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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1965, p. 10

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Plevna & 4 eo San i METER fy. - Seeare A "e -- x | Li j RIOR bad : vy s&s . ae woton 7-Mos Win = B { B | Diailipivi T*Ups Wits erore Boston Fans Right On Whitby Ice (Special to The Times) ing drives was the highlight of [Dussieume, Nevin, Dionne and White g Y : : NIAGARA FALLS FLYERS onl, = : BOSTON < For the second.|i8 efforts, which thwarted) ping; (wilson, in 3rd; defense, toy By CLIFF GORDON | |Whitby net allowed two goals to Je , 5 Ty, nna ane Arbour, Allen, Woodley, Gray; forwards, » ; straight year, Oshawa Generals sve pg = brenda Shee Snell, Pronovost, Marcotte, Paiement.| Brampton Seven-Ups made ite ren ge with Moore possibly knocked off their OHA arch-|0 ie LF i. Sipe ei naa Pas Sanderson," Haggarty. Webster, LeJeur-two-in-a-row, in as many days ist he oF one of co ge The . < ,_ icotte, 'esse, rentz an lebley. | #: Shs erlers bie B rivals, Niagara Falls Flyers, in ' - : ° . Referee -- Hugh McLean. jover the Whitby Lasco Steelers, | inable Me aia oe tee lace their annual appearance contest,|_ Orr was once again a stand- ninsk #enien jat the Whitby Arena, last night,|around the opposin, aoe tet here at Boston Garden. out for. the Generals, keeping the|, o.rawa, Babcock (Heindl, Orr) #.i0las they edged the Steel men 5-4| hotter things' mi Chet 'et Last night's score was 5-3 for Oshawa: deence tight, along!2 Niagara Falls, Snell (Ley) 1.38|in a closely-contested affair e gs us! in store Guhawa ' -s |with help by Barry Wiikins and|3. Oshows, O'Shea fOr Beveriey) 13,48) iss gants ton Matas will for the Whitby team. ae [periodically opening up with," N/egara, Falls. Fialemen 15.12\meet at hit by : | Members of the Whitby Minor igi hee peed pair ph 9 Shea| daring sorties into enemy terri-|5. Oshawa, "Orr (cadievx, Nevin) ; 160 galarday sedating, © pap ea poy Aceates were guests and a goal, plus two as s, by ie | Penalties pour ooking i + * 10! e Steelers for last . defenseman Bobby Orr, sparked| wy holiday sez : aise, ee as ore (ibowina-f ixture with game time called)pame and they helped een the Generals' victory and the|, 1° holiday season appeared tiring), 'sanaerson (high sticking, fight.|fOr 2.00 p.m. the gates and kicked up a lot of in found high favor with the)? catch up with both clubs, injing) Arbour (charging); 39 Beverley! Gary Ford's second goal Ofinoise, H Rect dd igh abit ay i te the third period and as a re-}{charging) 9.50; | Cadieux, cisshin®) |the game at 14.06 of the: final sprang a ee 4 did not be- ston tans, W cheer m od xf EE ' \Allan (buft-ending) a; rhour (trip-| , . yi est, c ite for: both clube. but displayed sult, play deteriorated into slug- Stas) 12 30; dobie (fighting, maior) period, broke up a four-all tie wrappers on the i vgn ira ¢ Aah. vate e : gish man-for-man checking, in|16.0: Pronovost (5-fighting); Cadieux| and proved to be the game win- PCs Gore ie a definite leaning towards the|qi ect contrast to the first twol (fighting) and Cashman (Sfighting)) "Oi Oat scorers for thelr, They possibly do not OHA Junior "A" lengiiedead-|oicds when'a crowd of over" [owe Toc an ware Std dca the danger of this, as a ers, ' | sae é eg | SECOND PERIOD pee ; : player can be serious!v injured : ie 6,000 was treated to some excit- scor Chase, Zip Thompson and Terry} ; Billy Heindl and George Bab ing action, especially in the Penaties O'Shea (Tripping) 1.00 and) neavoott P , * by stepping on one of tue papers cock, with singletons, complet-| : rae Nevin (tripping) 18.53. jee : or objects, when going full ed Oshawa's scoring total while atetes Hick sich ci ailed THIRD PERIOD Whitby goals, all singles, were | speed. John Abour, Ted Snell and Ro i e oe og a greg eas ° 4. Oshawa, .Heind! (Wilkins) 2.37|\scored by Dave Chalmers, Don From the showing of the saire Paiement each notched one invtuding tole ait er a te POS Ee 1435|0'Donoghue,. Kevin O'Shea anditeams here last night, we ex- for Niagara Falls site peeved me 'ction at it Oshawa O'Shea |Mike Keenan. Mike Keenan, UP|pect to see the largest crowd Goalie Jan Young played a@ ak cal x ee panties Rabe tbotsiag) bio;|{rom, Midget, was one of ine jot the season on hand on Sat- prominent part in the Oshawa l ° Wilkins (holding) 13.57; White (Slashing) |Steelers' hetter players and wasjurday afternoon, to cheer the victory. The agile net-minder| OSHAWA GENERALS -- goal, Young '8:57 and Sanderson (tripping) 18.57. | not afraid to go in the corners, |Steelers on to a big win and made a8 saver aud his splen-lceleme, Orr, Beverley, Raves, Collet) eee '6 66 6 [a8 Many of the local forwards!start the New Year off right. did left-handed catches of sizzl-!Heind!, Hayes, Babcock, Black, Cashman,! Flyers 9. 14. 14 at appeared to be. | oe ee ee i The Steelers, whether still FIRST PERIOD | \suffering from too much Christ-| 1. Brampton, Chase (Luyben) 16.87 ] CLIMAX THIS WEFK jmas turkey or too much holidav sue te. gill ig <a Teen ot, nn fun, just did not have the add-'o'shea 16.11, Pearce 17.42. , ed zip that was needed to con- : SECOND PERIOD CHAMPIONS of the an- with three wins and a score to-right, the winners of The Ed Drinkle, Len Glover and i : ; nual Boxing Day Bonspiel, of 15, with an aggregate of Adams Trophy, are -- Ivan Bill Tkaczuk. nn ad OW ames tend -- Pei a who 2 Brampton, Thompson at The Oshawa Curling Club, 30, to nose out Gord Mac- Taylor, district representa- Gehan ities Pholo jnppentes da tae "al ye Mie rated f i illan's ri rhi : s; E i -- ; : ' St) 4, whitby, ©'Donogh yesterday, was the rink Millan's rink, which had 15 tive for Adams; Ed Hill, ot aioe Nan ere ea | Whitby, O'Donoghue 2 * . : : ! shown above, who emerged and an aggregate of 26. Left- skip of the winning rink; i . jy, 5. Brampton, Ford (A. Blair) 19.58 r j willl soon have to pull up their | Penalties -- Ford, mic, 8% J, Blair ' . jsocks and realize that the sched- | 6.27, Orr 10.47, Cheesman 13.52, Thomp- bd J " jule is well over the half-way so 18-45. ] ] ] a \mark and that every game they THIRD PERIOD % n iE } S lose now, puts them that h| 6. Whitby, O'Shea By MIKE RATHET and concludes with the big four! Also mentioned as a prospect farther down he eosin tal . {Levender, Thompson) ...ss000. 7.42 Associated Press Sports Wriler on Saturday--the Rose, Cotton,|in the $500,000 or above range/fay, wins are not soon in the! Feeds cndlhgt eid nd ue It's front and centre this|Sugar and Orange Bowl clas-\is Missouri's standout back.) makings. the name Whitby will| ® Srameton, Keenan eek for the traditional: year-|sics Johnny Roland f erabes 8, 3 (Leach, Chalmers) 6.54 wee or the traditional. year-'si Johnny Roland, up for grabs\a5near in the also-rans, when| 9. Brampton, Ford (A. Blair) 1h e e end bow! games that bring the) About a dozen high draft) between the NFL St. Louis Car- 1 5 5 the playoffs come around. Boxing 'eI y onspie United States college football,choices figure to be signed atidinals and New York' Jets of Poor. clearing around the cneesmen 6.10 gn Nd aa the if}the AFL es ei jseason to a close and figure to|the end of games and, lift the bidding between the\you can believe some of the! They'll be lining up this way The annual Boxing Day Bon-,best in the two-win division, of! Ice-maker Joe Roberts, stew-} % Weorier, 13 Chas Peacock 5 two professional leagues for|prices being mentioned, Ander-|on the bow! schedule ' . i r The Adams Trophy,|the early draw, with 14-plus-2/ard Dick Lee and drawmaster; pR si RARE Pe bab standout talent to break-the-\son may lead the collection of} Gator Bowl at Jacksonville-- spiel, [0 pny R r i F eg. Smith, 5; Bill Minett, 2 y 5 o in was held at The Oshawa Curling|points while Morgan Furey's| Fred Moss, all came in for spe-) -, Third Games bank proportions. .|six-figure signees with a con-|Georgia Tech, 6-3-1, vs. Texas : Club yesterday with a crowded/rink was next in line, with Il cial praise for their contribu "pete" Fons, 13; "Bill Minett 7. The bidding may reach an|tract in the neighborhood of|Tech, 8-2. i - entry of 32 "local" rinks and/ points. tion to the day's success. Les Gorrie, 13; Ray Webster, 8 unprecedented level right at the |/$800,000 Sun Bowl at FE! Paso, Tex.-- N otek oe < ssl Aeiona sf R Jair Peacock, 5; Reg Smith, 4 start Briday > VOT the realm'Texas W vi y TCU 0 e ween Tl when the dust had cleared, the High one win prizes in the saa 'dk con ack wei Gs. MaeMition Fi Ton' Murphy," start I riday hen Donny An It is not beyond he re a Texas Western, 7-3, vs. TCU, rink of Bill Tkaczuk, en Glover,|o'clock draw went to Pau Rint Some Don Holden, 11; P. Michael, 5 derson of Texas Tech finishes|of possibility that Anderson will/6-4 ink 7 ski " i k, with 8-plus-10 sam Smith, Ken D. , John Luke! 0. Crothers, 7; D. Kirkland, 5 his college career the Gator|receive $800,000," says owner! Shrine Game t San Fran . ' - Ed Drinkle and Ed. Hill, skip, Michael's rink P aha titer kine ¢ Dous Taylor,| A+ Morrison, 9: Malt. Sutton, 6 Ae ie iy sip ides 1a bgp BoE a: pit Gilere le hrine Squeegees '| BALTIMORE (AP) -- Don minutes of sudden death over- emerged as champions and win- points. Rich" Black, Bob McDonald and Al 11:00 O'CLOCK DRAW Bowl game against Georgia/Bud Adams of Houston Oilers/cisco -- East - West all - star Cyangter's field goal which tied|time won the game 13-10 and nats or the day's top laurels The rink of Ed. Disney, Alex webster, skip, 8 Eee First Games ie Tech at Jacksonville, Fla of the American Foothall/teams | Geaan Bay Packers » Bailimore|ifie National Football. Keacue ri ree wins and a score of|Mackay, Bob Patte and Ken} Doug McCabe, Don Marks, Ray Web- |, t% 7 o*Piiensom Toss Mills, Maurice] The Gator Bowl game opens|League, bidding against the) Rose Bowl at Pasadena,/7- Thai eat : g with thr a wR Jk ster, Tom Murphy, skip, 1; Joe Elliott, Les Eveniss, skip, 6; Chris ; 4 ' . Colts game Sunday and set up|western conference title for the 15 points, with an aggregate of | Conlin, skip, was second-best in|r reg Kitchen, "Bus" McCullough and danatos, Bill Smith, Bill Kellar and Fred the weekend action that also in-|National League's Green Bay|Calif.--Michigan State, 10-0, vs his winning kick in overtime| Packers : 30 the 11:00 o'clock draw, with Don Crothers, skip, 2 erin Skip, 4 cludes the Sun Bowl and the|Packers for Anderson's' serv-/UCLA, 7-2-1 5 : ag! : ee sy : Cay, Ge Qt Hut Weal Games on Srdaviices Cotten Bowl at Dallas, Tex.--| "2° wide, Lou Michaels of the! Colt team members also were Teter pp ce 14 pa me : : Colts contended Monday. critical of a 15-yard penalty " * <_ Bill Potts, Al Cay, Geo. € bell and rent 1 ampbel Hill's rink competed in the|three wins and a point-total of| ,,6" rent, Bev. Smitty. BoP +s Doug Clemens " Pg Al : y AW "or six points Elliott, Bill Holden, Lee Rolson and Don Ted Twining, Arn McEachern and Gordie rkansas, 10-0, vs. LSU, 7-3 . : F " 11:00-o'clock draw and scored ; 31 Jackson, skip, 3 Ark nsas, 1 s at a "It was wide by. three feet) which preceded the first field Sugar Bowl at New Orleans, or ore » Holden, skip, 2 a four-end on the final end of High two-game winners in the "Gi". Goulding, Ruddy Andrews, Jack 4. Disney, Alex Mackay, Bob Patte| is ! i a . +. gatdl onal their third game, to capture the late draw, were Dean McLaugh- perry and Paul Michael, skip, 19; Bob and Ken Conlin, skip, 7; Doug Cooper, a.--Missouri, 7-2, vs. Florida and you can print 18" : said oe : Ait 5 ta By . i -plus-1. fol-|Schoneau, George Tresise, Art Stubbins Don Wilson, Ken Bates and George Bates, T 74 Michaels who plays defensive e penalty was against de- honors, nosing out Gord Mac-|lin's curlers, with 13-plus-1, neau, e pcr 3 sepa - 4 k s, \s 4 : : ; and 'Pete' Furey, skip, ! ' : : .,, |end and does the place kicking|fengive tackle Billy Ray Smith Millan's rik of Bill Brent,|lowed by Doug Clemens' rink, |" gj jackson, Bob Jackson, Jim. Naylor! Austin. Wiltshire, Lloyd Whittington, Orange Bowl at Miami, Fla ; ; "Bey" Smith. Bob Matthews and | with 11-plus-2 points and Reg Smith, skip, 9:- John Kerr, Gerry Farrow,°and Fred Thompson, skip Nebraska 10-0. vs, Alabama, |(2r, me Baltimore team. for knocking down Packer ag Pre eau pc cb Luke, Norm Ward and Al Mor-/5; Ted McLaughlin, Doug Mitchell, Vern : esd The first field goal tied the|quarterback Zeke Bratkowski. . Bucky" MacMillan, skip, who swept! High one-game win prizes, IM jj, "skip, 4 McLaughlin and Dean McLaughlin, 3. H H Of y 8-1-1. cor i | | Don Shul id it : Fo pe eta th Se : Skitch, Pete Si Bil) Whittington, Ker Williams, R ee % x, /score 10-10 with less than two! Colt coach Don Shula said i the 11:00 o'clock draw, went to Casey" Luke, Bob Skitc ete Sim ii oy arness orse @ar The all star games were minutes lett in regulation time. | "was the first tine 1 had aver through the 9:00 o'clock draw 1; Boug| Whittington and Ken Whittington, skip, 8 : sind Wather Perevma's rink, with 8-|mons 4nd Les Gorrie, skip, 1 jou } y sek & 4 v. with|m s ith three wins, with a score of| Father Perey Sager, Jack Hammond, Joe Bolahood and|Bob Davidson, Ted Whiteley, "Preem 4 ert t ttl ' noth. |His second field goal after 13)seen" such a penalty. 'THREE FEET WIDE' points and an aggregate of 26, | plus-5 points ee, ne See Piatt spadians" Sen PBI TRACa, an pre Ei inkie) TORONTO (CP) -- Armbro} York City, and took the Ameri- : "ata é 'Also scoring three wins in the, lvan Taylor, district represen- | ee ag Bin Minett, .skip, 16; Ed. and Ed. Hill, skip, 10; Howard Cook, Don! Flight, who set a world record|can Trotting Classic Nov. 20 in Randy Johnson of Texas A fi tative for The Adams Company, |granton, Ron Elliott, Bert Dingley and|Souch, Jim Souch and Jim Souch, Jr.)| oo! half -inila track last|Calitornis had I hit on 20 of 33 passes for sli: Of the field goal, Michaels rly draw was the rink of John) pecented his company's trophy |A! Beard, skip, 4 ey maiee a Ugo arc hale tg Pp ego ot 308 yards and two touchdowns e lllams ; Oe a hist hn 'Greet. Rick gs 3 r '> | John Humphreys, John Greer, Richard Alex Nathan, Claude Phipps, 'Brad' September, was named Can-|IN WINTER TRAINING obiglt. . . said he was in good position to mphreys, John Greer, Rich-|to the winning rink, at the CON-|vesey and Clair Peacock, skip, 9: Sid/Sumner and Herb Robinson, skip, 1:| 442%. harness horse of the year! Now i Aten teabniin as the Southern All-Stars de- it, After bel facnan a id Vesey and Clair Peacock,|clusion of the bonspiel, with|Nobbin, Bob Munday, Elgin Munday and/Kellh Wilson, Cam" = Henderson, Wilf ada's harness horse of the year; Now in winter training ati' tog the Northern All-Stars in : see it. After being stopped in or ey an @ » | clus piel, re Pascoe and Lorne Goodman, skip, 6 for 1965 in a poll'announced to- O'Brien's farm in Shafter, |\©4' : at Mont @a S ist {an effort to block it, he said he / é : ' sniel co = chairmen, "Gi'? |Chas: Peacock. skip, , y t ni )'B nN Gey Gate ed woe -- of veer oie Moe on Bao Grtewtee el <ace sacvonn tr bat marehasli ST ek ee ne an, rae the Canadian Trotting Calif, Armbro Flight has won the Blue ri Game turned to watch the ball and it a one-point 'margin, for a Goulding a ' 7 ; Dave Jack, "Gib" Jack, Tom Jack and! Association. 339,652 in her career. Fomery, "An was "'three feet wide of the up- Pollitt and Fr. J. Pereyma, skip, 18; | day by r a Eb cj Mill ; Gorrie, 5. ' " : lus total of three points ciating at the presentation of & MacMillan, 91 Les Gorrie Bill' Jack, skip, § Kae} : iin We Taek One ae teats . «| Mississippi's Billy Cole ran 39) F Ch tah +i fon Holden's rink was the/prizes. Don Holden, 14; D. Kirkland, % Second Games Trained and driven by Joe nly six trotters have won yards for the deciding touch-| ame oices i iter: teu ene dele "Pete" Furey, 73 D. Crothers, 2. Doug Clemens, 9; Fr. Pereyma, 6 O'Brien, 48-year-old native of|/more than $100,000 as two-year- 5 ; in| ; 2 E ---- = €4. Disney, 7; K. Whittington, & | Alberton, P.E.I., for ownerslolds and Armbro Flight and|¢ow" with an interception in| BOSTON (AP) -- Ted Wil-|sive end, agreed with Michaels. the North - South game atjliams, the last of baseball's) «7 that kick was good, then Miami, Fla., leading the South| 400 hitters, headed a list of 71/11) eat the football," Miller | L. Goodman, 9; Jim Souch, 6. Leadin Teams Bill Jack, 94 Gord Jackson, 6 : strong of Brampton, Ont.,' them i aiid. victory vey abe ' ' Sd SPORTS MENU g D. McLaughlin, 121 F. Ashworth, 3 Armbro' Flight dominated trot-| Woodlawn Drummond's vic-|{0. 2 22414 victory over former major league players|.aiq. "{ was standing in nearly © r 7 ' i i i 1 4 George Bates, 9; F. Kellar, 5 /Elgin, Ted and Charles Arm- Governor Armbro are among Thompson, 9; Les Eveniss, 6 ; : ; oe Ed; Hill, 10; H. Robinson, 2 ting in the United States and tory in the three-year-old pac-| North Fat jennie' --_-- 5 ee ate same area as the ball was | In Old Country SES ot endian }won $232,200 during the season.|ing category was the closest in Pine or election to the Hall of) yinked from and watched it L. Goodman, 13; Les. Eveniss, 4 She won 22 of 26 starts, set|the balloting with Jerry Hal, go outside the post." a. Metavanilin, 8) Res: Bereymey 9 a world record time of 1:59 1-5/owned by John and Audrey HOCKEY SCORES The list announced by the)" Michaels challenged Chand- Ed. Hill, 10; D. Cle is, 7 ne t ., ser By Geo. H. Campbell Soccer Leagues Ed, Disney, 8; F Thompson, 3 for a half-mile track in a race| Langford of Chatham, Ont., sec AND STANDINGS peter baksstlige geomet |: to say whether the kick was | LONDe = f hs tl 4 he cel hagas Sept. 20 at Delaware, Ohio, and|ond. Woodlawn Drummond | : ss mS ; eee good. Chandler was quoted in ONDON (Apy,-Standing OU) G saeaein, 8) F Ane 4 was voted the outstanding earned $79,112 during the year) By THE CANADIAN PRESS paar for ewe, pe year Baltimore as having said "'it SPORTS EDITOR pe oa Bh pike eeeree pie sapere aeageus three-year-old of the year by and split with Jerry Hal in two Western League pope Pager vat Pog are wasn't a real good kick and I Ris ti ; Jnited States Trotting Asso tings, winni -/ San Francisco 0 V y plage lamar Idn't tell." the United States Trotting As meetings, winning one and los- San Francisco 0 Vaneouver 4 In addition io Willams, new: coul sled i | ENGLISH LEAGUE 0 h Mi Aailon ; fhe ae bod W ; ng one Western Senior é ; NQ--FOINTS-- were--invelyed_--__butOshs Gansenls ds Division ' FAP s a a Inors Armbro Flight was named) The awards will be made at|Calgary 8 Edmonton 2 comers who have in beg * S rt } NTS--were -involved.._but-Oshawa_Generals __de- WTL t Win Three In the ton'three-year-old trotter in|the CTA's annual dinner' here|Recina D Moose Jaw-3 as players for the required five West S$ Late pu feated the Niagara Falls Flyers 5-3, last night in Boston, in biverpool 14 4 5 48 2132 years include Enos . Slaughter, jividual Canadian awards 3 Seni ' the individual Canadian av : 3. Atheria---Senior Don ~Newcombe,--Alvin__Dark, Wins For Lakers their now annual 'exhibition presentation' before the (Burnley 13.4 5 49 28 30 ; Drummond : j Bruins' hockey fans. This marked the second year in suc- |Man United 11 7 4 45 3029 . . Pl aiglbialae gale Betieg wraiticlic Red oe Hank Sauer, Bobby Thompson} being 5 General : > » Flyers 2 as seeds 5 3 36. 1527 i ae - ' Mickey Ver " ry W s ts) css that te Generals have Bete the Fives and. tat Lowds 8 3 3 38 182 EX. Tri-Bill --|etorummoneite. gue. wa um 1 oun Cpe [08d MICY' Woman | Joes Mat, seri inte formeiiees of Bobby Ort and Danny O'Shea tickled the Bos Division 11 Oshawa Minor Hockey Asso the Op pee a TER . Thunder Bay Junior «| ing runner-up to Luke Appling sto penned in nine points in ton fans too -- but of ; ourse: they maybe forgot that Danny Hudd'sfield 13 3 37 1432\ciation teams won three of the ge + Easy pergtiger ey by| L d OHA oe pean Beis aga, "in a runoff ballot by the asso-|the last 90 seconds Monday is Montreal Canadiens' property. However, they've heard a | Man City i 41 25 29\four exhibition games, played al Nicholas DeAncelis of stint | @a +) e facia ee . ciation in 1964; Roy Campa-|night to help Los Angeles Lak- lot about Bobby Orr and the Boston prospect gave the fans Coventry 10 36 28 28 the Children's Arena last night, real was the leading. two-year- ef Alberta Junior nella, Joe Medwick, Peeweelers overcome an early St. Louis. | * something to talk about, with a fine performance. On Thurs- |Wolverh'ton 11 & 60 39 27/as a Boxing Day holiday attrac-|4iq pacer while another Arm-| Scoring Race Lethbridge 3 Edmonton Athle-| Reese, pt Sees. venie elasemray casio yi c ' 7 ' day night, the Generals play the Junior Red Wings in Ham- Southampton 12: 49 35 27 strong horse, Governor Armbro wore 4 i < tics 1 Lopez, : ilton and then they are at home, at the Civic Auditorium, Bristol ( nia Je ay si oh a the giao g enintdsy | wax the outstanding two-year- wag AF ALT, Oot (Ce Christmas Holiday Tournament Martin, Billy evr eee While the Lakers a repel on New Year's Day, with Toronto Mar!boros playing here, avAROP jafternoon, Oshawa Novice "/old trotter. anure "Lares ee McGill 1 Boston College 5 Kiner and Johnny anderiitying their hold on: first: p ' . ; a Wide as 7 i isn 3 52 3531/)Stars nosed out Lindsay Nov-) Naiustie ' scorin lead in the Ontario é Meer lin the NBA's Western Division, Saturday night, at the usual 15 o'clock time. With two Hu . ae f : The aged Canadian trotter of & Exhibi : in the Nb . wiihs eaatrom: home in Mar ti Sais last Thursday night Millwall 13 35 1930 ices 4-3. Terry Thompson and Pg for the second time in Hockey Association Junior A se- Finland Bh peal Jr. All- NEED WIDE SUPPORT | Cincinnati Royals ran their and at Montreal on: Sunday, the Generals have consolidated Grimsby 10 0 28 26|Bert Hoefs each scored a pait), row was Sprite Kid, owned ries to 10 points last week as| : cae To earn election to the Hall|pome-court winning streak over 6 a P ax s ; . ti Ne ' | Stars 1 6. ; | ; eni to 16 a xk Wlnte eT ud eda (ha, .peuecns: PK 11 38 3125\for Oshawa while Jim Coombs|). pawar Woloz and Monta- players on the first-plaée Osh-| >" Pichia seal r of Fame, a player must be|New- York Knickerbockers to their grip on first place, in the OHA Junior "A" race. They by Edward Woloz and Mo Oshawa 5 Niagara Falls 3 |named on 75 per cent of ballots 'straight with an easy 138-116 ss Oxford 10 36 29 24) with a couple and Ricky Peters, | -° see botl -oq| awa Generals and second-place = : t are s a : ; srae n of Montreal. . ; : resi is fe ou olid, Dau dente a hay pt gone Division IV with one, were the Lindsay Rreely Knight owned by Allan| Peterborough Petes continued to eh A ee... least. Each voter may name up|yictory over the eastern tail- e Ae a mpage 9 oe oa SE fares poe # WUE OVer' 1 Torquay 14 3 5 37 22 31\scorers. aniavd cot Quebec City, was|@ominate the individual points | {to 10 former players. lenders. The Knicks haven't won Marlies here noegenery might, will help to put the Generals' (trangmere 12 6 6, 44 3330) In the Pee Wee game, Osh-|-o eq the outstanding aged|Tace: Nelson Seibert 75,|_ Although often at odds with/a game in Cincinnati since De- in an even more solid position, as league-leaders. Colchester 12 4 5 34 2128\awa defeated Ajax Pee Wees pacer Lacroix, a star forward with} ' 4) baseball writers during his|cember, 1962. Chester 12 4 5 43 Py 28 6-1. Gary Bone, with three!" "prainer-driver Ron Feéagan, the Petes, counted three goals |) Hockey Family '7°; Williams appears a Monday's Results ASTRONOMICAL PRICES for football talent, being paid |Patlington -- 11 2.7, 35 23 24)goals, was the big gun for Osh- 03-year-old resident of Goder-|and sag bocgss betty hn Paseo y| sure bet to win election in his New York 116 Cincinnati 138 EAGUE E F Bathe, Terry|<"," " , is tote 92 goals 8 ITCHENE 3 ee es an igibility. x i by both the National Football League and American Foot- |rinticig Hl er r '40 16 Fo TN ea ' at ee. Terry ich, Ont.,-and Gilles Lachance, |'0 run his total to 2 goals anc _ KIT HE mR (CP) Nelson first year of eligibility ith (uo Angeles 108 St. Louis 100 fs ig " tara fis. Oacedls i infield | 4 36 16 25 McKee and John atson each 97 - year - old resident of St. 49 assists for 71 points. Sy Seibert, 75, a former member! He : spent 19 seasons with) ---------------- a #ague ams, has just about put the Canadian Pro- | perry City 10 1 4 36 23 21 getting singletons Brian Scholastique, Que., were named Bobby Orr, Oshawa's high-|of the Seibert family hockey; American League Boston Red) fessional Football League in a position. where they have to |Glentoran 8 2 4 32 1518 Grubb's orphan tally saved co-champions in the balloting Scoring defenceman, is second /team, died here Monday. Sox, compiling a .344 batting | YOU MEET take what's left. This past season, in fact, this past few |Ballymena Tas eo 18) Ajax from a whitewash for the best harness horsemen. | With 25 goals and 36 assists for) Mr, Scibert played left wing average and belting 521 homers | Glena 7 3 5 41 2517 BANTAMS BE ' . 5 ee > Roz , » fe y tes 3 B pspi : r service in weeks, has seen several U.S. College grid stars draw down ee ss / ecu 5 17 ag lng - ATEN i Fach driver won more than 61 png h ae YG Boalt for the family team, the olde st peer agg egy eo wn THE NICEST fahiaicn sicles and' sic ri iy 'is sat i _ JHAGUE : n the Bantam game oron ©! 999 races during the season, be and an assist to regain second |of five such teams that played/both t ie Secon He. abulous salaries and signing prices anadian club with No games scheduled Monday, Bantams whipped Oshawa Ban coming the youngest in history spot from Danny Grant of the lin Ontario and the Korean War. : their limited budgets, are in no position to contend in this |Standings unchanged from Sun fam All-Stars 4-1. Jeff White and oe sie that total.in ose year.| Petes Other family teams were the! In 1941, he batted a fabulous PEOPLE ON A bargaining because they are finding out, that even average | 99 Walt Hies| each scored twice roo oan with 213 victories, led| Grant, a linemate of Lacroix, /schnarr boys of Kitchener who/.406 and led the Egan I it v 4 ek eae Boose aces agan, i , i ko 9 ; 4 : ~ . 7 .735 College team players, not necessarily stars, are zetting bet- : 2 |Canada's drivers while La-|!8 third with 58 points on 29 played the most games, the | League with 37 a as a : f es ws * " O'Reilly salvaged Oshawa's! (once was second with 206 goals and 29 assists. He leads/Schell family, also of Kitchener|slugging percentage and 145 ter than "the going rate" to affiliate with the U.S. pro clubs in an 1ps lone tally Armbro Flight, Canada's out- the series in goal: 'who with nine brothers were! bases on balls If the pattern extends, or even continues, it could be that In the Juvenile exhibition standing harness horse as a Another Oshawa' player, ithe largest team, the King fam During his career, i led ee) | . game, Oshawa proved much too ui . Danny O'Shea, is fourth with 54)j] Guelph and the Gills in league in batting six times--tne Canadian pro football clubs will find themselves unable to M t b ame, Osha : two-year-old in 1964, was edged : sa wot ue : : 35 ; compete in the talent market ani 0 a rs. good for Etobicoke Juveniles by Egyptian Candor in a fourth points. Mickey Redmond of Pe Paris, Ont : _ {406 in 1941; 356 in uae 343 WINNIPEG (CP Finland' mt 8 0S ory |heat raceoff in the Hambleton- terborough is. fifth with 50 points | Earl Seibert, Nelson Siebert's|in 1947; .369 in 1948; 3 in) ee } i vite " eos aap rae Daryl! Hudgin and Wayne ian at Du Quoin, Ill, in Sep- and Wayne Cashman of the Gen-/nephew, played with Chicago] 1955, and -328 in 1958. He hit} BRIGHT BITS <- Ed. Hill's rink captured 'The : na vere eam. 00k advantage |Bradley each scored a couple famber but dominated the eral is sixth with 43 points. |Black Hawks of the National/ over .300 in 16 of his 19 sea- | ae a I ink captured The Adams |of defensive lapses by the Man-\for the homesters, with Dave United States trotting scene af-, The third-place Niagara Falls|Hockey League in the late|sons before retiring after the | Trophy, in the annual 'Boxing Day Bonspiel" at the Oshawa |itoba Junior Hockey League|McMaster, Walter Grabko, Gary| United States trotting 8% *"\ Flyers were idle last week but!1930s 11959 campaign. Curling Club yesterday, coming from behind at the last end (all-stars and downed the all-lnionne, Bob Cameron and. Al.t¢? that. She won the Kentucky) pine retained| ---- . RN nF ohe f his third game. to score enough to Aake th Winnipeg team 7-1 in an exhibi-ig : Futurity and the Dexter Cup at >. F edn 12 16 of ni mires : ! eee ied the top honors sh a * Pe : xn Griffin each notching a single Robsovelt Race we in New his lead with 35 goals in 12 16 However, the real highlight of the-day's play, was in the tion game fonday afternoon ton it' nea .. games for a 2.88 goals-against second game of. the early draw, when 'Spud'? Murphy and ; The victory, before 1,600) John Skilding with two. Rick a average. He-is the only goalie; Paul Michael skipped their rinks to a "knock-'em-dead"' fin- ans, gave the Finns five wins,| Davis and John: Mitchell, with|* in the circuit with an average| ish. They had five "dead ends" and were tied at only 1-1, (one i and one % on theitjone apiece, did the scoring for Bret Hanover Top of less thgn three goals a game. ceming home on the 8th end, and Murphy won it, when Canadian tour. They have been| Etobicoke € ba Leading scorers (Legend: P-- ul "wrecked" on a guard, with the final shot of the game beaten only by Canada's na- | LEAG FE GAMES 65 Money Winner Peterborough; O--Oshawa; T-- Model C-100 only 2 DICK GAMBLE, of this city, a top performer with the |nal team -- 10-4 -- in Van-) Two Oshawa tantam) NEW YORK (CP) -- Bret|Toronto; M--Montreal; S--St. Rochester Americans, had a big weekend and moved into |couver Dec 19 League' games were played at/Hanover a three - year - old) Catharines; H--Hamilton): 4 : ~ \_/f $ 00 second place in the AHL scoring race. three points behind |, imland's goals were scored|the Brooklin Arena last night.| pacer who holds the world rec G A Pts. | ----ifor the visitors while Terry Gord Labossier of Quebec Aces BILLY McNEIL is top by Reijo Hakanen, Matti Rewn-| Westmount Kiwanis nosed outlord of 1:55 for the mile, was Lacroix, P 22 71 ' Sforer in the Western Hockey League, with 41 points. He -- cadighte Peltonen po} Local 1500°2-1 with Dave White] the top standardbred winner in Orr, O 25 fil CANADIAN got a goal and two assists last night as Vancouver Canucks Okeatea tend "Mut 'eclopues ite Jack gptog ge p baw fot 1965 with $340 eh sgh pes heh popes P 29 2 a blanked San Francisco Seals 4-0 Ss ged Swede | tere . . : P e winners and Bob Lloyd for|can Harness Racing Institute|/O'Shea, O 1 5 ~ ' a. z e ® Free License Plates poe ah sew by seat taind ory Gurvaiinte ne es ne stg Ee Shderson replied for (he |Local 1500 announced Monday : Redmond, P ¥ One of C anada Ss J Great Whisk 1@8 « 'Atsk Ader fident of a victory. They have already beaten Canada 10 f He cana grabhed aviv in the second game, Canadian Armbro Flight, named Can Cashman, 0 : > ; Ange daaneng SOCCER FANS of this tity. who re- inlan grabhe an early {Corps edged Scugog Cleaners|ada's Harness Horse | of the/Corrigan, T b PROUDLY EXPORTE TO MOR AN 50 v HONDA y fames in i game ' , ? ; who fr lead and dominated play for 40!3-2, as Dennis Noble. Walter! Year teday by the Canadian! Lemaire, M : ue ihe Rone ald Gays hee Oshawa Nationals and Osh- | minutes with the aid of erratic|Klaman and Ron French each! Trotting Association, was third Shelton, § ' 35 | | 199 King St. W Fees, FE Ga WIEN PERT EL, OF he passing of | passing, weak power-plays and|scored for the winners whilelwith $232,200 Babcock, O 5 ' | chal gel Spiers, one of the city's top soccer players in that. |costly defensive lapses by the Norm Ogden and Paul Bennett} Second was Dartmouth, an-;Marsh, H i4 2 A N N CAN N N N Phone 728-4242 all-stars. igot the two Scugog goals other trotter, with $252,348, {Lapalme, M ee ee

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