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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1965, p. 9

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_ ENDORSES SWITCH Roger W. Wilkins, 33, cho- sen by President Johnson to direct the Community Re- lations Service, fully en- dorses its impending switch from the Commerce Depart- ment to the Justice Depart- ment. As head of the govern- Advertisers Set For Clamp-Law By JAMES NELSON { OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian} advertisers in foreign publica-| tions have begun to slash their} budgets in preparation for in-} troduction of new laws Jan, '1 designed to strengthen the com- petitive position of this coun-; try's newspapers and period- icals. In the new year, the expense of placing advertisements in for- eign publications with an eye to selling goods on the Canadian| market will be disallowed as a corporate income tax exemp-} tion, Advertising in. Canadian publications will continue to be allqwed as a business expense. The new law adopted by Par- liament last summer after lengthy: argument also is de-| signed to curb -foreign take-| overs of Canadian newspaper and magazine ownership. To en- able advertisers to claim their business expense deductions, the, publications must remain 75 per cent or more Canadian-owned Revenue department officials who will administer the new law say they are not making hard and fast rules beyond the literal wording of the Income Tax Act amendments. They will deal with -each---case--as_it._cames along in the normal examina- tion of corporation income tax returns. |scaping and even home garden- racial conciliation 'agency Wilkins voks to bring his own "great sense ment's of personal anguish" to bear on the plight of minority group citizens in the slums of America's great cities | (AP Wirephoto) | couragement of the fine arts letters, scholarship or religion Here again the officials may find some difficulty in interpret- ing the law's wording. Fine arts is not defined precisely in law and some dictionary and busi- ness interpretations of it are wide enough to include land- ing. AIMED AT SPLIT RUNS The main intent of the law is to discourage Canadian adver- tisers from taking advantage of the relatively cheap "split-run" editions of posh U.S. magazines that come into Canada. Some U.S. publications, after printing copies for their domestic Amer- ican. market, change a few pages of an edition to include Canadian advertising in copies sent to Canada Canadian publishers com- plained this: was draining off ad- vertising revenues that should come to them. A royal commis- sion headed by Senator M. Grat- tan O'Leary of Ottawa, estab lished by the former Conserva- tive government, recommended steps to protect Canadian publi- cations from undue competition. After Jan, 1 customs officers Will prohibit entry "into" Canada of foreign periodicals--but - not of foreign newspapers--contain- ing Canadian advertising di- _ ALL STORES OPEN TONIGHT ® STORE HOURS ® LASSI: SPECIAL! CHASE & SANBORN -- 15c OFF DEAL ALL STORES OPEN SATURDAY JAN. 1 WED. & THURS. NIGHT CLOSED FRIDAY 6 P.M. ALL STORES CLOSED SPECIAL! THE FINEST SELECTION -- PREDRESSED TURKEYS .4S' GRADE 'A' OVER 20 LBS. LB. 39° GRADE 'A' 6 to 14 LBS. SPECIAL! FAMOUS SWIFT'S -- PREDRESSED BUTTERBALL 49: SPECIAL! PREDRESSED GRADE 'A' » 51 15: 23° GRADE 'A' OVER 20 LBS. LB. SPECIAL! PREDRESSED GRADE 'A' u 57: DUCKS SPECIAL! Fully Skinned -- Minimum Fat -- Shank Off -- Whole or Half Cooked Smoked HAMS ». SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS Liver & Bacon, Braunschwelger and Sandwich Spread Rolls ! §X $ sok ESS SIDE BACON ... TURKEYS 43' GRADE 'A' 6 to 10 LBS. LB PKG §-67 EACH SPECIAL! HOSTESS SPECIAL! HOSTESS SPECIAL! HOSTESS SPECIAL! WESTON'S CAPRI WAFERS... RED 31: AYLMER RASPBERRIES 2 BONNIE SHORTBREAD ... FESTIVE SHORTBREAD ---- 6-0Z. JAR INSTANT COFFEE - SPECIAL! HOSTESS BLANCHED SALTED PEANUTS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS--PLAIN or RIPPLE POTATO CHIPS ..... SPECIAL! AYLMER CHOICE 1-LB. BAG seenet eeeeseeneee eereeee 13 & 14-0Z. LGE. PKGS. 15 FL. OZ. TIN 36-BiS. PKG. 40-BiS, PKG. CHOCOLATE SHORTBREAD * 8-0Z. PKGS. eerie eee SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE PUMPKIN F6 eee SPECIAL! PLAIN er SALTED WESTON'S SODA CRACKERS SPECIAL! FROZEN APPLE or CHERRY "er DANISH ROYALE SARA LEE COFFEE CAKES SWEET MIXED PICKLES PEAS ........ ie | oft Th 39 nae 7 5c @ CANDIES @ QUEEN ANNE CHOCOLATES .............. a > tae, aS ee eal; IN 95° 39 00 33 33: 39: 45: AQ 0330 DANISH i 69 16-02. BOX OLD CHEESE LOBLAWS COLOURED MEDIUM CHEESE ...... 75¢ 71c SPECIAL! COIL Polish SAUSAGE ... SPECIAL! SHOPSYS SALAMI «= ... WILLARDS Maraschino CHERRIE MAY HAVE TROUBLE rected to the Canadian market But difficulties may be en-|which does not appear in the countered in applying the new|home editions of those foreign law when it comes to interpret-| magazines. If one such issue of 4-02 10-02. PKGS 2 «2,59° 62° st BOC" LB. ing the wording. It is aimed at Canadian advertising in a non-| Canadian newspaper or period ical 'directed primarily to a} market in Canada" | A Canadian corporation ad-| vertising in a United States pub- lication to attract U.S. custom- ers would not be hurt by the new: legislation. But a Canadian corporation advertising in a U.S. publication primarily with a view to finding customers in Canada would be Canadian editions of foreign publications which have been edited, printed and published in Canada at least since the spring of 1964 are exempt. The notable ones falling within this exemp- tion are the Canadian editions of Time and Reader's Dige&t Also exempt are catalogues, and publications devoted to en Judge Welcomes Lawsuit By Police On TORONTO (CP)}--Judge. lan M. Macdonnell, a member of the Metropolitan Toronto board of police commissioners, Mon day welcomed the news that two constables are suing for damages -arising--out-of-a--tight July 29 with sailor Roger Arm- strong. "1 think this is a good thing said Judge Macdonell. 'This will bring the whole case out into the open ahd the courts will settle it "We have accused by some people of trying to cover up this entire affair. This isn't true and I'm pleased it's going to court, It'll be aired com- pletely there.' The two constables asked that a writ be issued against Arm-| strong. It was served Christmas} Eve. Constable John MacMicken is seeking $2,500 'damages and Constable Paul *Couvillon $500. | Armstrong was involved in a fight with the constables and the q@rit claims that Armstrong and| been bwhen the expense would be dis- | poses a magazine appears; the cus- toms men will have power to prohibit entry of it and the three subsequent issues Another section of the new law defines "Canadian 'newspa- per or periodical" as one whose publishers are Canadian citi- zens, or partnerships or corpo- rations with Canadians forming at least three-quarters of their members or common sharehold- ers The deterrent for foreign take- overs of Canadian publications works this way: Anyone abroad thinking of buying a Canadian newspaper or periodical would have to recognize that advertis- ers are unlikely to spend much money in a non-Canadian outlet allowed for corporation tax pur Armstrong Elmer Wilson, a companion with no cause whatsoever as saulted and beat him (Mac- Micken) by striking him with their fists and with a billy, by kicking him with their feet thereby--causing him-_serious_in- juries' which kept him off work from July 29 to Sept. 18. CHARGE DISMISSED The charge of assault against Armstrong was dismissed Aug. 25 and a similar charge against Wilson was. withdrawn Metro council earlier this month requested the police com- mission to review the case after it was reported the police state- ment misquoted evidence before the court and did not give the story of two witnesses The commission cleared the officers. Judge Macdonell said the writ makes any discussion of the fight between Armstrong and the police "sub judice,"' that is, it cannot be discussed elsewhere while it is before the cougts. FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! HONEY-SWEET! GRAPES GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! EXCELLENT QUALITY! CELERY STALKS THE VERY BEST FROM B.C.! EXTRA FANCY GRADE! DEEP RED BEAUTIES! Red Delicious APPLES. 6 2 29 No, 1 GRADE! 2 LARGE SIZE EXTRA LARGE 88's 39° 39° EXTRA FANCY GRADE! SWEET, LUSCIOUS BEAUTIES FROM OREGON! ANJOU PEARS 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 32 FL. OZ. TIN. VISTA OME STEP CLEAWER WAX OR WOOD FLOORS I EXTRA Stamps Mad d di 0 EXTRA STAMPS Baad COUPON TXPIRES JAN. 5 WITW Courow & PuRcHAss OF ONE 20 FL. OZ. TIN 1. 0, SMITH OMERRY PIE FILLING 172 COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHAM OF ANY ONE PKG, 'suinnire CHIP DIP 22 COUPON exPmini Jam. > WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 12-072. PKG. SWANSON FROZEN TV DINNERS COUPON HxPIRNS 24M, 5 LGE. SIZE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 6 FL OF. BOTTLE DAMDRUPF REMOVER ond MAIR CONDITIONER 73 COUPON ExPINES JAMS ITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT TUBE TOOTHPASTE CREST 11) COUPOM ExPIENS JAMS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE BOOK (0 TITLES "GOOD HOUSEKEEPING" COOK BOOK > COUPON axPratS JAN, 9 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 41-02. TINS TREESWETT UNSWEETENED LEMON JUICE 753 COUPON BKPiEES JAN, 5 45° a0 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS a 0 EXTRA STAMPS IN ABUNDANT SUPPLY! Seediess Navel Oranges Sweet, Juicy, Easy To Peel! 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'OME FAMILY SIZE BOTTLE BROMO SELTZER 74 COUPON EXPEL JAN. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14 FL. OZ. PLAS. BTL. LIQUID DETERGENT TREND 114 COUPON EXPEES JAM. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO LOZ. TINS CORDON BLEU MEAT SPREADS 724 COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 3)-02. TINS CLUB des MILLIONNAIRES BRISLING SARDINES 124 COUPON ExPiRRS JAW. 5 | di EXTRA STAMPS di di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 7-02. SOTTLE FRUIT SALT 1S COUPON ExPineS Jan, 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT Size TUNE PALMOLIVE LATHER SHAVE CREAM #18 COUPON OXPIRES JAM. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 9-07. Rost pune sTRAwerney or RASPRERRY 725 COUPON DxrRES JAN, 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE DOZEN: SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES 193 COUPON PIRES JAM, 5 of EXTRA STAMPS dj EXTRA STAMPS 2) mh) BABY GOUDA CHEESE. vz VENUINE 59c DANISH BLUE CHEESE ... 5c LOBLAWS FAMOUS RICH DARK CHRISTMAS CAKE BEAVER SALTED MIXED NUTS OCEAN SPRAY -- WHOLE or JELLIED CRANBERRY SAUCE .. SHERRIFF "a = 3te CRANBERRY SAUCE .. ist. $3e APPROX, 14-07, TIN 99- TILBEST NUTS SALTED CASHEWS ..... PLAY TV BINGO CHANNEL 9 CFTO 10:30 Till 11 a.m., Mon, to Fri. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE S's BLISTER PKG. WITH CouroM & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-07, JAR WESTEA 16 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF (OME 24 FL. OZ. PLAS. BTLE ABC. LIQUID DETERGENT 26 COUPON FxPENS JAN. 5 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 2 LOS. OR MORE RED EMPEROR GRAPES 196 COUPON HKMRNS JAN, 5 of EXTRA STAMPS dj Qi 7 EXTRA STAMPS HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE STAFF OF LOBLAW'S WITH COUPON & FUREMAS OF AMY ONE 11-02, TIN LADY PATRICIA SOFT STYLE Filta CONTROL HAIR SPRAY FT COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 5 WITH COUFOM & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 10 FL. OZ, TINS CHICKEN MOODLE oe LAM OF MUSHROOM HEINZ SOUP FIT COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10 FL. OF. JAR CORONATION STUFFID MANZAMILLA OLIVES 27 COUPON ExPRES JAM. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 318, PKG, WASHED CARROTS $s? «= COUPON Exrites Jaw. § WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 148. TIN NOLSON'S JERSEY COCOA 78: COUPON MKPIRES JAM. 3 al EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS Mau 2) di EXTRA STAMPS Hau WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY SIX 10 FL. OF, TINS MASONS SOFT DRINKS COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF EATIES =e COUPON EXPIRES 34M. 3 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4 ROLL PKG. WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE COUPON miPmes JAM. 5 TOASTMASTER 7 C approx. ] . APPROX, LB. EACH LB. EACH dhe LB. each Mag 8-07, PKG, 750 BREAD STUFFING UNSEASONED Cc 6-02. PKG, SEASONED 6-02. PKG, @ IMPORTED BISCUI TS @ AND SHORTBREADS IN ATTRACTIVE GIFT TIN AN _ EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF IMPORTED BRCUITE, Prices Effective Dec. 28, 29, 30, 31 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4 FL. OZ. BOTTLE WO CALORIE TABLE SWEETENER SWEETIE 79 COUPON ERPIERS JAN. al EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS " EATRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS rhs MAYORRAISE COUPON ERPERRE 14M. 5 TWO 1-48, PARCHMENT Pues. ALLSWEET MARGARINE 720 COUPON ErPIRES JAN. 5 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 20 Mi. OF. TINS Swat TREAT SLICED PINEAPPLE ae COUPON FERRE JAN. 5

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