"CHRISTMAS IN SONG" is the hymn book displayed by four members of the Children's Choir at King Street United Church as their voices blend in tradi- tional service to celebrate the birth of Christ. Like mil- lions of children around the world, they bring a happy and sacred message which emphasizes that this is a universal feast fostered by a spirit of brotherly love. The Children's Choir ai King Street UC joined in Yuletide song last Sunday with the Senior Choir under direction of Rhyddid Wil- liams. The young carolers, left to right, are Linda Kolody, 13; Margo Hender- , son, 15, Jean Brown, 17, and Sylvia Gomme, 12. They also participated in the Chureh's impressive "Candlelight Service' with a six-foot high '"'Jesus Cake"' on which candles were placed representative of the countries of the world. ~--Oshawa Times Photo @ Dining Room Suites @ Living Room Suites @ GE. - Phillips - Clairtone T.Y. @ Kroehler Skier @ Barrymore Rugs HARWOOD N. AJAX 942-3711 (Continued from 4-A) } applies: for membership in am exclugive men's club and dress es- fashion of a fine gem tle . (8 p.m. Ch. 6). HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA |. -- Montreal Canadiens meet To- |ronto Maple Leafs at Maple Leaf Gardens. Bill Hewitt re Little Theatre Stalwart Hurt There was gloom this week in the ranks of the Oshawa Little -- but the news wasn't all d. The serious injury suffered re- cently by Harry Chapman was a tough blow for the OLT, but there was a bright side to it all. Harry wasn't injured as ser- iously as was at first believed. The hope is now that he will be back on the job much sooner than was expected. The OLT owes its existence to dedicated members like Mr. Chapman, one of the founding fathers of the group whose ON TELEVISION ports play-by-play. (8:30 p.m Ch. 9). : THURSDAY YEAR-END REPORT -- The annual year-end news report by CBC correspondents from aroun around the world -- Knowlton Nash and James M. Minifie, Washington: Stanley Burke, Europe; Tom Gould, Far East; Michael Maclear, London; Nor iman DePoe, OttaWa; David | Levy, Moscow and Phil Calder, | Bonn. (8 p.m. Ch. 6). FRIDAY GOVERNOR - GENERAL'S | MESSAGE -- His Excellency, | the Governor-General gives his annual New Year's Eve message | to Canadians. (11.09 p.m. Ch. 6). FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIES -- Night Passage -- stars James Stewart, Audie | Murphy (9 p.m. Ch. 9) strong leadership has done much to keep it alive. The OLT's latest production, "The Pleasure of His Com- pany" is now in the rehearsal stage with Judith Edmondson, Terry Mann and Steve Marian cast in prominent roles. This is the sophisticated comedy which appeared on Broadway in the 1958-59 season. Miss Edmondson will be re- membered for her lead-role of Jennet in Christopher Fry's 'The Lady's Not For Burning" and for her supporting role in "The Lark", the Joan of Are play that did such brisk busi- ness at the box-office for the OLT recently. HERE THEY ARE AGAIN! THE INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOYS Mr. Bonney's Showcase Presents Once Again The International Playboys Ladies and Gentlemen, "THE PLAYBOYS" are BACK! Don't Miss this great group of impersonators. -- NEXT WEEK, THE FESTIVE WEEK 'THE CADILLAC HOTEL 394 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-3743