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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1965, p. 19

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-- (ITY COUNCIL BRIEFS _| City council this week decid- ed to make no' change in its previous order' that Cecil Reid remove signs on city property on Bond st., just east of Ste- venson rd. Mr. Reid's lawyer, in a letter, asked that city ac- tion be withheld until an appli- cation is made to planning board for rezoning of the land. "Once it's stalled it will be stalled again," said Ald. Cecil Bint. "I think he wants us to forget about gs A television antennae install- er's licence was granted to Bruce Williams of Williams Electronics Sales and Service, lot subdivision on the north side of Winter ave. Oshawa--Chamber--of--Com- merce advised council it has re- ed street map of the city, with the assistance of the planning department, The Chamber said 1,000 complimentary copies have been delivered to city hall for use by the planning department, city clerk's office and industrial commissioner. The Metro Toronto and Re- gion Transportation Study com- mittee, in a letter, thanked the city for its hospitality during a cently had printed a new detail- aoe anat gov sue SEtR- SS council decided, | Copies of the Municipal .Coun- ieillor's Handbook at $4.75 per icopy will be purchased for all members of council and the de- partment heads, Ald. Thomas said it was suggested that' ii anyone felt guilty about the $4.75 they could make a $5 dona- tion to the Salvation Army Council's parks, property com- mittee reported that it is pre- pared to recommend to counci! that land on Bond st., to the least of the CKLB property be isold to Enfield, Kimberley and Hemmerick at the appraised value of $16,680. The item was removed from the committee nda until word is received ithe subdivider started construc- tion ot the land. Aid. Hayward: Direases..Act...was..passed -- by. i F recent study publi ing held/48© -- <r jfrom the firm about whether \eas-over private property and Murdoch said the auditorium has permission to open a. tem- porary road across school and private property but--does--not haye sufficient funds to con- struct the road. Council discussed a Public Utilities Commission request for approval to construct a water- main on Fox rd., from Cham- plain ave., to 1,188 feet north. The works committee suggested the work was premature for several reasons but the matter will be discussed again by coun- cil early in the new year. An $80 offer made by Mr. Mi- losh in full settlement for prop- erty expropriated by the city at in the council chamber. lor not it is interested in pur-|58 Quebec st., was accepted by William Menuk, through his; : lawyer, asked if land owned) Council authorized an appli-| by the city at the northwest cor-|cation for a Central Mortgage| ner of Champlain ave., and Ste-/and Housing Corporation loan) venson rd. s., can be purchased/for construction of a high rate | and at what price. The questions|trickling filter at the sewage)" were referred to the parks, treatment plant. property committee | } A $69,233 contract for sewer, | Permission to park on a boule-| watermain and related construc-| vard area was not granted to|tion was awarded to Aprile Con- | Ferdinand Schmidt, painter and/tracting Ltd. It was the lowest of chasing the land. The amount of $2,532 will be| accepted by the city from Jack- son, Walter and Jackson in lieu f the 5 percent land convey- ance of a.17-lot subdivision on| the west side of Cedar st., to be used for public purposes. Council adopted a parks, prop-| erty committee recommenda-| council, The offer of Mr. and Mrs. H. Morris to accept $1,400 in full settlement for the property ex- propriated at 763 King st. w., was approved by council. Because of the winter works program, 30 city employees will be retained by the city and transferred directly to the win- decorator, 293 Festubert st three tenders submitted ition that the city accept the|ter works program of storm Rathe and Richard Tucker as inspectors to enforce the Plant council. The bylaw also impli- ments a motion of. council in November, giving the city au- thority--_te--enter--upon--private property to cut down all di- seased, dead or dying elm trees that may infect nearby healthy elm trees. The cost of the work will be paid by the city. Council passed bylaws to: ex- propriate portion of land im- mediately abutting Minto st., provide for parking time and no parking on Alma st., cancel certain sewer construction work previously authorized by by- law; authorized the execution of quit claim deeds on Simcoe st. n.; authorize the works com- missioner or an architect to approve contract payments; and execute an agreement with Hou- daille Industries Ltd., which is paying $84,351 as a portion of sewer construction cost. Accounts totalling $6,395,776 were approved by council. In reply to a question at an earlier meeting, Ald. John Brady said the city is following the Highway Traffic Act in setting fines for violation at crossovers Papers Strike TORONTO (CP)--The annual meeting of Toronto Star Ltd: voted unanimously Monday for its directors to enter into nego- tiations with the International | Typographical Union (CLC), after they receive a "realistic |proposal" approved by the un- ion, Robert McWhinney, a Star shareholder and striking printer, introduced the motion but Beland Honderich, a Star vice-president, was successful in having the meeting approve an amendment inserting the words, "realistic proposal," in the motion. ITU Local 91 has been on strike at The Star, The Tele- gram and The Globe and Mai $22 Speeding since July 9, 1964, But the news= papers have inued..te..puh- lish. Tab For Hees COBOUR, Ont. (CP) George Hees, Conserv ative member of Parliament for Northumberland, paid a $22 fine for speeding on the Mac- donald - Cartier Freeway last Thursday. Mr. Hees, trade minister in the former Diefenbaker govern- ment, was stopped at a provin- cial police radar trap and charged with driving 80 miles an hour in a 60-mile zone near Trenton, 10 miles west of Belle- ville. A. spokesman for Mr. Hees, who left Sunday for a vacation ce | "i | Wednesday, December 22, 1968 99. THE Usa wr TIMES; Monday the|parish revived"Le Jour de La famtions "matter ire oF Syiip-patiag das! oa" by cheque. a St. Catharine's day, Nov. 25, MEET TO MAKE SWEET |The wofnen dressed in costumes SUDBURY, Ont. (CP) -- The|o: thé 1890s to make- home can- women's club of St. Eugene's|dies together. in England. charge was a which was paid NOW AT. YOUNG AGES... YoU can see the prettiest ond most practical tashior- for boys and girls . . . infants to size 14, LAY-AWAY for Christmes Early The Best Coste Less et... lUINIGHAIG| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE sours remanence A | oa | The release of a $694 hold-| offer of $1,800 per acre by the/sewer construction as approved | A letter from the ideal De tack, being the final payment, | Hydro Electric Power Commis-|and accepted by the federal de- velopment Association aaking lsion for the two and one-half|partment of labor and the pro- z to Cobourg Construction Lid.,/§ ae that one of its/members be ap- ee comerel oy council lacre parcel of rear land Jocated|vincial department of municipal : : extreme end of Ritson/affairs. pointed to city planning board at the when the next vacancy occurs) Council agreed to purchase a|td., on the east side Hydro was received and filed. The re-|Portable pump for $3,335 from|wants the land asa right-of quest will be considered bine boeed ee aed council on Dec. 30 when It received makes appointments to various organizations at a minimum of $5 and a maxi-) mum of $50. | Mennonites | Share Yule | KITCHENER (CP) -- Each} year Mennonites near this city/ send Christmas bundles to chil- dren in Alberia, Jordan, Korea and Formosa The works committee, in reply to Ald. Thomas' question earlier |this month, said the only works Couneil authorized the city|department projects for which solicitor to start expropriation|engineering consultants lave Ald. Richard Donald's motion |proceedings to acquire a parcél|been engaged in recent years that procedures for purchasing of land adjacent to_ Kingside have been bridges, the trans- recommen-|by the purchasing agent be ve.|Park in the Oshawa Creek Val-|portation study and the func- dation that Oshawa Housing|ferred to the finance committee |ley The owner of po land will Sigel gue of ae Company land on Bond st, be|for revision was approved by |be offered $1,595 in setilement. | Pat _ . amas won Paap rezoned from R-3 to C-1, subject/ council. ; plgie casein lesine ae tes eee ee of con.|, Packed and mailed earlier in to several conditions, was adopt A City 0b Fort, AMO FeaOt ure a gee "brid ene the year, the gifts are distrib-| ed by council tion urging the provincial legis- struction c) nine ridges eluted by Mennonite volunteer| lature to review the Community|transportation study and the} orkers in those countries to Centres Act and the winter) Parkway planning. They have) shildren aged three to 16 : jworks incentive program "so as|undertaken the work on j : s : andito re-eshtablish and to continue|basis of 'the schedule of fees| Included in bundles el |municipal aid according to the/recommended as a minimum |treousers, 8 chai bedi aogaics original intention of these Acts".|standard by the Association of|>. of conn and a toy. . was endorsed by council, Coun-|Professional Engineers of On-| oc Pata : leil on Dec. 6 voted to receive|tario. The committee also | Rel A g AE ande P y| land file the resolution but this|work performed by Damas and| s §, labeled = in) Ap seem te ie intas laction was rescinded Smith Ltd., has been "most the a of es a Pshinbi in the zoning of property owned|council, will permit use of| , thorough and complete", and ond. Wellington Counisae sees by Taunton Towers on the south|money in the fund: 'To cover| Council offered to sell to On-|that the city has always had/#®°_ ee eee side of Taunton, east of Sim-|the cost of constructing essen-|/ar0 es rpg af heogen excellent service from them. parcel 0 and a ne ap it y col 1, | tial ric industrial sites} j i coe, was adopted by counct ga air of tukaee: also, to | Praised value of $1,640. The| Two readings were given toa} VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van-) icompany earlier offéred to cx;|bylaw to authorize the construc-|couver is considering joining| planning|include the cost of a beautifica-| a board recommendation that id fa program as well as indus-|Change land but Ald. Murdoc fittion of storm sewers at an es-|cities throughout Britain and] | ithe Commonwealth in planting} ' deste (del : isaid the city does not require|timated cost of $73,970 change be made in the zoning/trial site improvement, such as/58'¢ req : of land on the west side of Rit. land fill at grading on. city-|the land offered in exchange trees to mark the year 2000 as son rd. n., as requested by Sam/owned industrial land:" Ald.) A bylaw appointing Herbert the birth of a new milennium Jackson Jr Clifford Pilkey said there is| Pr B. A. Brown, 141 Simcoe about $90,000 in the fund and|st- s., Will be advised that the COIFFEURS Planning board's tecommen-|that the commission is |reconstruction of the Bloor st.| NOW IN NEW LOCATION pro-| dee is invol . dation that no change be made|posing work costing ridge is involved with the re-| 14 Ontario Street -- Oshowo Planning board's The mayor and clerk were authorized by council to sign An amendment to the city'S)/an agreement betwéen the city official plan, required before Biaad architects Allwatd minimum standard housing by- : ; law can be passed, will be com-|Gouinlock for services in plan pleted early in 1966, planning|ning and construction of the board informed council city's Centennial. project A planning board recommen- dation that no change be made|trial reserve fund, approved by) PLAN FAR AHEAD Council adopted a about inka t Bi ' in the zoning of land on the/$18,000 ocation of Bloor st., to accom- west side of Park rd. s., north modate the future reconstruc- : ' : \tion of the Harmony rd. inter- of the CPR tracks, as requested) A City of St. Catharines reso- ) r by Cor-Nor Enterprises, |change and that this work is not gvas|lution that the premier of On-} : adopted by council |tario be petitioned to amend |Planned for construction for | present legislation, where b y|s0me years; and that the recon-| No change will be made in| grants to urban and rural muni- eo paged . Grandview st. | the zoning of land between Ce-|cipliaties for health unit pur- ge is not warranted at this pea 4 ; jtime in comparison to other dar st.,"and Ritson rd., as re-|poses be provided on a more}..q tructi quested by F. and T. Deyelop-| equitable basis was approved by|"°"° ©"S ruction needs. ments, council decided. The de-jcouncil. Dr. C. C, Stewart, cision adopted a planning board|medical officer of health, in-| recommendation jformed council's finance com-| mittee that grants to rural health units are more favor able than those to city health NY Ship fo : OCERER LE Oy 9 a Expert hair stylists te give you the ultimate in hair styling . . « In @ comfortable, friendly etmosphere. Facials with Revion and Sens Seucie preparations. PHONE 723-6901 Ald. Cecil Bint, works com- |mittee chairman, said the ques-| tion of opening Gibb st., from | Waverly to the Civic Auditorium| Planning board's recommen-| }will be considered with the 1966 | dation that no change be made in the zoning of land at the northeast corner of Adelaide and Simcoe was adopted by council departments Council agreed to amend its; jbudget. Another access to the| auditorium had to be closed as' ~ Rezoning was requested by Dr.|bylaw to provide that the road Peter Zakarow tax fees charged by the city| will be the same as charged Three subdivisions in the city|by the province. The city has were approved by council sub-|been collecting the new fee rate| ject to various conditions. The|since provincial legislation be-| subdivisions, which have been|came effective. | approved by planning board, | are: Michael Zygocki's 23-lot) The chairman and members | subdivision on the west side of|of the court of revision will be Cedar st., south of Wentworth! paid $200 per year plus $25 for st.; Fleischmann, Tonno andjeach evening session in excess | Roth's 77-lot subdivision north|of eight. and that the chairman of Emerald ave., and west of|be paid $100 for each daytime Cedar st.; Van Schyndel's four- session and members be paid eae, FE SHOPPING CENTRE. For QUALITY SELECTION & VALUE in the most pleasant shopping atmosphere. Do all your Christmas Buying . . . You'll find shopping ot the Oshawa Shopping Centre "An Experience Out of the Ordin- ary. OPEN Every Night 9 P.M. «In December bet bs from the Oshawa Camera Centre Ltd. SLIDE CAMERAS Fully eutometic press ond forget, sturdy construction --- highest quolity lenses complete with corrying cose -- automatic electric. eye tom 39.88 i) From MOVIE CAMERAS BRING THIS CHRISTMAS BACK AGAIN AND AGAIN--IN ACTION! The Comera Centre hos a selection of movie cameras to sult every budget. See our famous name selection of cam- eras and equipment 19 88 i " Starts As Low As RLECTRONIC FLASH No more flesh bulbs--tully tronsistorized circuit, com- plete with 21,88 batteries. MICROSCOPE KIT Everybody is glad to see Carling Red Cap at your party Serve Ontario's number one ale--and you'll please just about everyone's taste. Lay in a good holiday supply of lean, crisp Carling Red Cap, the straight ale. é Magnification range 75x to 600x---comes with dissecting kit. Sturdy construction --- inciudes carrying case, Now 10.88 FUN SAVER MOVIE CAMERA KIT Compiete_with-- @ Howkeye 8 movie comere £/2.3 @ Kodachrome 1} movie film TAPE RECORDERS 4 transistor with aii the includes _ carrying ers 24,88 THE ELECTRA ity--super seriaitive , input and output seif-containing cose, 88. 00 @ Fun Sever movie ideo f Many others to choose trom bags 21,88 > OSHAWA CAMERA CENTRE LIMITED The "Fuji extros case, eer ph and tepe built. in jones, bet Best value dynamic mic jocks, tone co 6 month guarantee. Now The CARLING BREWERIES Limited Also famous for these fine brews: Black Label Lager Beer, Cinci Lager Beér, Brading Ale, Charrington Toby OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-5211 LAYAWAY NOW -- BUDGET TERMS

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