. John Ambulance St. John's Anglican Church WA Knights of Columbus Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No. 132 THURSDAY, Dec. 16 Whitby Baptist Church Cubs |Faith Baptist Church Women's Missionary Society. St. Mark's United Women Unit No, 3 FRIDAY, Dec. 17 Red Cross Senior Citizens' cial Club Pentecostal Peopie's'* Ch Co-Op. Credit night SATURDAY, Dec. 18 Salvation Army Guides Salvation Army Timbral gade SUNDAY, Dec. 19 St. Mark's United 50 Church Young t_.-Ambassadors 1St Ame Union banking Bri Church |Hi-C Group DEBENTURES FOR SCHOOL OKAY'D COLUMBUS ---East Whitby Township Council, at its Thurs- day meeting, agreed to issue debentures in the amount of $94,200 for the construction of a four-room addition to Kedron Public School. The issue is Sub- ject to approval by the Ontario Municipal Board Building permits issued in November represented an esti- mated value of $21,700. This brings the total for the year up to $651,878 YOU MAY LOOK THE WHOLE TOWN OVER BUT THERE /S NONE TO COMPARE, FOR SERVICE SUCH AS OURS /S VERY VERY... Citi) Dorrell, school Camp and Dalton chairman of the board --Oshawa | T imes Photo WHITBY DISTRICT BOWLING SCORES WHITBY AND DISTRICT | MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) Triples 620 and over -- Cam Gauvin 713 (318); Clarence Hans Zim- 241); Ron Childs} Bill Vesters 658 (274, mer 679 (259, 234); Joe Coppolino 656 259); Al Hammers 643 (257, 220); Bill Shearer 643 (235); Bill Hewis 641 (250, 225); Cec Bowl- er 636 (258, 229); 1627; Alex Fillier 625 (243); |Vanderende 625 (232). Singles 220 and over -- John &| (327); Andy 258, Bob Plaskitt 249, Jake Kroon 246, Geo. Childs 246, Ron! {Black 236, Bill Robinson 232, |Bob James 232, Earl Cane 226, Richard Sandford 225 Tean Standings -- Jokers 14,/| Lewis Custom Tailors 13, A-T Motors 12, Whitby Hotel 11, Sam's Barber Shop 11, Ram- blers 11, Drew's 11, Whitby Andrew's 9, _ |Joe's Barber Shop 8, Spruce Villa Hotel 8, Bathurst 8, Mit- ton Machinery 6, Whitby Police Assoc. 5, Knightmen 5, J. B. {McMullan Real Estate 3. Turkey Winners -- Cec Bowl- jer, Jake Kroon, Henry Wig- gers, Don Waltham, Geo. Childs, | Andy Vanderende, Clarence Moore, Bill Vesters, Bill Robin- json, John Lazaro, Joe Coppo- lino, Gam Gauvin, Eric Erick- {son, Mac Mitton, Bill Townson, Bill Hewis. WHITBY LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Points for the day: Allsorts \0, Gumdrops 3, Humbugs 0, Jelly Beans 1, Life Savers 1, |Lollipops 3, Maple Buds 4 and | Peppermints i Triples over 500: Bernice |Moase 647, Gladys Wiles 614, Betty Pascoe 566, Laura Ste- Church/| venson 557, Alice Anderson 544, \99. John Lazaro Rlair.Park Vista. Teen..Club ic holding its regular meeting Dec, 13 at R. A. Hiuiciison school when arrangements will be made for the forthcoming dance of Dec. 17. Mrs. Ray Hawkins assisted by Len Pridie and Cecil Pollock and other members of the ex- ecutive will act as chaperons. perons, St. John the Evangelist CWL Traveling Bridge and Euchre Hostesses for the month of December are as _ follows: Bridge: Mrs. T. Finnegan, Mrs. G. Ellenson, Mrs. J. Corrigan, Mrs. J. McCormack, Mrs. L. Ruest,. Mrs. J. Giroux, Mrs. J. Ledden, Mrs. M. Lyons, Miss V. Packer, Mrs. D. Johnston, Mrs. F. Spellen, Mrs. W. Sori- chetti, Mrs. W. Gray and Mrs. F. Canzi, Euchre: Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J. Smyth, Mrs. C. Lucas, Mrs. | S. Goldrick, Mrs. F. Barton, Mrs. D. Nadalin and Mrs. F. Moreau. | Howard Thayer, RR 1, Whitby is celebrating his birthday 'to- day. Dinner guests for the oc- casion will be Mr. and Mrs. |George McIlroy of Pickering. Mr. Mclllroy is also celebrating his birthday. Royal Canadian Legion Ladies | | Auxiliary is holding its Christ- mas party, also nomination and election of Officers, Dec. 14. | St Andrew's Women's Group will join the as- sociation for a Christmas meet- ing and turkey supper at the} Church Hall, Dec. 13. Each| member js asked to bring a gift for Evangel Hall, Toronto. Whitby Brass Band Ladies' Auxiliary will met Dec.' 13 at Spruce Villa Hotel for its Christ- mas dinner. All Saints Anglican Church Afternoon Branch, Parish Guild following election of officers for} 11966 will hold its Christmas party, Dec. 14. All members 'urged to attend: | Mrs. Roy Vallant is celebrating her fourth birthday Sunday, On Saturday a party has been ar-| ranged to celebrate the occa-!| sion. Mrs. Herman 1721 Brek 5 st. s., is celebrating Grace Sandford 539, Doreen! Kehoe 538, Mary Amell 533, Goldie Marshall 528, Rose Pele- |shok 515, Laurraine Myers 512 land Jean King 504. Singles over 200 Bernice | Moase 298, Betty Pascoe 240 Bev Grondin 228, Gladys Wiles 212, 204; Alice Anderson 211, Grace Sandford 211, Doreen Kehoe 209, Barb Calberry 205, | |202, Laura Stevenson 202, Mary) Amell 201 and Mildred Juby 200. Cellar Dwellers: Jackie Banks 96, 93; Alice Bradley 96, Barb Calberry 80, Weisa Cormack 97, | 94; Eddie Fuller 79, Bev Gron-| din 95, Mildred Juby 99, 96; | Marion Sturgess 97 and Mildred | /Thomas 93. The secretary heard by the| local grapevine that the cellar dwellers were omitted from| last week's report. She is very sorry and here they are: Jean Ainsworth, 95; Jackie Banks 93, 88; Barb Calberry, 79; Weisa Cormack, 92; Kay Fer- tile, 94; Evelyn Jeppessen, 73; \Rose. Peleshok, 76; Rae Thier- jman, 90 and Mildred Thomas, Heip Wanted Female Position includes, accounts rec reconciliations, duties. Apply in person DONALD 102 BROCK ST. SOUT Experienced. For Travel Bureau in Whitby general bookkeeping, typing, and other office Bookkeeper eivable, accounts payable, bank TRAVEL H WHITBY PROCLA Pursuant to By-I THE TOWN hos been declared o Civie Hol ingly. CIVIC HOLIDAY Monday, Dec. 27, 1965 the purpose of observing Boxing Day, of which all persons are hereby requested to teke notice and gevern themselves aceord- MATION jaw Number 2633 OF WHITBY iday in the Town of Whitby for WwW. J. MOWAT, Mayer, Town of Whithy 419 BROC REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH K STREET N. SUNDAY 9:15 AM.--" FAITH TIDI CKLB 1350 ON 'YOUR: DIAL 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME T A statt6f 40 "Born Ag 11;00 A.M.--MORNING W PASTOR'S SERMON "RECEIVING THE SPIRIT' 7:00 P.M.---EVENING SER PASTORS SERMON: "ARE DECEASED IN HEAVEN ?" SERVICES NGS" RADIO BROADCAST 'O OUR BIBLE SCHOOL with join" Teachers Gnd Officers. ORSHIP AND PRAISE VICE OF SERMON & SONG BELIEVERS ACTIVE WEDNESDAY EVENING, CHRISTMAS PROG OUR SENIOR There's Always A Welcome At Foith 8:00 P.M, RAM. PRESENTED BY YOUNG PEOPLE WHITBY PERSONALS | Presidents, Mr. and Mrs, Verschuuren, |!ehem,' \Cueistaae prayer. Jean King 204, Rose Peleshok|} te otal ead her.hirthday...on. Monday. celebrate the occasion they. will sda in tha avening. Robins Ronald entErt Mrs. Mills, Maude Launt, Mr. and Mrs, '| Woods and their daughter Miss Donna Woods, Ameliesburg, were recent guests at the home at ine home of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Carman Choate, 117 Allan st. St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club held its Christ- mas party at the Church Assembly Hall. The following members were in charge of the evening: Mr. and Mrs. Everett Quantrill, Rev, and Mrs, John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown. Social games were en- joyed and two members in their clown suits delighted members with skits and merriment through the evening. Prizes were awarded to lucky winners. At the close of the evening aii sang Christmas carols ac- companied at the piano by Mrs. Cecil Brown who also explained the origin of the Christmas carol 'Silent Night."' A delicious Christmas lunch was _ served. The following Officers were an- nounced. Presidents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rammler, Vice Wallis, Mrs. surers, Secretaries, Mr, and Howard Elliott, Trea- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon} Mifflin, Membership, Mr. and Mrs. James White. The next meeting will be held Jan 8. Presbyterian ~~ | $t. Mark's Unit Has Fine Meet St. Mark's United Church Wo- men Unit No. 2 started its meet-! ing with a delicious dessert luncheon prepared by President, Mrs. John Brecken-| ridge and Mrs. W. J. Hare. During the business session jplans were made to assist with the Senior Citizens luncheon |Dec. 15. Sick convenor, Mrs. Glenn Carr reported that 10 home visits and one hospital visit were made Miss Eleanor Christmas music Mrs. H. T. Fallaise spoke on the theme * 'The Town of Beth- and concluded with a Davis played at the piano Mrs. Breckenridge was pre- sented with a token of appre- ciation for her Leadership in| Unit No. 2. The meeting closed with prayer, JIce Cools Heads 2 a 'ith LGKE MONTREAL mee Oe is little hope of early resumption in negotiations on a labor dis- pute with the Lake Carriers' As- sociation, a spokesman for the Canadian Merchant Service Guild (CLC) said Friday. The present shipping season is virtually over, he said. "The association won't want to nego- tiate with us until nearer the opening of next year's season." Dispute these laid up for the winter. SAULT STE. MARIE, docks here. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 11, 1968 § The Algoma Central. Railway |quette.-Mich.. for another Jasd Calied out two retired ship case |of-iron-ore-after--it- discharged. tains to replace three dec kof- la load here Thursday. ficers who -left-the 640-foot Roy Officers of another ACR ves- A, Jodrey, one OF its must model, tle 480-foot Algo-Steel, are jern lake vessels. lreported to be on strike, Mr. Cook said, But an associa- tion spokesman said many of} are ships which have been | Ont. | (CP) -- Retired ship captains | were being used Friday to re-| place striking deck officers on| Canadian Jakers which contin-| ued to move to and from the The spokesman, Nationa! Representative Ro be r.t Cook, added: "By then, we'll have consolidated our membership in| the lakes so that nothing will| move.' | C. E, Poirier, a federal media-| tor in the dispute, said he has, been in constant touch with both! sides since negotiations broke off Thursday. "I am trying to get them back to talking by the week- end," he said, "but I couldn't really say what the chances EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Rood West Rey. Horold Hesselink 10;30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 PLM, ENGLISH SERVICE John| jing Unit} "SKATE EXCHANGE 2.97 Plus Your Trade SPORTSMAN'S CORNER 103 Byron St. $., Whitby One Block West of 4 Corners RADIO TELEVISION HOLMES ELECTRONICS 24-Hour Service ee S cneaeneamenamenad med ~S WHiTBy 668-5679 are."' EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED The strike began Thursday BS | a protest by the 500 deck offi- | cers in the guild who have been| working without a contract since last June. Mr. Cook also said the Sea- farers' International Union of ~ |Canada (Ind.) is not recogniz- the strike. '"'Not only are | jits members not respecting our picket lines, but in some cases they are doing deck officers' jobs." The strike now has tied up about 70 lake freighters between "ae ~ ANDREW' S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron ot St. John Rev, W. J. S$. McClure, Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 A.M.--Church School of the Lord's Supper White Gift Service Junior Congregation and Nursery Core During Divine Worship BA. 11:00 A.M.--The Sacrament the Lakehead and Montreal, The Jodrey sailed for Mar-|still are aboard the vessel. Whitby Store Hours Effective Immediately -- For The Convenience Of The Public, Whitby Stores Will Remain OPEN DAILY until 9 P.M. Except Saturdays - when they will close at 6 P.M. Whitby Chamber Of Commerce ey 0.H.A. METRO JUNIOR ."B" HOCKEY WHITBY LASCO STEELERS vs. ST. MICHAELS' BUZZERS Whitby Community Arena Mon., Dec, 13th - Game Time 8 P.M. Ad ---- $1.00. Students (with cards) 50 cents. WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister; Rey. John McLeod Orgonist Mrs. W, €, Summers, A.T.C.M. Thank You I wish to express my epprecia- tion for those who voted for me Dec. 6th. GLADYS HAMER Public School Trustee 11 AM- Time" 7 p.m--"l'll Buy Thot" 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Prayer Meeting ond Bible School Wed, 7:30 --"In the Fullness of WHITE GIFT SERVICES St. Mark's United Church Sunday School ond Congregation will worship together and present thelr White Gifts of food, clothing, playthings or money for tocol and city mission welfare purposes. Worship at the hour of your choice, 9:30 AM, 11:00 A.M. Juniors, Intermediates and Nursery, Kindergarten ond Seniors will worship with us. Primary will present their gifts. €.G.1.7. VESPER ond CANDLE-LIGHTING CEREMONY -- 7:30 P.M. You ore cordially invited to share in this beautiful and meoningful Advent Service conducted by the girls of St. Mork's. Children Under 12 Admitted Free with Adult | Take This Opportunity To Thank The Voters Of Whitby For Re-Electing Me To The Public Utility Commission Of The Town Of Whitby ALBERT RANDALL Whitby Pentecostal Church 307 BROCK ST. N. -- WHITBY 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE OF EVANGELISM --Lively Singing -- Specials in Song-- ~--Gospelaires Trio 11:00 A.M.--WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor Jonathan King 9:45 A.M. ---SUNDAY SCHOOL Bus Transportation ACTS 2:12 Tues. 8 P.M.--Young Peoples Wed. 8 P.M.---Bible Study and Proyer Rev. Max Case Asst. Jon King Pastor: Today that also government if say -- In all woys we will | accept with deep respect the responsibility that you have placed in my hands and the confidence that you have shown | know of no better words to thank you than to speak for you the solemn oath with which the youth of ancient Athens accepted the duties ond responsibility of citizenship in a ceremony that took place in the temple at Aglauros around 479 B.C. expresses the same spirit of loyalty and service to the community which remains the responsibility of all citizens and all levels of society is to be maintained: For you and with you 4 "We will never bring disgrace on this our town by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our suffering comrades in the ranks; we will fight for the ideals and sacred things of the town, both alone and with mony; we will revere and obey the town's laws and do our best to incite @ like respect in those above us who cre prone 'to annul or set them. naught; we will strive unceasingly to quicken the public's sense of civic duty, thus transmit this town not only not less, but greater, and more beautiful thon it was transmitted to us. DESMOND NEWMAN Mayor-Elect 1 Wish To Thank All Those Who Supported Me in the Municipal Election, It will be my privilege te serve the People of Whitby for a further 2 years, TOM EDWARDS COUNCILLOR BROCK For This Attraction : oe WHITBY One Complete Program at 7:30! "IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD" IT'S THE BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT EVER TO ROCK THE SCREEN WITH LAUGHTERS With Milton Berle, Ethel Merman, Jimmy Durante Shown at 8:25 Only To The Citizens of Whitby Thanks For Your Support On Monday Dec. 6th To All... A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year WARREN MOWAT