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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Dec 1965, p. 2

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mere 2 THE USHAWA Time, Frisey, CHRISTMAS IS COMING TO Risa Andrina Rose, 54, sions of sugar-plims dance carries a Christmas tree in the heads of very few in the riot area where 34 per- sons were killed and $40 million in property was de- past piles of rubble in the riot-torn Watts section of Los Angeles. However, vi- Data Discovered | On Last Judgment CHICAGO (AP)--An ancient)sity's Oriental Institute headed | prayer bdok, which says Christ/a party which recovered the will bring His cross to the last prayer book last month in a judgment, has been dug up in|monk's cell of an abandoned the ruins of a monastery in|Coptic monastery near the bor-! Egypt. der of Sudan. The University of Chicago, in Nile waters rising behind the announcing the find Thursday, new high dam downstream at said: "It tells what appears to| Aswan "soon would have de- be an unpublished story from/stroyed the thousand-year-old the oral tradition of early Chris-' manuscript,' the university tianity."" said. It relates that, four days. be- fore Christ's ascension to HAD ILLUSTRATIONS "In one of the rooms,"' Scan- heaven, He and His apostles|lon reported, "we discovered a gathered on the Mount of|complete (17 leaves Coptic Olives. prayer book, with illustrations Peter said: "We desire that/and decorations in red, green you will tell us concerning the|and black on whitish parch- mystery of the cross--why you ment." will bring it with you on the} He figured the monastery had day on which you will judge in| been built in 8th or 9th century} righteousness, so that we may and rebuilt in the late 10th cen- hear about it from you and we/tury or later. shall preach it to the world."| The text was written in the And Christ answered: "O my/Coptic language. chosen one, Peter, and you, my. George R. Hughes, professor brethren, you know the lies of Egyptology at the institute, which were told against me on|said there is no, way to tell the cross, and the spitting at|when the story was first writ- me... and the great contempt ten. which was spoken against me. The Coptics, early Christians, This is why I will bring the|trace their roots back to about eross with me, so that I may re- 100 A.D. veal their shame and shall put their sin upon their heads." WITT, SEK ACTION DIVIDED IN. TWO BOSTON (AP) -- Boston The book is divided into two Bruins of the National Hockey} parts. League said Thursday that! The second part, the univer- Gary Dornhoefer and Paul Po-| sity said, presumably refers to piel, recalled earlier this week) another gathering of the apos- from Hershey Bears of the} tles on the Mount of Olives be- American Hockey League, will, fore the crucifixion, at which|see action this weekend. Christ recited this hymn: ros eran NEI HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. Rise up, Cross, And lift me, 0 cross, I shall mount. upon you, 0 rise up, 0 Holy cross, They shall hang me upon you as a witness to them. Receive me to yourself, 0 s. Amen 24-HOUR SERVICE Do not weep, 0 cross But be joyful, 0 cross 723-4663 Amen. aaa SERVING OSHAWA OVER I have put on the crown of 50 YEARS the kingdom. . . . George Scanlon of the univer- LEARN TO SKATE (Six one hour classes for $4.00) BASIC FUNDAMENTALS IN FIGURE AND HOCKEY SKATING teught by Professional Figure Skating Instructress Miss. D. Hambly For children 5 to 14 years of age at The North Oshawa Arena (outdoor artificial ice) Every Saturday from 12:00 -- 1:00 P.M. Commencing Seturdey Jenuory 8th until Februery 12th REGISTER: Oshawa Recreation Dept., Located at the Oshawa Airport December 28th, 29th and 30th From 1:30 --- 5:00 P.M Phone -- 725-1111 WATTS stroyed Most August. never had such visions, and for others they blew away last with the smoke of the August fires. | Pair Sentenced For Jail Break STRATFORD (CP)--Bruce F. Meredith, 30, and Harry R. Hancox, 37, both of Hamilton, each were sentenced to a year in jail here Thursday for escap- ing lawful custody. The men pleaded guilty to breaking out of Perth County jail Oct. 3. They were recap- tured Dec. 3 Meredith and Hancox had been in jail awaiting trial on charges of possessing stolen goods. Meredith is already under a sentence of four years on a breaking and entering charge. Home-made Movie Helps Inquest TORONTO (CP) -- An eight millimetre home movie was jshown Thursday at a coroner's inquest investigating the death of Eldon Lewis, 64, of New Toronto. A color film taken by passer- by David Stone of nearby Port Credit showed, Lewis walking between four sets of main-line railway tracks at suburban Sunnyside station Nov. 14 As a train approached, Lewis crossed into its path, started back and tripped in front of the , engine. The jury ruled was accidentally killed when struck by the train: Dr. A. E. Noble, the cor- oner, said the film was a pre- cedent and yaluable evidence that Lewie QeNVAe BSNEFANPAATTIA NLLVY NGMDONYIIL 2 a ; % | rrnarsday_ provides wage in- creases of 35 cenis an hour ap- TORONTO (CP) -- Negotia- itions for the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union (CLC) reached agree- | ment in principle Thursday on contracts covering Texaco and British Petroleum refinery workers near Toronto and at Montreal. In all cases terms of the ten- tative agreement--still to be ratified by membership -- are based on the recent formula reached with refineries in Brit- ish Columbia. That formula included provi- sion for a joint union-manage- ment committee on automation which would be consulted by management before technologi- cal changes were made at plants. Agreement in Toronto was reached one hour before a 4 p.m. strike deadline at BP's re- ' ifinery at Bronte, 20 miles south- | west of Toronto, and at Texaco's Port Credit refinery, 12 miles By WILLIAM L. RYAN WASHINGTON (AP)--The ac- = 'tivities of Ho Chi Minh and his North Vietnamese regime sug- gest that the Communists, by re- peating their strategy and tac- tics of a dozen years ago, hope! te. produce a situation which might force the United States to leave South Viet Nam. The Viet Minh leadership of that day seized upon public pressure in France for an end to the fighting which was taking a painful toll of French troops and money. In November, 1953, Ho talked with a visiting journalist from Sweden, The Communist leader expressed admiration for the ¥rench people and indicated he might be interested in some form of negotiations to end the fighting. He said he had noted} that broad sections of French puviic opinion wanted a nego- tiated settlement. In 1965, Ho has made it clear that he has read manifestations in the U.S. to mean weariness with the cost of the Viet Nam war in lives and money. He has hailed | demonstrations -- al though by every available yard- stick these enlisted a small mi- nority of Americans--as an ex- |pression of the bulk of the U.S. people, whom he professed to admire, as he had professed to admire the French. And in 1965, Ho gave inter- ie to visiting journalists and others in which vague hints Oil Unions Tentative Pact Red Strategy "sae plied progressively in a two- 7eey an fob security eu esas 5 bemmy- eo jprovisions. Current refinery |Wages "average 92.79 ai hour, 'i : ranging from $2 to $3.26. ' | Contracts would--take--effect \from the expiry dates of the |previous agreements. | « The agreements include pro-| vision for six months' advance : : notice of technological changes southwest. About 120 men are|jative, said "we like to think that might lead to layoffs and involved at Bronte and about|there is a basis for settlement severance pay equal to one 300 at Port Credit and Texaco'sjin vitw of the other agree- week's wages for every year of blending plant in Toronto. | ments." ' service to a total of 26 weeks! The Montreal. accord hashed The agreement outlined'for employees laid off. ite a strikes due to begin at co reamed refineries sath WEATHER FORECAST But talks with Canadian |Petrofina in Montreal still were in deadlock Thursday. Negoti-| Cl d C ld An | jators are to meet again today) ou y. 0 er now as employees vote on whether " 8 RF ewrrr MLA LAL AVL LAV * \to strike. . . MAY SETTLE STRIKE On Way For Christmas The _ tentative agreements d | od |gave OCAW officials hope that} TORONTO (CP) -- Forecast|cloudy with not in} the strike at the British Ameri- issued by the weather office at|temperature Py a aon can Oil Company's refinery |5:30 a.m. inight. Clearing and colder Sa-| jnear Toronto now can be set-| Symopsis: A storm centred oe, Winds northeast 15 to 25 tled. About 400 workers have eastern Oklahoma this morning|becoming northwest Saturday. |been on strike there since Sept. is expected to move northeast-| Cochrane, Western James 15. ward with its centre passing|Bay: Occasional light snow: to- However, new talks are sched-| just south of lakes Erie and On- day becoming heavier tonight uled to begin at 9 a.m. next/tario tonight. Precipitation) when tapering off to snowflur- Wednesday and Norm Allison, a' should let up temporarily today ries Saturday morning clearing Toronto international represent-|bhetween storms but return to | by Saturday evening. Not much -- change today 2g ~ all regions tonight. It will be | temperature | Latin course at |mostly snow in the north and/colder Saturday. Winds north- jrain in the south. Freezing rain east 15 becoming north 25 Satur- | not expected to be wide-'day. |regions. Colder air will spread Forecast Temperatures EE Se fe 5 5 eee Cabot st., Ositawa, has won @ home study-art-scholesshic which sponsor Art" Tnstruc- tion. Schools of Minneapolis, Minnesota, valued at '"'more than $500". Miss Bizzo, 'who has won art prizes for three consecutive years at Mc- Laughlin Collegiate, says the correspondence course in "Ad- vertising and Related Arts" is planned over two years, She entered a nation-wide "Draw Me"' contest in August to win | the scholarship. THE Oshawa Fire De- partment had a quiet day Wednesday as no fire calls were made. Four routine am- bulance calls were answered. | Monica Connolly, 21, of 300 Athol st. e. in Oshawa, has won a $60 University of West- ern Ontario Board of Gover- nors scholarship. Miss Con- nolly is in the third year of a four-year Honors Greek and Western in London, Ontario. She is aim- ing for post-graduate work and a doctorate in her chosen field. The former Donevan Collegiate student studied Latin here under John Cernic. The university's information department said the award is based on "academic perform- | ance" during the 1964-65 year at Western. Gas Company. . Timber Welf COBOURG, Ont. (CPA 120-pound 'animal shot on a farm .near here Saturday has been identified by~-its owner Dick Halford, a Cobourg well driller, as a husky dog, not a timber wolf. ;_ The animal was shot by Val Baldini after two of his sheep had been killed. He said it was trying to get into a sheep pen when shot. The animal was first reported to be a timber wolf, but lands and forests department officials said wolves in Ontario never have been known to reach that weight. 'BRITISH TRAIN BEATS 'COPTER LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit- ain's much - maligned rail service had the last laugh Thursday when a train beat a helicopter in a 60-mile race from Brighton. Six bowler-hatted business- men left the seaside town by train and two others climbed into a helicopter, The mayor | saw them all off. The helicopter addicts hoped to prove this was the only way to travel. But the train pulled into London with the helicopter' still on the ground at a tat the Soviet Union appears west this afternoon becoming active interest in|east tonight and northwest 25 bringing about negotiations. Saturday, A combination' of Soviet and Niagara, Lake Ontario, Tor-| British activity led to a Geneva/onto, Hamilton, Very mild with conference in April, 1954. occasional rain today becoming The Americans are in a much/heavier tonight. Saturday, stronger military position .in|cloudy and colder with snow- Viet Nam today than the French flurries. Winds southwest 20 were in 1954, but there are simi-|this morning becoming vari- larities, too. The French held| able 15 to 20 after midday and cities, towns and lines of com-|northwest 25 Saturday. munication, but they had vir-| Northern Lake Huron, Hali- tually no control elsewhere in| burton, ea Georgian Bay: jago, to have an the country. The Viet Minh--/ Mild with o¢casional rain today like the Viet Cong today--held | becoming a \little colder tonight much of the countryside South Viet Nam. in with rain snow or freezing rain. Saturday cloudy and colder Neither the U.S. nor the) with snowflurries. Winds south- government of Emperor Bao west 15 this morning becoming Dai, which then held sway in variable 15 to 20 after midday Saigon, signed the 1954 Geneva /and northwest 25 Saturday. agreement. But U.S. involve-| Northern Georgian Bay, Ti- ment remained relatively small | magami, North Bay, Sudbury: until after December, 1960 It Tight freezing drizzle or snow was then that the Viet Cong S/this morning cloudy this after- political arm, the National Lib-! noon, Snow tonight tapering off| eration Front, proclaimed its/tg snowflurries Saturday. : ' ; "hyic A , Low tonight, high § rs ; jover all regions Christmas Day. lindane 8 8 -- Ge Brighton. 'The trip took 62 | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, | gy ho eR RI 32 33 ) 4 minutes, |Southern Lake Huron, Windsor, |Tondon ........), 3933 | eward es ' . with occasional light rain today|Suchener ........ 32 33. | WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Union| 47 | were dropped. These were inter- bacoining heavier tile eveniig Mount Forest...... 30 32 |Gas Co. Ltd. Thursday in- MERMAIDS EAT MUCH preted in some quarters @8 AU-/thon changing to snow late to- Wingham aay 32 creased, its rewards to $2,500) Manatees, aquatic mammals thentic 'peace feelers. sigh Raniake cindy ead Hamilton ... 35 36 |from $1,000 for informationonce thought to be mermaids, RUSSIA ACTIVE colder with snowflurries. Winds a en re o leading to the arrest and con-j|have been used in British Gui- Once again, as a dozen years |Southwest 20 shifting to north- ae A A 3 38 "ik cua "wae river-clogging wild Peterborough oosee OO 32 Trenton .c.vccecee 38 38 The company said Thursday |that almost 600 incidents had SWEDES LIKE SPEED ae . 28 32 | been reported to them since the| Europe's largest wind tunnel, Muskoka .. - 30 = strike began. Nov. 3 in Essex|capable of speeds seven times North Bay.. ed 28° /and Lambton Counties by 211|that of sound, has been built eto a - employees, members of Local/near Stockholm. 9-758. of the Oil, Chemical and; Atomic Workers Union (CLC). | POWDER ADDS STRENGTH | The union has also offered a| Coating self-lubricating bear- | reward of $1,500 leading to con-jings with nickel powder in- viction of persons tampering | creases tenfold their load-bear- _| with company property. ling capacity. Merry Christmas TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Sault Ste. Marie... 28 30 Kapuskasing ,.... 15 18 White River...... 20 22 Moosonee .soseeee 10 1 Timmins ..++++s++ 15 2 ~ MEDICAL PHARMACY OSHAWA LTD., 300 KING ST. W. 728-6277 HOLIDAY HOURS: Closed Sat., Dec, 25th and Sun.,. Dec. 26th H Open Monday between 12:00 From the Staff and Management of GLAZIER'S DEPARTMENT STORE right to represent all the South Colder Saturday. and 4:00 p.m. Vietnamese. Algoma, White River, Mainly! Perhaps Ho Chi Minh and his - Communists suspect that the | americans, like the French be-| \fore them, are finding continua- tion of the expensive war close | jto intolerable. Perhaps Hanoi | has a hunch it might bring | |about negotiations on virtually | its own terms. | to consider a worthwhile invest considersble If interested ina 668-4251. We Would Like To Interview | a married man between ages 25 and 40 who wants a well-known international company. This man should have a reasonably good education, and preferably, sales experience. We are prepared to rey in training the right man. career opportunity, Telephone business opportunity with J SEASON'S Christmas. is more thai wishes and prayers >. / ommemoration of a birth almost 2,000 years ago... it's an opportunity to experience the rebirth of the. infont Christ in our hearts, May yours and ours bring peace and goodwill-to-all the earth; To Our many good friends throughout Ontario Riding, may you and yours enjoy this wondrous Christmas Season and may the New Year bring you much happiness and good Health Anne and Michael Starr Think of a number. | : <=>) Order the easy way. Telephone for Free home delivery. 's If one ortwo good friends happen to visit you over the holidays...

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