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Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Dec 1965, p. 18

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ant Extra Cash for Christmas..Use Times Action Want Ads Now' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 13--Articles For Rent © |17----Female Help Wanted ,18--Mole Help Wanted ) | TORY | Sots peetstSO™ pe ntars |. EXPERIENCED 100 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | z. ig | oF aut wins | secretary | ,vaAtt YOUR ' ; Sanding Machines Accountants Barristers Mortgages ___|TV--Redie Repairs Pp ' Plumber's Tools pid neg ai een, fer 9 THE EPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account-/JOSEPH P.MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. | ; : ? ; f, ; willing to accept responsibil- = Licensed 'Trusae, 17 Bond Seat |Money to loan. Otce, ls King Stree MORTGAGE TV SERVICE ; : ae Fenver s Equipment ity. Preference will be given | PROFESSIONALS ; 7 ¥,_ceriiod--Copara| NBT Nahe - BASTEDS, Barra LOANS OY. O8 EVENING P FLAGS ARE LAD Oe 4 Welding Equipment ---- with a legol back- ; c arran jationa 1 + - j ' 1 : ' Bee centre, 123.9953. Coane Or i Trvat Balidings ae Simcoe 'sirect Saath, ig (i first mortgages Naan ute RAYES 1M NORTH CHINA," Builder's Equipment OF 1 mgeine [128-7396 Charles C. McGibbon, @ci} Open Mortgages j 4o PROTECT THEM FROM EVIL SPIRITS. i Applicants must have know!l- GOB CLANCY'S Accounting $ervice.lEdgar F. Bastedo, Gc: Grant H. Arm-| Interest at 7% OSHAWA SKATE AND edge of bookkeeping, a CANADIAN co agg bookkeeping " strong. No Bonus | Sckasl cal . SN eared" Resear & No Charges for Valuatior ELECTRONICS CRA HOCKEY : and typing. Ex BERT HOWMAR, Chartered Accounl/Byilding Trades No Charges for Valuations j mes cellent salary and day Aleew ng ea tn J F Mortgages and Agreements as p EQUIPMENT week RCES ant, 47 Prince andy ba 4, Oshawe, Ontario. Telephone purchased 3 ee ; EXCHANGE APPLY TO Navy, Army, Air Force VALE, FRIBOLANDE! a AND CO. Money for Second Mortgages: Chartered Accountants. Licensed Trus- Fost Servic Min" osnewa Taeva7t. vsuoretta BIGGEST OFFER | "M. F. SWARTZ T.V. Service Anytime \ ' Now at Stan's you can ex- MR. W, FRANK : 2 1, R. I. O. 4 change "your old SKATE : i iF YOU ARE Seber SE SE Sh AOLE AWD €O., Char- | neil ererarmere| INTOWN!! | ""shcngic rg ree E60 | ing St re sophins CA) hy Cie) Oshawa, Ontario TELEVISION a Ant cr | and HOCKEY EQU W FRANK | 17-24 years--Navy And we mean business, the finest 723- "A697 | 728-5143 Witten 6 MALLEYS mice * iy spor e AK MENT with a fair allow- | ra, i 17:33 vearensA A ERKIN, i; MacMILLAN AND €6,|in materials ond workmanship on is ab RO COMET AGAIN DUE. GORDON, A 4 ANGLER once on New or Used years----Army WALL, 0; } eal Estate Ltd Chartered Accountants, 36¥2 King Street; 4 ptometrist lCITY TV YOWER, antennas, also repairs. lo BRIGHTEN Might | GRAMMAR $cX002, BSH 1S i . 17.29 vesicle William ¢. Hall, REC. ROOMS rk nied. "S11. Dean A HUDENT, WOM A Equipment : r Force East, Oshawe, Gevid 6, Perkin. CAi| ® REMODELLING [F. RIGHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe| quiere Suet oe eee KES 2 Senbrik Senkisue Ab to HOn8 21 King West Have Grade 8 or highe "0! . # treet North j wa. Telephone} °°?" fs a ATION, RMA Y a + uR TIM fi 5 Gionam MacMillan, CA. * ALTERATIONS nwo s phone | a arn Conte ST ue bat ee DEC EMBER § 8 9 , Me -- ver - * CUSTOM BUILT 1987 } CALBANY, HY, 10919 cat bt Baa ce he owmanville | © Physically fit and single Barristers KITCHEN CABINETS |Painting ond Decorating | |WELL DIGGING: by machine specializing en | at. 8 - 6 pw | A Canadian citizen oF YS, BOYCHYN, and WILL. and CUPBOARDS i lin Seine tile, W. Word. 204 Chestnut) j % HUMPHREYS. Wig, "34 "king FLOOR ond CEILING PAINTING AND reet West, Whitby, 668-2563, oF 646-3807, mmm - i 623-3393 | British subject #1, Oshawa; . " ed = | : ne - oo. 8. Boychyn, ac; W. LNs" offs: F Rage Ae | DECORATING l--Wemen's Ge 8 Column ____|8--Articles For Sale \8---Articles For Sale } 1 J. , twenenzey®. virer me oe Sow se ITER OR nd' EXTER | PERMANENTS: on special, Page Halr . } ; j WE OFFER j 798-4326; 725-5133. ? Broadlo ustom Draperies nage See Wine AVES SOOT, Of x ase a pe A danas available. ; TIMA Westmount Telephone 725-5363, F R E E i Sharpening & Rental Ltd | Stenographers j $180 a month while train- GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicl- M K C DODD COLITER fae ¢ IRS i ei j | ing in electronics, mechan- tors, ete, 114 King Street East. Dial C oy 's 01 a is 3862 \2 Personal Caney Sees ts | piers a Hs Se A | 788 King ate Wath, Canaye: | * | ical piss Sol ade Zia Residence Phones: J. 'Ba be sea hen 668-586 | with the purchase of Known for its accuracy and | > | Attention | | | ministration or many other 3468) Terence Al 1 and oh RAL of superfluous hair | HAMMOND or reliability, this rugged gun PHONE 723-3224 | ee | fields Y - | 7 Th H. Jermyn, BA, LLB. ~ 6 i | ! aid even ' Osh 725-8576 [Plumbing and -- Marie Murduff& will be in | ELECTROHOME will deliver years of satis- JAMS MACDONALD, BA . tte, snawa ie ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| Oshawa Dec. 13th, 14th' |} ORGAN [Reeds aha ies Barrister and Solicitor and Notery Pui 3 pil k =p 25-3521, Harold H. Stark} and 15th Phone Genosha aie sare he pe apd' ag seco res West by Sehawer mario. Cllnt "parsing Bowmanville 25 Simcoe Street South -- Hote} on these dates for ap j FOR CHRISTMAS $24.95 | enjoy challenging work why Free uniforms, pe sy 723-4716 or 725-47) ee 623-341 ] | BS of rensir enodellin } pointment s | Heintzman & Co } mot register with... Fr bs decid igTaN, BRVWAN, MORDOER Ressonat ELECTROLYSIS TI SKATES THRIVING | ee sports facilities é Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, |--- ae ees ' mate: ee y 7755 } si ee , r ' ; bechiye Commerce. Bullding, 723-4641 65 SIMCOE ST. SOUT A very generous pension Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. Rug- ee Service AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Can-| _OSHAWA 728 292) Big savings on Skating Out BUSINESS | DRAKE | plan CHRISTMAS = jada, F California, Bonded dr "| fits for the whole family dur. rere Opportunity for wide travel If you have had experience in | Free medical and dental | } | |14--Business Opportunities| Creighton, QC) or residences: G. ada ida, ers. Drynan, QC, Tee S884) G. L. Murdoch, RE UPHOLSTERY by expe Esta re rive-Away Service, §385 Yonge} QC: 773-4768; J Vietor, 985-7115 " IAL yee nge of materials.| Street, Telephone 225-7754 | FREE --- 24-hour Burner | ing our Big Fall Sale. | PERSON 7 4 week's annual holiday Mortgages errerged. S C ; feed five 855-1 ACCOMMODATION for me a Service | from $7.25 pr. | eaeellent opnortianity. fo sel | N L with poy EDWARD LAKOWSKY, d t terms. Mattrasses| 200) " . i acto riencec ous: ay ENTHON y gow youl apie, 7: 259 Yo OFF rebuilt da eristee Ostaee OG ' ote aes wore TEXACO -- Fuel ond Stove | das Valier ppbierrall 7; 51 King E Oshawa ice hi $ 9 Company, 287 Di Avenue,|A G 0 "Gi 1 " ' ¢ SOrTUCTIOF erat? sist Siri, etl Seaman Dll*rmie,| = ON ALL ORDERS |rerosh nton Course n Modeling or hersonll S14 a hcoais® sip wood © | SNOW TIRES | | bulers! supaty store, tumbe nat anki DISCUSS YOUR FUTURE ard arn woodw K j ' / * Remodelling, carpentry, ti | CHESTERFIELD se eae 1 Gift Certificates in. any| stoker coals ® > i va al @ ding Su | n_- Kinastor | witha and old re A > ° ew Phone 728-344) for infor-| Cannel ( iting, plumbing, elec- | ed like new. Get the best fo cannel Coa ' ; wr 9 matior All nylon construction, full ated § betwe i work, roofin eaves | de holsierer 42 meoe ae) plies j A | ond Nac od 1 | We need good steno: hy Classified Rates | SUGhiAk Aastarine cement [Street South. Call 72m 4s, Free 3- 5 par eee "Colwi mn 668-3524 depth traction tread. A brand = i daasoigs a s nese '@ lengerepners CANADIAN FORCES | re | P Ld hed SAWDONS' (Whi ) new winter tire priced almost ong nignway cor INicatic | WORD ADS work of all kinds, Aluminum ooo ee } NS hitby } Ann oss over $300,0 | CAREER COUNSELLOR $1.08) | |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re-|sxaTm EXCHANGE -- Sharpening TE es low os a retread | ual Greme Over = ee Cash Insertion of 94 words, $1.08) | doors and windows, siding. styled. Free estimate, See material wm SHOFEORING | POW: LIMITED : oe ee a additional words, 4'ac. each) 2 con ry ae Seer Hit pgp Nit «4 eralerisliused, Baver hockey equipment. Valle a FY v from $17 56 © be sold as of secutive Insertions of 24 words, $2.88) 20 skilled men ready to fr recos . % 75) Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401. | 244 Brock St. S Whitby | ; up cern. Physical as fecutve. insertions of -- | a NELLIS! HOME Sales set Gwe ~|7---Swap and Barter we BUY, sell and exchange used furni Bet ee i sored i | aaenae ve areas a | litany SL"fer al fnce' ax] -- DOMINION nd OSHAWA IMPROVEMENTS 4 CHRISTMAS TREES Free with $10 pur- Trad Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street or See es Positions available now for -- 10 per cent additional charge en ' ' $ $5, toll er | South. silat ee ne Oe Oshowa -- 728-2061 Before You Buy A etics aul' Lear cobinase "oenecs| sewed phar | | e u jmedicine and kitchen cabinets stainless|¢ypEWRITER, slanderd, $157 porlable, 'sun Gadain idk 8 : women with top skills. | gs SSR Den mF, Freee a Piano or Organ, See ine kitchen and bar sinks, sump pumps, |s95., gaging machine, $25.7, electrle fetid Pag ited ' with shorthand and } ARMORIES words counts as 24 words) each word, concrete floors, Tet roofing Dressure aan ve one e ) writer, $40.) two total electrical cash | oe ee typing speed, legal ex- i Bet "Wa ators" cs (nr emcee wer ane cenit) | s HEINTZ MAN [era taters, a enya att, an fa | | pine sone lapel 4 rd; phone ber counts |Large and smaii jobs. L. and Root a5 \ ry tubs. H. Chinn, Hillside and Park -- 145 King St. W. } énee preferred, for - as one wo phon Jand Construction, RR 3, 725-69 }Road South, Phone 7 88 | THREE ROOMS of furniture $298. 5¢ u ee sa For detail ite | MANVILLE fs one word snd Construction, WR 3, Taeara7, rr att _Seuth. Phone? RA |. ar tenes Telephone 725-6511 4 ve : dnesd t GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer 65 Sin a s \8-----Articles For Sale s 42k King West, Tansy j - -- PATRICK RAFTERY } erienced bookkeeper, ex- We nes ay, BIRTHS--DEA HS~ washers and ranges, Free estimates. Call| =r EP Raley tomes tae | dello ttle os VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, Bowes and sig 0 | it salary ond benefits for SOCIAL NOTICES : ae ere ee | ELEPHONE 728-2921 | ATTENTION MEN brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-02 '| SCOTCH PINES P.O, Box 684, Kingston OSHAWA December 15 196§ $2.00 per insertion with conte ee | jA-) CARPENTRY, block and cementiBAMBOO DRAPES, vencllan binds, can) ; 9 ve =|Fleming Vacuum Service, Malin sired) Beautifully Pruned } Telephone 548-779 Financial typist, mature wo- ' " nal charges not pal |work. New or remodelling. Special falllvas awnings. Complete service, tree esti-| MAKE IT A "WHITE Pickering, : man preferred for WHITBY, : Smee cou tory pe a lal eB SEWING MACHINE CaN Pasivh reasing mach a "ase Apply : Jo charge to applicants, Between Noon and 6 rim, IN MEMORIAMS NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco,| GUARANTEED REPAIRS { ringer viat Guacaciea Ceniae Wnt ie-| »N] - SOL C sen an [NEW pus Limit N aggoanlhgy pie td gh fe Ses CHRISTMAS Year guarantee. Oshawa Business Ma-iMRS. SADIE HAMILTON) AAUST BE SOLD ., GALL 668-8181 each thereafter, plus 12c. per line of li A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or| 728-1742 | Brand new § stitch, zig-zag ate, Pee Te | RR. 2, ORONO j ' "ee ISECRETARIAL OVERLOAD y li charge ™ AT} oe was | F 1 Furn < id, sted tree 4 a serene 9 ssi tei sidney Septic Service | and automatic portables, cori- |5F LEB! Furnaces. cleaned, adjusted tre an Telephone } Ring 16 Neighbourt G ry . SERVICES | soles, ond desk models purchase from Western Ol! Co., 725-1212 | PIANO. walnut, upright, "heweann b'* living quarte W SEEN TR ATP ERRE PS Sia _| THE /ALL TYPES b buliding, roofing rep ~ -- CARDS OF THANKS jand remodelling; chimneys, new end re-|sepric TANKS cleaned. Promot serv-| SALE FROM $49.50 BABY CARRIAGE, stroller, play-pen, $150. Telephone 728-3224 Oni y one in th |paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs. \ r +] bd : 5 9 | $2.00 for the first 38 words and %. ("wii 43.0774, Gord May ce or calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestn small crib, car seat, all in good shape, | emer eens Pha g : i @ach thereafter, with 25¢. additional 4 ~ Street West, Whitby 668-256 | White - Elna dealer Reasonable. Telephone 723-1276 '9--Market Basket rrces sale, Low d i BELL TELEPHONE charge if not paid within 8 days . paiamecacian ~~ ace | ne 'i ee " very ssa ment poss Il detail SSE Dentistry ee | OSHAWA SEWING ISTHAS TREES = saat Fresh ca ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders taken| request, < ' PRE R COMPANY COMING EVENTS erences co ; : reba r |CAREFOOT, R MM. . | is var ; ' or freezer, 4 |b, $1.35, 3 Ib. $1, dreau of | = $2.00 per inch (display); $1.89 for the Surgeon, 17 King Siree! ast, osnewe.|H, FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Lang} rR e South, "at|Dellvery on 10 er more, 726-529 + 723-2965 EXPERIENCED requires r words an « J ' 113 Elgin Street East. Ph. - tiaiaeaaaetiore tate tet nc ast a C For appointment, 728- imcoe |NO. 1 WINTER potato, 75-Ib., No. 2 P.E.! (Word Ads) | encase | ef a % ean e = --~ | s les, ! . ) cel Ww BIALEK, OR. E. P., Dente! Surgeon,| DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Onterlo| Day or Night Rroehinnt iRY_ FURNITURE wre ese ona baipacnabanes teat olde VARIETY ORE near Ocyi. Excellent] Wonted to work on eute "wae AUCTION SALES 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For|Land Surveyor, C ommercial biue prints.; 728-2391 for appointment bb thas Vv 4 Slates' x. af ety |DucKS FOR SALE -- jag sslneee, Yolaaha "apy PB hog matic press. Good wages. CLASS "A G2:10 PER INCH PER INSERTION -- leppolniment, 728-848 or Res. T4441," 111 Ontario Street, 725-56 Sie evaringn in December. "Alex 4+| moscovys also ALE -- Pekin, Roven and round. | nonene 30 p.m.| LICENSED DEADLINES Dressmaking 'TV--Radio Raooe HONDA SHOP TOROOGAN- "al | Ps SEO SPORTS SHOP for Sale." Agencies for Before 5 eal: eee H ai on | aluminum; flying saucer; snow cruisers, chain saws, Bave WORD AD SMAKING ts, coats, dresses NOW HUS-SKI girl's skates, size 2) tricycle; cate kit-|TQ0----Farmer's Column Spalding, Evinrude motors v 723-1159 MECHANIC § p.m. DAY PREVIOUS siterations. Fitting specialty, Quick Model 600. 10 h $595 chen curtains, pair (new); 30-inch boats, fishing tackle ar 7 e } LOsT AND FOUND Sieicuoneee TV TOWERS (MAS G i ength for recreation room, arm chalr,|DEAD and crippled farm stock pleked| Excellent location, Own | DRESSMAKING -- Sults, coats, dr esses, Mi 2 vinyl covered seat. Telephone 725-3016. up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone terests. | Write Steve's Sport Shop, PO . must h » DAY OF PUBLICATION |alterations, slip covers drapes. F helmets carriers, windshields, |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40foc! fower|Telephone Collect Hampton 263-2721,| Box 190, Hastings, Ontario, Only interest After 5 Call: lu ave ? : , nat hs Licence 389-C-65. ed parties need apply | BIRTHS AND DEATHS } }specialty, Mrs. Toms, Whitby, a r si ves, structure ali-channel antenna installed 5 o ? i. a of publication ALTERATION, pant cuffing ECONOMY, AND NEW H AS $295 |$%.. og TV -Supply Limited, 361/30 GRADE Callie, Holstein, some Cha BEAUTY SALON for. sale. Sim r 723 7388 Car & Truck ; _[Rast, accurate sery tery de i tix f ¥ ainons siest j geese, police Bups: @ $2087, district: Lew rent; ¥ aritele 5 a4 H CLASSIFIED DISPI fo order, Teiep , Se po ee |SKATE EXCHANGE - = "$2.97 pius. vour| meee Mull aries $5008, fe ae --------___-- Experience 7 column -- 4 ° : _ ee Price | 99 King 728-4242 Itrade er. .103 GARAGE AND-"SERVI static : rnne--or-terger Cs ey arora a . 4 react fj y graben tei y as os. S 4 bidek i Four -- |Bowmanville, for lea wit optien to] knowledge of saninasoailecine oo HORSES "BOARDED | ~ new, Insulated purchase If desi pa ine 4 CANCELLATIONS AND | PARTS TYPEWRITER end cash regist barn, box stalls, $35 monthly. Brooklin.|locai business, Tools and equipment avail-| 'Girl Wanted BULLDOZING & WELDING Ti | pane d cash ; SAM. DAY OF PUBLICATION . | OSHAWA Woshers, Stoves and spindle milk shaker, $ ectric| Olal_ 655-4937 [Seem Svante Sree FOR " Any advertisement cancelled' betore "En 0 Yourself" } SUPPI Gril, $60; desk, $397 meat slicer, $125; DAPPLE GREY SHOW PONY. Will selilSERVICE "STATION snd Garage EQUIPMENT ! 4 >U if . t LECT ree-place sink, $55; fan, $? Bill Hamil-jor. trade for 1850 bales of hay or $50. | siness, in Bowmany elient loca: ~ Publication will be charged one day's | y > LIN C EC RIC "MOTOR Iton, Raglan 985-7160 [Also five, Voor ld Bay, Pany, mare n/t Well over 100.0 nage, Salad Bar sertion. - | / 1ON RD Rep d Exc = 2 Lif istered Shetland, both ther Information telephone 623-5063 BOX NUMBER RENTAL = Ste. SUNFLOWER SEED ° WN |TYPEWRITERS: now and rebut, stand-| iStent winnerss taeal gill for Chriatmas-|miveerwete' propeorieg 7 a.m, to 4 p.m AGE LIMIT 35 WILD BIRD MIX i Just East of son 728- 7538 lfor students. Large sock to choose from: Py 466-5039, at Milne, Dunbarton, 839-3779! omes, duplexes, apartment ings. While eve endeavor will be made shed One year ful! guarantee. Low prices ea so interes fo bulldl ith 'ehous ce, W to forward 'replies te. box numbers to | CRACKED CORN : : Jenkins. Business Machines, Sales, and|GOZY-J RANCH KENNBLE" German|have a. number. of Invesiments to. suit ALSO Please Apply in Person the advertisers 2s soon as possible. | AA|LLET es ° és on," § | Service 728-7783. Open evenings | Shepherds trained grown stock) pups.|your down payment. Call our ir ' GRILL COOK reed comet ne flabity us reneds WHEAT 'vine. 855. Tolanh {| SKATE EXCHANGE = New and used|Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies, Ashburn department and make P nt 11 to7 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE ss or damage 9 0 Bape ae pepe Sxthaneed. Bxvett shari pen- | 655-4662 evenings for professional advice, 728-9466, Osh p.m, To a.m, through either failure or delay in tor- Nic] Sn ee eee : # ; z Reais | re a pete Realty (Bond Street) Ltd i MgB Dg ge Sine EeEDING STATIONS Santee ' . FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- speclaa| @- Cvele Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-844 oF RES ie [ae i GROCERY STORK A small town, lerge| APPLY os ty G whether by negligence or otherwise.) WATER SOFT SALT 24 HOUR SERVIC offered now for Christmas. Telephone TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft, a? Sian" hirhovier vie ape ova) now MR. CAMPBELL Mon ri. The Times will not be responsible for ICE SALT " jevenin 95, 668-6563 structure, hot dipped galvanized 1 tower|IDEAL Chri s pats th five month old renting. Conveniently 9-12. 1-4 lp also preferable replies uncalled for in 20 days, Tine? Included, single ail- manne antenna com-| Terrier, _femo hou: trained, fh H a / Sentra BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|plete: instelleds tax. Included guaranteed|needies. Telephone 739134 AE i, fenton Ol Pie lat Eiccelien business IGENOSHA HOTEL SAND : i 5 jances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 opportunity. For more information con REGULATIONS SNOW SHOVELS i HOLME RELIABLE PERSON living In Vicinity of Seeaees Televigier, "garner" an ond on PERT, "baby budgies, ready for|tact Delores 1. Ross, 728-5103 or 728-1964 The Oshawa Times will no? be re STRAW BUY AND SELL -- "Good used furniture | 728-5143-4, . ne a strain. Apply Mrs, T./W. 0 Martin Reaitg _|Ritson and Bruce, for parttime baby sit- sponsible for errors in advertisements | land appilances, One | ion only. PrettylaRAND NEW hlenback awlvel" ~ a rom 4 Elgin Gast, : COMBINED grocery store and residence;/ting for two small children in my home. submitted otherwise than {n writing not PET SUPPLIES | jFurniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327) | 9 fy ve |PONY ~-- Gelding, part-Shetiand, 'twolexcellent profit potential and' future op-! Telephone 723 5539, for more than one insertion of any |szhoo; x 12" carpe! $3860. 20 Chureh| years old, gentle, Phone 942-1924 portunity, in a rapidly expending ¢om. _ | CANADIAN SILVER dollars, 1948 Yo| Street old, gentle. 0 . J : yore WAITRESS for dining room, mu! advertisement nor beyond price -|mercial area of Oshawa. Paved, cus the ¢ 4: Al ter § | oie charee for @ singte tnaertion ln Which 00 zi t t npt service i 4 80 pigeons, After 5 telephone 728-| Ging B. t sold, tr " |THOROUGHBRED - "Dachshund pups tom rkin nd private dc f enced, quick and dependable. No in errr occurs. . er mi | ps at Ane hs, ~ ge teres | ideal pets, standard bred. Telephone 728-| oy 0 Spee: has 8-5103 of |i ght work. Apply manager Hotel Len- |e te j Xo -- | i NEW, USED -- Vacuums, polishers 728-973) 623-2898. W. ©. Martin Realto 27 King West, Oshawa. Fully experienced, required The Oshawa Times reserves the right | co Whitby 668-5679 |pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phon ee <a ane aaa {SHORT ORDER ~ Cookin 5 | : | | __mak blac j | : 9 and clerk, fe| for modern hospital dietary to classity advertising according to | 16 CELINA ST ack Lees, 726-6956 Sire 146 posed ondition, $70 insath |12--Articles Wonted 15--Employment Wanted ale, not over 35 years old. Afternoon] department Good salary pia ¥ts proper classification. " : > CHILDS PLAY HORSE, car, tricucle,| 723-7 ' z: = spear | rl. if 1 p.m. 725-3772, 205 Bond St. ! : - ee of . We Delive ; . Loeeae cutie ia {USED CHILDCRAET Encyclopedia, SICTRRKAYPISY a year ag@ |W st steady employment 5 day in the cases of display advertisements HO PE f ed , chair ombi HUS-SKI_ snc M $00, i0v| fifteen volumes, In a recent edition. Tele lege ef b sires . silane antitttclintaaiitii A The Times will not be held respon | isin pee ae Uaicun Walhe Cae ee IMP, 35 mph. Bicone age 50 ia phone 265-2544, att gy ch Three years, ex-|OCES A ye MAUTY COUNSELOR" cell Ay hea wank. Feats ne sible for more space than that which |__ TV TOWER 5 phone W 568-29 ans ater 6 Gm WANTED < an RGUATTUIN alse sland, Th perience, Reference rene, 75 sede on you We may need someone In your] cal, pension plans, Group life the actoal error occupies. The pub- |ypee vo TRIMP Call Slim. Or I'll coll |TEEN-AGE yy, coats and dresses.| "Tengina,|2vailable, Bowmanville 623-3591 - ; jarea, or call for products. 723-9349. inguronce lishers endeavor to reproduce ali - < - ee Sree s ood ndition sonabh 1 P SCRAP HARDWOOD -- one-foot lengths LADY SEEKS work 9:30 fo 4 p.m. Clerl-| r ; them down, Free estimates, 725: | ARE TE g BES pod condition. Reasonable prices. Phoné)¢7 75 single cord, Phone 7 tore| = ee Taare" Binee, a BOOKKEEPER, parttime, to fake com. vertising matter correctiy, but a 798-06) +e 5-91.21 Pi single cord, one 723-2281 be' orl13 Artich 'as Rent cal typing. Please telephone 723 {plete charge of company books and no liability of advertisement i sertt ne . a.m, or evenings co ~\preparation of same for son pe! en nih r 533 f 'i bata ae }p) submission ti | i , inaccuracies 'm any form are contained instriction WHY SETTLE we see otrecomes, On frame: XI HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil '17--Female Help Wanted \puditors." Write "atating age, elephons Please apply in per to therein. | taal sai lances. 'Big discounts without sacrificing! Tebles Ch { Dish jn "(number and qualifications to Box 10541, 4 1 " STEREO Hi-fidelity 'record player and|quality. 424 King Street West, . Oshawa, | ables Chairs, Linens, Disn- Oshawa Times. Director of Personne! |Prench and Math, for jradio with 25 long play records. Reason-|728-919) | es Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee | iiremntad TIMES ACTION WANT AD eeone a ble price. Telephone 728-8524 FILTER QUEEN, Seles and Service.| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal ARE YOU |18----Male Help Wanted Call Classified Direc? - TELEVISION FLOOR POLISHER, double bed and|Repairs to all makes vacuums, Free Bs-| Wear, Men's Formals, White | ected " 723-3492 Eaperlencs morivete " wallabies] Comer Bond énd Divisien ere a te naan aan lle Bria imaies, 223 King Weal. Tag vere | Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. | EXPERIENCED ? | OSHAWA e j clothing. All In good. condition, Telephone ADDING English Germa Latir | _728 kK |?2 25-0803. lers, dupli Evins cvameriioras ak, fires | SALESMAN -- ho ais Pacing 5143 | HOOVER: LECTRIC tioor pollsher. Tele-|desks, chairs. We buy, ell, rent, ice) SARGEANT'S RENTALS On a complete set of books | GENERAL a service! : nd trade, with budget ¢ N | > ger dg al- INDEX TO Janitor Service a SERVICE a|used. "Low, 'ow prices. "Bill Hemilon,| 463 Ritson Ré. S. 725-3338 | '© general ledge |: ALERT young man for Oshe HOSPITAL CLASSIFICATIONS ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast | saga Lamb (imitation) worn twiee, size 20,| %29!2". ~ ___ WHEEL "CHAIRS, -- beds, walkers,| Hy, a ' | owa's finest MEN'S WEAR nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done b Sarice all « 2.5 | Walk ng coat (corduroy). Telephone 728-|SHOE SHINE stand with all equ you want on atlaeh Sh - nd " quipment,| reducing machines, sick room suppiles.! = ' STORE. e 1-Wemen's Column gueranteea. 7287706. ee estimates. Work DOMINI Te); 19 after 4 pur two, seater Best offer, 19 Bond Street|Aid Rentals, 105, Beatrice, Tse } position, pl KIM to essary ggg yf i 3-~Personal port mages = meng A -- ltcne= al y bet | ssary ---- F ' - | Portable. Lincoln erc wel i CHAIRS. a y b j . +: nv rr i ' i --~ - ------ + card and banquet tables, church} . rit $--Sportsme 3 Column Money To Lice ae TELE c J ' \, winterized baittery/OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portralls,laisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412| its « 7 e stating age, experience EXPERIENCED é&Marine Equipment 7 nels 5 10 pply outlet, cables | figure avert custom picture framing.| Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414 | Te ig the \ y and telephone number 1 wit yi , ? 490 . re} j inciudec 5. 72 2 after p.m. Sark Studio, vening d eken | joo ' ; a 5 Big Bg og raaronsia Va, Ps OE aS onsolidate 28 : >. TIVING ROOM couch Braemar. Sullable| 068-4497 '325 Brock Norih, Whitty |THREE-TON STAKE TRUCK for reni,| R ices Req ' SERVICE STATION or at any other ' uorar for den or recreation room, Good as new.|TWO BRAND NEW Snow Cruisers, 19. evenings, with driver, Telephone 723-4740.) those with the y } BOX 10453 rp ~ - a 4 45 | Bis poche gy [purpose 'providing you ares 2 ae Telephone 725-3339 models, reasonable, Can be seen st 12/|ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred! Cuolifications need ap} OSHAWA TIMES MANAGER fe) |W E R sa Sonar tinh i7'S EASY TO PLACE A PR VATE TUITION. ployed and hers good credit. Telephone : BSE | yng: jan t 4 inet end, vest par ABROPLANE, fourpiace Stinson Voy" Rood South after 4.20 pim. " [people? Oshawa, Tannie Club, for ban] ont FER ie lent ten EOS or Rent y Fgeue aT news cof A. For Informa-tPLAYER PIANO, used, perfect Condition. | Facilities, oF kitchen, parking. Reason-| RELIABLE, over 25 and married, to AND Opportunities | RON' G TV lephane Whitby, 668-6225. Court's Fumnilure and Appliances Ltd.,labie rates. 728-6315 | J FOI E Y ve oil truck, Mechanically Inctined to vt ? TWO-PIECE ch orfield te t say 2272 : DRS WAST So en BS es ace work, Steady employment ext @ ¥ ent su green Very--g ' or~-best-offer:| WASHING "MACHINE, in good condition) Fe) oe = i ply--238-Kaiser Telephone 668-2 five thresplene bedi vite. to. Will 'cult cone TO SELL umbing & Heating Ctd WANGESiMaia Seeger REQUIRED THREE-WAY ~~ combinati rately. Telephone 72 | / nechanics for new car and truck serv- radio and record player. Five speskers.|16¢FOOT cabin cruiser, 78 HP Scott out | , e. Excellent working conditions and] Excellent opportunity for De luxe model, new, condition. Also Frigla| board; Tee-Nee trailer, skis, lackets ete FRESH FRUITS | so telephone calls please! __|fringe_benetits. Telephone 725-6561. _ ualified personnel to work in Gaire trig, family size, late model. Apply|Almost new. Reasonable for cesh. Tele | EXPERIENCED WAITER for cockiall| 9 : weghidis 4 ; 1 M r 4 phone 728-1041 i PART-TIME llounge and beverage room must havel Oshawa Areo. Good. Salory 2--Real Esta ted 728-5157 PARTY ORESS, turquoise, 7 Ski. poo nowmoblie -- Sales and ger . - |good character references. Steady posi- a Pes B fj ee, eae Sree | i | ; r Oshawa Faste st lernity dresses, size vice, United Rent Alle, 382 Wilsdn Road and Lg] to $1.50 hour ition. "Apply manager How Lancaster, 27) OT speseh ids Elbe de the 95--Houses. for_Rent } Active Realty Ltd as aISTes G00d condition. Apply 23 Drew strech South fat Oliv: j}-- pt. fo $1.00 10U | King West, Oshawa. | 24--Apartrnent : : | ™ ¢ NGG, ULAS cw vecdums, bolchort Ne - \ " js >». |DUE TO INCREASING business, we need 37--Rooms fo f | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE rm s for} N IGH i SERVICE pairs to ail jaaliek New eg ae gg fs tres "ge he 4 VEGETABLES Womon for pleasant tele | salesmen If you want to earn better than Apply in persor 9--Male or Female Kelp Wanted | FIRST & SECONDS 20--Real Estate for Sale » HIS 20a----Surmmer Properties | 10-BONL Say Ask for "Bill" Horner isceemes Fig waned | MORTGAGE Sout ; 4 " ity furniture, si en ei ean and Be 1 mortgegas. : Merigsges | and saree } o : jJack Lees, 728-6956. a | bedroom, 1 room, kitchen ensem- ; phone work, 4 hor a daily javerage income and like- meeting ie, MURPHY Olt 30--Aviom: ° ynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "Ber. B541 or 723-0065 |REFRIGERATORS, $14.95; beds, gizr/bles, Fay. only $3. Wkly, Unbeatable 723-5051 | DUDIIG: COnIAEE file (poll. BEamr ars val a ' i--tamgue, Car fr hale jean *, |fee Cameetnop. matresear aug |etve, Bera' Home "Fornsning at) = USE THE | [ices RR eee! COMPANY d I SEPTATE pais sca Nk a Aric stov 7 4 imcoe Sout Un inter ty Bf tor Sie }18T AND 3ND MORTGAGE available.) RAE'S mattresses, $9.95). stoves TV's, ELECTRIC TRAIN -- Lionel) G MR. GOULD pit Sere Onn Trae vas cate 34~Automobdife Repair iw Maloy. sas 3838 tor, 114 Brock Street ; ' ' 549 svers, dressers Jerator doll ; hy . | Po) et ie ; y 2 ae bod ree 78 BOND ST. W. 3S--Lost and Found | y E hrome sets, radios. Guns, new andilike new; washing machine: % steel bed| da Vi oF better. Ap pig 2 Ms 724 %--Lege! |PIRST AND "SECOND mortgage. Sale! ' ed. Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street. West. Jan spring. 887 Ritson South j awa Times MR. LYTLE OR MR. OTTAWAY leper ESTATE Seiesmen unlimited _O- Coming Evers nd Hennick, Barristers, 21. King Streei| Thompson, 157. Elllot * ogg ig Soctrtc::amnptitte [ Cy -- gare ng ee fennick, Borris ng Mans niet bg ¢ 72-9792. Parts and| en gig An A) furaitores 1S |itke new, also electric Telephone] DAUQAELI [ier 10 to 7 p.m., five-day week. App y javailabie. For confidential interview caii ba Se ae Laael vaaey Hertep, D 4651, Gencenas ton, j

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