22 THE OSHAWA Timas, Friday, Décembsr 24, 1965 S2INGE = a en By B. JAY BECKER - (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Pley) a TEST YOUR PLAY You are declarer with the West hand at Six Notrump and North leads the jack of clubs. How would you play the hand? (Assume that the diamonds are divided 3-1, in which case the contract can be made regard- less of how the remaining North- South cards are divided.) STi LUENOSE OUTSAILS MANY A U.S. TL OWNS? pf DAD! COLLECTING THE Bin teNseR "QUEEN OF tHe" | |S TOR RA? MADE IT WITH . oF NORTH ATLANTIC swe FORCED To SELL #AQ N] 4384 CHAI Hanpsw ) § REPRESENTS CANADA AT : MOUS w el 91642 OWN i CHICAGO'S WORLD FAIR, /933 206 HOME IN AN ATLANTIC SCHOONER AS A FREIGHTER TO THE oK6543 Ke = mg WEST INDIES TRADING COMPANY YF 8 as You have to play carefully te be 100 per cent sure of this hand. Win the club, cash the ace of diamonds, and then play the queen of hearts! If either opponent elected to take the queen with the king, you would have twelve tricks, You would win any return, cash the A-10 of hearts, and next the Q-K of diamonds. You would then play the jack of hearts, dis- carding the nine of diamonds, With the diamonds now unblock- ed, you would cash the 6-5 and thus make the contract. But let's suppose that the de- fence refuses the queen of hearts. In that case, you con- tinue with the ten. If either op- ponent took the ten, you would again have twelve tricks, play- ing essentially as described be- fore. re It is possible that the oppo- nents will refuse the ten also. In that case, lead the queen of spades. ; SE . --_ ' Let's assume pg the queen is - : . : taken with the king. Again you by id on f 'ees ee "| ; neg = Lada would be able to unblock the : . % ca diamonds by discarding the nine of diamonds on the jack of spades, and would easily make the contract. If the queen of spades is re- fused, you can how assure the contract without bothering to un- "| block the diamonds. You simply cash twelve tricks consisting of two, spades, three hearts, four diamonds and three clubs. Note that you cannot afford to cash the ace of either spades or hearts before attempting te force out the king of either suit. You must underlead the ace each time to be sure of the con- tract. Against certain distribu- tions, leading the ace would be fatal if the defence played cor- rectly. It prould also be wrong to start off by cashing the A-Q of diamonds. If you now tried to give up a trick in hearts or spades, you might then be in trouble if the player with the king took it and returned a dia- mond, thus blocking the suit, One other pitfall to avoid is to tackle spades before hearts. a could el prove fatal " .| under some Conditions. , " ae LAREDO / WHAT ARE THOSE All in all, this problem--com- CNN RSet we LEN, MAST ABE * TELEVISION LOG | crossworp peat to technique. No doubt the defence NAMES IPIAIS} can become difficult and compli- Channei 2~Buttale | 8:30 A.M. 5:30. PM. ACROSS = 2. Vindication 23, Key - cated if declarer swerves from Channel 3--Barrie \1}--Sennitzel House ii--Johany Quest 1, Wage- by NIG 4 fb Channet <--Buttae |S SenaN Pattn Pte enpnaths areciant his proper line of play, but who -- eee |} Funny Co. en collectively 8. Hobgoblins By A A cuars ever ama that Bridge is an easy cel reaee" lactate | 6, Ladder 4, Revelry a i game? hanne! erante Bane nskage eae ' | #Voyage To The Bottom' rung 5. King TE IRIN Wal R | Fun To Li 5 ae «| eee te ME he ae 11. South 6. Janitor ; UN EL SALOTE BURIED PRIDAY avemme ie Auk | &--Countrytione Americar --7, Distributed 3 NUKUALOFA, Tonga (Reut- 5:00 P.M | ' river propor. ers)--Queen Salote was buried (\--Pemily Thestre S--Nercoles 3--Checxmate | 42 ---Q . "Paradise tionatel The Virginians 10:00 A.M 6:30 P.M, Lost" Syncs" 26. a here Thursday as 50,000 Ton- 6--Superman 9-6--Queen's Message 11-7--Shindig : Yesterday's Answee jgans and many representatives "Flipper t2--Secret. Squirrel +-U.N, Review angel river ee of foreign governments --Shindig | 7--Popeye 2--Musical Showcase 13. Canine 9. Sharp 28. Man's 8 died | Otley Thentes &--Mighty Mouse Play- 6:45 PLM. | cognomen 10. Different nickname 34. Entrance mourned. Queen Salote died last o--Leave it to Beever waa 'oa Postures 16. Amount 30, Wide- 35, Enthus- week at the age of 65 in a New 7--Rocketship 7 10:20 "A.M, 7:00 P.M. } 15. Kill 18, Beast awake eas: _ |Zealand hospital. er ne OM Ten Bikes tno | --lecile: Gleaon | 16. Peaceful 19. Before 32. Inclined os. Welearing phd ' 5 ; : vs W--Mickie-A-Go-Go " 4 ix-lese | ] Before: 20. Lists way » AL ° 'TaThe. Beatie | SseSeveriy Suite | prefix 22. Command. 38, Moslem Bains, |SALLY'S SALLIES | é--tousn er 4--UB Rewnd apie Pena! . Emanation ing noble for one To eatemaeeanseneineenienneemmenenntl een. SM | &Heve Ove WH Trevel | Vanit: 4--Linus The Lionhearted 7:30 PM | neta d 2/5 [+ 5 We 6 {9 je | &3--Flipper i Work hard | 6~frials of O'Brien | Police 7 Vibteboy Tine Wi | 4--Jackle Gleason | problem 6:30 PLM, dane Gray | McHale's Navy Blue 7--Twilight Theatre 9%--Milton The Monster 8:00 P.M, Ni--Femity Theetre Me. THE LONE RANGER a SECRET AGENT X9 -- DONALD DUCK JANE ARDEN 11:00 A.M. 13--Top Cat 1--Jamboree Allay Reoerte f--Academy Pertormence | Ridge @--Huntley-Brinkiey | 7--~Certeen 62--! Dream of Jeannie Nowe | 4--Tom and Jerry | B-Lete Sing Out onan | 11:30 A.M, | 8:30 P.M | 99, Chief vores i--Club Dance Party; #9 Chie 7:00 P.M. 9--Peter Potemus &-2--Get Smart 31, Apiece: li--Honey West --Porky Pig | 7--Lawrence | abbr. %--The Filntstones é--Robin Hood | 6@3--NHL Hockey | Movie | | | MICKEY MOUSE ¥--Cheyenne ts | New York Rangers at Make gold é--News, Weather, 4--Quick Draw McCraw sll isan rey 4--Secret Agent NO, THis 1s JusT \] Ff iT'LL KEEP THE LIGHT OUT OF MY EYES AS a Tee sis Gun 11:30 AM. at Agent 5. Sea eagle WHAT I WANT/ tT S@NOOZE ON THE SOFA / 3--Comoat Wrestling 0--Mevie a0 ¢ : 2 Seareoney areey 9-1 Wish You Were Here 9:30 P.M. Sil : bres rig ce, |He--The First Look 1--Great Music . Bishop's 'omathers "Broters | 1--Buge Sunmy ae oe ae headdress 7--Flintstones | &---King Leonards ae ee . Door part eres ad weer | SHY Kins %--Crisis_ Wine Dar . Advance Stan hanaaeel | SPopeve And Pals Sea | payment, 8:00 P.M | 12:30 P.M 4--Gunsmoke | in days nts PM of yore 63--Juliette %--Patty Duke Show | %--Theatre 42, Trate 7--Tammy 8-2--Exploring : M * bs &3--Get Smart T--Milton The Monster | 1. giscvcsoer DOWN al te 4--Tennessee Tuxedo | 7--The King Femil 1, Boys 12-24 4--Adventures of Lassie 11:00 P.M, - 1081-465 Nererne as riceineslenicialicaaes naa 8:30 PLM BS Twelve O'Clock Wight 3--Whiplash 9A Go Go + | WS PM, j 1:00 PLM. WSleck Beeter Gem | 12:15 P.M | 7--Wrestling 11:00 PLM. dame Panty ' Howe! OFeilk The | | &3--Nature of Yhi V.60-4-4-9-3-- Newer og +3--Tommy Hunter Show 1--The White Hunter = | re | papel g Cae | SSwviia kingcors ings 5 " f Peery e Ay bad 84--The sMevies é--Night Metre a 3--Slience Please 5:30 P.M, 11:20 P.M, Rade eis 3--Hoppity Hopper OO_Balureey Night 12:30 PM. $--Peter Potamus 1i--This Space Age -- 63--Special News i The Movies 11--Spectrum | 7--Big Show of the Week| 746--Lete Show New and Used Honey West | & Christmas Pim 11:20 P.M. &--My Hero é--Hymn Sing s--Aware Theetre ae Bo Friday Movie i )-48--Late Show | @~Tennessee Tuxede | 3--Lost In Space 11:30 P.M. ys Ln wen | 1:30 PLM. | #tperte «Living Word . 2--G.E. oe Hour Jenene coe You Can Exchange Skates Thet | ; --Heraid of Trut 6:00 P.M. } 3 ied 'ic hi Mo ee | cent cticns | SAtruy Pires | owas Oise prises | feels (re Too Small For A New or us se cas 7--American Bandstand | is. 1:00 P.M. Perry Mason | %--Dougias Fisher ised Pair, Petticoat Ju 6-News nentel Minions 6:30 P.M, AO MGA Y i P. 1--Canmt aes eamaaieae 6a--Mr. Roberts e-anewerita series | SARL Pootuell N--Lost In Space 8:00 Aa WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF 7--The Farmer's Daughter | 2:00 P.M SUN@AY Meet The Pree | 3--Filoper Vi--Schnitze! House D CON- 4-The Smothers Bros. 1]--Matinee | é--Jack-in-the-Box 3--Bell Telephone Hour Captain Kangerse THEIR Cost f IN GOO! 10:00 P.M, | 9<Theatre 4--Gadabbout Gaddis 7:00 P.M, | 6:30 AM, DITION. } F. | NCethedral Chinas 3--Sir Francie Drake %--Please Don't Bat The) g_pomoer Room P UNCLE $-2--NCAA Football | @Tides and Tralis | 1:30 P.M. Daisies +08 AL a=U.N.C-L -3---Christmas 7--Shenanigans ' 7--Voyage To. The | n-- | 63--Christmas Drama | h 11--Spotlight vag 11--Topper Zevimmy Dean S08 | 4 changing Times | Pw wane Oem, S--Dougias. Fisher tata | Satan wim uncle | COMPLETE LINE OF 4--Trials Brien : : \63-- 10:30 P.M, | pete eee Neitéilen Journe} bees --- #-Dioling HOCKEY b--ipoti | | 7-Stan: Roberts %Cartoon Playhowee =| ¢3--Country Calendar Tae gil 4-Cameo Theatre 7--Rocketship 7 Ad H--Special Movie 11:00 P.M. ' 2:00 P.M, %--Amos Burke 3:00 PLM. | Bee eg PE Club li--Toronto Teach In | #2----Disney's World ef rf EQ [MOS Po t-5 Nowa , sy Weather v1 The § 9-4-2--AFL Football | Color 'Ea Allen Aeron peat ee a Ata | 10:00 A.M. 6-4-3--NFL Football | 63--Flashback | . é-Best The Champ UPI sr: ae Sereno sartian | 4-G¥PSY Rose Low Show! Hockey Sticks, Pants, 8:00 P.M. 1)--The Macy Griffia Ghee j 1 9:00 A.M.-- | i | | 1 1 B--Ann Southern Show | : {T-A-CAR =e CHECKS...BUT THAT_4 did Sle 2:20 P.M | Sees rom &--Movie : 10:08 APA | Sweaters, Stockings, SCRIPTION, \ FACE...? piesa _ 7--~Buttalo Bilis | par rnd e Unie by Pee | 7---ABC Scope Ve-Neress | Shin Pads, etc Eee | S-Seurce invinetion 3--AFL Football F , 8-Truth or ore 7 bd cig 10:30 A.M 3:30 PM. , Consequences | : 7-4--Christ Program |11--Specia! . ee + Kildare 4~! Love Lucy i-4Coristinas 0 4--Extension de , Mates A ie p s Poh e--Atter Four incle Jetry's Club .| 7---Dlalogue +3--Branded 10180 AM. | i \ ee a 4~Uncle * 4:00 P.M 9--Bingo | f . ' 11:30 P.M #2--NCAA Football 2-This ts ied Lite nit ta aa on re #2--What's Thies Seng Fa i > --Sports t had . * +5-6-3---Bona} 7--Donna_ Reed 2 Xi i~-Lote Show }- 7--Sport: 9--Bliko a weve 11100-A.M. : N1--OHA Jr. A" Hockey +3--Friendly Giant 04--Tenight thew | 4--Special Pict Bak a dk ha The McCoys SHARPENING & 6--Carol Church Service®. | ¢3 christmas Singaiong| g tale tp The Lite -- : | ight and Cast 1008 Aa, rial \t--Bonnle Prudden RENTAL LTD. f--Mr. and Mrs, | Bb Marie i--Retter Derty | 7--Bultwinkle Show 4:30 PLM. | : B 10:00 P. 11:40 P.M 4:20 P.M. | etm «| 1--Tiny Talent Tine |11--Wild, Wild West" . o--Premiere Theatre Sports Presents "30 A. 9--Christmas Concert t2--Wacklest Ship in The | #2 Concentrate | 223 King St. W. 9 -- ' 63--Sight and Cast x is arena cme PM. | Sotho nempere | S-NFL" Footbe +2-Thi'Hour How | SS-Butternuf, Sauere 723-3224 . ; Pee 8:00 A.M 11--Dennis the Menace ~D' r A ee eae gai aa ayy ~ Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. | Outdoors Unlimited +3--Forest Rangers | s ioe ae PE rh gs 10:90 P.M. | \imalbert J. Steee Sat, 8 a.m. te 6 p.m. | %--Farm end Home Heer | 4--Beat The Came -- i i. 9--Canadian Taien' Be me Tits BR aps snl A ts z -- eo - ae ~~ ' & fc