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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1965, p. 5

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WHITRY. DAY - BY - DAY Senior Citizens Guests - Of Whitby Rotary Club WHITBY (Staff) --A special; Main attraction of the enter-|_ - si = ae va tainment were Mrs. Margaret mmings was held at the Whit-|,. ' by Community Arena, Tuesday Connoly and Gail Clark who pre- afternoon for the town's senior sented a dance routine com- citizens. Host for the special|plete in colorful costume. An- event was the Whitby Rotary |other dance routine a novel ver- Club, More than 75 people sat/sion of the Charleston, was pro- down to dinner. "\yided by Miss Margo Wilson. The party featured roast|Lindia Horack entertained the turgey stuffing, ample num-| Rotarians and their guests with bers of cookies and sweetbread,|several vocal numbers with plus plum. pudding. Entertain- Mrs. Douglas Williams provid- ment of a special nature was|ing accompaniment on the also provided by the hosts. piano. Sanitary Sewer Project Starts Work has started on a sani-)started a huge shaft at the north tary sewage project in the|east corner of Clemence and Brock st. s., area of Whitby.|Brock sts. The shaft will be 25 Tripp Construction Co., Port feet deep, 12 feet wide and 14 Perry, moved on to the scene|feet long. It will connect té a with a huge crane for the pre- tunnel that will run north west- ; erly hooking up with a shaft at liminary work Tuesday morning. |the intersection of Brock and | The construction work com- Arthur sts.,.a distance of ap- menced when the company proximately 400 feet. Hospital Patients To See Puppets The men of Cottage 11 at the will be a presentation of "'Punch} Ontario Hospital, Whitby andjand Judy" by Puppeteers from the Volunteers Couples Group|the McLaughlin Public Library. are anticipating an evening of Carol singing, refreshments fun this coming Friday. jand the traditional visit of gift-| A major feature of the Sbiet aden St. Nicholas will round tainment at the Christmas party!out the annual affair. TCW Contributes To Carpet Fund Senior School Recommended St. Mark's United Church} The president gave the call} r 8 By Pickering Area Board Women, Unit No. 5, held its|to worship. Miss Marian Brom-| BROUGHAM -- The Pickering,said the senior school, program|®W neighborhood until Graae 6.|,,, said, '"'and I hope the new December meeting Monday atlell led in prayer. All sang| Township School Area 1 board|would give realistic and active(and, by that time, Mr. Pearce)),.-4 will not be swayed by the church parlor. The presi-|""Angels From The Realms of dent, Miss Mildred Price, chair-|Glory" with Miss Lily Saun- this week recommended to the| progress, lead children along the|thought aon > able 10| public opinion, nor work this into © : P an alley by adding rooms here ed the meeting. Hospital and/ders at the piano. Miss Eva home visits were recorded /Hartrick read the scrip'ure and Members discussed arrange-|Miss Lilly Saunders read: a|1966 board that a senior publicjright xoad through reading the | leave ments for leaders to take two|meditation. Mrs. Olive Robinson|school be built to accommodate |right Books under the guidance strings. land there. Then later when they months each of the 10 meetings|read a prayer. Miss Laura Pel-|Grades 6 to 8. The location of|of a librarian, and provide slow-| Roland Simons observed that|see the wisdom of a single in 1966, culminating in a satis-|low and Mrs. Mary Unlerwood|the school was left to the dis-ler accelerated classes for the|he had heard arguments from|school, find it impossible to get cretion of the new board lratepayers that it could not belinto it. a The action was proposed by = : --- Christmas. ~ Decorations factory arrangement. Mrs.jeach read a meditation from Mary Underwood will continue|*'The Moral Spectrum." Donald Gibson whose motion re- commended the construction of 10-0Z, SPECIAL as treasurer. Mrs. Olive Robin-| yembers enjoyed Christmas a 12-room senior public schovul 65c¢ son was nominated and voted in ' A as secretary and press secre- carols ' at Foon tary. The collection was re-|Piano by 4 iss Lilly Saunders. Psagy arty ceived and money was turned/Refreshments were served on a Oe ee cad ta aes over to Mrs. Underwood for the paca oper gal con-|+, accommodate one class per = if jroom if ptssible to ultimately jachieve a program of single- 20% OFF ALL CORNING WARE Thermometers -- Tools carpet fund. igraded classrooms at the Grade Mixers -- tron Church Unit Holds Christmas Sale graded classrooms Toasters -- Toys WHITBY | =. Shum, 22 & 2S = Y PE rt RSONALS Beveew: wantin treet em a vrai Dougla 308 Gilbert|wishes for. the holiday season, st. @. Las . _ esac o/s "irs. Grace Bartindaie, © of Fourteen members of Whitby) Stirling, is a house guest of her Brass Band Ladies' Auxiliary|gaughter and son-in-law, Mr. were present Monday eveing atjand Mrs. David Kernohan. She Spruce Villa Hotel for their|will be spending the Christmas Christmas dinner. The president,! holidays with them. BROCK WHITBY Magistrate and Mrs. P. T. 'yHakey "Port Artiur, arrived iasi weekend and willbe spending the holiday season with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest White, 127 Perry st. Mr. and Mrs, Rheal Turgeon, 113 Brock st. n., celebrated One Camplens Program iach Evening -- Starting at 7:30 their second wedding anniver- sary on Monday. ee ee ek ae Oe ROBERT GOULET ANDY WILLIAMS ' ws MAURIGE CHEVALIER a | Family Monuments | a | &/ Created To | Individual | Requirements i STAFFORD BROS, | LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Plus 2nd Feature Attraction Begins 7:30 "THE SECRET INVASION" -- in Color With--Stewert Grenger--Henry Silve MY "THANKS" To The Whithy Voters Who Supported Me For Re-Election For The Whitby Public School Board. Leslie McFarlane PORT WHITBY CUB PACK INDUCTS TWO MEMBERS the two new members, Robert Smith and Steven Edwards. Christmas Specials GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY recent meeting two new Port Whitby, is enjoying Cubs were invested. Mrs. A. considerable 'success. At a Rosso, Baloo and Cubmaster -------------, Al Rosso, who are 'n charge | of the Pack, are seen with The recently reorganized John's Anglican Church, First Port Whitby Wolf Cubs, which meets in St. --Oshawa Times Photo {-- | done at 2% mills increase, but \their own community, many are|he didn't care if it took 5 mills. igoing to be miles from school | ong ap EDUCATION anyway. They would be in their) "«1< stil] cheap education," As far as keeping children in Kitchen Step-On WASTE CANS 6.98 Whithy Store Hours Effective Immediately -- For The Convenience Of The Public, Whitby Stores Will Remain OPEN DAILY until 9 P.M. Except Saturdays - when they will close at 6 P.M. Whitby Chamber Of Commerce .- BECKER'S -:- THE ORIGINAL MILK JUG STORE BUY THE BEST FOR LESS AT BECKER'S Prices Effective Wed., Dec, 15th te Set., Dec. 18th BECKER'S OWN -- 40 OZ. QT. PLUS DEP, REG. 45¢ 39° BECKER'S OWN -- ALL PUPOSRE GRIND TLB. -- REG, 89 79° MAPLE LEAF -- 1 LS. PKG. BAC usa. 0» 99° The BECKER MILK Store BLAIR PARK PLAZA -- WHITBY OPEN 9 A.M, -- 11 P.M. -- 7 DAYS A WEEK -- AT THE -- WHITBY MEAT MARKET Where you get QUALITY at Cut Rate Prices ¢ RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF ° BLADE & SHORT RIB ROASTS ». 55° RUMP ROAST u. 65° RIB STEAKS u 59° COLD CUTS u. 49° @ Mac & Cheese @ Pickle & Pimento @ Dutch Loof @ Chicken Roll St. Mark's United Church} Members were reminded of Women, Unit No. 7, held its|the senior citizens luncheon of/ DUTY TO RATEPAYERS ee ieee ee ee i church house y ev .| Uni . 7 will be assisting. wen : ' The leader, Mrs, Thomas Farn-| yrs, Farndale displayed the -- -- oo * _ dale, opened the meeting with h tt rd on ltownship," Mr. Gibson said. three quilts worked on by mem-|..pp, ratepayers have a right to a Christmas poem. Mrs. Borg i b Jorgensen was in charge of the bers and also clothing to ©! expect this. It is acknowledged) devotional period on the Christ-| given to Oshawa Children's Aid by education authorities that the| mas theme. ee | Society. ' 'i It was announced that the fol- ; lowing officers will be in charge' Bh ag ee Bd = | for the- coming term, as fol-\() of a pot luck supper at/0f the 1960's. I think it is our) lows: lthe assembly hall: The next|duty to prepare for the event- Leader, Mrs. Thomas Farn-| esting of Unit No. 7 will be uality in order that ratepayers dale; secretary treasurer, Mrs. Jan, § at the church house, | Will not be overly-kurdened, and} Frank Dalby; program conven- ' 4 Co 4 * |this would not be the case if it ers, Mrs. Gerald Cox and Mrs. _ Mrs. Gerald Cox acted as pony were planned over a period of Cecil Brown; telephone conven-|tionecr en ogecioore ent \years." er, Mrs. William Hay. aK Ah oye thas a" He estimated a mill rate from Mrs. Raymond Marshall re-| : i \the current 15 mills to 17%! ported the Church calendar sale) A delightful Christmas lunch} ills over the next five years had been completed very maul bbe served in charge of Mrs. Board amber Gorden Searce cessfully. John Foster and her group. District Cow Wins Gold Certificate A Sunny Dale Miss Alice 4, own-| ons bay A wena Alice he d by William R. Reid, of Ash-jcompleted 12 actations produc- cy ae eit ayrshire|ing 123,346 Ibs. milk, 5,075 Ibs.| GIFT SUGGESTION cows.owned by Ontario breeders |fat, 4.11 percent in 3,886 days. A PASS-BOOK FOR A which recently qualified for|As a 14-year-old she produced Gold Seal Certificates. The cer-| 11,399 Ibs. milk, 463 Ibs. fat inj EW SAVINGS ACCOUNT tificates are given in recognition | 349 days. Mr. Reid purchased The first deposit in «1 ew small one-room schools can no longer service the requirements | "PROCTOR" STEAM IRONS 14.95 TOASTERS $14.95 & $19.95 Cupboard or Refrigerator Turntables Single . . . $1.98 Double .. . $3.98 Electric Osterizer BLENDER 29.95 "Thistle Doll Carriages Trikes --- Wagons Sleighs MAPLE HILL "BARM STYLE CHEESE &&- 5g |SAUSAGE 3... 89° HAMBURG PATTIES 3. 1,00 | | x Inquire About Our Prices on Grade i is Bs? celine Turkeys, Chickens, Geese, Ducks, Capons y WHITBY WHITBY MEAT MARKET | (**2x*"*) 319 Brock St. S. Whitby PLAZA WHITBY PHONE 668-6941 Whitby Red & Blue Brand Beef -- oe Maer -- All Meats Govt. Inspected of meritorious lifetime produc-|her four years ago in the Sunny Dale Dispersal Sale of John McLennan Martintown, Ont; She} is classified Very Good and her} 'sire is Annandale Militant. i BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | Uxbridge Truck Driver Fined $200 On 2 Charges | the Harmony Creek area, Oshawa, when searched by police and liquor found. Aucoin was also fined an additional $25 and costs or 10 days. Stealing $1.75 from milk bottles led Alexander Reid, of no fixed address, to a. convic- tion on a.charge of theft under $50. Reid, 54, admitted stealing the money from three houses on Walnut street tion achievements. The cows are all on official ROP test and all have been milked on practical two times a day milking. en- of nice pessbook will the '"'Hobit -- a mighty savings courage Saving" Christmas Gift McCullough Jewellers le xe HEADQUARTERS for the WORLD'S ONLY : ELECTRONIC TIMEPIECE ACCUTRON wy BULOVA ACCUTRON "412" Randsomely designed case, dial with hand-applied markers and WHITBY (Staff) -- A 46-year- old Uxbridge truck driver was! fined a total of $200 and costs or 45 days in jail, Tuesday, after being convicted on} charges of impaired driving and failing to remain at the scene of an accident. Robert Gourlie, also had his licence suspended by Magis- trate Harry Jermyn for 15 months. Gourlie the court was told had been the driver of a truck that) had sheared off a hydro nule on Highway 7, causing $600 dam- age to the pole and a transform er on the pole. A breathalizer test on Gourlie showed he had 2.0 and 2.1 parts per thousand. - Hegal possession of liquor and having liquor in a place other than his residence cost David John Wilson, $25 and costs or %0 days in jail. Wilson had admitted owner ship of four pints of beer found WONDERFUL GIFTS From the Sportsman's Corner +* DOLL STROLLERS By Gendron. Sturdy steel body. Reg. $4.95. 3.95 Our Price TROPICAL FISH Gold Cresents (Moon) Zebres -- Neons -- Fancy Anse) 3 FOR 97 DOLL CARRIAGES 11.95 ,, 18.95 A Perfect Gift for Christmas McCULLOUGH JEWELLERS LIMITED Whitby Plaza Whitby Ph. 668-5051 By Gendron from OUTDOOR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS String of 14 bulbs--C.S.A, epproved. New twinkle fine. Reg. $4.95. Our Price 3.67 SKATE EXCHANGE 2.97 Plus four Trade SPORTSMAN'S CORNER CHILD'S DESK PUMP AND FILTER SET Including motor, filter, glass weol, charcoal and hose. 5,97 Reg. 7.00. Special Lift- top Steel frame and seat. Reg. 8.95. Our Price kboard with alp 6.97 FISHING REEL Famous Johnson Gull. Closed foce model with automatic thumb--com- plete with monofilliment line, Reg. 20.95. 11.17 Our Price AQUARIUM Large 10 Gel. -- Stainless steel! with complete canopy, pump & Filter set. Air hose, Charcoal, Glass wool, gre- vel, thermometer, net & food. Cem- plete kit, Reg. 31.66. 19 97 Our Price BABY TROPICAL TURTLE With Turtle Bowl. Complete with Palm tree. 1.27 SPECIAL ROUSSEAU in a car which was stopped by police. Drinking under age cost Ber- nard Vauteur, 19, of Drew st. Oshawa and Andre Aucoin 20,| 103 Byron St. $., Whitby One Block West of 4 Corners POOL TABLES By Gendron Approximate size 50" x SKI SETS Children & Teens. Best quality, bek- ed enamel! finish. Steel cable bind- SHOTGUNS Double Barrel, 12, 16 & 20 Gauge. HERITAGE = Slovenes Ontares Mh = ad ZS HOUSE 216 MARY ST. E, PHONE 668-3483, WHITBY, ONTARIO ing. Complete with poles. Up to 5° in length. Reg. 10.95 to 16.95. Pre 8.97 +. 14.97 Price 100", Complete with cues, bolls and . « Reg. 210,00. 177.00 also of Oshawa, $50 and costs each, or seven days. The two accused had been in Made in Spain by expert craftsmen. Fully guorenteed. Reg. 89. 50 L 105.00, Our Price 'SPORTSMAN'S CORNER 103 BYRON ST. S. | WHITBY'S LARGEST USE OUR 1 Block West of 4 Corners TOYLAND LAYAWAY PLAN * ia rake . Now One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wollpoper end Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom @ CALL. Paints ond Vornishes | © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipts DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 ee WEBSTER Lumber & Supply 701. Brock St. N., Whitby PH: 668-4451 See us today for... Alum- inum Doors and Windows, In- auletion, Weother Stripping, tn fact -- Everything to Win- teviae your Home. Ontario County's Gathering Place for people seeking unusual Gift items. WON'T YOU DROP IN AND SEE US SOON ?

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