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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1965, p. 17

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ooking for a 2 way to re as ATR! Looking a good way r a GUIDANCE THE STARS SAY |conservative, however, in lateymost propitious period for en: CASSEROLE CAPER teanned condensed cream of| mi CHILD A Rae 4 : . | |February, aii of March, early|terprises requiring business ac-| ' 1 om soup -flavored-with Semen so tye ponte = a Reser FPA pri oN wer. speru-juinen auu Pras junapasscise cote woe ~ = tenes as oes a we a : Pao joutstaiia "Sagitiarian tte interast--on---tettoyer ture Sherry xine over v and sprin- aged . TV ; St as fSEESES ESRD SRE =e 1 z ve seca OL NOY. ene Four omereed: BM kes" Laver dumin nd ss wetkle with crated Parmesant oes ae WiGIly UIILIStiticns: Sunday's planetary influences |, =" od alk Hs fi | _jexcellent cycle promising much a , on: Se mew ee es [will be better for strictly per-|9e? 800d influences for most of}i, the way of career advance-| 2° Srvch leans Bake in moderately hot! 5. sift. Try these deliciouslorange segments 'or creamy Happy Hanukkal iI sonal affairs than for business|the -year-ahead, with empliasis|ment and financial success but jturkey "in "casserole. 0 w'roven pusi io heat through. \slulllies:" "Flavored --¢ Fe a miltaint- patties ! aii BEE: 4 fl matters, Fine stellar ee on romance in mid - January,|you will, of course, have 'o take | Raum venient -- : howeyv » enco e creative ; ities: By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD Jews and Christians rather than arsulte, hard all Brose in the és aay ADE. ONE ee Sue oa ae meee ok Hanukkah. the Feast ofj|differences--the thread of rev-|tertainment field. : August; on travel next July, extravagance -- especially in Lights, always comes near,ecren¢'e toward and worship of, |August and September (for|jate February, throughout APT SIZE 2-PCE Christmas-time though not often) Almi;zht God. If I were a priest FOR THE BIRTHDAY Hong journeys). You may, how-|March, early Arpil and next | : 5 ¥ on the same date. This year it/or 'uinister, | would preach- ]f tomorrow is your birthday,/eyer. take several Shae trips November. Gain on all fronts | DINETTE SUITE begins Dec. 19. some sermons aiming to famil- your horoscope indicates that!) 3 ss is star-promised throughout the | Hanukkah is a Jewish cele- arize my parishioners with thelyou could benefit. great'y by throughout the year. year excpt for the Iatter| bration in which members ofjancie nt and modern Jewish, re-!jaunching occupational, busi-|_ A child born on this day willl;amed periods Arborite the families and other relatives' ligiot's celebrations. ness and-or financial ventures,|be endowed with fine business Chance fe ki \ participate and often travel, As a result 1 would hope that|already planned, as of now. As|acumen, excellent judgment and). ances of gaking a long great distance to do so. Most Chris tian children would be bet-lof three weeks ago, you entered|temarkable intuition. Ngai Pogues paren soe Jewish children know that/tor Christians and Jewish chil-|a cycle which generously favors 18 and Sept. 30 could broaden 27 88 Christmas is a joyful celebra-|dren better Jews; and that alljthese interests and po should DAY AFTER TOMORROW __lyour contacts considerably cael e tion among the majority of|or ys living together might be|see exceptionally gratifying re-| Monday will be a day iho ealdabie! social and 'buat families. more gracious and appreciative sults before your next birthday which team work will be im- 8 . ak a But as most children of our! neigh bors. rolls around. On the occupa-|portant. Don't try to go things|ness contacts, and you'll find nation are brought up in the tional front, you syould achieve|@lone or you may run up against|your most stimulating roman-| Christian tradition, many of ANSY/ERING QUESTIONS fine recognition between now|Some resentment. If differences|tic periods occurring in mid-| : % ie Hi : them do not know that Hanuk- @. -We have a four-year-old|and the end of this month andjoccur, solve them with un'er- January, early April, early May | & Fg Ps ; j MODERN 5-PIECE aan ---s a ars | tw exh bo svho. we think, is afraid to|this should spark still further/Standing and tolerance. land jets sient : : ; ewish homes, and a day for|taik, but he can talk. What do/progress during the last week : es | ; ae n treats and gifts you .suggestz in laa. eres ghout the|/~OR THE BIRTHDAY A child born on this day) ( us DINETTE SUITE "Hanukkah in my house Anvthing vou can do tojmonths of May, August, Sep- If Monday is your birthday,|could excell as a journalist, | : is such a happy _ holiday ' this child feel Wore com-|tember and the first two weeks |your horoscope indicates that/lawyer, jurist on as an execu- i ; Q ; Most dinettes appear to look alike a, ys gh ght : : - the next year will embrace altive in a large: organization. from a distance of 10 feet. It's how Eight days and eight nights | ;,. and conipanionable and|in October ) th they're made that's different! This of candles in the Memorah."' e 5 q fo an he re i si hag in your presence should) Monetary interests wiil DT ite EEE it ' - armen 3 one's as sound and sturdy as it is _ These ea? the first four oo , make him more ready to com-jgoverned by excellent stars | S@eegeys ada day ay ay ay ars PAPE aT ae ay or a : Lo A ae 4 Seuniit: Mant oulea pith Boe a Mt attractive a: tga 2 munhcate in words. When he during the first three weeks of -- é ij Hi Face duskfrca fobisie Oar atone In My House. It is easy [for qooe.taik, listen enjoyably.|January, the first 10 days of 4 : ; Chains \eees pacar wacey been children to read and is pub-\ often cuddie him, if he likes it,|Feburary, the first week of). | | at Jury & Lovell s pe ee er . deep sewn box seats. lished by the United Synagogue) 4.4 jak gently,< quietly, and|July, mid-August and during » top, drop leaf table with bronzetone frame 2 "care- free' vinyl choirs. Commission on Jewish Educa-| tango rly to him about what you the entire months of August, creases tion, This book presents a SiM-) 4+ ging with him and for him. September and October. Do be : ; Be sie : : Ps ple account of Hanukkah, in- thine ee aeciaiok eitanna eS era a : 4 : ie E 7 : 79 RR cluding the information that on Y p A i ae i e 3 each of the eight nights when P f : ; ¢ PY ; : " ee. 4a ¢ | crm ss tarmmpumrauan mss mmmummmmuncs a cand! ] d Jewish chil 4 Puider 4 4 z | Hae J i .. dren like to sing with their q Ahm j 5 Ee ; Bags 4 fe " Tigges 'y g | | 4 Tate | Chrome STEP STOOL parents: "Hanukkah, Hanukkah ie l oe et happy holiday K CH S Ce hl | i ae Hanukkah, Hanukkah | RI TMAS ; ee f4 = e sg at ones Hd SE PN 5 F - i sf Ly j his ®@ Fold-under 7 88 As I try to recall my earlier | TREASURES * 2 Steps e c days when I attended Sunday Se school, and taught in Sunday inate Saal school, I do not remember a single occasion around Christ mastime when we learned and talked about Hanukkah of to derorete moan 1 Coa oslk . SCANDIA 5-PIECE What an. opportunity we - ae) we . 2 : } - y 4 : missed to get a liberal educa sae Aig : die a DINETTE SUITE tion, and to gain a feeling of appreciation and_ brotherhood 4-SPEED a Blue Gress Fluffy Milk Both for - : i Mio Gond: torte ond 1e Scand} Co wa PORTABLE . $ Som hb Red with fine soup re civle, makes this suite difierant, dese a Bath Mit filled with fine soap. : : . s 5 - 4 $2.25 gore All this in retrospect seems if ; ; irable. Come see! The sparkling so strange when I remember, TAILORED TO THE ' : ee i : Dee chrome table has an arborite teak as ever so many of you my NEEDS OF THE : : ? ' 4 : : : wood grained top. The matching readers remember, that, in ] 7 Se og : chairs have contour shaped backs, YOUNGER SET ciiescaiacabaial z oss " ; ' : ' comfortable foam padded seats cove most Christian Sunday schools Selb Unve aiiea 'been the Danis ered in black "leather-like" vinyl, | ment have often been the basis <actly os shown, Equipped with B.S.R. 4-speed single or 9.88 | | pee accaetem for study. Morever, many a ser- play tumtable, heavy duty speaker, bolanced amplifier, . i ' ; ay 5 ' fee " Wiel s cea fest ond 5 r.p.m. adapter, luggage style case : Bath Oil: Delighttul to give ond 1 een preached around texts ta- ' : to receive. In a choice of favor- ken therefrom. . : ite fragrences--Ambre, Pine, inn It's heartening to hear occa ore : Carnation. ¢ sionally, of a Christian child or = E A x adult attending one of the Jew R : é : 'i ish special celebrations in a " Lge 4 fo : : CHRISTMAS TERMS synagogue, or of Jewish person os : : : es attending a Christmas in a : > AS a ae j ee : Christian home or church. | i é ' i. ye em ' ; NO MONEY DOWN like to dream of a future time Luxury Bath Salts soften and { : Bee ie: Pies, ; ' ' por gg egal al le degre i} perfume the hardest water EA ; . ee No Payment 'Til Feb. '66 ractice. jue Grass, Mémoire Chérie A Q June Geranium, $3.00 If I were a superintendent of a Sunday school, I would, along} with enthusiastic stress on Christmas, surely encourage ieee al ane STUNNING 5-PIECE around Christmastime, and one M moe 2 " or more of the other Jewish } : € As ' ; A : DINETTE SUITE celebrations near the time of "a : ; their occurrence f , ' . id ad '3 i a ; Strikingly modern and lovely this s y 3S BASIC Th : Blue Gress Hend Lotion, Bath : ee as Ls 2 % fe suite in sparkling jewellers chrome would see basic like esses be f : Soap--a quartet of delights. " ; Ee ; : 48" oval table has an arborite wood : liken sD om * 2 $ $6.25 ¥ ¢ : 2 ' grained top. The contour back chairs, tween the religious practices of " A : Y 4 ; a ; Seah : ee, covered in. a_ renforced. washable See : RR RR ; = i vib vinyl have swivel seats. Simply tie @ HOUSEHOLD HINT te. | % % bright red bow, and its ready for Improvise a hot tray for ' ' : : Christmas! keeping buffet foods warm by| : foe AS : ee using an opened waffle iron or AMG 7 j ; : 'eee : ' -- tg PAD oe foil z = 4 ' tes \ ms : : 149.88 MARCONI TWIN CDFAKFR i é r bs * f ; : $ SELLE SOO LE NI ioe es more ems Blue Grass Fluffy Milk Bath AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER ae in, ; ee ee : $4.5010 $15.00 - i , : t : ; ed An ideal gift, Coleman M Reg. 59.95 4 4 oe g ie : Secomplate with PICNIC ~ § || NO MONEY DOWN 50 : | . -- -- : felt buffing pads. JUG No Payments 'til Feb. '66 plete ssl, | Compact styling with twin lid-mounted speak- ers necessitates no compromise in~ sound. with the purchase of a Equipped with B.S.R. UA25 automatic changer, : Pebble Bath Salts in:decorative balanced amplifier, turntable cartridge with apothecary jer. Lilac, Pine, sellin F tea ' . sapphire styli, tone control, speaker baffle. 3 nore $5.00 FAMILY .SIZE ail . : es DINETTE ENP MONE MOIR A LA: Blue Gress Fluffy Milk Both with Luxury Dusting Powder in ele- gont pastel moisture-proof box. . | electric secretes ome | | Reg. 69.95 wath ia 7-PIECE BRONZE TONE | eee 1S yer Gen NO MONEY DOWN 57.95 | Ss DINETTE SUITE i 109.88 J safety controlled, No Payments 'til Feb. '66 RSA nee NA % Canada's ONLY BONDED T + . Water Heater, ds good-looking model has a convenient > Un a | Dinettes are as different Seople. You have to know-how "Good" they are..Come in, let us point out 5 agi -- and : thrilling | stereo- | ' the good features of this bronetone beauty. The: shaped arborite walnut grained table extends to 60" £ [ ic sound quipped with twin 4" speak- H The handle back chairs e contour shaped backs, foam padded sewn box seats with gay floral pat- ers, B.S.R. UA25 automatic changer, balanced terned, washable vinyl fabric tereo amplitier--extended--range-stereo turn- : : : : ver cartridge with sapphire styli, tandem tone and two volume controls CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY ' LI : A C STARK : 8 KING ST.E OSHAWA 530 SIMCOE ST.S % » Ve h 7 PHONE 723-2245 WA 'pHone 725-3546 : PLUMBING & HEATING erne 7 ba | ROSSLYN PLAZA - W777 = : : COURTICE, ONT. | FURNITURE WORLD | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA 725-4377 L OPEN EVERY NIGHT 'TIL 9 P.M. ay a7" av ay aY-aY ay ay aY AY a0 40a) ava) 7° SHOP CHERNEY'S (DOWNTOWN OSHAWA) 80 KING ST. E. iS ai anc aeabic _ h

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