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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Dec 1965, p. 16

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eae ae Ct ne eae ome : "~ 1 SUBS, » RAR 2 | ie pensepe. | j APPLE STULFING a a oe les _!sugar-sprinkléd pastry board| into fondant first to tint pink : had ber 17 33 Ts tt = | sugar-st led | ¢ pink or Bio ci i inca ons arene Ale (Basic Rules To Be Observed | suvstne 2 cor =sonnea i ea Scan See eae 3 : , -- " , I Rasa adh ANE CoA a '|sugar until desired consistency! colored peei. 5 a | Re | Apple IN place or gmoiis Ah O.ON i j a Can Ma len! is reached. | aa eras a +s seagate ie ea : |For stutting Christmas Bird ee It is a family tradition in| Divide candy into four and) HOUSEHOLD HINT | . | MUSHROOM AND NUT | add one of the fallowing to each! Don't-throw= flat ginger --ale- | Use bread that is-three or four| time. There are, however, many STUFFING Paeetid homes to make candy at! nortion %4 to % teaspoon vanilla; |away. Use it instead of liquid ldays old and remove crusts.|variations of the basic bread)/10 cups soft stale bread | Christmas. Stuffed dates, nuts|14 to %4 teaspoon almond ex-jin making gelatin salads of | One 24-ounce loaf of bread will| stuffing that you can try which crumbs (one and a half 24-| and coated fruits are old favor-|tract; 1 teaspoon grated lemon|desserts. The flavor may be igive approximately seven cups|will add new appeal to your) oz. loaves) ites. The Poultry Products In-|0 orange rind; 1 to 2 drops pep-|strengthened with. a __ little of soft stale bread crumbs.|bird. The home economists of} 4 teaspoon salt stitute of Canada offers a ain. |POXmmnt flavoring. |ground ginger. Allow approximately one cup of|the Consumer Section, Canada) 1, teasnoon pepper ple uncooked type of fondant| Vanilla Flavored Fondant: . wee bread crumbs for each pound} Department of Agriculture, sug-) |" which even the youngest cook) _ (8) Remove pits from dessert of ready-to-cook bird. Combine) gest the following stuffings for) 1 teaspoon sage | in the family can make with| dates and stuff with fondant and all stuffing ingredients just ak '4 cap chopped pariiiy success, tt pi well (if it can|T0ll in fine granulated sugar if fore filling the cavity of the) -- 12 wup chopped cashew nuts |b€ hidden from the nibblers) desired. (b) Roll fondant into cleaned, ready-to-cook bird and) aaa Fig on ciple suamew TE enaen sc ceed to make mint|small balls and press. between place the bird directly into pre-) 1, oung soft, stale bread | 2-8 cup chopped onion patties, or dipped chocolates! halves of walnuts or pecans. heated oven, ' eaakk also, | Almond Flavored Fondant: crumbs (two 24-02. loaves)| 14 pound mushrooms, chopped | lerem mh thin: coating "of fon: HANDLE CAREFULLY 2 teaspoons salt OR 1 can (10-ounce) mush-) -- UNCOQOKED FONDANT | dant around red or : E la a : | f ; NDA} green mara- ie cf ted. bh Pier phd 7 ah iver bay qraned "nd dete | % cup soft butter schino cherries or candied fruit. of the cooke rd a m Ae oan cae pret Ge s : : § cups (approx.) icing sugar) Lemon or Ofange Flavored from the Chrcast as wre as hse , a ahioped (Alen Mix bread crumbs, ee flavoring (see below) Fondant; Press thin coating of rae an oft orate it ind use 1 oe 4 chopped celery | DBs, parsley and nuts. Sautel, egy fondant around malaga grapes, Wrap and table get Soh d a aad Ba 'ai ps butter |the onions and mushrooms in grapes, tangerine 'sections|drained canned or fresh tan- piesa two ig oie lhe brent crunibs, sult, pep- gd ee ee ot yo tg A gy aint, peeuia, etc.| gerine, orange or grapefruit sec- re eftover poultry meat may) at ine" | Toss lightly Ae eat butter with electric or) tions, ; x t | be sliced from the carcass and) Pers Ba OrD a ne nat | Makes 10 cups stuffing--enough! hand beater until fluffy, Gradu-| Peppermint Flavored Fon- , SUM ba) obo "a gran =" peer ih otha' butter untit or a 12- to 20-pound turkey. | ally _ . 1% oy -- oT, dant: Roll out fondant on sugar: Canadian Pot stuffing should no rozen, ier) ; ee \egg an ea oroughly. ed surface, cut with small) Do hot freee stuffed poultry |Omion is transparent. Add to' ny wrap any square or rec-| additional sugar until mixture is| rotund or fancy shaped cutters.) (EQ. MMAAIALaaMalbane , ' a crumbs and mix lightly but £ é safe eo : "andy ine wh ce Pik Gmeelt oe ae oot de. | thoroughly. Makes about 12 cups | 'angular shaped box, cut your stiff, Place candy on icing-' Food coloring may be kneaded| troy any bacteria in the stutt.|StuHing ~ aufficient for @:16-|Daper sbaut twe inches. Songee stroy hb ac 'e key and one inch wider than the ing and on heating any bacteria to 20-pound turkey. i box to be wrapped. Set the box present will begin to multiply. SAUSAGE STUFFING | in the centre of the paper. Join | Do not refreeze poultry that' Qmit butter and celery in and seal with tape. Hold firm \has been thawed, above récipe and reduce onions| and fold the ol fap age * Ont rINnG to % cup. Add 2 cups sausage| Crease corners and fold in to WHAT BAN TRE a Sed ap bel ment (raw or waned). | meet, Seal with tape. Everyone has a family favor- a Te « Fi cure soutien na ' ite stuffing for poultry and it's einen : P Plan to Make 4 ' Res easy to get into the habit of ; pt ON FAVORS CHECKS NOW OPEN 4 q Reservations for Your Sotie: n i f S Small el o ht jelightful t 1 of October and January, 1967. } . é ; ae ew designs from Susan Small, an @legan right, a delightful suit by |4 goog opprtunity for business & é - London in fabrics of British © ress in black and white fo ori ibe ages! 'own |expansion, offeréd in April and SUZANNE Hair Styling A a 4 ' ~ i and country wear and com- | welj.handled, could also prove $ John Sti West and Simcoe South ; : Wool and Courtelle. Left, by - check with pleated skirt; pletely washable. exceptionally profitable. On the ' ke Eres é ~~~ | financial front, your most grati- ok ' P - ; Mt : | fying periods will occur during ? : Continuing Feeling Of Anxiety THE STARS SAY | the first three weeks in January, ladame Suzanne Lemieux, owner, cord- ' 33 , By ESTRELLITA the first two weeks of February, ally invites you to consult her on all (when ' 4 early 'July, mid-August + hoir care, 15 years dt-experienée in : % : 7 . ' ' your hair care years of experience in 4 i May Be Start Of Mental Illnes FOR TOMORROW you may have an unexpected Mantaal Basnanane and Cole Tae BY G2 Plan new on holding your- holiday seeial ils: Whe A day in which you will fare) gtr : i p ? M Stroke of good luck), next Sep- : Surroundings of the Flying Dutchmen Motor Hotel = (Just 10 Minutes By ANN RUEBOTTOM jtheir fees on the patient's abil- better at routine tasks than you;tember, October and January, incase ae Whether uae wre boliiicibiae' satus rere tk new super Hwy,--401, OTTAWA (CP)--Everyone oc-| ity to pay. will at new. enterprisés--with 1967, Do be conservative in oa Wa at tne' Fite. Bon baer. ora. cee wining ett St "wens ; i i 3 6 - , " " 'jf 7 eo 4 bd sis i tcasionally feels unloved, infer- "Sometimes people go to a,0ne exception: New ideas or an ald Pete mts ned ene CALL US NOW Pig which hes been' dehleved throups "tha personel daa ngticcions 'jor, discouraged, guilty, tense,/family service agency with a|methods for simplifying the shbates ah ora, aaah Hs consideration which is given to the minutest detail of your function, frightened, anxious, mental health problem because |aforesaid routine should work March, the first three weeks of and make : ; aa For Your Reservation PHONE 623-3373 * But when these feelings hang|it manifests itself as a family/out well; also relieve monotony. ae oe a Aaa ost anes arrangements for your vi ton, are intense or frequent,| roblem," says Mrs. Hotz.|Keep ears tuned to unusual sug- devin thie perl P baer Christmas Perm. ' 5694 *they may be symptoms of men-| amily service centres are in| gestions. They could prove prof- "throw" you if you haven't sul- & : < "tal illness, says the Canadian|@ g00d position to narrow down itable pant lente aw Wank MOTOR HOTELS ¢Mental Health Association, ene ene whole fam, /FOR THE BIRTHDAY Along personal lines, you HAIR Highway 401 Bowmanville In other cases, a Victim's | iy f be! If tomorrow is your birthday, should experience happy rela- SUZANNE ' INTER ENE NGE TS 5 fe sgereap mss bowed = seri Their tintin can other vaiteun your horoscope indicates that|tionships with family and STYLING ? 623-3373 .lose the line between the rea ' s E |you now are facing better pfos-| fri ; 4 ye F By qi eand imagined, may suffer deep si ms help The down pects than you nave had th a oe aretha "i ni 5 John St. W. and Simcoe South f , be sdepréssion or elation, hallucin-/'€"sions in a home. Y May jong time and that you should, wat 'lose cire' + ' lations, delusions and false be-|4lso refer one or more Mem-|therefore, capitalize on every Mey hag gic Toeggeia Shr For Appointment Call 725-4541 *liefs and perceptions, bers of the family to a mental) available opportunity if youally and perhaps through busi- Someone with severe emo-/ health clinie or psychiatrist. would gain all the benefits pos-| ness pressures, you may be un- 'tional problems can also de-| Another person who may be|sible--not only for the next! necessarily abrupt with those -velop physical symptoms such|in a position to spot signs of|year, but for an additional two about you, Best periods for ro- "as ulcers, allergies and skin'mental illness is the public|or three months in early 1967. mance: Mid - January, early conditions. health nurse and she should) To be specific: Where occu- April, early May, late August; The spectre of mental illness|also be acquainted with various|pational and-or business inter- for travel: The 'weeks between "may not be.as large and black|services so that she can direct) ests are concerned, look for fine July 18 and Oct. 1. ig 7 "_ a ed years Pot gm the patient to the right place. |chances to make progress dur-| A child born on this day will it is still often considered a eer' * ing the balance of this month:|be endow wit t - thing of shame not to be able TEACH MORE PEOPLE also during the Jatter part of|tellect re ser he to cope with your problems. The CMHA recognizes that! january, throughout May, Au-|talents required to succeed in For this reason there are|there now are more people) .iuc¢ September, the first halflalmost' any field of his choice "any who need help but prefer | qualified to help but it stilt) ---__ a sn VP alah ele i ti "to try to conceal their problems eg to rn the circle. : seeki ais eo | Teachers and clergymen are in- : : ; ons gel gyro Mgnt cluded in educational campaigns This Christmas Give The 'like any illness, mental dis- geared to show them how to L VIN . orders can often be treated] SPot problems, how to advise on more easily and effectively if them, how and where to refer Tc Theat: One Person tn Your Lite caught early. |people and, equally important, For example, some may re- how to recognize where their y Metal dy Watch World you ¢an ch Bikes @ " *f that Extra Special Gift from « widely spond to temporary '"'hurdle'?|O¥" competence to deal with a selection of finely crafted mekes ond chelp intended to carry them | Problem ends. oC eshag And at great savings @lso--from -through a difficult period. A CMHA pamphlet says dis- (ie eee - 'When mental iliness is sus-jabling mental illness requiring BULOVA'S _pected, a good person to see long-term hospital care is slowly Ranging from $35.95 & u -first ls your family doctor, says|and steadily declining, Even RODANIA'S "Mrs. M. ©. B. Hotz, executive] though the causes of only a few From $14.97 & up director of the Ottawa branch|types of mental illness are ENICAR of the Canadian Mental Health|known, treatment has been From $29.98 & up Association. found for many disorders that cantated Alt known methods ly (This does not include the discount) "DECIDES NEXT STEP Agape indie Ww ; Kot L. om ANE, : m a-few_vears ago. Vat World also has a top line stock © e y 2p al > - .; Bends--Fius--Men's--and--Ladies! J ilery-- sls ogi ae Js a But it adds that the advances Alatm ond. Wall. Clocks. prvanmsaabd 'longed therapy, But if he feels|@%° % Teason for compla- ? ; R snags cency, it is warranted he can refer you * ih saa EXCLUSIVE IN OSHAWA *to a psychiatrist, a mental ho further progress 1s -health clinic or the psychiatric made in the prevention of men d CYMA Men's and Ladies Watches unit of a general hospital tal illness, at least one out of from 59.75 to 130.00 * Your ability to pay, the ex-|eVery 10 babies born this year 'tent of your medical insurance|is, destined to spend some part 'Seta Reilareas atti mantel WATCH WORLD -able in your community can be , re ;taken into account when your 24 PRINCE ST. 723-6922 -doctor suggests the next step. LOVE * Some social agencies such as| "i ; ' nt stage lee | hose. gorgeous decorator «family service bureaus. acce pty from Lighting Unlimited. Seven *peérson® without referrals. Be- areas teause they are supported by Toronto --Hamilton-- Oshawa. @| - United Appeal funds, they base} Authentic Crested KARN'S suggests . . . SCHOOL JACKETS With warm quilted lining lamps newest Fabergé masterpiece... Ales ons BRUT for men SCHOOL alier shave...alier shower... afler anything! ar. loa CARDIGANS bold, brash new men's lotion e Po er a 4 i ; 9 on 5 ' RS Shs, P that lingers long on a , ed : : j : Yas . : Model TR103200--$200.00 Others from $100 to $5,000, OSHAWA: Po Central, McLaughlin, By, naam COLUMBIA O'Neill and Donevan ie er 4 i hé } | ; ae " nemieaieD wiareny, | et Diamond Treasures treasured gift of the bd . ppanrdcaranet ined . : The most engaging fashions in diamond rings created by COLUMBIA, They're called 'Diamond Treas- for the most masculine - . me fee d th | d d fash And wh h your breath, we'll b SCuLIr nderson i ho | 4 ures', Come in and see these giorious diamond fashions soon nd when you catch your breath, we e Anderson High Schoo glad to give you some trustworthy advice in selecting your COLUMBIA diamond. slightly uncivilized, definitely unsettling note man you know! 4 and Henry St. High School is P J @ BUDGET TERMS At @ very special time of year, give a very special gift --- give @ LAYAWAY diamonds from Bassett's. We are proud of the outstanding collection haftisome silver-flashed P "a Ue 3 © OPEN DAILY TO 9 P.M, which you may see at ony of our three stores. Stunningly gift boxed in scoala, st bottle-green decanters 5.75 8.50 20.00 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT PRUOAG No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges a ax A HALLMARK OF QUALITY cme 0. OSHAWA DOWNTOWN s ee : SHOPPING CENTRE 36 King E, Model TR102150--$150.00 Oshawa Shopping Centre Oshawa -- 1 Simcoe St. S. Whitby -- 106 Brock St. N, ites: Open fvery Night Open Wed. to 6 p.m. Plane 799 ASD7 ie ee Thurs, & Friday to 9

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