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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Dec 1965, p. 3

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POPE HOLDS CHRISTMAS LAMB Pope Paul VI smiles as he holds this white lamb given him as a Christmas Pope Paul Disappointed | gift at the suburb district Borgo Fidene of Rome early today. Pope Paul celebrated By End Of Yule Truce By HERALD MILLER VATICAN CITY Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski (AP)--More|said in a Christmas speech in|heart attack, | alta te EQUIPMENT ABOARD | | Big RCAF Transport | | Aids Zambia Airlift - OTTAWA (CP) -- An RCAF LEOPOLDVILLE. (Reuters)}| The most serious problem IM ae oe CHEEKS BLIND MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -- The day after Christmas brings a letdown for many, but not for David Ward, a Mem- phis delivery boy. Sunday, the slightly built and shy 13-year-old stood with a big. man on the porch of a EMPHIS DELIVERY ee eR it Be champion of the world, he 5." Hercules transport carrying 24 men and tons of equipment left Sunday for The Congo to take part in the Canadian oil airlift to Zambia, The big plane from Station Namao near Edmonton re- The RCAF will inaugurate a gasoline airlift to land-locked Zambia from The Congo Mon- day, it was reported in this Congo capital Friday. A spokesman, Capt. Reginald O'Donnell, said an RCAF facing the Canadians has been the lack of accommodation for the 106 men required to handle the airlift, Barracks accommo- dation by the Congolese gov- ernment was found to be un- suitable, | fueled at Uplands Airport here before leaving for Leopoldville via Marville, France. An air force spokesman said the RCAF advance party in Leopoldville hopes to begin the airlift Thursday. Three other Hercules, two from Uplands and one from Namao, will make the crossing later this week after accommodation for the air and ground crews has been found in the Congolese capital. The planes will carry 4,000- gallon loads in oil in an airlift to Lusaka and Ndola in Zam- bia, the land-locked country hit by an oil embargo imposed by the rebel Rhodesian regime of Ian Smith. | The planes will carry-the oil |between the Congo eities of Leopoldyille and Elizabethville. 'The oil will go by rail from \Blizabethville. Mass in the local church of St. Felicita. DEATHS Detroit--Paul H. Carnahan, 61, chairman of National Steel Corp. who rose through the ranks from a semi-skilled steel- worker to a top post in the American steel industry; of a Many In Snow and rain storms in Eastern Canada and freezing temperatures in the West kept many Canadians at home dur |passengers aboard. "= Snow, Rain Yukon plane will carry six 45- gallon drums of oil in a token exercise to get the operation under way. Zambia's stock of oil and gasoline is diminishing since Rhodesia halted its supplies following Britain's imposition of oil sanctions on the breakaway white-minority regime in Salis- bury. DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania (AP) -- The RAF Transport Command crew operating the oil airlift from Dar Es Salaam to Zambia had a hot, sweaty Christmas working around the clock to fly 21,000 gallons into the 'Zambian copper-belt 'town of Ndola. i The Yukon will stay in Lu-|, RAF personnel made seven saka only 1% hours before re-\flights in the five Britannias turning to Leopoldville. Wing|Tunning over the 800-mile route, Cmdr. Gordon Webb, 42, of|!oading planes at Dar es Hamilton, commanding the Ca-|Salaam in temperatures well nadian operation here, will be}°VeT 100 degrees. aboard and is expected to have| They made Christmas Day ltalks with Zambian officials. |the best day yet in the vital The Canadian advance party |airlift to beat Rhodesia's oil in the Yukon arrived here|blockade of Zambia. Thursday night on three en-| While the RAF speeds up its gines, after one failed en route program, the working organ- lfrom Dakar, Senegal. There ization to run a civilian airlift were 16 crew members and 12) which will take over the RAF | 'operation also was stepped up. | Keep EVEN CHANCE FOR "TWINS" | Homes ro syavive The Maritimes had generally end S | warm, wet weather Christmas| LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Sia-| Day with northern New Bruns-|mese twin girls, separated in| wick and Prince Edward Island|three-hour surgery shortly after|~ small gray house and called, "Mrs, Neals, this is David." And aside to his father, he commented: 'She's sick in bed now." Mrs. Brady Neals, a 71-year- old blind woman, opened the door and invited the visitors inside. The unlikely trio sat before a decorated Christmas tree which David had bought from his $11 weekly salary, giving the woman her "first Christ- mas." "This is my daddy,'* David | explained to'Mrs. Neals. "He's been out on the river." Ward is a riverboat cook and missed Christmas with his family. "David tells me you haven't THE OSHAWA TIMES, RAY 12 | Mondey, December 27, 1965 ¥ awar aur) WOMA ee oe. | OMAN, 71 | Mimi HinesGets Bas aay Christmas: te, ¢ tag Streisand Role time,"" Ward said. "I sure haven't but I do now," Mrs. Neals_ repliéd. NEW 'YORK (CP)--Canadian- "And I'll tell you, this boy is [horn Mimi Hines, one. of the top comedy-and-song perform. ers on the U.S. night club cir- cuit, replaces super-star Bar- bara Streisand tonight in the. lead role of Funny Girl, Broad- way's long-running smash-hit musical. Joining Miss Hines, a Vancgu- ver native, in the cast will her American + born husband, Phil Ford, who takes over an- other top role. Hines and Ford, also gvell- known to television viewers for their comedy and song, joim Johnny Desmond, who remaing in the cast. Miss Hines will play Fanny Brice, with Ford playing Eddie Ryan, Fanny's song-and-dance mentor. David met Mrs. Neals 'while delivering medicine to her from the drug store where he works part-time. When he saw her plight, he decided to make her Christmas happy, so he bought a tree, ornaments and© a gift of towels. But while David was visit- ing his elderly friend, some- one stole his bicycle. The act of kindness - turned - to-. heartbreak stirred the hearts of many people, and both Mrs. Neals and her benefactor re- ceived gifts, including four new bicycles, to make up the loss and then some. "T've had maybe a hen and dressing or a cake before, but nevér any real christmas," said Mrs. Neals touching David's face. Bomb Blasts, Arms Fire Shatter Dominican Peace SANTO DOMINGO (Reuters)| Bomb explosions and automatic-| arms fire shattered an uneasy} peace Friday as Dominicans prepared for Christmas under a renewed wave of violence. | north of| One bombing just | this capital destroyed an auto- mobile workshop owned jointly by Diego Guerra, security chief} in the "constitutionalist" (rebel) government of Col. Francisco} Caamano during the recent} four-month civil war here. | fire trucks' | raced to put out blazes in vari-| ous parts of the city as auto-| matic arms rattled and a num-| ber of bombs exploded. Meanwhile, provisional presi- dent Hector Garcia-Godoy. told correspondents he has received a report from a commission in- vestigating a bloody clash in) Santiago last Sunday involving! air force units and constitution-| alists. An armed forces ministry an- nouncement Friday said 28 per-| sons died in the Santiago fight-' GARY NESBITT cd presentative Before dawn, ing. | | f birth, have a better than even|of 18 doctors, nurses and tech- Ww 2 : , nurses ELCOME was Cuance of living, their attend-|nicians performed the surgery. | | ates | bleaker on the East Coast for/!"8 Pediatrician says. Dr. Stephen L. Gans, who as-| NAIROB I (AP) -- A brass| tole The mother of the infants,|sembled the team which separ-|band, three cabinet ministers, | A blizzard' accompanied by ;when told of the emergency op-\ated the girls, said neitherithe commissioner of police and| freezing rain was moving up eration, took the news well. nad Figo jpop ae 1,000 cheering fans turned out the Atlantic coast late Sunday, : «,.;,, \after birth, -until mouth - to -\Thursday to welcome home threatening to disrupt travel The babies were born Christ-/mouth resuscitation was ap-|Kipchoge Keino, Kenya's world| mas Day with a common blad-| pied parte , | plans in the area. dex and intestines plied, jrecord-holding distance runner, | The fatality : Dr. Gans said the babies were|from his tour of Australia and toll was mount- | ing with 41 highway deaths re-| Sunday, as Mrs. Robin Man-|ioined in the lower abdomen by|New Zealand. ported by midnight EST Sun-|'onya passed her 20th birthday], pridge of tissue six inches in day. The total of accidental at one hospital, daughters Lisa\qiameter which contained al 4 CADETS - AGE 18 to 20 OSHAWA FIRE DEPARTMENT receiving snow. However, the outlook ing the Christmas weekend Snag in the Yukon registered a temperature of 57 degrees be- low zero early Sunday with below - zero feadings reported from. most cities in Western Canada and also in Northern Ontario. Southern Ontario. got prise white Christmas when heavy snow followed a rain storm. Three to five inches of snow fell in the Toronto area, delaying 23 flights from the in- ternational airport. Ottawa, where both Prime Minister Pearson and Opposi- tion Leader Diefenbaker spent appeals for peace in Viet Nam|Warsaw that Pope Paul has} Shenyang, China--Lai Chuan- are expected from Pope Paul,|made a truce in Viet Nam the|chu, 55, member of the Chinese reported disappointed by the|No. 1 goal of the Roman Catho- |national defence council, sec- end of the Christmas truce. llic Church in world affairs. lond political commissar of, "He has done everything he| Vatican sources said the pon-jarmy units in Shenyang and could," a papal aide said, "'and/tiff sees his main role in this|deputy to the National People's he will continue to do every-|as one of creating public accep-|Congress. ; : thing possible to promote peace|tance, on both sides, of the idea} Manhasset, N.Y.--F rank . A. in Viet Nam." that it is possible to end the|D. Andrea, 77, one of the lead- » Other aides added that Vati-|fighting without any immedi-|ing developers of radio, founder "can diplomatic activity to foster|/ate political solutions in sight. |of the Fada Co. after the First peace in Viet Nam would con-| Informed sources said aides World War and later of the tinue at all levels. kept the pontiff informed of|Andrea Radio Corp. While saddened and disap-|new developments Sunday. At) Toronto--Very Rev. Alexan- pointed over the renewed blood-|his weekly noontime blessing of|der A. Scott, 78, moderator of shed, the Pope was understood|15,000 persons in St. Peter's|the United Church of Canada to be tremendously encouraged 'Square he called for '"'peace,|from 1952 to 1954 and veteran that his appeals for a Christ-|concord and serenity," but did of 40 years of missionary work. SUN LIFE Assurgnce Company Canada Osh Shopping Centre PHONE 725-4563 a sur- deaths was 57. Last year, .57|Marie and Sheila Norine @P-icommon bladder and a_ thin, persons died on the highway|Peared to be holding their own! membraneous sac around intes- during the Christmas holiday./2t another. |tines of both babies. | Five members of one family| The twins, together weighing| He said the sac broke, either were killed early Christmas|!2 pounds, were born by Cae-|during or before delivery, leav-| mas truce had been followed by at least a nominal ceasefire. His first appeal came Dec. 19, 11 days after the Viet Cong offered a 12-hour truce to begin Christmas Eve. The Pope again pleaded for a, Christmas cease- fire last Monday, Dec. 20. not mention Viet Nam specific- ally. SENDS MESSAGE | The Vatican secretariat la Christmas message to the!c Dominican Republic, calling for jreconciliation between the \tion's feuding factions, Montreal -- Marguerite Ouimet, wife of Judge Roger Ouimet of Quebec Superior Court and mother of Marcel a quiet Christmas, received five inches of snow Cold weather which reached western Ontario Sunday was Dav in a traffic accident near|sarean section at Holy Cross Haney in B.C.' Fraser Valley.|Hospital in suburban San Fer- Five members onf one family,|/nando, then taken to Cedars of including a mother whose hus-| Lebanon Hospital where a team ling the intestines exposed to the| lair and hazards of bacteria. | |. This forced surgery immedi- ately,"' he said an- Ouimet, general orporation's French network manager of nounced that the Pope also sent|the Canadian Broadcasting |qntario and Quebec early to- ~| day, There had been light snow- band is serving with the United Capable of and interested in becoming a Fireman. Able to pass a physical examination. Minimum of Grade 10 education. expected to move into eastern Nations peacekeeping force in the Gaza Strip dividing Israel fall in Montreal Christmas|and Egypt, burned to death in morning with cloudy -conditions|a home at Berkeley, Ont., Sun- NEW YEAR'S DAY Apply te: Fire Chief Hobbs Fire Department Headquarters 113 Simcoe St. North "| NHL BIG SEVEN ORDER TRUCE Two days later the 14 and South Vietnamese militaryjof the Lord," the papal mes- N 288 commands 'ordered' a 30-hour|sage said, "while our pref By THE CANADIAN PRES 2, 'S. an-lare di beloved sons| Bobby Hull, star lett winger! TTS P id P Vi . Christmas truce. The U.S. a9: jare directed to our beloved sons|_ Bobby, Bul, tar et wine Uw. President Pays isit 9 s To His Boyhood Scenes the order was "in keeping with|severely tried during this cur- |served his leadership in the in-| the spirit of Christmas" andirent year, we pray to the | dividual scoring race of the Na-| consistent with a similar South! Prince of Peace... . that alljtional Hockey League on the Vietnamese order. The South| understand the high religious|weekend by scoring two goals Vietnamese order referred spe-jand civil value of fraternaljand assisting on another. JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) cifically to the Pope's appeal.|concord, and reciprocal con-; The performance boosted) 5. iaen+ Johnson made a During the. truce. the Popelfidence... ." Hull's total output to 27 goals, | sentimental visit to scenes of sent'a personal message to the' The Dominican Republic con-|tops. in the league, and 17 as-| his boyhood Sunday and his chiefs of state of North and tinues to be divided by mutualsists for 44 points trip was marked by a security South Viet Nam, asking them/distrust and resentment be-| His nearest challenger is| 941, ' , to extend the holiday lull into|tween the military and the teammate Stan Mikita, second : As Johnson drove up to his boyhood home here, secret service agents spotted a burly young man standing nearby with a hunting rifle equipped a permament peace. former rebels. with 36 points on 18 goals and has a oiiais an equal number of assists. with a telescopic sight. Simul- taneously, a small girl ex- Bobby Rousseau of Montreal Canadiens, third with 36, shares} the playmaking leadership with Norm Ullman of Detroit Red ploded a loud firecracker. Members of the presidential bodyguard jeaped from a car. 37 | They grabbed the man. and Wings with 21 assists each. The leaders: 36 | the rifle, then learned he was 35 | a hunter who just happened 33 | to be in the area and that the 31 | explosion was made by a fire- 11 30 | cracker 17 30 Several girls were playing --------------| jn a yard across the street the earlier re- is iach NAME BROWN é YORK (AP) -- Jim Brown, the human battering ram of the National Football League Cleveland Browns, has been declared winner of the November award in the race 'In celebrating the nativity} 'throughout the day. 'day. --] SPECIAL DINNER 2 SITTINGS -- 4 P.M, AND 6 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 725-2611 HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA 4 WITH YOUR @ DANCING? and witnesses said one of them set off the firecracker Johnson seemed not to notice the excitement. The hunter identified him- | self as Nicky Ammons, 18, a grocery store clerk, He said | he lived nearby and was go- | ing deer hunting with his | .30-.30 rifle. After the president left Am mons went about his hunting. | es GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon to 2 P.M. DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshawe WHAT'S WRONG Lack confidence Qutdated--steps Can't lead ...... Can't follow Firm Announces New Plan To Borrow Money in iS. maintained by companies. G 27 18 15 14 15 11 A Pts. Hull, Chicago 44 Mikita, Chicago Rousseau, Montreal Ullman, Detroit Howe, Detroit Beliveau, Montreal Delvecchio, Detroit Nevin, New York to 1% per Canadian of the normal cent VANCOUVER (CP) -- Laur entide Financia! Corp. Ltd., one of Canada's largest finance companies, has announced, a series of major changes to im prove the company's ability: to borrow money in the United States. Peter Paul Saunders, presi dent of the company, said the changes are the "atest in a series of steps we have taken to overcome the shrinking ef- fect of the Atlantic Acceptance Co. default on money available for lending in Canada." Laurentide now will carry a loss reserve equal to 2% per cent of its receivables --the usual reserve of major Ameri- can finance companies--instead --x-UC Moderator Dies At 78 You are cordially invited This will reduce Laurentide's reported net earnings for the last 10 years by $1,350,000. Net earnings for fiscal 1965, there- fore, will be restated as $3,461,- 924 instead of ported $3,790,956. Since June Laurentide has announced a series of changes, including an increase in share capital by $5,100,000; issuance of $10,000,000 convertible deben- tures and $4,750,000 medium- term collateral trust notes; andjfor the $10,000 S. Rae, Hickok the placing privately of $13,500,-|Belt, awarded annually to the 000 long-term' collateral trust | outstanding U.S. professional notes in the United States. athlete. TORONTO (CP)--Very Rev.) L Alexander A. Scott, 78 @ former moderator of the United! es Church of Canada, died in hos pital here Saturday. A funeral! service wil! be held Tuesday Dr. Scott, who served as moderator from 1952 to 1954, was appointed after 40 years in missionary work He: was in Canada on leave from. Indore Christian College central India, when his appoint once BE 'ment was announced A native of Carleton Place Ont., about 35 miles west of Ottawa, Dr. Scott was ordained) there before continuing his edu-) ; cation at Knox Presbyterian' A FEW College here - 1 AND 2 . = ea . BEDROOM DISTINCTION SUITES HEAT WITH OIL BEYOND AVAILABLE DIXON'S COMPARE om Tt si * OIL : 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Need practic gin to attend a We are offering @ special intro- ductory donce course for only $15.00, Because we wont you to see for yourself how quickly and easily you can learn to dance at the Arthur Murray Studio. Even if you've never danced before, you can go dancing ofter a lesson or two, and at gay student parties, you'll meet new friends gain poise and popularity, There are no strangers at Arthur Murray's. Everybody dances and hos fun This $15.00 dance @BUtexaqood for o limited time orty, Open"daily 1:00 to 10:00 p.m, 5 LAST LENGTHS SALE NEW Imported suitings custom ARTHUR MURRAY W. Marks Licencee 11% SIMCOE ST. S. 728-1681 ACADIAN Sirst on ONTARIOS WHISKY LIST tailored to your measurements at a substantial discount OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! toke advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- woys on the ready to serve you, Fuel Oi! Budget Plan available. NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 :: KING ST. W. 4 oesiinan ------ et a is made on the principle that quality whisky must be THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! put into the barrel to assure quality * ae Be whisky comes out! PRESTIGE That's why ACADIAN. is-such-good whisky... and YOU choose the age that suits your taste! 'y-- The WHISKY that tastes as good_as you think it should! GEORGIAN mansions |' Acadian Distillers 124 PARK ROAD NORTH? OSHAWA | \ ANAAPOUS VALLEY NOVA SCOTIA ] -------- , enn r THE DANGEROUS SECOND YEAR Youngsters about two years old most often swallow poisons. About half of idential poisoning of child is coused by excessive intake of aspirin and. other medicines. COAL & SUPPLIES \Every suit sold in this sale Is hand tailored and finely detailed to. the Warren K. Cook high standard of quality. Choose from this wide range Store all medicines and household products away from children's reach. We permanently record the ingredients of every prescription we fill, If @ child swallows one, call us at once so we can tell the Doctor its contents. He can then give the proper antidote. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need @ medicine. Pick up your prescription f shopping neorby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge, A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound yours? : EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King Street East Oshawa \ PHONE 725-3594 Fost -- Free Motorized Delivery rancis, Phm.B. -- J, R, Steffen, B.Sc. Phm. of luxurious fabrics now.! <= CeO PEL 20 ty Only By Appointment 723-1712 | BB i + 728-2911 2312 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-7974 --

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