This Retarded Poodie Might Never Adjust My husband and 1 went to see her twice. The third time I told} him if he wanted to go, OK, but not to ask me to spend my evenings like that. He has con- tinued to visit her, and he always takes one of our sons along. Mabel is young enough to be my husband's daughter and I honestly believe he feels fath- erly toward her, Also, we have a family of boys and he has always wanted a daughter. Please don't tell me to wake up and smell the coffee as I have read that phrase in your column six times this year. I need something more definite to go on. Do 'you think there's some hanky-panky. going on or not?--Uncertain Dear Ann Landers: 1 hope you will be more sympathetic to our problem than our friends have been. We have mentioned this to a few people and they broke up. We don't think it is funny. . I will come straight to the point. and tell you that our poodle, Sir Oliver, is an invol- untary drop - out of canine school. We paid $150 for him and he tame to us with the finest regis- tration papers. For some mysterious reason, Sir Oliver cannot be housebro- ken, nor will he learn to take any other directions. The head of the canine school has told us that he believes the dog has a neurological problem and it is useless to invest any} Dear Uncertain; A man who more money to train him. is interested in hanky-panky| § My husband says he does not/doesn't take his wife and sons| @ want a dog around that is notjalong. Don't make any accusa- housebroken. I have become soljtions or you may build a prob- attached to Sir Oliver that Ijlem where none exists, hate to think of giving him to a farmer as my husband suggests.| Dear Ann Landers: There is Do you think there is a chance|a certain boy I -will call Pete that if I work diligently with Sir/He is in my home room class} Oliver I can teach him some!(we are both high school soph-) | manners?--Discouraged jomores) and he. called me for a Dear Discouraged: The head|date in October and I went out of the canine school is a better/with him. Ann, it was Icike authority on this than I am. If|agony. He was so boring I felt he says your poodle has a little|worn out .trying to think of strudel in his noodle, I think you|things to say. When I got home should take his word for it, I wrote in my diary, 'Never again with this cipher." Dear Aun Landers: My hus-| Pete has asked me out almost) band has become friendly with jevery weekend since and I've a woman who works in a nearbyjrun out of excuses. Would it be! office. He raved about what ajterrible to tell him that I'm not| swell "guy" Mabel is and in-|going with him again and to| » sisted that we invite her andjstop calling? I need your help, | } her husband to dinner Annie.--Ickee-Poo es I finally agreed. That was| Dear Poo: Don't destroy the) ge last spring. Mabel doesn't look | poor guy. Be sweet and tell him| like a guy to me, She looks|you know a couple of girls who| re plenty female. Her husband is|are not dated up, and then give| 4g" a dumb cluck, jhim the names of a few not-so| * Recently Mabe] had to be hos-|popular dames who might en- , pitalized for an old back injury.|joy Pete's company. spray Painting Is Quick And Easy By ELEANOR ROSS |button (keeping the valve open| Just press the button--and|4s if you were using hair spray) you're painting! jor insecticide); don't hold the} The skill required to do a\Can too close to the surface; | rofessional-looking job isn't so|@nd don't stop the motion or fficult if a few rules are fol-/MOve the can too slowly across always in demand, are 35 Oshawa girls who have been Ready for the social sea- son when baby-sitters are School Choir Pleases | lowed. And, of course, the more|the surface to be painted, Parents At Harmony | practice you get, the better at} Such mistakes are easy to| The Harmony Home and it you become. jmake until you get the "feel" of School Association recently held|tion about the children bringing ' First of all, a clean surface isjaerosol spray painting. That's|a Christmas concert. The presi-|gifts to be distributed by the Sal-| essential to the success of any|why a practice session or two is|dent, Mrs. L. G. French, open-| vation Army, : paint job. So, be sure all oil,/so important. It shows how the'ed by reading the Christmas| T : : ; wax, dirt and dust are removed.|color builds up and enables the|story from St. Luke's Gospel,| 2% Mothers from Miss C. McCoulloch, gave an explana-| 1 la PREPARED FOR A BUSY SEASON attending classes of instruc- tion at the YWCA. Last week they received qualifying cer- tificates. Mrs. E. A. Collins, executive secretary of the Ontario County TB Associa- tion presented the awards. She is seen here discussing baby-sitting procedures with four of the girls, Lynn Lid- ster, 12, left and Debbie Bellinger, 12, right. Stand- ing left, is Pat Neal, 13 and right, Karen Gulenchyn, 14. The TB Association assisted Sand rough spots before youjuser to develop a steady, even|after which she sang "What Star|Wilson's and Mrs. D. Gow's| tart. If possible, place the ob-|motion. \Is This," and "Night of Nights." |class sérved refreshments at|. Jects to be painted in a horizon-| Once you've gotten the feel of Mrs. B. G. Curry introduced|which time a short business {al position. This helps prevent/nerosol spray painting, chances|the first film entitled "Customs | meeting was held Funs and snags and sags. are that you'll enjoy it and belof Christmas." This film depict-| nade Missed oioate a PIGLET GOES FAR A 15-pound roast suckling pig te |will feed at least 10 diners. . 4a oe ae oe car | delighted with the professional-|ed customs from other lands as| leflect : » egy ng carry 1) looking results. jwell as explaining how many rr -- come : ion Another reason you'll flip over| traditional customs came about. i iece of scrap ma-|@ aerosol method is that/The School Choir under the | abel poly coiagiond alt hack clean-up is simply a matter of| direction of Mrs. D. Houck with 4nd forth until the agitator ball|Putting the paint spray can|Miss J. Watson at the plano Kiside sation easily. Then hold/2¥4Y until further use or for|S@ng favorite Christmas carols. | 4 |a touch-up job. Another film was shown en- | e can at the top and swirl the : er around the herve of the, There is a fine" variety of| titled '"'The Great Toy Rob-| bery." Mrs. A. R. De Boo ac- ' { t;colors available at your local ; an to mix in all the pigmen 7 companied by Mrs. J. Morris, | joroughly. |paint dealer, al he ° 4 | And "t | sang 'The Christmas Song" and §PECIFY DISTANCE don't forget the popular] \\Caiynso Christmas." § silvers.and golds for use i ; Hold the can about 10 to 12 decorating pine cones, aan | Mrs, Joseph Sapinski thanked | inches from the practice sur-jand similar items for holiday|all who took part. The principal face. Press the button all the/centrepieces and adornments. lof Harmony School, Mr. E. C. Way down and move the can "8 ; = ai a sicady pace paralic! ts the) surface. Use short, dusting) strokes, releasing the button at the end of each stroke. «Avoid these frequent begin- fer's errors: don't freeze on the TINTED FREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S aw i THE "BAKER BABY" 'joins with the management and staff. of BAKER CARPET CLEANING COMPANY and sea lg MILLS CO. LTD., to wish you one and a va E allt dy Gyp "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" PARENT Typewriting is one of the most useful skills ony Student can possess. Why not see that your Child is equipped for the Fu- Sa Ps Tee Be Some men are hard RBIs: ture. f 1 Give the best Christmos Gift rom. Dover's. ° A Junior Typing Course at the ' Open to Pupils from Grades 6, 7 and 6 Classes are held Saturday Morn- ings throug It will allow him me "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" -- "Over 80 Years Experience" For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local BAKER CARPET from shirts and ties or hats , he wouldn't If you're always fits, give a Dover in any amount -you A GIFT CERTIFICATE FROM DOVER'S HAS LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES to please so if you really want to be right, consider a Gift Certificate to choose from a man's world of gifts... to sportswear or maybe something buy for looking for a gift that himself. Gift Certificate care to name, tend 9:00 to 1} Cleaning Co. to 12:00 Noon COST IS ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER SATURDAY New Course begins Saturday, Jan. 8, 1966 Register Early ----- Enrolment is Limited. Over 50 now in attendonce. agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. Oshawa Busines College 10 Simcoe Street, North Die! 725-3375 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 OSHAWA SHOPRING CENTRE 9 P.M. edch evening to Christmas. Boum Bo BMRB MP BH BRM MI MM RIUM in the instruction at the YWCA. --Oshawa Times Photo 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, December 21, 1965 game magnified our faifures and Jack of skill. ~ ; Many 2 child in the grades or igh sctiool enjoys so iew 'successes in the unit or ai subject he is studying that he finds: it hard. to.keen_ striving hard. It could be in reaging. spelling, mathematics, elemen- tary science, chemistry or physics--any subject. MUST READ WELL Often in science or social sci- CHILD GUIDANCE Child's School Frequently A By GARRY C MYERS, PhD Hundreds of parents have written to me of the child, 12 or 20, who doesn't strive. hard to learn. I am alwayspuzzled to know how to answer them. Parents often write pf the school child whose teacher says he could earn As or do excel- lent work if he tried. How. to put effort into this child is a hard question to answer. Often I am stumped in my effort to find the answer. Never in a letter can a parent state all the reasons why this child does not strive harder. Even if she did, it would not be easy to advise what to do from now on. It is easy to say this child would strive more at school learning if he were more interested in it We might even suggest some ways to increase his interest. Yet we are not sure these sug- | 4\gestions will work, no matter how sure we are they are worth trying to provide. However, if 4\the parent believes the sugges- » | tions have possibility, she might try harder to make them work. Whereas we parents and teachers should never cease jlooking for new ways to inter- jest the school child, there is | something else practical we can |do. We can find ways to help | him enjoy more success at what jhe is supposed to learn. Per- jhaps nothing else inspires inter- est and consequent effort as ;much as the satisfaction from achievement. No matter how smart a schoolchild is he must enjoy success in what he is trying to learn, in order to be interested | and, therefore, in order to strive |harder. We don't build on his ences discouragement may come from lack 9f skill in read- ing. We might be able to find ways to stimulate his interest in reading more. But suppose we cannot, and he goes on never choosing to read anything not required of him, What I am trying to get at is that, with many a child of average or superior native abil- Effort Problem flew game, as at cards, find that our interest and consequent effort lag when we don't feel we are making progress. On/ity, there often must be some the other. hand' our interest and/ requirement that he shall have effort grow as pe feel we are! practice at the skills in which succeeding, gaining. 'he is low. Many a poor reader Often we grow discouraged as at nine or 15 needs to be re- we face many errors and fail-| uired to practice at reading ures. But if we can keep striv-| nat he ta able te read: ing, Many a child with average or we gain more skill and) take more heart. Driving our-| better music ability needs to be 'selves, or being encouraged by|required to practise in order to others to keep striving, we find! gain satisfying skills. As he the game more attractive. reads better or plays the musi- But suppose we gave up be-|cal instrument better, he grows fore we had often played in the less resistant to practice in the game or suppose others in. the|involved skills. Announce New Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink * hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue, A renowned research institutehas | many months. found a unique healing substance This was accomplished with s with the ability to shrink h new healing sub (Bio-Dyne) rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- which quickly helps heal injured ing and discomfort in minutes and | cells and stimulates growth of new speeds up healing of the injured, tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- inflamed tissues. ment and suppository form called One hemorrhoidal case history Preparation H. after another reported "very strik- In addition to actually shrink- ing improvement." Pain was ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H promptly and gently relieved... lubricates and makes elimination actual reduction or retraction | less painful. It helps prevent in- (shrinking) took place. fection which is a principal cause Among these case histories were of hemorrhoids, a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- tions. Relief even occurred in cases of long standing, and most im- portant of all, results were so h gh that this imp paration H Ointment (with a special applicator. failures but on his successes. You and I trying to learn a was maintained over a period of 14 OUNCE Box Or LOWNEY"S 28 ounce "MINUET" 2'2 pound MOIRS 22 pound WILLARD"S 2'2 pound PER BOX WILLARD'S 5B 2.97 While Quantities Last ZELLER'S Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-2209 om > Downtown Simcoe St. South 723-2294