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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1965, p. 17

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BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE BOWMANVILLE -- In Magis- trate's Court here Tuesday the axe descended on three of Gord's A-Go-Go dance hall pa- trons, Arthur Worth, 106 Exeter rd., Ajax, was charged with il- legal possession of alcehol, John Alan Murdoch, 781 Somerville st., Oshawa and Joseph Vachon, 446 Cromwell ave., Oshawa, with under-age drinking. All three youths pleaded guil- ty. Worth admitted ownership of beer an officer found in his, car parked on the dance hail lot. Murdoch was found drinking beer in a parked car. As Vachon and a male passenger, with three girls in the back seat, drove into the lot one of the occupants hurled an empty beer bottle out, striking a billboard. | The beer found in the car admitted buying from an Osh- awa bootlegger. The officer stated that the} dance hall was becoming a prob- lem and too many officers were | tied up each week policing it. Magistrate R. B. Baxter fined) Worth $500 and costs, or one "Three Youths Acmit 'Liquor Act Offences he| His friend said he was re- moving the wheel and drinking a bottle of pop when the car suddenly vanished from in front of him. Mr; Jackson explained that he was on his way to work a General Motors on the 6 p.m. shift. He had just passed sever- al cars and the sun struck past his sun visor, blinding him mo- mentarily. He drove straight off on to the shculder, striking the Gosselin vehicle from the rear and ending up in the ditch. 'You can't drive where you) can't see,"' commented Magis-| trate R. B. Baxter, "Guilty as charged", Group Seeks New Blood WHITBY (Staff). -- Like to itake a fling at amateur drama- tics? Have you a yen for the} footlights? If the answer is 'yes' £ ae Jim Lee Heads 7 Piowimen Group UXBRIDGE -- The annual méeting of the South Ontario Plowmen's Association was held in the Township Hall, Brooklin, Dec. 15, with a good turnout of members. Murray Dunkeld, president for 1965, was in charge. Mr. Dunkeld made reference to the splendid plowing match held lest fall. He expressed his appreciation to the directors for their very fine co-operation and to all those who assisted with the match. Lynn Fair, agricultural repre- sentative, conducted the election jot officers which resulted as \follows: Honorary president, |Murray Dunkeld, Claremont, {RR 2; president, Jim Lee, | |Greenbank; first vice-president, | |John Batty, Brooklin; second vice-president, Vernon nda Oshawa, RR 1; secretary- -treas- gel Joe Tran, Claremont, RR/ assistant secretary - treas- pa Don Dunkeld, Claremont, |, RR 2. + The delegates to the annual | meeting in Toronto Feb. 21 and 22 will be Jim Lee, John Batty, Joe Tran and Don Dunkeld. | The junior plowing match |committee is Murray Dunkeld, ernon Plan Milk Committee ario Couniv iiar In Untar UXBRIDGE --The Provincial Milk Marketing Board is an- xious to establish and maintain a means of close contact with all milk producers in the province. In the opinion of the board, the best means of this objective is through the formation of a milk committee in each county. Committees have already been organized in 11 counties, and plans are underway at the pres- ent time for the organization of several more. At a planning meeting of milk producers, held recently in the Department of Agriculture Of- fice, Uxbridge, a date and place was set for a general milk pro- ducers' meeting in Ontario Coun- Inflation Seen 'Danger In '66 | | ty. This meeting will be. held in the Town Hall, Uxbridge, Jan. 7, at 1,30 p.m. The planning committee will recommend to the general meet- ing that a milk committee be formed in Ontario County. It) will also be recommended that a committee of 15 members be elected from Ontario County on a regional basis with two mem- bers. coming from the Townships of Rama and Mara, seven from the Townships of Brock, Scott, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 22, 1965 17 ac Te Buy Nickel TORONTO (CP) -- Consump- tion of nickel by the non-Com- munist world in 1966 will con- tinue at a high level, says Henry S. Wingate, chairman of the Nickel Co, of Canada Ltd, He said that in 1965 a record 730,000,000 pounds of nickel was consumed in the non-Commu- nist world, an increase of about nine per cent from 670,000,000 pounds in 1964, i Mr. Wingate says the United States increased its aunnly by 42,000,000 pounds to 390,000,000 pounds to account for just une der 30~per-cent ot the ni¢kel consumption. Nickel consumption by Euro- pean countries in 1965 increased about 15,000,000 pounds to 262,- 000,000 pounds as a result of the high level of busthess activity there. Mr. Wingate said that non- Communist -world nickel pro- duction is expected to increase considerably during the next few years as a result of new sources of supply. Uxbridge, Reach and Scugog, and six coming from the Town- ships of Pickering, Whitby and! East Whitby. All producers of whole milk) are eligible to vote, and there will be one vote per farm. Pro- | ducers of farm separated cream | are not eligible to vote. There | are 400 milk shippers in Ontario | | County. George McLaughlin, chairman lof the Provincial Milk Marketing TORONTO (CP) -- Inflation| Board, will be present at the ill be one of the major prob- Priced that Canada will have to} tackle in 1966, the Canadian Im- porters Association said in its year-end statement. The association says are strong indications that there it | will be difficult to keep costs! Jan, 7 meeting to explain the new Mille ilk Marketing Act. _ * Montreal, nicion, NOW OPEN SUZANNE Hair Styling 5 John St. West and Simeoe South Madame Suzanne Lemieux, owner, cord- ially. invites you to consult her on all your hair core, 15 years of experience in Permanent end Color Tech- DEALING YOUR CAR? The Mon To See Is and make CALL US NOW ements for your month in jail and Murdoch and'the Whitby Theatre Guild has a Jim Lee, John Batty, V Vachon each $250 and costs, or|solution for you. The guild is Powell, Joe Tran a d Don Hun: from rising significantly, one month in jail. Each youth currently laying plans for a keld "There have been many sub stantial wage increases gained |was granted one month to pay.|spring shssentattin, with cast-|" : A ling to begin in January. The 1966 plowing match will Me lin the past few months by var- --"--- 'Christmas. Perm. ; & HAIR JACK DOWN Workmen in hard hats check operation of pile driver, working its way down the towering lead sup- ported by crane boom at left. More than 1,500 steel piles like this one are to be driven by. the end of March -- NOT UP | | j ert | crutches. | self flying through the air, land-| 4.6 written by the renowned|RR 4; | } for twin reactor buildings of Ontario Hydro's Pickering nuclear power station, 20 miles east of downtown To- ronto. The $266 million in stallation is to produce its, first power in 1970. --Ontario Hydro photo Whitby Theatre Guild Plans Three-Act Farce WHITBY (Staff) -- One hus- band should be enough for any woman but, for Mrs. Peck, a character in the presentation by Theatre Guild, "Happiest Days of Your Life', the count is now up to four husbands In reality, the four-husband combine is not as alarming as one would at first suspect. The problem stems from a_short- age of available actors. Mary Loucheck, who portrays Mrs Peck in the play has had four) different actors portray the part of her husband. After a while it becomes confusing until tress doesn't know who hubby will be next. . the Whitby her "This is just one of the amus-| ing, and very confusing, prob- lems that arise when one pro- duces a play," Joe Wainwright Guild president, explain "What we need most are more active members to take the parts in the number of plays we present," he added. Confusion or no confusion, the "Happiest Days of Your Life" is jtheatrical forthcoming | the ac-| | enthusiasts next} month. The play -will be held on! the stage at the Denis O'Connor High Schgol, Described as a three-act farce, the play is built around the post-war days of the Second World War, with a southern English setting. Hilary Hall |school for boys is invaded by St. Swithin's schoo! for girls. A complete snafu in the education- jal field is responsible for the |foul-up with the comedy develop- jing rapidly to an unexpected l¢ limax. The main problem jarises from an unwelcome visit from parents of both the girl and boy students. What hap pens is sheer panic for the au- dience, the play has to be seen to be really appreciated. "Tt is an ambitious venture and we are having a great deal of fun producing this play," Mr Wainwright said. "We feel cer- tain the public will enjoy this play.' |}was $50 and IM. L. Cunningham, Lindsay. A Lindsay man was convicted! Backed by a series of success- of careless driving. The fine)ful presentations, the Whitdy $35.40 costs, or|/Theatre Guild has now set its seven days, There was no sus-/sights on still another ambitious} pension of licence. program. The Guild will be pro- Harry Jackson, 93 Lindsay st.|ducing and presenting a three- aged 47, was represented by act play by Fred Carmichael,| lentitled 'Luxury Cruise'. play, courtesy of Samu el) ~ i French, Inc., is a new routine sselin, eared on ' he re and his|£0T the local players, described friend, Ralph Hanlan, were as a comedy with an American | westbound on Highway 401 when flavor. : | the left front tire went flat, They --. ey er a | drove on to the north shoulder|©OMeey UP to now ¥ : and Hanlan was removing the|W'isht, president of the loca wheel while Gosselin placed theatrical group, stated. "By a jack under the front axle. popular request we plan to American scene Suddenly Gosselin found him- The first Crown witness, Rob- switch to the \In the past most of the plays jing 100 feet farther west on the -English playwright, Phillip} median. He saw his car in the King. "This will be a new ven- middle of the highway facing ture.' Mr. Wainwright said.| north. When he attempted toluw, feel is a good chal- | walk he fell to the ground and erigé: had to be taken away by stretch-| er. In hospital it was found he|o¢ the ' guild, however, |had a broken leg and required}«pio9q". Present | surgery to his knee. it is new members of FLEW TO RENDEZVOUS BARRIE, Ont. (CP)--Gradu-} ~T thi n from all the hard work and jneed a boost from new mem- bers. "Anyone the least bit in- terested in theatrics is urged to jates of Vancouver's Templeton | come Bak to tie CAuiy eae: junior high school signed a pact |ings" Mr. Wainwright said, years ago to hold a reunion in}: 'the more the merrier 1940. The first was so success-| Casting for the new sind will ful they decided to meet again|begin in January with the ac- every five. years. Mrs, Kay |tual presentation later in the Rhoadts lost touch with the)spring. More news on the date group on moving to Ontario} of the casting meetings will be but recently atten j}reunion in Honolulu after the New Year This Christmas Give The LOVING GIFT To That One Person In Your Life At Oshewa's Wetch World you een choose thot. Extre Special Gift from a widely veried selection of finely crafted mokes ond models, And ot Fac savings also--from 20% to 50% . BULOVA'S Ranging from $35.95 & up RODANIA'S From $14.97 & up ENICAR From $29.95 & up (This does not include the discount) Watch World also has a top" tir Bands--Pius Men's and Ladies Alarm and Wall Clocks. EXCLUSIVE IN OSHAWA CYMA Men's and Ladies Watches from 59.75 to 130.00 WATCH WORLD 24 PRINCE ST. 723-6922 The | ded the sixth/revealed by the guild executive| held in Reach Township Oct. The junior plowing match will |be held Sept. 24. 'Junior Farmers Hold Election UXBRIDGE -- The Uxbridge Junior Farmers held their an- nual meeting and election of 1966 officers, Dec. 14, in Ux-} bridge. The incoming executive is as follows: President, Karen Geer, {Port Perry, RR 1; vice-presi- ident, Allan Bailey, Uxbridge, secretary, Paul Shier, |Sunderland, RR 1; treasurer,| |Betty Munro, Port Perry, RR 1. County Directors --Karen| Geer, Port Perry, RR 1 and | Donna Morrison, Uxbridge; shaw, Sunderland, RR 2. Following the election, the} |the group are wearing a little| members enjoyed a buffet lunch-| pionship. eon at Ev Ev yn 's Grill. For the Best Selection . = . professionel pruned trees for your J, A. JANSSEN @ Preston ro" FOR SALE aoe | ome in end toke your pick. We deliver et your convenience, 2 LOCATIONS @ 843 King %. West -- 728-9429 ious labor groups which cannot fail but be converted into higher _| costs, "Failure to deal with this problem will result in our in-! ability to compete pricewise in \the markets of the world and jalso result in a serious weaken-| ing in the strength of the Cana- dian dollar." However, the association also lealls for the stimulation of suf- ficient economic growth to pro- vide 1,500;000 new jobs in Can- ada by 1970 as set out by the Economic Council of Canada. The association says the Ca- nadian import trade and Cana- dian business in general can look forward to a difficult but still a good year. GIRL BRED CHAMPION KAMLOOPS, B.C. (CP) |Elaine Gowans, 9, entered her One of the main requirements|press reporter -- Barbara Bag-| own steer at the winter fair here and won the grand champion- ship and the open singles: cham- The animal sold for 18 a pound, -- 3500 TREES IN STOCK... choosing, Pleee your erder new, er & SONS LTD. Sunoco -- 925 Simese Nerth Special Children's | ae | OSHAWA RADIO CKLB--D Thursday, Terry Mann will fea Pr e-Christmas Programs IAL 1350 Dec. 23rd ture a series of pro- grams for children during his afternoon show on Thursday, Dec. 23 from 2:00 to HUGHES ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. SUZANNE 5 John St. W. and Simcoe South For Appointment Call 725-4541 STYLING \ - MOLSOW > G0 ae usd si in Ale For the right taste What's the right taste in ale? You be the judge. Next time"Look.to thesign 5:00 p.m. 2:15 - 2:30 Andersen's going ahead under a ful! tead of steam, All members of the cast are having a "ball" and, the play is expected to be one of the best the local theatrical group has presented to date. The play, written by John Dighton, and produced through the courtesty of Samuel! French Inc., will be presentéd to local WHITBY BOWLING SCORES WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE Thursday - Nite Section Goolds Furniture 3, Firemen "A" 0; Jets 3, Firemen "B" 0; Knights of Columbus 2, Le- gion No. 2, 1; County Bowl 3, Red Wings 0; Ken Smith Con- struction 3, Firemen 0; Otten- brites 2, Walker Bros 1; Lucky Strikes 3, Post Office 0; Legion aires.2, Legion. Old Sweats 1 High Games and Triples -- Paul Frank 813 (280, 326), Roger Reeson 725 (275), Ed Samanski 728 (256, 253), Bud Bragg 721 (255), Des Denyer 703 (256). AEE SLES RLS ASST. TR STOLZENFELS KENNELS @ Grooming & Clipping all breeds @ Boarding & Training @ Pick Up & Delivery CALL BROOKLIN 655-4487 HORWICH .. 20 SIMCOE ST. S. {A SMALL DEPOSIT 'iu ou on CHRISTMAS ya Links ® Tie Bars ® Lighters Desk Sets Cut Glass Luggage ° jak Watches Rings Jewellery ° China ° Silverware e CHRISTMAS SHOP FOR EVERYONE @ TWO LOCATIONS @ CREDIT WELLERS ®- OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Fairy presented by 2:30 - 3:00 Pinnochio 3:00 - 3:30 Lullaby of Chris 3:30 - 4:00 Dumbo presented by Gi 4:00 - 4:30 4:30 -5:00G Ta 'Winnie the Pooh Tales Oshawa TV tmas ascott Plumbing rimm"s Fairy les SPECIAL TONIGHT -- 7:30 - 10:30 General Motors of HANDEL'S CKLB -- AM & FM Canada Presents MESSIAH See tomorrow's Times for a fuli list of CKLB and CKLB-FM programs for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. LS Cs [Ss : Golden A le. , of the Golden Lion." Try a Molson MOLSON GOLDEN ALE TOP cals FROM MOLSON'S INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 S518, f

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