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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1965, p. 18

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J ANN LANDERS Immature Husband 'Needs Dear Ann Landers: I mar- ried a man eight years my junior. After four years of try- ing desperately to make him happy, our marriage is on the rocks. Our daughter is two now and I'm hoping to save the situ- ation for her sake, We didn't have a fight. He simply told me he was taking his clothes to his mother's house and wasn't coming back. When I asked why, he replied: "T am too immature to face the responsibilities of marriage. I grant to live with my mother." That was three months ago. He telephones every few days and comes to dinner every Sun- day. I have refused support money because I am financially independent. I love him and I need him. Please tell me how to make this marriage work.-- Mrs. P.R.E. ; Dear Mrs. P.R.E.: You can't force a mama's boy to be a husband. This juvenile has told you he wants no part of mar-} riage and if you're smart you'll take his word for it. : Since you are financially in- dependent, spend some of your money on a psychiatrist and find out why you love this loser. A normal attachment this isn't. Dear Ann Landers: I just learned that the armed services will not take a man who has a prison record and I'm burned up. Why should the undesirable characters enjoy the privileges of living in this great country and not have to sacrifice any- thing? My sons both served in the Second World War. The older boy was wounded at Normandy. The younger boy picked up jungle rot in the South Pacific. When I think of the sacrifices A Psychiatrist the war at home and made big money, it makes me furious. And now it's happening again.| © What do you have to say about this?--M.M.M. Dear M.M.M.; Serving one's country is a privilege, not a punishment. When a man is convicted of a felony he lases many of his rights as a citizen and the privilege of wearing the uniform is one of those}, rights. 14 Dear Ann Landers: In the) ™ past two years I have sent you | four well-written letters. Not one of them was published in your column. | I am sick of writing letters) to you and not seeing my letters) in the paper. This letter will be} my last.--A Disgusted Reader from Mulberry Point. Dear Disgusted: I am glad you wrote one more time be-| cause it gives me the chance} to say something I would like) to get across, not only to you, |but to others who have similar complaints. My column is not a billboard for people who want to tell off their friends and-or relatives. You say you are disgusted with me because I did not print your letters. This proves you did not really want advice, you just wanted to get your side of the story in the paper. The primary purpose of my column is to offer service. Confidential to Sick of Being) For the young homemaker Stood Up: Some people accept|who is perhaps opening her invitations in good faith but/home for the first Christmas when the time comes they are/dinner, or for the not up to going. It is best not|lished hostess who is looking to count on a person who has|for some new ideas, here is a "folded out at the last moment|suggested: menu and_ three on three occasions" as a fourth/brand new Christmas recipes| for bridge or a dinner partner/for you to try. for an extra man. But do be} MENU Christmas dinner . .. mmm! To most people, the very words | family and friends gathered) |with the season's bounty. It's} the first snowflake flies. made by millions of fine young} men while the ex-cons sat out/ties. compassionate and continue to invite her to your larger par-| Consomme Crisp Biscuits Ice Carrot Straws and TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS GOOSE To Some The Christmas Goos Is The Choice Bird For A Feast. The Consumer Section, Can- ada Department of. Agricul- ture recommends the following method of roasting a Christmas goose. Goose may or may not' be stuffed for roasting. If it stuffed, allow %4 to % cup stuff- ing for each pound of eviscer- ated goose. Prick the skin of the entire goose with a table fork. Place goose breast down on a rack in a shallow, uncovered roast- ing pan. Roast in a 325 degree F oven. Sprinkle with salt. Do not add water or fat. Cover loosely with aluminum foil. Cook breast down for about one hour. Do not baste but prick the Celery Curls Roast Turkey Gourmet Rice Stuffing Cranberry-stuffed peach halves Riced Potatoes Broccoli Almondaise Buttered Squash Angel Squares Shortbreads French Mints Beverage TO ROAST A TURKEY Place stuffed and trussed tur- key breast up on a rack in a shallow, uncovered roasting pan. (ANow 14 to % cup stuffing for each pound of eviscerated tur- key). Rub with butter. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and paprika. Do not add water. Cover loosely with aluminum foil (dull side out), tucking edges into pan at ends but leaving open at sides. To finish browning bird remove foil near end of roasting time and baste with drippings. Roast in a moderately slow oven, 325 degrees F., according to time- table 8 to 12 pounds 4 to 5 hours 12 to 16 pounds 5 to 6 hours 16 to 20 pounds 6 to 714 hours 20.to 24 pounds 714 to 9 hours To test for doneness:--Press |thick muscle of drumstick, pro-| ; tecting fingers with cloth or) Sprinkle gelatine ove e paper towel. It should feel soft|water to soften. iks with flour; |ges if bird is done and lég should lifted move--readily when or Y% teaspoon poultry dressing | Y teaspoon sage 4 tablespoons white sugar Drawn Weight Roasting Time) TURKEY, GOOSE OR DUCK, well-estab- | » | twisted. If meat thermometer js|Grad \used insert it into the thickest) over |part of thigh muscle one hour|ly, until custard will coat a before end of calculated roast-{silver spoon. Stir gelatine mix- ing time. It should register 190'ture into hot custard, Add nut- tke KING OF THE FESTIVE BOARD ' Turkey With A New Stuffing Highlights Christmas Menu degrees F. in the thigh or 165 degrees F. to 170 degrees F. in conjure up: a happy scene of | the centre of the stuffing. round the dinner table laden) GOURMET RICE STUFFING Give this delightfully new and |always one of the most delicious| qifferent stuffing a try! It's jand memorable meals and one/fiyffy and moist with plenty of we eagerly await from the time} good things added for flavor. (Makes 12 Cups Stuffing -- | Sufficient for a 12-Ib. Turkey) ¥% cup butter 2% cups finely-chopped onion cups finely-chopped celery green pepper, finely chop- ped liver, gizzard and heart, finely chopped or ground tablespoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon marjoram teaspoon savory teaspoon sage teaspoon thyme cups cooked rice (2 and two- thirds cups raw or 4 cups quick-cooking) cup chopped pecans cup finely-chopped celery leaves eggs, well beaten Melt butter in a large frying pan and saute onion, celery, green pepper, liver, gizzard and 1 ANGEL SQUARES This wonderful whipped cream dessert has a gelatine base. It can be made well ahead of time then it's ready just to be whipped out of the refrigerator at the last minute for serving. (Makes 12 Servings) (10-inch) angel food cake envelope unflavored gelatine % cup cold water eggs, separated tablespoons flour Y% teaspoon salt cups milk \% teaspoon nutmeg ¥% teaspoon rum flavoring 1 1 2 | % cup toasted slivered almonds : % cup well-drained thinly- sliced maraschino cherries ¥% pint (1% cups) whipping cream tablespoons sugar cup flaked or shredded coconut 2 v7) r cold In saucepan, combine egg yo with stir_until smooth. Stir_in salt. ually stir in milk, Cook) low heat, stirring constant- jheart until - thoroughly cooked. | |Mix in salt, pepper, marjoram, savory, sage and thyme. Add jrice, nuts and chopped celery | |leaves. Stir in beaten eggs and |mix thoroughly. Loosely stuff turkey. Any extra stuffing can |be baked in a covered casserole or in aluminum foil during the last 45 minutes of roasting. BROCCOLI ALMONDAISE This smooth sauce with its |little tang of lemon and toasted | slivered. almonds is a wonderful jtopper for broccoli. (Makes 6 Servings) | (10-ounce) packages frozen broccoli egg yolks teaspoons flour % cup cold water 1% tablespoons lemon juice 6 tablespoons butter, melted ¥% teaspoon salt ¥ teaspoon cayenne \% cup toasted slivered almonds | Cook broccoli according to | package directions. Meanwhile, |beat egg yolks slightly in top jof double boiler; blend in flour; ladd water, lemon juice and | melted butter. Cook over boiling |water, stirring constantly, until \thickened -- two or three min- utes. Stir in salt, cayenne and jalmonds. Drain broccoli thor- loughly and serve with sauce. 2 | meg and rum flavoring. Refrig- jerate until cool. Beat egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Carefully fold into custard mix- ture. Tear angel cake into large pieces. Place half in a 9 x 13- inch cake pan. Pour half of cus- tard over and around cake pieces. Sprinkle with almonds and half the cherries. Top with remaining cake pieces then rest of custard. Beat whipping cream until softly stiff; beat in sugar. Spread on top of cake; sprinkle with coconut, Refrig- erate overnight, Decorate with aes cherries before. serv- ng. SHOW OLD TOYS TORONTO (CP)--A Victorian |Christmas is exhibited at The |Grange, the 1817 brick mansion jat the back of the Toronto Art Gallery. Toys and games from Black Creek Pioneer Village | were brought to Toronto for the ling for each pound of eviscer- THE DUCK IS THE GOURMET'S DELIGHT Duck may or may not be stuffed for roasting. If it is stuffed, allow % to % cup stuff- ated duck. Prick the skin of the entire duck with a table fork to render out as much fat as pos- sible. Roast in a 350 deg. F. oven, Place duck breast down on a} rack in a shallow, uncovered roasting pan and roast 45 min-| utes. | Sprinkle with salt. | Do not add water or fat. Turn duck breast up until fork tender, about 1% hours. Baste sparingly once during roasting and prick the skin once or twice. Remove the excess fat as it accumulates in pan during roasting. Roast 4 to 5 pound duck about 2% hours, To test for doneness -- Press thick muscle of drumstick, pro- tecting fingers with cloth or paper towel. It should feel soft move readily when lifted or twisted. If meat thermometer is used, insert it into the thickest part of thigh muscle one hour before end of calculated roast- ing time. It should register 190 deg. F. in the thigh or 165 deg. of the stuffing. STUFFING FOR DUCK tart apples \% cup raisins cups stale bread crumbs teaspoon salt Dash of pepper ¥% teaspoon poultry dressing tablespoons softened mar- 6 2 1 2 if bird is done and leg should} F. to 170 deg. F. in the centre} ¥% teaspoon lemon juice tablespoons red.jam or jelly Peel orange; scrape off and| discard membrane; cut yellow peel in thin strips; cook in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Drain and discard water. Re- move all membrane from orange sections; break them into pan. When duck is tender, add drippings to orange; add cooked peel, salt, lemon juice! and jam or jelly. Simmer ten minutes; pour over duck and serve. You'll probably find the above recipe so enticing, you'll serve it over and over again, but for a change of mood and a switch of flavor, try Orange Raisin Stuff- ing or Almond Stuffing. Because both of these are true duckling stuffings, you'll want to be sure, before roasting duckling, to rinse the inside with cold water and blot dry with a paper towel. Place the stuffing inside the bird loosely, being careful not to "pack" it in. Skewer neck skin to back. Wings may be left at |sides or tucked "akimbo"'. Then, simply skewer or lace the ab- 2 | way you would with a chicken. Drumsticks lie flat so there's no |need to tie them. Orange Raisin Stuffing gives you a flavor switch that makes most men really sit up and take notice. It's made with rice, which removes this stuffing from the usual bread dressing and puts it in a mood all its own. ORANGE RAISIN STUFFING cups cooked rice garine Cover raisins with boiling water; drain, chop and add to apples. Add all remaining in- gredients and blend well. Stuff uckling and sew up. While duckling is cooking pre- pare Orange Sauce. ORANGE SAUCE orange cup boiling water Drippings from duck Posies | | Heat softened margarine in| bottom of roasting pan, add onion; stir and cook over low) heat till onion is tender. Add} apple, crumbs, raisins, parsley, | |seasonings and sugar. Stuff: {goose (both crop and body cavity); sew and tie; legs and/ wings are often too short to| truss. The flavor of the stuffing | is delicious and unusual. | | String together enough grapes| \to make a necklace for the/ goose. Fancy up the drumsticks with "panty-ruffles' or tanks! Montreal the "ruffles" from gold or sil-| ee j ver aluminum foil. Serve -on a| donate | | * NOW OPEN SUZANNE Hair Styling 5 John St. West and Simcoe South Madame Suzanne Lemieux, owner, cord- ially invites you to consult her .on all your hair care, 15 years of experience in Permanent ond Color Tech- |warm large platter, bedded with 'bibb lettuce or green leaves CALL US NOW skin once or twice during roast-|Edge with clusters of grapes. | ing period and remove excess} After showing the handsome and make arrangements for your ¥% teaspoon salt Pare, core and dice apples.) \% teaspoon nutmeg | %4 - % cup seedless grapes /1 11 oz. can mandarin orange sections, and juice Salt and pepper to taste | Combine ingredients gently. | Makes stuffing for 1 - 5lb. duck- ling. This. next gant party-fare, and guaranteed to put you high on the "best cook" list. Serve it once and you're sure to include it as a + ORANGE ALMOND STUFFING Roast Duck And Orange Sauce For A Delectable Dinner Party \4 1 | %& cup chopped onion dominal opening closed, just the|% stuffing is rich, ele-| SEEK YOUNG HOSTESSES FALMOUTH, England (CP)-- Wile tA mewn' ant to Sooner for, 2,000 Cornish: girls. ig enter - tain cadets from all ayer the world when they visit here next year. The iads will be* taking part in the Tall Ships race in July but will have plenty of shore leave as well. ' People's 36 SIMCOE ST. NORTH We'll take care of Your Man this Christmas CLOTHING FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN cups bread crumbs Y%4 cup hot water ' % cup mandarin orange sec- tions % cup toasted slivered almonds teaspoon salt Y, teaspoon savory Y% cup margarine, melted eggs, beaten Pepper to taste | Again, simply combine ingre-| dients gently and fill duckling. | =" enough for a 1 to § pound! bird. | 1 2 "i CANADIAN PORT YES you can just taste the extra "standard" on your dinner party menu idea list. NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR Pr2e-Chrustmas SPECIAL!! Ladies' WINTER COAT fat frequently. _|platter to the guests, the host Turn goose breast up until/will remove the garnishes and| done. F carve the goose on a board on a! Remove aluminum foil near side table. end of cooking period so that) skin will be crisp. For 8 to 10 Ib. goose allow} ONE WOMAN RULED 3 to 4 hours. The monarchs. of Denmark, "For 10 to 12 Ib. goose allow|an unbroken line for 1,000 years, 4 to 5 hours. Because of th€|include only one queen, Mar-| variation in shape among geese,|garet, who ruled from 1387 to Christmas Perm. HAIR SUZANNE swiin 5 John St. W. and Simcoe South For Appointment Call 725-4541 allow an extra half hour in 1412. i Fur Trim and Plain Collars Well known Makers -- Fur Fabric--- Plain -- Simotta -- Ski Jackets case more cooking is needed. ar To test for doneness: Press thick muscle of drumstick, protecting fingers with cloth or paper towel. It should feel soft if bird is done and leg should move readily when lifted or) twisted. If meat thermometer | is used insert it into the thick-/ est part of thigh muscle one} hour before end of calculated roasting time. It should regi-| ster 190 degree F in the thigh or 165 degree F to 170 degree F in the centre of the stuffing STUFFING FOR GOOSE % cup softened margarine 1 cup onion, finely chopped 3 cups apple, pared and chopped 7 cups soft bread crumbs % cup seeded raisins 1. tablespoon parsley chopped) 1% teaspoons salt Dab of pepper The House Of Flaire Coiffeurs Welcomes "Daurene"' Dourene is a top stylist from Toronto where she worked in a very exclusive salon. She also tought advanced styling with. the World Su- preme Winner Doris Poul ond--owner--of-an Advanced Academy Styling School. Previous to this Dourene taught with Bruno's Schools of Hair Design in Toronto for a number of years. FOR YOUR PERSONAL APPOINTMENT PHONE 723-6901 House of Flare -COIFFEURS 14. Ontario Street "The Ultimate In-Hoir Styling" = AT DRASTIC SAVINGS 30% or Charge Account Invited NESBITT'S | LADIES' WEAR 33 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA her when you select an elegant % fur fab- ric coat from Fairweather. Imitation broadtail, otter type fabric, Alaska seal type fabric or "Borg" in a vari- ety of flattering White, beige, brown, taupe, tee black. Sizes 6 - 18. tuly great value et a tiny Fashions Since 1867

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