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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1965, p. 7

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aes ; ; one ae : 3 oy ave dimes is comet aces eae soe "i me} a THE OSHAWA "TIMES, 'Seturdey,; 'Becember 77; NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES = Church Marks |< ist See ity to acum future congregs-|_ NAIROBL, Kenya. (AP)--Bom | : ' choirs with their _ anthems, ages ee oe =*"lopia and Sudan have i , a The seventh anniversary of|Hatter sang "In The Cross Of|has necessitated plans for an Kenya's" northern Westminster United Church,jChrist We Glory." additional building to accom-|Kenya police reported Thurs- Thanksgiving observance which|known musical author and lec- : ilities beyond their present contrasted 'sharply with: thelturer, Dr. F. J. Horw od. the other youth organizations|facilities bey i " - ited Church were : 1 26.00 ' The fostering of friendships Andrew Csont, first king; Dan-|at Kedron Unite the local school. directed to the young people. $26. on your auto insurance, with families in the commu-jny Ugray, second king: Randy|announced this week. e pews, recently installed|He invited them to take up the nity, (the efforts made by the|Taylor, Gabriel; Carol Weir,|ing will hold a Vesper Serv-\neld a congregation multiplied|Baden Powel! posed to him -- Staff of the Boys' Training|Virgin Mary; and Bill Swin-lice at 7.30 p.m. Dec. 12. | sata P A program of individual be the voice of Jehovah. ice will be held at the morning be | ceed, and to banish forever the visits to families -- especially} sunday will be White Gift Sun-|service Dec. 19. Parcels will go eee eas g Fig + ig x complaining phrase, "I'm | 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA 5 p.m. CHRISTMAS EVE DIAL Tere both the duplex end eoniorl., and - arrow warriors of Ethi- s e e es A s : eir ant! "ai Sathana in th -- ee V nn tsa "Service," and "i Will Lift UpjD?nene popu ation e.area.ico Turkena tribesmen in a ca ~~ he Sunda " Famil V 1Sit ive ry Mine Eyes." Mr. and Mrs. Ray|served by Westminster Church, |tle raid on a village ~~ ery S A VE > ON rontier, he bl Manning rd., Oshawa, was cele-| Rey. John Porter introduced) modate the estimated 400 chil-| 44¥- A UTO | NSUR A NCE Faster Frien Ss 1ps brated Nov. 21 with a. speciallthe guest speaker, the welll ot 8 Sed ame oe A ity. . early services in one room of|whose principle m waz |7he_will soon. tax th- present capacity If you are an Abstainer you save up to j i | Thi ° nity, for individual students, is|Taylor, third king; Mary E.| The Canadian Girls in Train-\i, the completed sanctuary, |challenge which long ago Lord Mel U GHLIN See... : to let no day pass without JOH N RI EGER . School at Bowmanville. dells. Joseph A. T. Mills will) ye annual White Gift Serv-| 4 white Gift Service will be accomplishing one worthwhile PU BLI Cc LIBR ARY | 4 for students who rarely re-lqay at St, George's Anglican|to the Fred Victor Mission.|the community have been ask- tired!" ceive visits from home -- has|onurch, The boys and girls pvill|Toronto. Special money offer- ; ; nat afternoon a visiting com- been carried out for the Past/he . bringing paseo ele tolings will go nog gored od So bs 3 ae _ . CLOSED 5.p.m. NEW YEAR'S EVE , five years. make up Christmas baskets for|Overseas Relief of the Unite -p.m. s Era? re ate Rebar pe ay Yr Tye, | CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH CHRISTMAS DAY roereer month, members of the Loree to bring a gift of money for the) two Sunday School concerts H both Christian a. Church) ector's Discretionary Fundjare planned. The junior school Corner King ond Centre St. MONDAY, DECEMBER 27 | . (Dutch) of Bowmanville, comelwhich is used at Christmas| will present its concert at 2 REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER after the school's church serv-|,nq throughout the whole year p.m. Dec. 18, The same day : pilin ae Te hes NEW YEAR'S DAY ice to pick up students for the|1, provide assistance to need A day: Each family takes one or facies, Y|the senior school will present its . e- ns ious- concert at 7.30 p.m. : Se rg bl ry fre boy's| 'The first Christmas service) A carol service has been 9% ay UNTIL 1.p.m. WEDNESDAY, k he Oshawa i mes : ; ill be the Carol Service Sun-|tanged for 7.30 p.m. Dec. 22.) 11:00 A.M. | < namie with leave from 10.30) ai0 ow aig, Dec. 19, with both|The Christmas Church Service) DECEMBER 22 = BB ee is taken to the/the senior and junior choirs will be at 10 a.m. Dec. 26. | "REING LED" Dutch church, then home for participating. | UNTIL 1 p.m. WEDNESDAY, | Starts Today cox dinner, an afternoon visit and| The verse, "He that dwelleth HARMONY ROAD { Care provided fot bobies end small children during the service. supper with the family, thenjin the secret place of the most The Friendly Fomily Church at the Centre of the City. jit: DECEMBER 29 evening service before return-|High shall abide under the - -- - THE MIRACL S ing. m |shadow of the Almighty," from} BAPTIST genre | : | Twenty-five to 30 students are|the 91st Pslam will open the) 135 Harmony Rd. South } ~ SS --t FE HRIST AS recat 2 es terran esi] tere we ewe || ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH M sponsoring family. The pro-|day at the Oshawa Christian | ram was organized by Rev.|Science Church. (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) ohn C. Verbrougge, minister) 'The subject will be "God the 9:45 A.M, Sunday School MINISTER: REV. HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. of Rehoboth Church. \Preserver of Man." The read- | Organist-Choirmaster: Harold Ellis ogy va tg tose pré-lings from_ the Bible and the| 11:00 A.M. sented in Knox Presbyterian|christian Science textbook will) ; Church Sunday evening, Dec./explore some of the ways in| "GOD HAS DONE WHITE GIFT SUNDAY 19, by pupils of Knox Church! which the "secret place" is GREAT THINGS' 10.45 A.M, SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL will ottend School. The senior and junior/discoyered by man. | "Discover the Difference" Satin ee eave choirs will assist, singing appro-| Plans for Christmas events : orship ane eee | 1 41.00 A.M. -- Worship -- Sermon; THE GREATEST GIFT" ion oO a 7 . i J J organist of the church. | es i * d Ch Nursery for Infants and Toddlers Pedestrians & Motorists The Junior choir will sing thet King St. nite urch | A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL - P ; ever popular 'O Holy Night') 129 KING STREET EAST | p d t C Ik pe gre cag bore vr ning REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister _C------------SSS--t--N--.--COC'#RSER e es rian ro Ww Miss Nancy Fraser, Deaconess , a . sion. Mr, Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist ST ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH In Operation In The Following The production is under the . direction of Mrs. Stella Gould- Veh annul is Oe ee etc SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Locations: -- b . All the characters in the be ursery on ure eNOO j . - MORRIS, B.A., $.T.M., play 'will be suitably robed. 0:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. Minister: THE REV. JOHN sf, KELVIN, JAMES. A.T.CAM SIMCOE ST. NORTH. . .ct ROBERT STREET Those taking part will be| : ADELAIDE AVE. WEST. .. .at GOLF STREET Stephen Racz, first shepherd; | 11:00 A.M. -- 3rd in Advent | BOND ST. EAST at DIVISION STREET Glen Wraith, second shepherd; | i mgs ADVENT II! | . Alastair Simeson, shepherd boy; WHITE GIFT SERVICE 9.30 AM, Junior and Intermediate Departments KING ST. EAST at DIVISION STREET THE GIFT" | Children 9--13 Years) WILSON RD. SOUTH at TAYLOR AVE. St. Matthew 2:1-12 | Pre-Confirmat: Class -- Grade 9 WORLD-WALKER feet TT Me, Donesg Alien Senior Discussion Group -- Teens RITSON RD. NORTH at WILLIAM ST. EAST A special series of 12 beautifully illustrated rule ag ee? taal | 11:00 A.M. -- WHITE GIFT SERVICE PEDESTRIANS -- Point your way to safety when HOME FOR YULE ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Older children worship, with vy Daeg using the Crosswalks. ounger children enter servic rom ela . BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- (Tinned goods for Fred Victor Mission) | Bible that reveal the true meaning of Christ- Hazel E. Butler, 21, is going {Money gifts for Overseas Relief) MOTORISTS -- Use care and courtesy when aw home to England for Christ- SERMON: "GIVE YOURSELF" approaching a Crosswalk. his : mas, toting the same pots and SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH Bobes ond Toddlers are Cared for During the Service e SAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS © Your whole family will enjoy every one of Se SIMCOE ST. S. AT BAGOT STREET | jie bc 6. Bly these articles, They are admirably suited for carrying for nearly three The Church 'in the heart of the city wi | ad yy with the World on its heart. semen erenyconecanes ee tacett : at | ee sin id Traffic Committee reading aloud in the family circle. Look for City Council. 9 by John J. Stewart articles retelling 12 inspiring stories from the Be hn bees Sickie Hilee, | MINISTER: REV. JOHN K, MOFFAT, B.A. -- is -- walking and working in Aus- | Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, os BYNG AV | THE MIRACLES OF CHRISTMAS in tralia, New Zealand and Can- ada since she left her home in | ; Ve Cambridge in February, 1963. | White Pr apts VICE t PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pr bo os day out in SERVI : 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF pre N. bush, being eaten by mos- RT ; " § PASTOR--REY. G. A. CAR L auitoes, you think tt would be Dedication of = for local and overseas relief : RES. 728-2426 OFFICE 728-2931 g to be home, especially The Junior Choir Will Lead The Music 1 # a ee : ape oma she said. "'It's White Gift Story told by Mrs. H. McLeod. | 7:00 P.M. & 11:00 A.M. just rotten being away." | ae f, " ayer HG iat vslne an Sermon: 'ROAD SIGNS TO BETHLEHEM | REV. R. E. SOLMES aunt, Mrs. Sarah Worner of | The oom diwabte will worship with the congregation Soloist: Mr. George Bateman Buffalo, said she hitch-hiked | (All Departments will meet ot 10:30 a.m.) 25,000 miles in Australia, 4,000 | | 10:00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL miles in New Zealand and 3,500 TUES. 7:30 -- YOUTH SERVICE miles in Canada. THURS. 7:30 -- BIBLE STUDY and PRAYER wales tier azrved in van. | NORTHMAINSTER UNITED CHURCH |]: a in Buffalo this week. (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) TT She plans to hitch-hike to iit vece City Saturday end | MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D. sail' Wednesday aboard: the | ORGANIST -- MR. RONALD KELLINGTON | EVANGEL Bo ae & Gotatten DEACONESS -- MISS SHIRLEY M, McKEE , for a reunion Dec. 21 with her Pentecostal Church parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles | CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS Meeting In the T. R. McEwen Senior Public Schoo! Auditorium ha mee yoga pchadnod 9:15 A.M.--Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3; Junior 4, 5. and 6 WILSON RD. SOUTH oa y, 9! - , 9:15 A.M.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8 and 9; || -----Pastor: Rev: -R.-D.-Ellis 725-9617 ' | Senior Grades 10 and over Saati 10:45 Nursery ages 33° Kindergarten "ages 4~and.<S; Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3 TO-NITE -- 7:00PM: SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS PROGRAM HARMONY eee 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL is the keyword UNITED CHURCH || ° GIFT OF THE GIVER 11:00 AM. -- MORNING WORSHIP White Gift Service 7:00 P.M. -- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Rev. N. |. Holmes, B.A., B.D., 3 larmonaires Trio -- Pastor preachi in services. dais insite toes, ARC, Babysitter Service by Come Double Club , ea pp oF ue Resveningg Elba ie p.m. when you USE Sraantst and Cholrmostt 7:00 P.M.--Study Group et 707 Hertep yerrticnees ee WE INVITE YOU TO WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY learners tena | Times Classified Ads Ti tes cies FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH | King Street Pentecostal Church 1:00 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:00 P.M.--Carol and White || HORTOP AT GLENWOOD ' Classified ads in The Oshawa Times could One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre be described in many ways... they are Gift Service Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A. Church Secretary Church Treasurer A Hearty Welcome To Ail selling ads, rental ads, job finding ads, ads Miss Judith Davison, Bac, Mus. 723-2570 725-7089 acti that find lost items, business opportunity vr ads, ads for swapping and ads for buying . . : but most of all they are ACTION ads... WESTMOUNT 11:00 A.M. ee CLASSIFIED powerful lines of advertising that get fast UNITED CHURCH THE KINGSHIP OF JESUS REV. HERVEY SHANK i action when you want results in a hurry. 8 re osehi ivi . . : re cron of tre Genoa id, 7:00 P.M 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. : Arranged in orderly columns in their own Minutes Rae ee. Word BA. P . ae PLUS separate section, Times Action ads are pre- prow aanist Choir Director LIVING PICTURES LOTS OF GOSPEL MUSIC sented in easy to shop, easy to read columns a id lon he i DUET -- DOREEN COX AND DIANNE CHRISTY where over 50 different classifications RIST' ble you to find quickly, exactly the field WHITE GIFT ee "-- TUES. 7:45 P.M.--CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS end c c ' SERVICE life size and living color. WED. 8:00 P.M.--STUDY AND PRAYER you are interested in. 9:43 AM.--Junior, Intermediate FRI. 6:45 P.M.--CHILDREN'S CHURCH 11:00A.Mc-Nunery eid: Pri The Wile Spee 7-50 em ; Read and use Times Classified Action Ads --Nursery rimary || Norinly aed $i, Chane ot 11500 am 7 FORGET SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 A.M, : regularly. It's easy to place your ad. An orship This Sunday in a Pentecostel Church experienced Ad Writer knows how to take : the basic facts about your service or the Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada | item you want to sell and translate these facts into an economical, hard working EMMANUEL SIMCOE-STREET Action ad that brings buyer and seller merist caurce| Canvarny Baptist | (777m Soe Corner Evangeline & CENTRE and JOHN STREETS «ae aK Phillip Mur: Pastor: REV. ERNEST WINTER Postor---REV. ROBERT B. LYTLE | kde rll NEENGETENTS 7 2 3 A 9 Z , oe "WINNING BY LOSING" |; CLASSIFIED r 1c | 11:00 A.M | Christmas Scenes reproduced in Dept You are welcome to these Services SUNDAY 7.PM. e. Pastor- George Smith-speaks -- MUSICALLY -- | THE TIMES e@ THE MELODETTES e@ CHOIR e@ VIOLIN SOLO @ : 10 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11 A.M. WORSHIP 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 945 AM. -- 11:00 AM--'GOD'S WORK AND WORKER" TONIGHT -- 7 P.M. SUNDAY, DEC. 19 BIBLE SCHOOL : 7:00 P.M.--""W | | Annual Sunday School 7 P.M * ; onsen ee viiicee BAT oa CHRISTIAN SHOULD | Christmas Concert | Christmos 7:00 P.M 7:00 P.M,--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO | ALL WELCOME Candle-Light Service "THE CHRISTIAN'S GOAL" ! WED. i 7:45--BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAY, 7:45 P.M. ond PRAYER BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER | listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHE' Sunday 11:05 CK.L.B. -- 1350 ' "

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