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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Dec 1965, p. 5

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P WHITBY (Staff) --The On- tario County Council at its Tues- day session for the second time turned down a proposal to in- BFE Baw troduce county assessment. Af- ter a heated discussion council voted 20 to 20 on the proposal. Leading the opposition to the proposal were Reeve Everett George Brooks, of Whitby, Mr. Brooks flatly stated he and Mr. Quantrill had been instructed to vote against county assessment and would continue to follow that policy until facts and fig- ures were presented. Visible evi- dence must be presented show- ing the advantage of county as- sessment to the satisfaction of the Whitby Council. ASSESSOR CRITICIZED Joining in the fight against county assessment was Deputy Reeve Mrs. Jean McPherson of Pickering Township. She criticiz- ed County Assessor Gordon Hep- ditch for breaking faith with township ratepayers. Pickering Township Council has accepted! county assessment but ratepay- ers in the township are not satis- fied with it, Mrs. McPherson said. Reeve Clifford Laycox of| Pickering Township took the opposite view. He defended the county assessor and the county assessment committee, charging lan TDa aS ae Ay he rt eet He Sine Sale of East Whitby Township, was why the assessment commission- er and the assessment commit- tee differed in their opinion on the assessment of East Whitby farm land, "We were told one thing by the county assessor and in writ- ing received a different version from the committee," Mr. How- den charged. Following a statement by Mr. Hall, the committee chairman, to the effect that the commit- tee was perhaps not qualified to give specific assessment infor- mation, Mr. Howden said: 'In this case the assessment com- mittee appeared to have the cor- rect version and the commis- |sioner was in error." Mr. Hall ireplied: "This sometimes can happen and is not too signifi- cant." Questioned on where and if farm property in the county is assessed as farm land, Mr. Hep- ditch gave a lengthy explanation which mystified members of council. ' "]T am sorry, you must simpli- |fy that. You lost me some- lwhere," commented Mr. Hall. "There are those here today who will disagree with my ex- planation but this cannot be helped," Mr. Hepditch said. |RED HERRINGS The Whitby town representa- idiotic statements were being|:i,., were accused of dragging made. jred herrings over the county as- The question was introduced|sessment question by the com-| by Reeve John Dryden of Whit-|mittee chairman and the Pick-| | } | by Township. After considerable | ering reeve. |e discussion at the morning ses-| "Give us facts and figures," | | sion the matter was turned over| mr. Brock replied. | to council sitting as a committee; The question of whether a mu-| of the whole. Deputy Reeve John nicipality can hire an unlicenced | Hall, of Ajax, chairman of the|assessor and can have an un- assessment committee, chaired |jicensed assessor work for it -------- as Nine-Monih Term WHITBY (Staff) -- A 54-year- old man, who stole money from milk bottles in the town of Whit- by, was sent to jail Tuesday for nine months. Alexander Reid, who had pleaded guilty last week on a charge of theft under $50, also admitted to a record dating back to 1943. Three youths, from Rama Township, were reamanded in custody with bail set at $5,000 until Dec. 29, when they appear- ed on a charge of robbery with violence. They will appear in Brechin court. Two men, who broke into a service station and stole a car, $2,000 worth of drugs and three tires, were each placed on one year's probation after being convicted of break, enter and 4 | theft. : Simone Majoor, 21, of Picker- ng Village and Douglas Wilcox, 23, of Markham, each pleaded guilty to the offence. For being drunk in a public place, Robert Jim Edwards was |fined $25 and costs or 14 days jin jail. Edwards, the evidence show- ed, had been picked up in the Sun Cafe in an intoxicated con- dition. Two Oshawa youths were re- jmanded in custody for a pre- sentence report, after being con- victed of theft over $50. Wayne Bosely 16, of Thomas st., Oshawa, Was also convicted jon charges of making unneces- sary noise, and presenting a dri- ver's licence not his own. James E. Carey, of Arthur st., Osh- awa, was also convicted on charges of speeding, failing to V7 Failing to show proof of in- surance and driving while im- paired, cost Meine Stall, of Woodcrest ave., Oshawa, $100 and costs and a six months sus- pended sentence. is Stael was picked up in Whit- by, after police observed him driving his car in an erratic mauner. Two charges of having liquor in a place other than his resi- dence, cost Harold G. Phillips, of no fixed address, $20 and costs or 20 days in jail. Phillips, the curt was told, was picked up Dec. 17 and of- fered a cell in which to sleep. A part bottle of liquor was found in his pocket. On Dec. 20, he was spotted drinking :on Brock st., Whitby. Roland Henry Steane, 63, of RR 3, Stouffville, who appeared in Whitby Magistrate's court last week, charged with posses- sion, was given a further one week remand. Bail, which was set last week at $20,000, was reduced to $5,000 cash or property, after Stean's lawyer, Hugh O'Connell said Steane suffered from heart trou- ble and had suffered three heart attacks in the past two years. The charge was laid Dec. 8, after some $8,000 worth of elec- trical equipment was stolen. Family Monuments ROR | DPunile Progent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 22, 1965 § Russians Ignore Stalin's - Birthday... amiiin iaiag 4 Mouscuw (awcuscrsS Stalin was ignored by the So viet state today on the 86th an- niversary of his birth. Until Stalin died in 1953, Rus- sian newspapers cleared their columns on Dec. 21 to publish special articles, poems and other eulogies. Yule Pageant AUDLEY (TC) -- The junior students of the Sunday 'School presented a Christmas pageant last Sunday morning. A girls' choir sang the choral numbers, with Peggy Squire at the piano, The pageant, prepared by Mrs. William Guthrie, was entitled "The Gift'. Toda: even During the service, white gifts Born deg er were presented in front of the | One-Stop manger. The church was filled DECORATING for the Christmas service which followed. Sunday School is at'10.15 a.m. with church at 11.30 a.m. for ype = e Hi-C Club met Sunday af- ogg at the church. The year- SHOP y reports were given. The group was formed a year ago, Wallpaper and Murals with Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Wal- Custom Dreperies tham as counsellors. | During the program, a gift |was presented to them in appre- jciation of their guidance and help during the year. A social hour followed. Some from here attended the Christmas services on Sunday evening at Almonds and Pick- ering. . ° e '@ Broadioom i © C.LL, Points end Varnishes © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron Se. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 the meeting. QUESTIONS PUT During the heated afternoon session, Mr. Hepditch was bom- barded with a series of ques- tions regarding county assess- ment. One question, introduced by John Howden, deputy reeve ONTARIO COUNTY FARM CALENDAR Dec. 28, 8.30 p.m., Greenbank Community Hall -- December Meeting Port Perry Junior Farmers. Rehearsal. Jan. 6, 10 a.m., Uxbridge, Legion Hall -- Annual Meeting, Ontario County Soil and Crop} Improvement Association. Jan. 6, 8.30 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall -- January Meet- ing for Brooklin Junior Farm- ers. Jan. 6, 8.30 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall -- January Meet- ing for Brooklin Junior Farm- ers. Jan. 7, 1.30 p.m., era Town Hall -- Milk Producers' Meeting for Ontario County. Jan, 8, King Edward Hotel, Toronto -- Provincial Junior Farmers' Conference, 9.30 a.m. -- Public Speaking -- Barbara} Holtby, Port Perry, represent- ing Ontario County. 3.00 p.m. -- Choir Competition -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir taking part. Jan. 10, 1.30 p.m., Uxbridge, Department of Agriculture Board. Room Annual Meeting, Ontario County Farm Safety Council, Jan. 11, 8.30 p.m., Uxbridge iwas raised. Mr. Hepditch con- tacted the Ontario Municipal Board. He stated no municipal-| lity can hire an unlicensed as-| |sessor and after the new year |legislation may or may not jcome through granting an in- terim three-year licence to any} | assess6r who has been employ- f The question of why a cer-| tain assessor was sent back to} |Pickering Township after the} jcouncil and ratepayers had in-} |formed the county assessor he | }was not wanted was raised by| |Mrs. McPherson. | township or the county. | 'The Township of Pickering may not have had the nerve to lfire its assessor but the county | |does," Mr. Hall said. Chrysler Sets Sales Records | DETROIT (AP) -- Chrysler Corp. sold a record 1,650,000 new cars in 1965, Lynn A. Town- send, president, reported today, while forecasting another big year for the auto industry in }1966. Townsend said in a year end statement that 1966 should be at least as good as 1965 when the industry expected to sell 9,300,- 1000 cars and "'probably some- iwhat better." Chrysler's total sales volume this year, including all its busi- ness, will exceed $5,000,000,000 for the first time, Townsend |said, ed full-time for five years. | | Bowmanville. | WIDE - EYED CHILDREN WELCOME SANTA CLAUS photo, the merry old gentle- man is seen at the Croven Ltd., party held at Palmer- ston avenue Public School. Jolly old Santa Claus was kept exceedingly busy dur- ing the past weekend, drop- ping in on Christmas parties all over Whitby. In the above The little girl posed for the photographer but was oppos- ed to identifying herself. --Oshawa Times Photo 'ne To Terms With God Whitby Rotarians Urged WHITBY (Staff) --"My dad-) dy doesn't live with us any | more," a statement from loss of eon meeting Tuesday was Rev. |discarded. John C. Verbrugge, pastor of the| ._. . Christian Reformed Church,|SEVERE BLOW The speaker said he had been @ouble its profits starting from told the sad message by a boy|# month before Christmas. Can- had been a special guest. The|WOuld be a' severe blow, the The minister questioned the Rotarians on what would cause) ajthe protest. Answering his OWN | tari Mr. Hall said he could assure} small boy at a Christmas party,| question, he suggested the pro-| Dec. 29, 8 p.m., Uxbridge Mrs, McPherson this particular/sparked one of the most in-|test might well come from the Secondary School -- Ontario) assessor, in the near future, will|spring addresses presented to! tremendous County Junior Farmer Choir!not be employed by either the/the Whitby Rotarh Club for some|rather than because a memor- |time Guest speaker at the lunch/able Christian event was being business The business world is said to} at a Christmas party where he|Celling Christmas as a holiday Jail Governor AbES/ iss To STAFFORD BROS. Requirements LTD. MONUMENTS ave a licence plate on his car and failing to produce and op- erator's licence. On the theft charges, evi- dence showed the two had stol- en $74 in cash from a store op- Township of Whitby Notice Tacke notice that the following hours shall apply with respect to operation of the garbage disposal dump in Brookli effective January Ist, 1966, to February 28th, 1966: MONDAY --- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. THURSDAY -- 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY -- 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. | The effect of the above notice is that the garbage dis- || posal dump will now close at 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays instead of 7:00 p.m: for the months of January ond February only. All citizens ore respectfully' requested to govern themselves eiienge WM. H. WALLACE, Clerk, Box 160, : BROOKLIN, Ontario. BROCK WHITBY Rock has Doris... One Complete Program Each Evening -- Starting at 7:30 Just where she wants himuad erated by Sophia Ross. The other charges arose after an incident on Brock st. n., in Whitby. 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Appointed WHITBY (Staff) -- The On- © County Council at its Tues- day session appointed Alexander James Ray as governor of the Ontario County Jail at Whitby. Mr. Ray is at present governor of the district jail at Port Ar- thur, He will assume his duties |Feb. 1, 1966. At its November session, coun- ty council appointed J. A. Thom- son, a resident of the Maritimes, Township of Whithy Proclamation Take notice that the Council of the Township of Whitby has proclaimed Monday, December 27th, 1965 as Boxing Day in and for the Township of Whitby. All citizens are respectfully requested to govern themselves accordingly. Reeve John Dryden, Box 160, BROOKLIN, Ontario TONY |;@NDAIL. SEND Me No FFLowers AMARTIN MELCHER poducin + aAINNVERSALPicun -"TecBunicobore Bogine PLUS -- 2nd Feature Attraction In Color "LISBON" Begins 7:30 -- Storring Ray Milland -- Maureen O'Hara SEASON GREETINGS TO ONE AND ALL? Theatre Gift Tickets Now On Sele as governor of the jail to suc- ceed James Sutherland, who is retiring. Subsequently Mr. typical and symbolic of condi-| tions in the present day world| where husbands and wives are| often poles apart. Mr. Verbrugge suggested the Christmas season should be al joyous one but too often it is) fraught with heartache and }much hardship. Men no longer reason with their fellowmen ex- cept for a few weeks leading up to the birth of Christ. After the holiday spirit is gone, the} boy's words were described as | Speaker intimated. ditions would remain as they are Thomson notified the country clerk that, due to a sickness in his family, he would be unable to accept position. Mr. Ray has had 26 years' custodial care experience in civil and military prisons. He served eight years with the arm- ed forces during this period as a staff officer in the military prisons in the United Kingdom, Egypt, North Africa, _ Sicily, Mr. Verbrugge suggested con- and may become even worse un- less man can come to proper terms with God, when fellowship is restored and man can again reason with his fellow man. "When that day comes no small boy will have to tearfully say his 'daddy doesn't live with us any more', and, husbands will humbly go to their wives and confess they are sorry for festive season finished, men re-|the treatment they have given vert to their old ways and again| them," the minister pointed out. hardship and troubles run wild. | He called on all men every- s 5 j where to honor the festive sea- PEOPLE TIRED OUT by The speaker said Christmas |50" 88 they should by celebrat- should be enjoyed and celebrat- ing Christmas in depth dimen- sion. Only through such action Italy and Greece. Returning to Canada in 1946, he served in various capacities at the Essex County Jail in Windsor, the district jail at Sault Ste.MMarie, the industrial farm at Burwash and the Ontario Re- Secondary School ----January Meeting for Uxbridge Junior Farmers. Jan. 11 to 13, 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. over most CBC Sta- tions -- Educational TV series called "This Business of Farm- ing." principal of a Nottinghamshire Jan. 13, 9.30 a.m., Toronto,|co - educational high school to Royal York Hotel -- Annual/help him stamp out classroom Meeting, Provincial Whole Milk|romances. Headmaster George Producers' League. Hovington told them, 'Try to Jan. 14, 12.15 noon, Uxbridge,|stop. these sentimental attach- Department of Agriculture ments because work comes Board Room Pasture Project/first." NEWS IN BRIEF STAMP ON SCHOOL LOVE WOODHOUSE, England (CP) Parents have been asked by. the ed in depth dimension, the real meaning-of the occasion brought more to the surface, He suggest- ed that today people are so tired out at Christmas from all the preparations, parties and last-minute shopping that they cannot really enjoy the momen- tous day as they should. 'Tf the Canadian and Amer- ican governments were to ban Christsmas celebrations there would be a storm of protest from general public," he said. The only ones who might not meeting for Ontario County. i NOTHING BUT THE BEST Jan. 15, 9 a.m., Port Perry High School -- 4-H Homemak-| LONDON (CP)--London's 425) ing Club Achievement Day for policewomen may soon get the South Ontario. |Royal look. The Queen's dress- Jan. 17, 10 am., Lindsay,/maker, Norman Hartnell, has Department of Agriculture Of-|submitted two designs of up-to- fice -- Annual Meeting for East |date uniforms to Scotland. Yard Central Soil and Crop Improve-|and a fashion parade is to be in- ment Association. . |spected by senior officers. Jan. 18, 8.30 p.m., Canning- ton, Brock District High School WORKS IN UNIFORM January Meeting for Beaver-| HALIFAX (CP)--Mrs. Leon-,; ton Junior Farmers. jard Knight, in charge of all) Jan. 20, 1.30 p.m., Brooklin,| women's activities of the Salva- township Hall -- Farm Manage-|tion Army in Nova Scotia, has ment Meeting on the topic | served on both coasts of Canada postal clerks. complain are the over-loaded TEACH NEW WEAVING LONDON, Ont. (CP)--The lo- | cal weavers' club hopes to spon- | sor a weaving workshop. Begin- ners will be started at weaving and advanced people can learn new techniques and design. Women who start now will be able to participate in the Cen-| tennial exhibition of Canadian handiwork in 1967. "Farm Business." jand in London, Stratford, Cam- Jan. 21, 1.30 p.m., Uxbridge,|bridge and Leamington Spa in Department of Agricul-|England. Major Knight's ad- tute Board Room Farm Man- vice is "Join the Army and see! agement Meeting on the topic/the world." | "Farm Business." Jan. 21, 8 p.m., Beaverton,| Town Hall -- Farm Manage- ment Meeting 'on the topic "Farm Business." Jan. 22, 1.30 p.m., Utica -- Ontario County Junior Farm- ers' Annual Meeting. Jan. 22, 9 a.m., Beaverton, St Paul's Anglican Parish Hall 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement PURRTY GOOD! |] 701 Brock St, N., Whitby |] See us today for. . WEBSTER Lumber & Supply PH: 668-4451 « Alum- inum Doors and Windows, In- |) suletion, Weather 5Srripping, |) In fact --~ Everything to Win- terize your Home. Day for North Ontario. Jan, 24, 1.30 p.m., Uxbridge, Department of Agriculture Board Room Annual Meeting for Ontario County Potato Growers. Jan. 25, 8.30 p.m., Greenbank Community Hall January Meeting for Port Perry Junior | Farmers i Jan. 26 28, 10 a.m, Toronto, } Colliseum, Exhibition Park ate Provincial Soil and Crop Im- provement Meetings Jan. 29, 10.30 a.m., Manches. | ter, Township Hall -- Annual Meeting for Ontario County Hol- sein Breeders. Speaker -- Dr J. C. Rennie, University of Guelph. | | ISPORTSMAN'S | SKATE EXCHANGE 2.97 Plus Your Trade CORNER 103 Byron St, S., Whitby One Block West of 4 Corners can the world's problems be/formatory at Millbrook before truly-selved--and--hardship and |accepting the position at Port heartache abolished. | Arthur, MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT Extra Fast Service When You Want It! BORROW 5000 ON JUST YOUR UP TO m SIGNATURE Need money to- A TYPICAL PAYMENT PLAN day?--Call Citizens | ,S#sh 30 36 You Get Months Months Months Finance right 114.46 awayl!l Speedy 358.89 service is as much | 348974 a part of our busi- es: ness as the friend- : ly, confidential treatment that awaits you here. 193.05 CASH LOANS $25 TO $5000 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 8 P.M CITIZENS FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 61 KING STREET VEST Phone 723-3451 BRANCH OFFICE WHITBY: 319 Brock We like to Street, Suite 1--Phone 668 -5821 say. "Your loan is OK" can judge whisky say it's superb A smooth and spirited whisky. .. aged for at least six years in charred oak casks w EBD stecera BISTIRLERS, COMITES, CALGARY, CANADA CANADIAN Whaky MO Eanadan Goon ¢ PROG ALOTRTA COME CANADA'S PROUSEST Waiscrs USTED AS "ALBERTA WINDSOR" Windsor Canadian is made exclusively from Western rye gtalns-the world's finest. A product of Alberta Distillers Limited. .

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