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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Dec 1965, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA "TOMES, aturdey, December 11, 1965 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR OSHAWA GENERALS turned the 'trick last night, the big hand perhaps of the season, when they came from be- hind to defeat the Flyers 5-4 right in Niagara Falls, after blowing a 3-0 lead. The fact that they blew a 3-0 lead should serve as a permanent warning to the members of the Generals team nothing is ever certain, especially in Junior hockey. The fact that they lost their 3-0 lead and then after: trailing 4-3, came from behind to. win it 5-4, right on the other guy's own ice, should also serve as a re- minder -- that no game is ever won or lost, until it is really over. That win last night, had to be a big one for the Generals. There never pvas any doubt that finishing in first place, in the OHA Junior 'A" race, provides a big ad- vantage. The margin comes when playoff time rolls around and the other guy has to win the big game, on your ice. Right now -- still less than midway in the schedule -- Osh- awa Generals have their big chance. If they can defeat London Nationals here at home tonight (and let's face it. -- they should) and then win right back in London again, on Monday night (that will be a lot tougher) -- Oshawa Gen- erals could establish themselves as the OHA Junior "A" leaders, with a solid grip on first place. True -- after that, would come the job of holding their ground, but in the im- mediate action, they have to put themselves right out in front and now, after last night's win in Niagara Falls, they have their chance. Let's hope they don't muff it! Gilles Marotte Back In Lineup Ian Young Danny. O'Shea 37 Saves Bobby Orr Five Points Two And Twe Generals On Top Of League Second Period | . Oshawa: O'Shea (Orr) . Oshawa: Wilkins (Orr, O'Shea) . Flyers; Webster (Lajeunesse) |, Flyers: Ley (Paiement, Marotte) Penalties -- Little 3.05, O'Shea 3.49, Beveriey 6.32, Snell 8.36,| O'Shea (misconduct) 8.59, Marotte 9.40,! Roberts 12.43, Marotte 15.29, Arbour 19.58 TENNIS CLUB HONORS TROPHY WINNERS The presentation of tro- winner of the Ladies' Handi- phies and prizes, won dur- cap event and Ladies' ing the past summer season, Doubles: (standing) highlighted the annual ban- 'i quet of. The Oshawa Tennis Ralph McKendry, winner of Club, Among the various The Sportsmanship Trophy; 1965 tournament winners Brian Barker, champion of were those shown above, the boys 16-and-under tour- left-to-right (front row) nament, Norm Davis, wan Bonnie Poch, winner of the ner of the Men's Senior Junior Girls' Trophy; Kay Doubles and Men's Singles ua trophies; Ray Petre, men's Hopkins, champion in the : Ladies' Singles, Ladies' _ Doubles winner and Terry ing on the rest. He holds down| Urged on by nearly 3,500 par-} third position in the scoring race) tisan fans, Flyers took a 4-3 with 19 goals and 27 assists lead in the first half of the third 3 Falls; But Generals scored twice with-| Scoring for Niagara jin two minutes, Orr scoring the) Oshawa Generals snapped a three-year jinx Friday night to move-into undisputed possession of first place in the OHA Junior \A hockey' league. were Gilles. Marotte, Tom Web-| inner sith teas than five tulail | Generals shaded Niagara) ter Rick Ley c | void echo \y or R wey and Derek San- 4 |Falls Flyers 5-4 for .their first) 5. jutes remaining. win in the Falls since coming erson. } Next game for the Oshawans to Oshawa in 1962. YOUNG STRONG > lis tonight when they host Lon- The script was reversed for; The winners had few shots -- don Nationals at Civie Auditor at 7°15 eee af this one, and it appeared for a)jyst 22 compared to 41 for the dnb at ly a pm. Pani Hap while that the writers. were) Piyers -- but they made them turn to sondon on Monday nigh camped beside the Flyer bench.|.ount. They scored once in five in a game originally scheduled ° for Tuesday. Oshawa blew a 3-0 lead but ral-liries in the first period, and) The date was changed to en Doubles and Mixed Doubles lied to overcome a 4-3 deficit. | after scoring on their first two a. pany Orel F aaty Generals are in the habit of/shots in the second Flyers' start- agg wig Doron Marl SHOTS and Jeanette Zambonelli, getting off to a slow start injing goalie Dunc Wilson was re- : Niagara Falls 1441 boros at Maple Leaf Gardens the Falls, and having their/placed Oshawa 5 . ° $ ; | i ' ZF oh vai on Tuesday when. they face. the ag Bid Final Farewell | CLARKSON WINS : : back bid fall just short. Poliever * fared s 3 comeback pid J Reliever Bob Ring faréd some-/p..<:an National Team. POTSDAM, N.Y. (AP) -- To Branch Rickey what better, blocking 13 of 15 Clarkson College's hockey team) ¢ J Y ? ST. LOUIS, Mo. (! _ - passed with pin-point accuracy|pall's notables ii tas inal to an 11-2 win over Carleton/homage Monday to Branch University of Ottawa Friday|Rickey, one of the game's im- night. mortals, whose executive bril- HIRE SHEPARD liance revolutionized the game : : : in his 60 years of service. _COLt MBUS, Ohio (AP) --! Funeral services for Rickey, Columbus Jets of the Interna-|who died at the age of 83 Thurs- tional League announced Thurs-|day after lingering 26 days in ay Von 'Keys, winner of the Junior Boys' championship trophy. 14.24 18.38 | Marotie 3.30, | PATRICK G, McDANIEL, A.A.C.1. REALTOR & CONSULTANT : Real Estate Prop. Mo YOUR INVESTMENT BROKER 169 Simcoe N. 723-2861 Third Period 6. Flyers: Sanderson (Webster, Lajeunesse) 7. Flyers: Marotte (Arbour) 8. Oshawa: Morenz (Wilkins, O'Shea) 9, Oshawa: Orr (Dussiaume, O'Shea) Penalties -- None. OSHAWA FANS had their jubilant celebration curbed however last night, when Kingston Frontenacs came up with a 5-4 decision over the Oshawa "Crushmen", right here at the Civic Auditorium. This was a regular schedule game, carded here as "All Kids Night'? -- but the "Crushmen" missed their big chance. They had over 4,000 on hand at the Civic Auditorium last night and an Oshawa win would have been just the perfect touch. However, the Limestone City lads had other ideas and they battled and out-scrambled the "Crushmen" to gain a 5-4 victory. That reverse, last night, right on their own ice, puts "Crushmen" back in the thick of the race, for league-leading honors. Key factor in last night's defeat -- if the local young pucksters will just take notice -- can be read in the penalty column, especially in the third period. Oshawa played short-handed, due to penalties, for almost all of the period and the handicap proved just too much. ORR, O'SHEA LEAD Oshawa's twb big 0's -- Bobby shots. | First Period Orr and Danny O'Shea -- once; At the other end of the rink! 1. Oshawa: Orr (O'Shea) again led the scoring attack.|[an Young kicked out 37 drives PEt sell gg ies ee ap teen eae and assisted| He was at times brilliant, par-|Lorentz 9.48, Cashman, Marotte, Prono ift his total to 19)ticularly against Ley and San- ve Re ea ee | goals and 32 assists for 5l'derson. nae thas vee points. He is now two points) Generals led 1-0 after the first se ; behind league-leading Andre period and built the lead to 3.0 HUNTERS oF A gun is always Lacroix of Peterborough, whoO|,ariy in the third. Flyers re.| loaded -- that's the first rule icked up s points for the : a vis t "lof safe gun handling. . Help picked Uf x 1 bounded with two goals before %etes Thursday night. st mag make hunting a better and a Pet hursday nig' the period ended, to trail by|..+6- sport by knowi i thelday the fake t O'Shea figured on all the|just one with 20 minutes re-| afer sport by knowing all the) Cay e rehiring of manager/a coma following a heart at- | 4 ae = a sist-| i jrules. Write to the Department Larry Shepard for the 1966\tack, will be held at 2 p.m. goals, scoring once and assist-/maining. | Lands and Forests, Parlia-| baseball season. 'EST. ete Buildings, Toronto, Ask et " Ni C h for The Ten Commandments of Kingston Nips Crushmen Before Over 4,000 Fans jrsi-iccizer thn tite Lvoung: Hunters <- be sure 708) Sines 44-60 he cane Sareea | Hunter Safety. Kingston Frontenacs nipped|sticks were given away to the know how to handle a gun} Handled. Lerge Stock of Ports Oshawa Crushmen 5-4 at Civiclyoungsters. Jack Williamson|Safeiy. Write to the Department| wo ses Auditorium Friday night, tojand Vincent Pisani won thejof Lands and Forests, Parlia- move to within two points of}dogs; Billy Fallo, Gary Lons- ment Buildings, Toronto. Ask lthe -first-place Oshawans. berry and Dale. Irvine, the|for The Ten Commandments of The visitors had to fashion ca brag Jamie Buighbath received| Hunter Safety. Se comebac the victory. They|the radio. EMERGENCY /-¥ outscored the Crushmen 4-1 over| Bruce (Babcock) the \the last two' periods after trail-| 1 Kingston a . Crushmen: H H ling 3-1 at the end of the first. Pe el lees Hayes (Horton) Lake Vista Pa Association Nine players shared in the] 4 Ccrushmen: Knowles (Hayes) iscoring. Bruce, Roe, Flanigan, Penaities -- Dionne, Sawyer, Will hold « General Mem- bership meeting at the Pork Thursday night, as Hawks won| Grimsby played an excellent Apps and Leeman netted one|'eeme oo A. 8 each for the winners, in Club House on Emerald Ave. on the Air-Conditioned Coffee 78 RICHMOND ST. W, their first league game 55-35. |defensive game, but were un i ; § > . while ingston: Tom Dejong, Garney Gunnjable to back it up with any|cpris Hayes, Jerry Dionne, . PM gs a lt {2th of December m ~-- PH: 723-3212 LU open 24 HOURS A DAY 8:00 P.M. League Openings For atte - and former Queens star Fred chery punch, Jim Mcintyre) Roger Knowles and Frank Saw- # Venbeeck, Niehetean) Reilly were particularly out-| net ed nine points for the losers} yor scored for Oshawa. | Men and Women ® AFTERNOONS or EveNINGS FOShawa-Whithy SPORTS CALENDAR TONIGHT ge 7. Kingston: Apps (Flanigan) i y : 'p! i Penalties -- Solomon, Flani standing on defensive rebound- ane sone See ae ble basket.|" 4 record Junior 'B' crowd of ae reason ai ne. | Hawks travel to Welland next|some 4,100 saw Crushmen score) 8. crushmen: Sawyer (Solomon) HOCKEY--OHA Junior "A" League--London Nationols vs Oshawa Gen- erals, at Civic Auditorium, 7:15 p.m Protestont Church Bentom ; \'Thursday and to Peterborough|three straight goals in the first]. 9 Kingston: Leeman 'Leading the scoring for thelthe following night. The eaten iperiod ies falling behind early| (eruse Sette) 1748 winners with 14 points was : ne rik bie . ~ | Penalties -- Bowen, Hayes, Dionne, Ag stag ; ee Y4Siborough game is part of alin the game. Ayotte, Horton, Dionne (minor, miscon : 5" Bob nor sealger gore Eh. | doubleheader with the amazing| Frontenz matched the feat|dutt, game misconduct), Solamon, Nich s x Id} r 5 ° ert's total consisted of six fiel |Harlem -Globetrotters featured |in the sec to lead 4-3 going] © League--Doubleheader, ot Children's Areno, 6:10 p.m, SUNDAY, DEC. 12 HOCKEY----UAW League--Doubleheoder at Civic Audi . Duplate Leaque--Doubiehender ot Civic Auaitoriam, ie ater Oshewo age League--Tripleheader, ot Civic Auditorium, 7:00 p.m ; Whitby leheod: Ison goals and a pair of foul shots-|in the second game. - into the final 20 minutes. Saw- : ba " ile League--Dou ot Whitby Arena, 12:00 Veteran Bob Booth had an- tied it for the Crushmen This year Pioneer line of other fine night with some ex- - : , in the third, but with just ghee ' OSHAWA: B. Jenkins in the third, but with ju ceptional playmaking and drib- Fleming, - F 7 rans two minutes left Leeman netted chain saws offers a model for every need, From occa- ling. Booth.along with Reilly + ae isk the .winner sional use around the cottage 8.53 O'Shea 4.06 onovost 7.05, Orr scored twice ' | ie cnn ws ART'S GUN SHOP a: SPECIAL! HITLER'S SECRET WEAPON: Brand new Germon Mauser in devastet- ing 8mm colibre. § tach bd CLEANING» From Golf Club Ladies' Section) were hosts this week to an inter-club bonspiel. Bowman- yille, Port Perry, Annandale, Oshawa Golf Club, Oshawa Curling Club and Whitby Cutling Club were all represented. Mrs. Irene Bassett's rink, from Whitby, captured top honors OSHAWA HAWKS defeated Grimsby in their league opener, on Thursday night... CORBY'S BONSPIEL, a one- day Men's Open event, goes today at The Oshawa Curling Club ... STAN MIKITA scored three goals in each of two consecutive games last week, first time in 17 seasons that such a feat has been accomplished IN 1964, Bobby Rousseau got one goal against Leafs and two nights later scored five against Red Wings ... BOSTON BRUINS are setting records too, they had 20 goals scored against them in two successive games this season, 10-2 to Detroit on Dec. 2 and 10-1 by Chicago, on Dec, 4. 'Hawks Trample Grimsby As Defence Too Tough Oshawa Hawks' zone defence)best game of the year at guard, proved too much for Grimsby|setting up several scoring plays. BRIGHT BITS -- Oshawa one most de- penda Hunting Rifle. LEE EN- KITS srorrere 199 4,50 Brand new MILITARY AMMO .208, 8 mm end .303. 20 for . Decoretor's wall Double Borrel Shot pieces, Collectors Guns. European items, ete, 9 95 Craftsmanship. from, tach ™* Special 87 50 410 DOUBLE eoch 22 Colibre BARREL MILITARY ter 3190 RIFLES SHOTGUNS "RE SPECIALISTS IN OUTFITTING YOUNG HUNTERS less | than 20 years of age -- are res- |ponsible for more than half the| Mr BIG "AS sl 9. 95 READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS DUNN'S TAILORS 6 ants 728-9731 First Period 1.04 1.25 13.18 16.44 Hayes, TEXACO--FUEL and STOVE OIL... Whitby's only LOCAL DEALER, : Free 24 Hr. BURNER SERVICE by our Local Service Contractors. | SAWDONS' (Whitby) Ltd. Fuel and Builders Supplies 668-3524 2.44 Brock St. $. Whitby Stafford Broiners Lid. Monuments . .. of Distinction MAKE A DATE TO BOWL AT MOTOR CITY BOWLING HOTEL Geno. Oshawa's Finest Hotel For--Parties-Sales Meetings Banquets -- Conventions yer (9), A (145; 3 85 ~-°B (6), F (2), ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Chevrolet, Corvair, Rents ight poi ace =r js Re Door = at scored eight points, while Jen T N Oshawa was slapped with 14 rium, 10:00 @&m kins scored nine : ' Dejong 1 ; #00" see R (8),. M. Boivin G_|Penalties to only four for Fron- Marcel Boivin and Bill Jepma Gunn (4) t In the -third period checked tenaciously, continual- Crushmen were handed and a misconduct ly stealing the the opposition and fast | B. conduct to Jerry 1acs. noon ICE SKATING--Fomily Skating, et Civic Auditorium, 1:18 p.m MONDAY, DEC, 13 HOCKEY-----OHA Junior "A" League--Oshawa Generals vs London Nationals at London, 8:30 p.m... . OHA Junior "B' Metro League--st. Michael's alone seven mit and game GRIMSBY: J Smith (5), A from iniliating McIntyre (9) Mott (2), J ween TO MANITOBA LOSES ¥ HOUGHTON, Mich.. (AP) Michigan Technological Univer- sity fell behind two goals in the second period but scored three times in one minute, 49 seconds to defeat University of Man- itoba 5-3 Friday night in a col- lege hockey game. Tech was last season's champion, and Manitoba won the Canadian college champion- ship PLUS: EUROPE'S SENSATIONAL CZECHOSLOVAKIA STATE FOLKLORIC DANCERS Ensemble of 40 Friday, Dec, 17 1S PLM. Preliminary Game PETERBOROUGH TRENT ELECTRIC JETS 's OSHAWA HAWKS In The © PETERBOROUGH Memoriel Centre PRICE 2.50, 2.25, 1.75 --~ Students 1,00 in Section: 18, 14, 17, 18, 19. breaks. Don Calder played his|Brown (2), T. Wheatley Kingston was minor infraction. prizes, including pup- a radio and several Dionne, w Greenfield (6), i called for one . Zimmerman, R. Robb (4) Oelku, W. Gebbert.(1), T Twelve (6) pies, bike Wonderful Family Christmas Present Put some SCOPE your TY's range with ao ROTOR Unit by ALLIANCE Man. Co. Reg. 62.50. CHRISTMAS © SPECIAL, Unit and Installed our 49° THIS ROTOR INSTALLED WITH A NEW TV ANTENNA COSTS 39,95 PLUS ANTENNA COST Limited Supply Available @ Enjoy more Movies and Specials 2» A must for good reception ® Get more stations ® See all the Sports Events OSHAWA TV ie (Sy © Perfect reception. SUPPLY LIMITED wae Oey VEN CHAIN SAWS The new deluxe light- weight chain saw with professionalized power, Most popular saw in the pulp industry, unmatched reliability. Geared for the big, sus- tained cutting job. 850 PIONEER Proven CHAIN SAWS Available at the following to big timber logging opera- tions you'll find what you want with Pioneer. Economically priced, the compact chain saw proven by professionals. (Improved! Best big power chain saw for logging and landing jobs. Your guarantee of peak ronan awa : chain saws, CAS | pronten | stores: HOSKIN GENERAL STORE BLACKSTOCK Phone 986-4971 MORTON'S FARM SUPPLY LTD. BOWMANVILLE, R.R. 2 Phone 623-2279 PEEL HARDWARE LTD. PORT PERRY Phone 985-2431 RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE LTD. 1015 King St. E., Oshawa Phone 725-1764 = Oldsmobile Sales and Service PHONE 728-6206 43 Years Serving You Meet Your Friends Before and After The Game In "The Regency Room" of the ROYAL HOTEL 171 Brock St. N. Dining Room Open. 12 Noon 'till A.M. You Like It oe .. ft Likes You Distributor 156 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 SUDDARD'S BICYCLE SHOP TOYS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT FULL LINE OF C.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Soles--Service--Parts Keys Made 497 Simcoe St. S. PHONE 725-3979 C2 s Lee Bishop RADIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning and Recoring New and Used Radiators 42 Bond St. W. --_ College Buzzers vs Whitby Lasco Steelers, at Whitby Arena, 8:00 p.m - . , GM Office League--Doubleheader at Civic Auditorium, 6:00 p.m Oshawa Minor Assoc, Juvenile Lengee--Oehawa Dairy vs Hayden Macdonald's at 8:30 p.m. and Tony's Credit Union, at 9:30 p.m; both games at Civic Auditorium . . Oshowe Minor Bontam League--Loco!l 2784 vs Duplote, at 5:00 p.m ond Canadian Corps vs Loco! 1500, at 5:55 p.m; both games ot Children's Arena; Westmount Kiwanis vs Keith Peters Realty, at 7:00 p.m. ond Scugeg Cleaners vs Bonks Flooring ot 8:00 p.m.; both gomes 'at Brooklin Areno. . . . Exhibition Games--Doubleheader ot Children's Arena, 7:00 p.m. and 8:30 p.m TUESDAY, DEC, 14 HOCKEY--OHA Junior "'B" Peterborough, at Lakefield Arena, 8:30 p.m... .. Oshawa Minor Assoc. Bantam League--Canadion Tire vs Hambly's Beverages ot 8:20 ond Local 1817 vs, B'Noi B'Rith, at 9:15 p.m.; both cames ot Children's Arena .. . Oshawa Minor Assoc. Midget League--Canadian Legion vs Letter Carriers at 8:00 p.m. and Kinsmen Club vs Novy Jets, at 9:00 n-m.: both aames at Civic Auditorium : : FIGURE SKATING--Oshowe Figure Sketing Club, et Civie Auditorium 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m WEDNESDAY, DEC, 15 ' HOCKEY--Exhibition Game--Oshowoa Novice All-Stors vs West Rouge, ot Stouffville Arena, 6:00 p.m Oshawa Minor Assoe. Midget League-- Local 222 vs Rose Bow! at 7:00 p.m Firefiahters vs Lions Club at p.m; Rotary Club vs Kiwanis Club, ot 9:00 p.m.; all three gomes ot Children's Arena .. , CYO League--ot Civic Auditorium, 6:00 p.m. ICE SKATING--Public Skating (adults only) ot Civic Auditorium, 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m THUSRDAY, DEC. 16 é : FIGURE SKATING--Oshowo Figure Sketing Club (unior-Senior), at Civic Aviditorium, 6:00 p.m, to 10:00 p.m HOCKEY--Oshawa Senior League--t, & R. vs Juveniles, at 7 00 p.m: Bad Bovs vs Honest Cal's, at 8:30 p.m. ond Flyers vs Foley's, at 10:00 p.m. all games at Brooklin Areno Oshowa Minor Assoc. Bantem League--Police Assoc. vs Bathe & McLellan, ot 8:00 p.m and Houdaille Ind. vs Ernie Cay Lumber, ot 9:00 p.m; both games ot Children's Arena FRIDAY, DEC. 17 - HOCKEY--OHA Junior "B" Metro Leegue--Whitby Leseo Steelers vs St Michael's Buzzers', et St. Michael's College Arenc, 8:00 pm... Exhibition Game--Oshawa "'Crushmen", at Civic Auditorium 8:00 p.m Lt He Girls' Leag corvettes va Mustangs, ot Bowmonville Arama, 5:20 pm SATURDAY, DEC. 18 HOCKEY--Oshowo Protestant Church Novies League, ot Civic _Auditerium, 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 am: Mite egue, 11:10 a.m. to 12:00 noen, ot Civic Auditorium; Pee Wee Le , at Children's Areno, 4:00 pm. to 6:00 p.m; Bontem ue, ot Children's Areno, 6:10 p.m. to 7:30 p.m . NHL Tyke Lea at Civic Auditorium, 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m ' Exhibition Game--Oshowa Novice All-Stors vs West Rouge, at Civic Auditorium, 4:30 p.m, . ._, Oshawa Neighbourhood Assoc. Pee Wee League--Nine gormes, ot Oshawo Children's Arena, starting at 7:00 am... . Bowmanville Pee Wee League--Four gomes, starting at 7:00 a.m; Bantam League--Three gomes, starting ot 10:15 am Midget Leegue--Four games, starting ot 12:45 p.m; all games at Bowmanville Areno ICE SKATING--(Children under 14) at Civic Auditorium, 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m | ART'S Gun Repair 18 BOND ST. W. OSHAWA Guns Bought--Sold--Traded Or Repaired HERTZ @ RENT BY HOUR, DAY or WEEK ! ! 103 AUTO AND TRUCK RENTAL & LEASING EADQUARTERS, -- KING Phone EAST 728-9641 -- efreshments vs Auto Workers Lakeshore 'League--Oshowa Crushmen vs 7:35 668-3552 Whitby MOSIER Sheet Metal Work Ph. 668-5281 INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL @ RESIDENTIAL GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups, Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Get ready for Winter, come in for a Fall tune-up now ! PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. T.V. Towers, Aerials, Apartment Systems ond Aerial Repoirs Taunton Rd. East. (Just East of Ritson) ARNOLD PAVING ASPHALT PAVING and GRADING INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL Arnold Paving Ont. Pickering 942-6943

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