THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Decomber 17, 1968 29 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder im Mesters' Individvel Chempionship Piey) BIDDING QUIZ You are neither side vulnerable SThe'" biedine has een: IORTTA CASEY, PRY. DEAR LETS GO WY BUT I D0 NOT ADVISE IT, BUT THAT Wa in| "He's 6 " NGE HORSEMEN COME, SADDLE THE Cl] We reeerere pe Ge eeri + | : ff ; WE ; in) c? sod 8 OS aed ig: $ ae : tt fs am oe : ees S_-- ! Y AGLEED 7 --Beatrice Lillie IN CAN, MANY PEOPLE ARG AWED ,BY HER TITLE OF "LADY PEGL.°% BUT BEA PUTS THEM AT EASE... JUST CAL! DARL I'M ONE OF g\ You K ETURNING TO TORONTO, HER HOME WT BEA TAKES TIME OFF FROM f-10as7 iia' Rosas" hSR 'eusrouRAmuns «| | PxoM Toe" CARABIAN COUN my Liitie POSES PHOT OGRAPHE: * ge hngg a = &| |OF CHRISTIANS AND JEWS - 103-s++ «e+ BUT LATER AOMITS SH@ CAN'T SVEN REMEMBER ON WHICH STREET SHE WAS BORN SA Yt ie for takeout, would be wrong under the circumstances. The roof could cave in if you took either action, and your partner might not take to the beating that could follow if you a doubled. You have a good and, all right -- in fact, opening bid -- but you can't turn a deaf ear to what the op- ponents are clearly saying they have, 2. Double. Of course, same sentiments about having a poor hand also, but the difference is that now you have values in addition to high cards, and there is a possibility of com- peting successfully against the card strength, Thus, your partner may have; $0762 y 3852 9 108 ST and 2 me be oe play- ing the hand at four spaces, go- ing down one or toro, instead of letting the opponents play at four hearts, which they would very likely make, 3. Four spades, You don't really expect to make four spades -- though you might if partner had exactly the hand. The chief purpose of bid is to interfere with enemy communications so that they cannot berry further in- formation at a low level. 'Very often this strategy succeeds and the opponents either double prematurely or else wind up in the wrong contract. 4. Pass. Here also, as in the first hand, you take your medi- cine and pass, The 15 high-card points you started with have shrunk quite a bit in size. Your K-J of hearts in front of the heart bidder are worth much less than they were before the bidding started, and the same is more or less 'true about your other high cards. By all means, pass, THANK 'YOU FOR THE INTER- VIEW IT ISN'T EVERY Day THAT WE MEET TWO YOUNG LADIES WHO WILL SHARE A THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY BUT IN THIS PART OF THE WORLD SERVANT GIRLS SECRET AGENT X39 1S THE POLICE )| [STREET TWO BLOCK: STATION? 7 aa oS 7 + HEY BUDDY, WHICH Way \| [STRAIGHT DOWN a) » ] I LT, Zs" ---- J i ty A a A DONALD DUCK LP EVER HAVE THOUGHT COME OUT TOP DOG INA 4 WITH BLACKJACK/ CROSSWORD AOROSS 1, He took Helen to Troy 6. Russian mountain range 11. Swiftly 12, Of the nose 18, Not lower 14, Boundary marker 15. Free 16. Annoyed 17, Craze 18. Nursery rhyme character a5. Siota 20. Hemi, TELEVISION 10:00 P.M, ll--The Mery Griffis Ghew 6-2--U.N.C.L.E. 7--Jimmy Dean' Show --Trials of O'Brien 10:30 P.M, 1:30 A.M N--Wrestling 9--1 Wish You Were Her &2--The First Look - ?--Buge Bunny 6--King Leonarde 4---tky King 3~Popeye And Pale 12:30 PM, ° 9--Theatre 8-2--Exploring 7--Milton The Monster Tennessee Tuxedo Adventures of Lasse 3--Whipiesh 1:00 P.M, 1--The White Hunter 60--The Movies | %--Hoppity Hopper 63--Special News 4Rurel Review 1:30 P.M, Ti--Long John Sliver 7--Stan Roberts Show 4--News 2:00 P.M. N~OHA Jr. B Hockey 9--HI-Time 6-2--NCAA Footbell 7--Bive Bonnet Bow! $3--Sports Presents 4--Changing Times 2:30 P.M, 7--Blve Bonnet Bow! 4--Barn Dance 3:00. PAM. i--Wrestiing 63--Golf_Classic 4--Beat The Champ 3:30 PLM, 7--Biue Bonnet Bowl 4=NFL Football 4:00 PM. 1l--Outdoors Uniimited Channe! Channel Channet Channel Channel 44, Web- footed birds DOWN 1, French resort 2. Estimate 8. Quick 4. Frosted 5. Indian weight 6. Altruistic 7. Apsessment trees rating 23. Study 8. Botanist 25, Spanish Gray and article namesakes 27. Exclama. 9. Victoria, tion for one 30, Avail id: Sieigh 32, Druikex demi, sem! 16. Sesame spree * Ts 21, Goddess of 2 [3 harvests lz 24. Moham- medan Y 14 te 2--Buttale 3--Barrie 4--Buttale 6--Toronto 7--Buttaio Channel 6--Rochester Channe! 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamiltes NAME BRINGS NEW ROLE ROME (AP)--Rome fireman Giuliano Gemma changed his name to Montgomery Wood in order to get film roles in Ital- jan-made Westerners, Now @ top star, he has changed his name back to Gemma and has been offered the top role in Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, a par- ody on spy adventure movies. ICTAIRIRIE TT MMT [re /AIN] IE IPIEIE TS MESINIOIRIE| [STHTi IP MERIOIGIE |R|S | UIP TAS] IBIOMIBIAlY MBSA] [AIO IU[L [TIS MUIR] MIETRI| TRRGIRI INIS [RIAIC]Y MEOIDIO!E » ght On 11:00, P.M. 11-0-6-1-4-499_Newas Weare Reerte 11:15 -P.M, R--Ahetre Pinal. eed 11:20 P.M, ¥-s--Lete Show sight teers PRIDAY BYERS 5:00 P.M. JANE ARDEN i--Pemily Theatre 21, Ahead %--The Virginians 22, Allspice Yesterday's Answer | $--* 33. Swell of the sea 34. Among 35. Subdue - 36. British streetcar 37, Unadorned So. Titmouse 40, Corroded 8 ~~. - ©°% = [4-[7 Sie om Fe F 6--Flipper --Shindig o--Lieyd 5:30 P.M. O--Leeve 0 to Beever 7--Rocketship 7 é--Music Hop 6:00 P.M, S--Meet The Prem -i--News 4---Mr, Roherte S-News, Sper ot CQeck WH 3-Sh'ndig j 4:20 P.M. News 11:30 P.M, Ni--Lete Show Teg Gee B--Movie 1: PLM, 4--Premiere Theetve 9--Convoy SATWRBOAY 8:00 A.M. Outdoors Uniimited %--Farm end Home Meer 4--Santa Claus 8:30 A.Ma;, 1l--Schnitzel House %--Cartoon Playhouse a--Funny Co. 9:00 A.M, R--Reckhetenip 7 4--Fun To Leare 2--Porky Pig 180 Web Dees Pndealoae World Rights Reserved ~) THATS OT THE VV Vence-a0) WG, | (1/8 "THE COMPRESSOR FOR MUH AIR HORNI iC x yh .\ ro * 6 9 od 6:30 P.M Family Thestre fe. 8 0-65--News, Woether) Sports @--Huntley-Brinkley News ¥--Cheyenne é--Acress Caneda, 7:00 P.M. ll--Honey West « %The Flintstones Movie é---News, Weather, 4--Peopie Are Puump 3--Comoat 3--Huntley-Brinkley religion 26, Greek dialect. 28. Yarn measure 29. Shrub 31, Goddess of justice 32. Nonsense 33, Legislative body: abbr. 84, Dress 37, Kind of us ]--Filntstones 38, French 6--Addams Fam river 4--The Wild Wild Weet 89, Italian | Camp Runamuck Luiken | cba ae ew aa | 7--Tammy 42, Cant 63--Get Smart 43, Attica 7--Tammy communes MICKEY MOUSE RIGHT AFTER THE FIRGT TIME SHE GAVE HIMA 7:30 P.M, |!--The Sonins ll--Man from U.N.C.L.B, | §nerevies 9. Brothers 10:00 A.M. -2--Secret Squirrel t--Popeye 6--Extension G 4-Mighty Mouse Play~ house 10:30 A.M, HeJonh Bredahew 9--Casper 63--Under Dog The Beasties &Cousin Bill &--Linua The Lionheerted 11:00 A.M. Ni--ttebey Time WHR Jone Gray $--Milton The Monster +2--Top Cat 7--Cartoon 4--Tom and Jerry A.M 9--Pet Potamus 3--Porky Pig ¢@--Robin Hood +Quick Draw McOrew S--Pery 2~Hank 9:30 PLM, 'i--Tweive O'Clock High $A GoGo # 4--NFL Football +3--Bowling ORelier Derty 4:30 PM. ¢--Sperts Presents %--Werld of Sporte 5:00 P.M. 1i--Dennis the Mensce 63--Porest Rangers 4~--Beat The Camp -- Bowling Series, 5:30 PLA, fi--Jonnny Quest 63--Buge Bunny. $3--Tommy Hunter Show 4--Hogan's Heroes YOUR HEALTH Two Types Noted In Artery Hardening -, By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD FOR SALE 6--Friday Movie 4--Gomer Pyle 3~The Wiid Wild Wee? 9:30 PLM, 1--Petticost Junction oberts 4 ¢ ia es 02--Mr, ® 7--The Farmer's Daughter 4--The Smothers Bros. MUGGS AND SKEETER i So WHO NEEDS A CAREER ANYWAY? AGUY LIKE ME CAN EKE OUT ALIVING AB A SIDEWALK PHOTOGRAPHER, NO OVERHEAD, .,.NO BOSSES: + NO PROBLEMS! 3 Dear Dr. Molner: Does hard- ening of the arteries in one part of the body mean that the Same thing is taking place in other areas? Or can this be a spotty thing? Does the process ever reverse itself?--~H.M.D. There are two kinds of hard. ening of the arteries. One in- volves the middle of the three layers which make up an ar- tery. The fibrous tissue accum- ulates calcium deposits and Such arteries become "hard." They become quite 'rigid and can be felt in such spots as a wrist. X - rays depict them clearly because of the calcium. ,. Yet these arteries, while hard, usually retain a quite} adequate space inside, and cir-| AsAuatn Thiel type of ha teriosclerosis. The other type of hardening, called atherosclerosis, is the red herring. The arteries don't become rigid. Calcium does not gather. Without the calcium, an x-ray does not show a clear pic ture unless some added pro- cedure.isuged,guok28-inject ing a dye into the artery so it will show up on an xray film Instead,. the problem here is not actual hardening, but rather the presence of plaques or clumps of fatty material at one or more points in the artery, just as rust or sludge may form into a deposit inside a water pipe If this clump or. plaque be- comes large enough, then it can! ot att Intinn sAHmowhera If circulation is completely shut off, that creates a problem. If it is in some part of the arteries which serve the heart muscle, the result is a heart attack, If in the brain, it is a stroke. It can occur elsewhere. of course. In the foot, the result will be gangrene. In the kidney, high blood pressure or other difficulty will ensue. The calcium - type of real hardening tends to be rather general in the body, not that some arteries won't be harder than others. The atherosclerosis, or fatty plaques, may occur more espe- cially in one part of the body, or may occur in several areas, tenanhloa de. althe pont may ening 'is called ar- or reduce the flow of blood and] velop in one place and not in cause trouble: others. If a blockage occurs, the pa- tient may recover, perhaps de- veloping some collateral circu- lation (enlargement of. other vessels in the same area, to fer-..the-- circulation which has been lost) and thenceforth have adequate cir- culation for years to come. Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- band claims there are vitamins in mushrooms but I disagree.-- Mrs. P.S. ¢ You're mistaken. Mushrooms, while not particularly high in calories, have food value, and some vitamins -- a modest amount of Vitamins Bl and B2, a fair amount of nicotinic acid, and a little Vitamin C. They are high in potassium, braemor gardens Come and inspect Oshawo's most convenient commuhity at Stevenson | Road North and | Annapolis. You'll like | what you see |