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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1965, p. 31

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TSsaw WE RE GOING TO THE CONCERT TONIGHT! <A i, SN so, 6 es dome M Serre ers Seesse7 |" MAKE MEL5 | DON'T WORRY!T YORE, MENT KNOWS LI'L ABNER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES WHOM! TOGETHER AGINP cy GEE, MISS WINNIE WHERE AMI # I GUESS IVE BEEN KINDA SICK, HUH? OSPITAL™ THE POLICE OFFICERS TOOK ONE 'TILL PRETEND T° HIT... THAT WILL 3 PRING HIM OUT PROM BEHIN? THE EL? BARR [WHICH PAIR \ [ONO LIKE F BUT EARLS HEADING THIS WAY! te i) ce @ hae fener Spat te HPS kd ghee ceeerved \ A Tdf GA % / ! reg 4 p 4 . = <Sa exe m\ '»f\ ie i) a el rie 'THE FRONT HATCH. ! CASEY AND PABLO ESCAPE THROUGH © King Poarares Syndionte, ine. 1965. Weed! cabin received a THE OSHAWA TIMBS, 31 Wedtnacdey Pacamber 15, 4 LITTLE CHANG RAVELLING WIDELY AS A STAR OF IMEDY, BEATRICE LILLIE € TO VISIT HER SON AT SCHOOL IN ENGLAND. ONCE, SEEING HER PERFORM, LITTLE BOBBIE 1S PUZZLED... HAO NIGHT. oe A PACIFIC «4+ THE LONE RANGER MOTHER» DO YOU LIKE PEOPLE LAUGHING AT YOUT, i 'is lal YEARS LATER,ON OPENING TOP'? IN BNGLAND FOR BEA A NAVAL T BOBBIE, NOW OFFICER FIGHTING IN THE ill ie ee: J = \ coe AAI By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder im Masters! Individuel Chempionship Pisy) North dealer. North-South Opening lead -- king of diax onds. monds. When Sylvia first learned to~ finesse, a brand new world SECRET AGENT X9 Y TLLLEAVE NOW, SURI «+ GIVE YOU A CHANCE 10 .FRESHEN UP BEFORE YOU RUSH To YOUR FRIENDS 6epsipe / URGENT Mi MORE (FI PULL AROUND THE CORNER AND KEEP AN EYE ON HER WHEN SHE LEAVES ON THIS ISGION: { jreally understand what pened up for her. She didn't con- stituted a finesse and what did not, but just the same she treated the exciting discovery i \like a child with a delightfut IT'S MY FIRST |? EFFORT LIKE ITP DONALD DUCK (EXCELLENT! 'S000 COLOR, GOOD COMPOSITION... IN FACT L OON'T THINK I'VE EVER SEEN 1215 Yi CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. Rest- 1. Concoction lessly 6. Auxiliary 3. Force verb 4, Odin, 11. Negatively Vulcan, charged Pluto, etc. 12, 5, Being . Reef 13. , Canadian lake port . City of 15. Manasseh . Theater box seat 16. Fibber 17, Ever- green Through British medical society: abbr. 18. Bitter, sometimes 19. Bridge beam 22. Lacerate 21, Intensi- fied > 23. Days of yore 24, One of the hills of Rome 25, Re- ached- ules, ine way 27. Mari- time signal 29. Stroke 31, Debit 33. Abbreviated news agency 34, Oriental nurse mc ic Gik AO} iG mies os Siok Wer Ol=a> Soe Qt) Wiis! aimir loin E Yesterday's Answer 35. Conrad's "Victory" heroine 36. Girl's name' 37. Famous Harlem cabby 39. Scientist's work- room, for short 26, oe rT heza: 27, Explain T "Ts Ts T0 28, Italic or Roman 29. Deliberate 30, As like as two---- 32. Nay 33. Flair 36, Latvian coins 38. Catkin 39, Confine 40, More lucid 41, Ancient Mariner's plight "on a wide, wide sea" 42, Sheltered 43, What Mr, Wilis runs YOUR HEALTH Colic For Babies Rare In Hospitals By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Moiner: What causes colic--Mrs. G. G | You, my dear, win the prize| for the shortest letter I've ever had. Good questtion, too. Colic is a sharp abdominal pain, and the word derives from the word colon. Therefore lots of things can cause colic. We usually think of -colic_as an infant's problem. I suppose that is what you mean. Well, pediatricians often remark that! "colic isn't a disease; it's a} symptom." And that's true. It's a pain. Adults have true colic Pass- ing of a stone (kidney or a gall stone) is common. Pylorospasm (spasm. of the outlet of the) stomach) or spasm of the bowel} or colon can be exquisitely pain- ful. Distension from "gas' is jthat a baby has colic? Because another, Some menstrual paing he eries| And why does a baby can fairly be called colic. And| 80 on. | In an infant, colic is a severe | bellyache. The simplest and| commonest form (except as I| will explain) is the pain that re-| sults from swallowing air while| feeding, usually from a. bottle. The poor child has "gas pains." That's why we tuck them up over our shoulder and burp them after feeding. : Here, however, are two. ob- servations that seem to be little known except among doctors. First, -colic-is-- more~-common among first born babies, less common among second or ttird. Second, colic in babies, while common at home, is very rare in hospitals. This is. significant. After all, how do you know 2--Buttale 3--Barrie Channei Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 6--Rochester Channel 9%~Toronto Charine! 11--Hamilton ern cetera WRONESOAY EVE. 5:00 P.M, Familiy Theetre == i O'clock Show 4--Passport To Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel i--Lieyd Thaxten 5:30 P.M. O--Leave it Te Beever 7--Rocketship 7 é--Music Hop 3--Hudson Bay 6:00 FM. 1-2--News é--City Ars +News, Sports Gruck Healy ' 6:20 PM, i Tepper News Bobby 6:30 PLM, 1--#amily Theatre 0-43---News; Westher puary 11:00 P.M, atin N947-4433---Nows 4--Buftal w pee eather, Sperte 1:15 P.M. 9--Aetro Fine Viewpoint 11:20 P.M. s-4--Lote Show 11:30 PLM, llThe Saint J 11:40 PLM, %--Plerre Berton +3--Midweek Theatre 12:30 A.M. 1l--News; Weather; Sports 6--Newscap THYRSDAY 9--Piaytime Site TELEVISION LOG 12:15 PLM. 4--Speaker of The Hoves 12:30 P.M. 11--Noon Time oI Love Lucy $-2--Let's Pisy é4--Search For Tomorrow b-Meandey Repert 12:45 PM, 1 LaSoiaing tone 1:00 P.M. \--Theatre : S--James Beard Show Bathe Pr J--Ben Casey Luncheon Date sheet the MiKers 3--Summer Cerousel ee Casi 1:30 PM. O--Sergeant Bilke &4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M. with Uncle Per Dellere end 8--Huntley-Brinkiey News T--€hayenne b-Acrose Canada 7:00 P.M. t=Gilligans Island amp Runemuck &--Rip Cord 6--News, Weather, 4--The Meneymesners 3-12 O'clock High 8~Huntiev-Brinkley Report 7:30 P.M, Green Acres 03--Virginian %--Ontie and 4 4--Provincial Affairs 4--Lost in Space 8:00 P.M, 11--Special Movie t--My Favorite Maries 7--Patty Duke thee #-2--Morning 63--Okay Crackerberry T--The 0:00 A 9--NHL Hockey b~Andy of 3--B5b Hope 4--Boverty Hillbillies 9:00 ©.M, Fe The x Peed 8-4--Bob Hi 4--Green Acres 9:30 PLM. 63--Featival 4--Dick Van Dyke 10:00 P.M. HwMary Griffin Show +! Spy T--Amos Burke -- Secret Agent 4--Danny Kaye Show 10:30 PLM. S--Sports Hot F--ABC Scope 12:00 4--Luncheon 4M Bee 9:30 A.M, ld Alien 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 3--Doble Gillls 10:00 A.M, Nurses &-2--Fractured Phrases 63--Canadian Schools 4--1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, Vid Allen 10:45 6-3--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M. ll--Mike Douglas o-- Mr. And Mrs. Youns Se LM. 63--Butternut Square 1:18 AM. "ar, Fue Fields Of Sacrifice 11:20 A.M, &3--Aercas Canede Mh Fata SeAbroceds a &2--Paradise Bay 6--Musical | 4~--Dick Van Dyke Show %--Toronto Today O8-Call My Biv 7--Money Movi B--Pepeye end Pole 2:18 P.M, %--Deer Charlotte 1:30 PLM. 9--Peopie in Contilel O4--The Decters 7--A Time For Us Love That Bob 43--To Tell The Trvth new be Nor did it take long for the members of the club to learn of Sylvia's extraordinary con ception of a finesse. It just se ahppened that she played in thé club duplicate shortly after het great discovery, and she was in the South seat when this hand came up. At most tables South had be. come declarer at four hearts and gone down one. A diamond was invariably led and taken with the ace. When declarer then played the ace and an other heart, the various South players each had a problem of whether or not to cover with the queen when East played the ten. Regardless of what they played, however, all these de- clarers went down. The de- clarers who ducked the ten ran nto three straight diamond leads to go down one. But Sylvia made the contract in her own highly specialized fashion. She also got to four hearts and got a diamond lead. The hand presented no pro lem to Sylvia. She took the dia- mond with the ace and entered her hand with a spade in ordet to make use of her latest weap on--the finesse. , She led the queen of hearts! West was forced to cover with the king, which dummy took with the ace. Sylvia returned a heart and East won the trick with the ten. East could do nothing to de- feat the contract. He did as well as he could when he cashed the jack of hearts and returned a spade, but there was nothing to the rest of the play. Sylvia got rid of two diamonds on dummy's clubs, *and though she later conceded a diamond trick, she was the only one in the room to make four hearts. TOO MUCH WRONG WORK MONTREAL (CP)--The pot lice constable for the little town of North Hatley, Que., 100 miles east of here, is tired of getting telephone calls intended for a big Montreal daily newspaper. His number and the newspa- per's are the same, so local people get him when they for get to dial the long distance prefix. SALLY'S SALLIES 3:30 PLM, \1--Funny Compeay ie Your Merve &--You Don't Say i--The Yeung tharvieds b3--Teke 9 Bdge of $~Kartaon Karnivel Star dha yarry interlude NOON ie Date X-CHANGE - You Cen Exchange Sketes Thot Are Too Smell Fer A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. DITION. ery? Not nécéssarily because he is in pain, or has colic, but be- cause he is unhappy or worried or upset. Both folklore and the inexper- ience of new parents ascribe a baby's cry to colic. Quite often that's wrong. Baby is crying be- cause he wents-attention, or is vaguely tense because people around him are tense and ner- vous. I don't say this critically. We can't all be calm and placid. But calm, easy-going parents tend to have calm babies who seldom have colic, Life's like that Tense, apprehensive babies; like adults, can develop' ner- vous cramps. Colic, if you please. 'Nerves' become real pain. Cuddling in a rocking chair cures the colic of a lot of babies. Best ways to prevent colic are, besides burping a baby who happens to be an energétic air- swallower, are to be calm, af- fectionate, to give baby a rea- sonably regular schedule, to ad- just his feeding schedule suita- bly, and to remember that ev- ery holler isn't colic. Some- times he wails because he is lonesome, scared, feeling ne- glected or--well, why do all of us feel like yelling in protest at times? PEOPLE HAVE DISPERSED | The population of Ireland, 8.- |000,000 in 1845, now is about half that number. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. . 223 King St. W. 723-3224 Mon. te Fri. 8 a.m. te 9 p.m. Set. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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