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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1965, p. 24

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& iE GGHAWA TMS, Soctes-Mocombee 18:.19651. NEW ON B-B Paul Lacoste, a Montreal lawyer who served as co- secretary of the Royal Com- mission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, has been named a member of the commission replacing Jean Marchand who was elected to the Commons in the last general election. (CP) B-B; Queries y , : Hp ea Remy hid ' NEW DA WN < KOTEX Yi SU IN WHITE, TAUPE, BEIGE, Reveal More) ¥ INA GIFT PACKAGE YOu SHAMPOO 3¢ REGULAR OR SUPER : SHORT 814-10, By RONALD LEBEL AY 2 DISPENSERS OF 5 Nf SOEASY-NOMUSS-NOFUSS 12's yg «MEDIUM 8%4--11, LONG 10-11, OTTAWA (CP)--Some ques- theanswerr as the 10 members| ie SUGGESTED $1 29 "7, SUGGESTED $1 aS ie SUGGESTED cs $5 M15) of the royal commission on bi- : LIST $1.45 r 'Ms LIST $2.25 a a LIST 5le Ni ' A PAIR X f MY st ui lingualism and _ biculturalism cross-examine spokesmen for various national organizations. At a four-day public hearing here, the last in a series of 12 across the country, the commis- sioners seem to be testing re- actions to possible solutions to what they have called the "cri- / sis" in French - English rela- . tions. \ i ' ' For six hours Monday, they < a asked precise, ag ong Age med vt ; about proposals for the expan- KS eS sion of bilingualism. The em- Vr " , TABLETS phasis was on the possible pub- : lic acceptance and practical va- Jue of the proposals. Ss ee) FAST RELIEF FROM When Ottawa lawyer John H. Ne ary N DUE TOC "/ MeDonald proposed a "ruly B-] : PAIN DUE TO COLDS, 8 = THE CLEAR HAIR CREAM za ¥ wy 4 aie ay i ment for Ottawa-ull, Commis = US NEURALGIA. FOR MEN! IT'S GREASELESS. Duaton wondered whether local " taxpayers would accept the Nf 100 TABLETS 3 OUNCES change. - QUESTIONS PLAN ae =SUGGESTED SUGGESTED ¢G Commissioner Jean-Louls Ga- sy LIST 99e LIST 89e gnon asked whether it would not A , be simpler to broaden the pow- ers of the National Capital Com- mission, a federal planning agency, to promote bilingu- alism. Mr. McDonald stood by his proposal. When President Claude J } -- " ' coneiwecamdenizen ce] a re. 2.6.0. § GILLETTE LADY ¢ LISTERINE Ses lets iewmaee cael Gg | nt BABY & | y g, PATRICIA fo giving Quebec ou, 4 i | FOAMY ae hid ee ANTISEPTIC "i hie a aes Baby POWDER Z AEROSOL : HAI R =. MOUTH WASH matter for federal - provincial S : # ws ee y AND GARGLE negotiations. The CLC had Ne | z THE POWDER SHAVING CREAM i SPR AY a ' PRODON AIR FRESHENER ALKA SELTZER STERI-SEPTIC QUICK RELIEF FROM HEADACHE, & ACID INDIGESTION, UPSET STOMACH PINE, LILAC, CITRUS, 25 TABLETS 12 OUNCES SUGGESTED 6 lg SUGGESTED LIST 78¢ B, LIST 99¢ didi dhl ald) dy dl dl dd oe wy Mm) w Wi eT ~~ das a taken no stand on this issue but it might in the future. : Ny x THAT BABIES LOVE eS y When the Canadian A ; ty sf WITH 34 ay . " KILLS GERMS tion, of renehdanguage Buca YY ae : --" | st | K; y i" us be | 7 I AKts BAD 3 i fe saxit® ; RISTMAS. 5 , Co eon ee 4) =sowims FREE | REGULAR =e CHRISTIN \ contol Ill Gig aREATH AWAY. whether it would be realistic to ' y i OR MENTHOL * SIDA CONTROL . J é a) deal in the same way with con- j LOVING TOUGH a Pamadadene Ss FIRM CO r cos Aes (i centrations of French - Cana- iV i? I Tl OUNCES SOFT STYLE . 14 OUNCES dians outside Quebec and with 9 OUNCES. AF {ue OC other French : Canadians scat vey % y 2 OUNCES "4 = SUGGESTED SUGGESTED tered over a large area. ecciation president. ssid Freact| at RY SUGG. LIST $1.19 if LIST 49¢ if UST 98e tion of French-language Educa- should be recognized -- every- where in Canada as an official language, but this would not Y Jor 190 ) 8} SD prevent differing applications of > the principle. BRU PD aR Cae ee ee lee eee Nef Bete RAE LEER tie te Ke cn es FACELLE MODERNE ' : Three university students : Nf LADIES...TREATYOURSKINTO %& : Wy from Quebec representing La , . r PAIN RELIEF Presse Etudiante Nationale, a ' 200's We Wi MF =6IN CHEWING group of French-speaking stu- / SUGGESTED "f SOF i j UE _ dent newspaper editors favoring s Ay a uh Xe Quebec independence, were x LIST 2/4le ' ae questioned closely by Mr. Ga- <S " AY BEAUTY gnon, former editor of Montreal com Moderne a BR ae / La Presse. ae yf i Why had the association im- 4 cron a BATH posed its separatist views on all AY , 4 - member newspapers, he asked. ; 87D 78> } 208) 20h er 708 1 rn mL poe 9 Bee 9 ee = Was this not an obace ore] BF MSUSMS SS SR A a OIL =: ~--oBEAT THE HIGH COST OF FILM ip *RYeRPERMRPaRURE ion members from outside Que- ua WY Ny WITH vf SET toe GERITOL § B\eiey sootues our DYNACHROME = & stor swerunc rig oe end maer ge at , ( A MULTIPLE 4 : SKIN AND MAKES 7 = AND START a. a W VITAMIN IRON © ga) «= IT SOFTERAND =, pYNACHROME COLOUR $3 29 = BREATHING PE ge lig neg rd iJ TONIC ; , LOVELIER ef MOVIE FILMS mm. 25 FT. Wa s¥ AGAIN WITH . Kt Vay y (processing included) 3¥¥ is ccmeD young French - Canadians in v 40 TABLETS suce.ustsico °1,09 Xe DYNAPAN Ny CORICIDIN D flected the thinking of most oY the "petite beurgesl ior" Did $ BLACK AND WHITE FILM boisie' i v' , y | th peak for all students? ' GG. : A : LY 7 ee +? tg $ : SUGG. LIST $2.69 2.29 DP127 or DP 620 ¢ ; SUGG, wes Sh oo - page epiversisy? . $3.29 a ay $999 Xt SPECIAL FoR KG LIST » 89° ne oi e students, lerre Y Ne a y , Fortin, conceded that they all : X SUGG. LIST $3.39 Y Ng $1.19 12's had middle-class backgrounds. . He said youths outside the uni- - pty versities are not well organized sii sats as Veqd qm 89 SIZE NOXZEMA row..on DEODORANT £77 on™ Janan Hurler : P with $3.00 or more purchase of (S Plays At Home ) products on this sale, Stee TOKYO (AP) -- Left-handed pitcher Masanori Murakami signed up today with Nankai Hawks to play for the Japanese baseball club next year. The 2i-year-old Marakami be- came the first Japanese to play in the U.S. major leagues. He played with San Francisco Gi- ants in the 1965 season.

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