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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1965, p. 11

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RNR cc ne shen axe oye ea ners cn aye NR a ea aaa a 2) 2 : TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK PORCH 13-4 x 8-0 STORAGE | CARPORT 13-4 x 20-0 ! i he The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. Toble as Space STUDY KITCHEN 90a Uist 15-2 x 10-10 DINING 6-0 7-0 ° & ENTRY LIVING ROOM 14-9 x 12-0 PLANTING aoe clengs -------- boats wore an anemone BEDROOM 12-5 x V4 BEDROOM 9Ox 1-4 HOME DESIGN NO. 610 A lovely home with an inter- ) Enclosed please find $1.00 for whieh send me Book ©Sting low pitched roof. You of Plans entitled ' 'HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Maii reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name Address Peeer errr rr errr ri irr oer eeeeeeensnceees OO eeeeenereneeereesesesuseeees Seen eewereeeeneeces THE HOME WORKSHOP EXTENSION TABLE PATTERN } 285 4 HANGING RACKS ! CHAIR PATTERN 224 Make your own dining set Pattern 225 for an Extension Table and 224 for Chairs in Two Sizes require common hand or power tools. The table top may be of plywood or colored plas- tic panel material to match the chair covering. The table and chair patterns are 50c. each. Both are included in the Quick and Easy Furniture Packet No. 13 for $1.75, Postage stamps not acceptable. Home Workshop Editor, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario. The Maritimes exports more than 4,000,000 Christmas trees annually, Magazine wall racks are most efficient. It is easy to select the periodical you want} when they are somewhere near| the eye level. One of the three racks shown here may be hung on the back of a door entirely out of the way. The smallest is just right for the bathroom All three are made with Pat- tern 206 which gives actual- size cutting guides and direc- tions. Price 50 cents. Pattern lalso is in Packet No, 77 which is a big value for $1.75. Postage stamps not accept- jabte, Home Workshop Edi- \tor, The Oshawa Times, Osh- awa, Ontario. walk into a living and dining "L" that is spacious enough for any furniture arrangement. Featured in the room is a fire- place and built-in China cab- inet, Two large bedrooms with wardrobe space plus a study that will as an extra bedroom are among the many comforts offered here. A bath- room with plenty of linen room is also provided in this modern one floor home. There is fine traffic circulation throughout and direct access serve |; to the basement from the out- | side, Also available for frame | construction. Standard Blue- prints for this Design No. 610 | cost $15.00 for the first set and | $5.00 for additional sets. They | are available in Canada by return mail, (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent SALES TAX). Now available at this Newspaper Office or from the address below is our new DESIGN BOOK entitled 'SUB- URBAN AND COUNTRY HOMES designed for CANA- DIANS", price $1.00 tax free. This edition includes informa- tion on Cost of Building, and Financing in Canada, Heat- ing, Insulation, Construction- al Details, ete., plus many outstanding new Designs Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey Colonial, and Duplex homes. Also in- cluded in this book are full de- tails on how to order Blueprints. FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR GIFT LIST! From something to' wear to something for the home, from glamorous big gifts to important little gifts everything for Christmas shopping success. are all aglow with the festive spirit of the season . glimmer and gleam of Yuletide decorations . . ready with an abundance of gifts to please every person, to fit every purse. For variety and value, for friendlier service and greater conveni- . . Christmas-shop DOWNTOWN ! SHOP AT THESE STORES: DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31. Simeoe St. North DUNN'S MEN'S WEAR 36 King St. East ence. CHRISTMAS BASSETT'S J 1 Simene St. South BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD, 72 Simcoe St. North BLACK'S MEN'S 74 Simcoe S| BURNS CO. LTD. 1 King St. West EWELLERS WEAR LTD. it. North -~ SHOES THE BURNS JEWELLERS 37 20 Simcoe St. North CANNING'S LTD. 20 King St. Eost CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North CHERNEY'S FURN 80 King St. DANCEY'S 18 Simcoe St, South ITURE WORLD East SHOES | GARDEN GUIDE eS 2 SB LfllS i858 211¢ = * 2S ae wis BB ee essary for the Plant Protection authorities to take certain meas- ures, which include the removal of all soil, to prevent the spread of this dreaded pest in Canada. Don't worry about this treat- ment. The tubers will flourish and grow if you give them nor- mal care.-Here is what we ad- vise at the Plant Research Institute. By A, R. BUCKLEY Plant Research Institute This is the time of year. when tubers of gloxinias arrive in large quantities from abroad and soon appear on the shelves of merchandisers. The hand- some, erect, bell-shaped flowers, produced in abundance on strong stems arising from a When Gloxinias Arrive tilizer. A good, all-round type with a-formula of-about-20-20-20 aY 3 cw a The BauIOH Ui-waler 1S _excei- i . we 2a WH (ieni dui any of the liquid com- ws me ee ee = meric! fertilizers may be used ; according to the manufacturer's directions. When the plants are in flow- jer. a raag3 paces mgt ay oe -. Jong the blooming period. After of a tuber is the top, start it int@ flowering has finished, reduce moist peat and sand and keep watering gradually until the watching for the shoots to de- leaves Milt and die. Then take velop. Gloxinias, like most other|{2©, Ps, '0 fhe basement ang plants, have the shoots at the) months. After this period of top and the roots at the bottom. 9 3 P tub the bottans 1 storage shake the tubers out of Se ak ihe eek a slight the pots and start them all over depression or is even concave. a ig Soak the soil well after pot- Gloxinias may be propagated <= THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 18, 1965 J] propagate "by" "leaves, shone thet ase metecs tn sum, eaeeS sa = SEBSS ihe ened. Jeeves or division. To eligose 'a sharp kalfe 29 that each ner. iion imas-at east one shoul, aid not. them senarately in small mer and cut them inte wedge-| po shaped pieces with the stalks of the leaves forming the point of the wedge. Plant these pieces vertically and an inch deep in a mixture of sand and peat. Cuttings may also be made in spring by removing new shoots that are an inch long and in- serting these all around the edge of a four-inch pot that has been filled with a sand-peat mixture. The old tubers, too, may be divided just as they are start- ing into growth. Cut them with small, they should be handled with care. I prefer to use a pot filled to one inch below the rim with good sand-soil-peat' c post and topped to within an inch of the rim with sphagnum moss. Sow the directly on the sphagnum, merse the pot in a pan of until moisture appears on then cover the with a shaped polyethy! tent to keep . the seeds moist until they germ- detghiei inate. broad rosette of leaves, range in color from white to rose, crim- son and purple, and mixtures First of all, prepare a good gloxinia soil made up of one part each of peat moss, good Put some of these colors in the same€!}oam and _ sand. flower. broken pots or stones in five- or Don't be alarmed if the tub- | six-inch pots (for drainage), fill ers you find inside the package the pots with the mixture and are not like the gloxinia tu ) plant a Single tuber in ers you have been accustomed each. The tuber should be set to seeing. They are now com- so that the top is level with the pletely devoid of fuzzy roots|soil surface, which in turn) and look more like a potato than| should be three-quarters of an. a gloxinia. This is because an/inch below the rims of the pots infestation of the golden nema-|to allow for watering. tode in Europe has made it nec-' If you can't tell which part [FIRST AID TO AILING HOME BURLAP ON PLASTERBOARD jfood locker for a few days the QUESTION: The home we are stag will also kill the ter- ' t will have plaster- i : | sok walld throwgheler We| These termites may damage) would like to use burlap to|ther wood in the area. Insec-| cover the living room. walls. |ticides, liquid or dust, can also) How can this be applied? be used to combat them, For ANSWER: A coat oi varhish| J's Ad of te dan consult sizing should first be applied to!" reliable exterminator. the clean wall surface. For jtight-fitting seams, apply a one- inch wide stripe of pure, fresh, shellac along each edge of the Junderside of the burlap. When \this is dry, trim a half-inch off,/to throw this cement away if 1 jusing a straight edge and razor/don't have to. I have quite a Iblade. This will give a clean|few patches to fix outdoors, in edge that won't ravel againsijan otherwise good sidewalk. \the adjoining strip. Instead of|How much cement and water is applying the adhesive to thejused for a patching mix? burlap, apply it to the plaster-/ ANSWER: A good mixture board surface. Then put on the|for patching jobs is one part strips of burlap as you apply|cement, three parts clean sand, wallpaper with only enough water to make} | aes a ie we , ja stiff but workable mixture} TERMITES IN FURNITURE (which can be spread smoothly, QUESTION: I bought an old|with a trowel \table and two chairs at an| 7 jauction. A friend examining the} \furniture carefully has discover: | led termites in the wood. Will} |these spread to other wood?| CONCRETE PATCHING MIX QUESTION: I cleaned out my basement last spring and found a forgotten bag of about 30 pounds of cement. I don't like | feed the pl ting, but from then until the tubers start to grow water sparingly and only when the soil is dry to the touch. Whén the plants are showing lots of top growth, water them so that the soil is dn the moist side all the time. Never allow the soil to dry out completely. Try at all times to keep water off the foliage. It is often said that the tem- |perature where gloxinias are growing during the winter should not go below 50 degrees. | Gloxinias growing in the base-| ment under lights can be main- tained at this temperature. But at the Plant Research Institute we have found that these plants do best when the minimum tem- perature is 60 degrees at night) and 75 degrees during the day. These temperatures are also) closer to living room con-) ditions. ~ | Place the plants in a window/ where they will get lots of light | but no direct sunlight. A sunny) window is ideal but the plants| should be shaded by a light cur-| tain. ! As soon as flower buds form, ants with liquid fer- . « Decorator Advice For The Asking CLAIRTONE "PRINCESS" <-ntemporory styling in oiled walnut or Teak centre opening lid -- storage for 25 records ~~ 12 pushbuttons -- solid state T9 chassis ~~ Garrard 300 Record + ehanger 6 speokers FOR THE FINEST FURNITURE VALUES y ther é IN OSHAWA Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. e LLOYD CORSON, President |) e@ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec-Treas 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA |) 5281 SAVE $ $ ON Is there any way to get rid of) them and still make use of the furniture ANSWER: These are _ prob- lably nonsubterranean termites, las they are in furniture. Non- jsubterranean termites fly di-| rectly to and bore into wood.! /Subterranean termites- build tunnels from the ground to attack wood, To kill the ter- imites, the table and chairs jmust be placed in a chamber heated to 150 degrees F., for 1% hours, or at 140 degrees F., |for four hours. Consult a wood- jworking company with equip- ment for bending and 'shaping wood about having this done conversely, if you can park the furniture in a community frozen $26.00 on your auto See, JOHN 597 KING ST. DIAL 728-7567 If you are an Abstainer you save up to | insurance, RIEGER E., OSHAWA FIND EVERYTHING FOR A MERRIER CHRISTMAS . DOWNTOWN merc . and, best of EVELYN SHOP 9 Simcoe St. South FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL LTD, King St. FRANKLIN'S OF OSHAWA 64 Simcoe St. North HORWICH CREDIT. JEWELLERS LTD, 20 Simcoe St. South JEWELL MEN'S WEAR 16 King St. MURRAY JOHNSTON (Oshawa) LTD. Simeoe St. North L A & B DISCOUNT DEPT. East East Your DOWNTOWN stores . bright with 'the MAURICE BERG MEN'S WEAR MITCHIASS DRUGS (OSHAWA) LTD. 14 i MORRISON FURS & SPORTSWEAR hants have all, they're Every Night Except Saturday & LOVELL LTD. King St. East KARN DRUGS LTB. 28 King St. Eest KINLOCH'S LTD. 10 King St. West STORE LTD. + PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE LTD. 36 Simcoe St. North R. 8. REED & SONS, FLORISTS 28 Simeoe St. N RELIABLE 96 K JURY 8 FURNITURE CO. ing St. East SAM ROTISH MEN'S WEAR 7 King St. East STEPHENSON'S JEWELLERS King St. East TOP DISCOUNT STORE 5. King St. West WAYNE FURNITURE OSHAWA LTD, 78 Simcoe St. North YOUNG MODERNS 38 King St. East 9 Bond St. Wes 38 Simcoe St. North imcoe St. North MODELLA HAIR STYLISTS 71 Celine St. 48 Simcoe North NESBITT'S LADIES' 33 King St. WEAR East & APPLIANCES TWO DOWNTOWN STORES 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S AUTO INSURANCE | |~ GENERAL ELECTRIC appliance gifts Sor her... (a) GE HAIR DRYER -- superbly feminine in every detail. Three heats and a refreshing "cool" setting. Smart travel case with mirror. A gift she'll love -- (D3) 25.95 (d) AUTOMATIC CLOCK RADIO -- a thoughtful, practical gift idea. "Wake to music" and buzzer alarm. "Sleep Switch" for automatic "delayed-off" -- 37.95 AUTOMATIC PHONO -- for music a-go-go! Automatic BSR record changer -- hi-efficiency oval speaker. in slim, new two-tone carrying case -- 48.95 RCA VICTOR RADIO -- hi-fashion styling at @ popular price. All-wood for rich, mellow "Golden Throat" tone. Walnut finish -- only 4.95 RCA VICTOR STEREO -- automatic changer, tone controls, extension speaker -- 69.95 RCA VICTOR record players -- 26.95 RCA VICTOR 5-tube radios -- 21.95 (b) GE DELUXE KETTLE -- tops the list in popu- larity. Refreshing new styling. Detachable 6 cord. Automatic cut-off if kettle boils dry. (K48) 13.95 (c) GE PEAK-A-BREW COFFEE MAKER -- Makes 3'to 10 cups, Stays hot automatically. Level indicator shows how much water to add -- how much coffee Is left. (P402) 24.95 GE STEAM'N DRY IRON -- perennial gift tav- ourite -- CHRISTMAS SPECIAL (F99) -- 13.99 GE ELECTRIC SLICING KNIFE (EK23) -- 29.95 GE ELECTRIC CAN OPENER (EC2) -- 17.95 NO MONEY DOWN NO BUDGET PAYMENTS TILL FEB, EXCLUSIVE BFG christmas joys for GIRLS and BOYS... At BFG you'll find gifts of LASTING VALUE for the youngsters on your list, Bikes and trikes by CCM, Thistle and Cruiser... Sturdy wagons and doll carriages . . . sleds and toboggans . . . ELDON road race games... and the exciting new "TV toys" like "Secret Sam" .. . "Multi Pistol 09"... wt Johnny Seven... . and_others. Shop new. Ne money down ..« NOTHING TO PAY TILL FEB. B.F GOODRICH HOME & AUTO CENTRE~ 88 KING ST. WEST 725-4543 B.EGoodrich )

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