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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Dec 1965, p. 25

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s 8 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, CCISION | _..Pecombe 18. 1965 25 Since. then, Mitterrand has hanaes Not So Important |§ | ee, aE ee : | ranrhman| poilticad rigs : } As Plan For Reorganizing & Bhs seesswes yes come over to his camp, a> - ecm many of them came re- . t n By STEWART MacLEOD jand national resources, he willjduties 'previously handled by the|the way in its current political own individual approach to SN ee eet beckiig: Es CHANGES NOT SO... .../take on many energy agencies|justice minister. _ |revolution? France and the world: Only a|support has broadened as well OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis-jnow scattered through other de-) This will give Mr. Cardin) The question should be ans-|few weeks ago, he seemed to|to take in much of the purely ter Pearson's cabinet changes] partments. 1 more time for legal services| wered, by and large, as a re- be assured of an easy elec-|anti-de Gaulle forces, including - don't constitute a violent politi-| The prime minister referred and preparation of legislation.|sult of what the 28,000,000/toral victory to crown his con-|the extreme right wing cal shakeup but his plans for|to these two portfolios as "key"|The latter has been considered|French voters docide today as/troversial career. The victory for Mitterrand reorganizing government ad-jass'ignments in encourag-a bottleneck in the parliamen-|they consider the alternatives in| Instead,, he got less than 45|\sunday would be an extraordi- ministration have clearly rocked|ing Canada's economic growth.|tary process in the over-bur-'Sunday's vote for the presi-|per cent of the votes--an abso-|nary reversal of recent tenden- the boat, jIt was not immediately clear|/dened justice department. dency of France. lute majority was needed for|cies for the French . | Although there were sugges-| whether this will satisfy Quebec In some ways, Mr. Pearson's| Having failed to give Presi-|election--and his five opponents) De Gaulle nanie to power in" tions in advance that shifts in}demands that French-speakingjnew cabinet lineup reflects the\dent Charles de Gaulle another|split the rest. 1958 amid: overwhelming | dis>*: responsibilities were in the|ministers receive an opportu-|way the people voted on Nov: 8.)seven-year term in a first bal-| Mitterrand, a long-time social-|taste among voters for the chao- wind, the prime minister took|nity to play a greater role in But its regional representation} jot Dec. 5, the voters must de-| ict politician who has the back-|tic "regime of the parties" most people by surprise with economic affairs. isn't based rigidly on propurtion|cide now whether they only ing of the entire organized left| which characiariasd (he Sone. the most drastic changes in de-| Observers feel the new man-|of Liberal MPs from each prov-|wanted to teach him a lesson in| wing including the Commu-|war fourth republic, when gov- . partmental responsibilities since | power department is slated forjince. humility in that first ballot or "iets. got a surprising 32 per|ernment eucapeded "government the Second World War. a big role in the war on poverty) 'Twenty of the 26 cabinet min- whether they really did want @lcont'of the ballots weith monotone Tepniarity: It's expected the changes wili|since Tom Kent, the prime min-listers come from Ontario and|change of government. : have -an/ effect on the stature|ister's policy secretary who is|Quebec, which elected 107 of the fv Friday night -- when de and influence of various minis-|in charge of the campaign, Das}131 Liberals returned to the Gaulle and his left wing oppo- fers although it will take some|been appointed deputy minister!965-seat house. All five new min-|neut, F ran co is Mitterrand, time for the new cabinet pic.|under Mr. Marchand. isters are from the two centrai|made their last public appear- ture to come into focus. GAINED POWER | provinces. ances--the issue was far from levee' In the meantime, official Oi-| When all the proposed admin-| Ontario, 51 decided. tawa will go through a major |istrative changes are weighed|Liberal MPs, De Gaulle was being credited bf upheaval, against the ministers involved,|posts, including Mr. Pearson|by various public opinion polls . : ontario data processing limited The new department of man-|it can be argued that Quebec|himself and Senator John Con-| With a lead of 10 to 14 per cent For fast Emergency nihas gained a more powerful |nolly, government leader in the| OVeT Mitterrand, but large OVERLOAD KEY PUNCHING SERVICE oice in the cabinet. Upper House. Quebec, which| numbers of the electorate had 299 Simcoe St. S$. -- 725-0397 which returned has 11 cabinet Privy Council President Fav-|elected 56 Liberals, has nine in| still not made up their minds. reau gets some of the duties}the Cabinet. De Gaulle's place in French previously performed by tie) Prince Edward Island, Sas-jhistory has been assured by his makings of a major portfolio. |Secretary of state. And Mr.|katchewan and Alberta didn't| role as Free French leader dur- , _ * | Pearson says that Forestry Min-|elect any Liberals and have nojing the war, his establishment _ |GETS KEY DUTIES ister Sauve's role in rural de-| voice in the cabinet. of the fifth republic in 1958 dur- Mr. Marchand will not only velopment will be broadened. REXDALE MINES BOARD APPOINTMENTS jkie who established a. nation- jwide reputation as a Quebec la- ibor leader, appears to have the take over many key. sections} The post office department| from the labor department, such|will continue to be held by Que-/ as manpower placement andjbec. Jean-Pierre Cote, Longue- employment «services, but he'lljuil, begins his cabinet career) also take over immigration/there. cS | 'services. Against this, Justice Minister Jean-Luc Pepin, former min-|Cardin will have his responsi-| from a Seattle diving club World veterinarian in prep- ister without portfolio, also) bilities lightened by Mr, Pear-| hold the mammal. The Sration for its transport by |seems headed into major rc- son's plan to set up @ full | whale was netted and trapp- plane to San Diego next M sponsibilities in the proposed |fledged department under Soli- | ed in its pen at Rich Cove, Monday. Shamu is one of |new department of resources citor - General Larry Penneli, | Washington yesterday for two killer whales in cap- |and energy. Besides acquiring who will take over the RCMP) measuring and blood sample tivity about half of the existing de-|the penitentiaries service, the | TO WHUP A WHALE Ted Griffin, standing right, holds a tape measure as he records the girth of Shamu, a 16-foot, immature female killer whale being sold to a San Diego, Calif., (AP) Aquarium, as skin divers tests by the San Diego Sea BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Poured Beer In Police Cruiser, Man Fined $50 A.22-year-old Ajax youth was found guilty in Oshawa Mazgis- trate's Court yesterday of wil- fully damaging a _ Pickering police cruiser by pouring beer over the vehicle's front seat. Richard McInnes, of Cedar st., pleaded not guilty to the charge but offered no evidence on his own behalf He was fined $50 and costs or 15 days on the wilful damage charge and a further $25 and costs or five days on an addi- tional charge of consuming liquor. Giving evidence Leslie Price said that he was in a service station on Number 2 Highway at Pickering The police cruiser, he fied, was in one of the service bays. He said he saw Mclinnes laughing and joking with an other youth. Later he saw McInnes pour beer, from a bottle he was carrying, underneath a_ seat cover in the front seat of the cruiser. A third charge of having liquor was withdrawn at the re- corner. He was fined $75 and costs or 15 days in jail by Magistrate quest of Acting Cxown Attorney John Humphreys.' A fourth charge-éf obstructing justice by offering a bribe to a witness was set over for hear- fest) Forty-three-year-old Clarence McBurnie, of Crerar st., Osh- awa, appeared for sentence on two charges of theft from the Dominion Store on King st. w He was given a suspended sen- fence and probation for nine months by Magistrate Donald Graham. On two charges of failing to file income tax returns William Huzar, of Sharbot st., was fined a total of $50 and costs or five days in jail. Nineteen-year-old Terence Lee Smith, of Bing ave.,; Oshawa, pleaded guilty to assaulting a driver who had cut him off at a Graham. Mr. Humphreys ex- plained that Smith jerked open the door of a car at the Simcoe and Wentworth traffic lights. He struck the driver, Walter! Stahl, and then drove off. An 18-year-old Albert st. youth admitted stealing $132 from the C and B Milk Store on the Wil- son Plaza Theodore Frederick Nizio was given suspended sentence and probation for a year. He was also ordered to repay the money within six weeks. Mr. Humphreys stated that Nizio was washing the floors in the building. The money had been hidden in a secret place for the night. The following morning it had disappeared. Nizio later admitted the theft in a statement to police For impaired driving Edward Russell Schweikert, of Mill st., was fined $50 and costs or seven days in jail. He pleaded guilty to the charge Being drunk in a public place cost Melville Ferguson, of Osh- awa, a $50 fine and costs or 39 days in jail A charge of public mischief against Wayne Wallace, of Osh awa, was dismissed for lack of evidence For stealing goods valued at 70 cents from a King st. store Mrs. Ethel D. Nellis, of Oshawa, was fined $15 and costs or five days in jail Before the bench Mrs. Nellis said that she had received some inferior goods from the store two weeks previous to the inci- dent She was taking the goods in repayment for the shoddy goods, | she testified. } Three Oshawa youths appear-| ed on charges of minor con- suming. They were Richard Gaudette, Emery Thebeau and David Meades. All three were fined $25 and costs or five days in jail | Lee Majors Of Big Valley Latest James Dean Image HOLLYWOOD (AP)--He's 24 looks like a blonde Elvis Pres- ley and has the build of a foot- ball halfback, which he once was His fans see a brooding qual- ity of a James Dean, which is quite natural. Dean was a boy- hood idol of Lee Majors, one of the stars of The Big Valley TV series. The show's producers, know- ~ ing a good thing when they sve e, threw the focus on Majors in six of the first 10 segments-- not bad considering he's up against formidable co-stars in Barbara Stanwyck, Richard Long and Peter Breck It is even more remarkable when you consider that Majors never earned a dollar from act- ing before he was cast in The Big Valley. "When I was younger, I read everything I: could find. out about James Dean," says Ma- jors. 'A name that stuck in my mind was Dick Clayton, who had been Dean's agent and friend asked if he had any ideas of how I could become an actor He wasn't interested in me as a Majors did 0, studying with a coach at MGM. Clayton kept track of his. progress, refusing to peddle him for minor roles Majors had never acted outside a drama class when he won the role over 500 others in The Big Valley. His future: unlimited OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS LADIES' MAJOR | | | | "A" LEAGUE 800 and Over -- 'Mid' 245 700 and Over -- Joan Jackson 757 (246 204, 307); Isabelle King 756 (29}, 250, 215); Ev Harding 755 (241, 273, 241); Marilyn Richards 730 (226, 290, 214); Mavis Taylor 719 (21 , 262) and Dorothy Sykes 705 Muir B05 (368, 650 and Over -- Olive Frise 679 (24a,/ 237); Vi Norris 678 (238, 245); Mary Mann 667 (210, 258) and Audrey Burrill 654 {227 221 Teams Standing --sYoung Moderns 18 Modern Upholstery 16, Hayden MacJon. ald 15. Crawford Ins. 14, Strouds 13, Hor wich 9, Scugog Cleaners 6 and Nu-Way I went to see him and| Rus 5 NEED GAS BY BILLIONS United States jet airliners client, but he 'suggested I take|used 2,500,000,000 gallons of some acting lessons." lkerosene fuel in 1964. % £ partment of northern affairs national parole board and other built-in Does an entire day's = dishes at once! Breakfast dishes, lunch and dinner dishes--you can do them all at the same time . jn this RCA WHIRLPOOL dishwasher! Rinse-Hold cycle lets you rinse dishes now, wash them later. DISHWASHER with exclusive multi-level Filter-Stream* washing and rinsing. e6 automatic cycles with push-button selection. e Automatically adds deter- ent to all washes. e Dishes are washed and rinsed in constantly filtered water that's too hot for *Tmk. | v PRICED LOW FOR CHRISTMAS AT STARR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 491 Ritson South -- 723-3343 OPEN TO 9 P.M. FRIDAY -- IAC TERMS AVAILABLE Mr. Wm. M. Jack Douglas Pollard as Vice President and Director. Mr. E. D. Pollard John J. Jewell, B.S.C., P.Eng., President of Rexdale Mines Ltd. announces the election of three (3) new members to the Board of Directors. They are Wm. Morris Jack and Danny Nykoluk as directors and Elmer REXDALE MINES LTD. Mr. D. Nykoluk A ei CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE TO YOUR LOVED ONES It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, or those beyond the immediate family circle, a faithful friend In the sincere hope of rendering a helpful service to those who wish to appropriate notice for Christmastime, The Classi- fied Department of the Oshawa Times will once again publish a special page of Memorial Tributes on Friday, Dec- select an ember 24th. To ensure that your "In Memoriam' appears at this time, phone the Classi- fied Department Before, Wednesday, December 22nd. The TIMES SHAWA -- 723-3492 WNVYEN WHITBY -- 668-3784 daughter, son or kin. memoriam CRORES

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