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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1965, p. 16

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_ For collectors and would- be COLEUS Ul Calauiana, = uns qué introduction to the fieid opened recently at the. Sigmund Samuel Canadiana Building of the Royal Ontario Museum. "In a Canadian Attic" is the '| first museum exhibition of its kind -- a general survey of what Canadian craftsmen made in previous centuries and how it _jmay be identified. The displays cover the range from delicate glass goblets to heavy wooden shoes which were strapped on carthorses working in the swamp. There are spe- cial sections on maple sugar- |making and early currency. The exhibition also embraces furniture, woodcarving and other woodenware, paintings and prints, silver, pewter, fire- arms, glass, pottery, rare books, and mementoes of the fur trade. Only a small selection in any area can be shown, but the ob- jects have been specially chosen beauty. One section deals with wood- working. It contains samples of Canadian woods, tools, and join- ing techniques employed by early cabinetmakers. Much of the furniture {fs jshown in small room settings portraying 18th and 19th cen- tury Canada. These include a French - Canadian room; the quarters of an English army officer who might have been stationed from Halifax to Niag- | your home, Have fun! Women outnumber men in iron skillets," Dr. Moore told 707.637, in the total/ the meeting. 'There was a sig- nificantly higher iron content in \fried potatoes, rice, beef hash, jcooked in tron. But the most impressive résults were obtain- ed with spaghettit sauce and apple butter, which were cook- ed for the longest periods of time. TANGY TEXAS - STYLE PORK CHOPS A shasta Pork Chops Bring tron Cooking-Pot Texas Flavor To Home Tables Aids Nutrition" ; ND, 0. (Wmns) -- No need to travel to the|Add remaining ingredients,|'I hate to see the disappear-- southwest to enjoy sun country|cover and simmer gently until| ance of the: old-fashioned, cast cookery. Here are pork chops,;meat is fork tender, about 15/iron Dutch oven from Ameri- or pork steaks, with all the/ minutes. Yield: 3 to 4 servings. can kitchens," Dr. Carl V. typical zesty flavor we ane? | ss ee abi ett cit ote, red in our Amer! wh hy weissoers' great southwest. Use Your 10 To terstate Postgraduate Medical Pork chops and steaks are ; Fee argieg ahh g Food sor] > ° "4 cooke n is ype of utens Sr iho tall, pri a on Keep. 5Q High | has a much higher iron con- spring they are plentiful and NEW YORK (WMNS) tent, the doctor said, "and the relatively inexpensive, so en- party Ont be ab euch is gradual substitution of alum them often artying shou inum and stainless steel for| loy for the hostess and her family! jron in the manufacture of cook- Southwestern pork chops com/ a5 for her guests. Whether Pre-|ing ytensils may have a most lavor with the eleb: 5 . S Bine fine pork flavor paring a New Year's celebra- unfortunate effect on dietary vegetables and seasonings S0\tion a birthday party or just Alison intake." = : popular down Texas way. For! tun | bash, it's important-to keep) yrost healthy American men mighty fine eating, serve south-| the 'safety quotient' high. Here) anq oo Western pork chops, corn bread |are some useful hints: Brobabiy oat cacti Per in squares, yams, citrus salad, cof-) "pian the party days ahead of/their three meals a day, the Ge and for those not count ng | time so that there's no last min-|doctor observed, but deficien- calories, pecan pie or spice ute rush. Fatigue is often @ cies are likely to occur in grow- cake. cause of accidents. ing children, younger women "Here's our recipe for south-| y;a;@ sure the house is not an|and pregnant women western pork chops: | obstacle course for guests: elim-| The Washington University te sliding rugs, stow toys,|Medical School blood specialist nigh dgoua proms natin in driveways, en-| noted that studies of the iron in- "PORK CHOPS OR STEAKS | tryways or on stairs. take of populations al! over the € small pork chops or pork} Keep decorations safe. Make) world show that the large = steaks, about Yinch thick| jsure candles are not too close amount of iron consumed 'by } tablespoon shortening to an inflammable centrepiece,| the Bantus of Africa is due to teaspoons salt that matches are kept out of their custom of cooking food teaspoon garlic salt lreach of toddlers, that decora-|and fermenting beverages in dash peppe are fireproof -- or keptiiron pots. A high iron content % cup water way from flame. has also been found in food serv- f can (1 lb. 11 oz.) tomatoes) Warn your guests if the punch|ed in milltary messes, where| 1% cups sliced onion lis spiked; serve lots of food, as| cooking was done in iron ves- 4 cup chopped parsley well as coffee, with liquor or|sels. Dr. Moore said teaspoons chili powder peak -- remember that some of, "These studies prompted us to & teaspoon oregano guests will be driving explore the effects of cooking "% teaspoon sugar in Dutch ovens and to measure "Brown chops or steaks well the iron content of seven foods @n both sides in hot shortening z --\cooked for the same period of rain off excess fat. Season MEN OUTNUMBERED time in glass dishes and cast gneat with salt, garlic salt and pepper. Add water, cover and Japan by 1 fook slowly, 35 to 40 minutes.' population 'of 98,281,955 fa. : Shashi Ts i | Russian Research. | To Doll Up Women MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Rus | sia plans to set up a new sci- entific centre to discover how | to make' women even more | beautiful under communism. | The new research institute | of cosmetics will keep 300 ex- | perts busy working on new | techniques for beauty. Russia's older revolution- aries frowned on beauty aids such as lipstick and cosmet- | ies. Now, the beauty trade has | become a flourishing indus- | try, and modern Russian girls | | are quick .to copy Western trends | The new institute will back jup 185 beauty specialists, doc | tors and plastic surgeons | | working at the Moscow Cos- | metics Institute, known as the Beauty Institute. This was opened in 1937, shut down during the Second - ea 1945) with its main task to mend' men's faces 'scarred in | battle. When this done, the institute turned to making women beautiful, Soviet beauty treatment' has | a strong medical base, and | qualified doctors advise on | other facial problems. to the institute on Gorsky St., Moscow's main thoroughfare, for a "consultation" only one ruble ($1.20), less | than the price of a good the- atre seat Moscow heauticiansy-all ex- cept six are women--fan out across the country regularly to give consultations in 112 "9 a | TAKE OVER OFFICES ie oe | Women now fill 66.4 per cent "FOR FASHIONABLE STAY. AT-HOMES of office jobs in Canada, com ~ Beatrice Pines of Montreal |pared with 22.1 per cent in 1901 * designed this hostess cos- sesamiae ames tume. which is 'dramatic without being adacious. An interesting interplay of pattern and texture is pro- vided by the paisley pat- terned stretch nylon jump- suit and the quilted wrap- eceais eet Ot Wack avioh BLITZ RAISES CASH tf : High school students in three taffeta. Red of the Norwegi cities raised $23,100 echoes one of the col na single day for a children's ors from the rich print cerebral palsy hospital, lining aH skirt rTTTITI@9TF {panded its line to include gauze "World War and reopened in | job was | how to overcome wrinkles and || Thousands of women come | costing | for educational value as well as) Mould. Be Patrons of Canadiana! Can See New Museum Collection ue cx ara; @ cs. Sunes Warten ney a household in Cobourg or some| other Upper Canadian boom) town. "In a Canadian Attic' has/| been arranged by Gerald Stevens, research associate in| the museum's Canadiana de-| partment, and one of the lead- ing authorities in this field. The exhibition, he has said, is; designed to explain what "Cana-| diana' means the study} through objects from the past} of the ethnic, regional, and relig- ious backgrounds of Canadian craftsmen and artisans. Among the more unusual items on exhibit are: --a pair of children's shoes from 19th century Halifax with wrought iron soles, probably for! a good grip on fey streets, --pieces of glass excavated) at the site of early glass fac- tories, with examples of the) products made by the various companies. early Canadian currency, in-| ictorian bedroom from? RATAL bain Fu . mas tram | jeluding wampum, card money,! {and pre-Confederation coins and | | banknotes. i rade axes, rifles, & cance! "heaver" qurreney af! \the Hudson' s Bay Company. | --painitings 'by <orneiius Yviechatt Arthur Homing * and! earlier 'Canadian artists. --historical china, made in | Staffordshire with Canadian iscenes for the Canadian mar- "In a Canadian Attic" con-| |tinucs throughout the winter) 'and spring. | The Sigmund Samuel Cana- | |diana Building ts at 14 Queen's) | Park Crescent West, across the) |road from the Ontario Parlia-| | ment Buildings. It is open from) 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesdays to, Saturdays, and from 1 to § p.m., | Sundays. It fs closed Mondays. | Admission is free. | HOUSEHOLD HINT j | When you accidentally crack | jan eggshell when putting it in| 'boiling water, just wrap the egg | snugly in aluminum foil and boil | as usual. joins the management of the BAKER CARPET CLEANING COMPANY ond ROSS E. MILLS Borden Food Company To Enter Disposable Baby-Diaper Market, By SALLY RYAN for three to five cents a piece NEW YOR'K(AP)--A busi-|and (chux) disposable diapers ness battle may be shaping up for 10 to 13 cents. Chicopee, a over baby diapers. subsidiary of Johnson and John- The Borden food company is|son, won't say what they are entering the market in a lim-|made of, but they are manufac- ited area with what it calls "the|tured at plants in Chicopee first disposable diaper priced Falls, Mass., and Gainesville, \low enough for everyday use."| Ga. It costs 3.3 to 3.9 cents. janenee 248,000,000 diapers each | competition from Borden. | wee By the time the baby cele- brates his first birthday, he will have squirmed through 3,224 diapers. That adds up to nearly 26,-) 000,000,000 diapers a year, a po- tential $750,000,000 market for diaper, U.S. diaper makers. M.oth-e rs--with-stae vering | Snapped shut--without pins. stacks of diapers are faced with| Similar diapers have the chore of washing them|used in Sweden for 25 years. | themselves, taking them to a/Cellvabruken A. B. laundromat or hiring a diaper| Borden r. market the product service to pick them up once a jin the U.S week. | rio ge diapers pr been! from Sweden, but now they are| something for trips, not regular use, at ant partially because | eine made in the 0.6. of the cost factor. | Borden said the weekly cost} of its new product will be $2.35, | jbased upon 62 diapers--the av- jerage--a week, The company} jsaid that compares with $2.80 for a diaper service and $6.90} taking them to a laundromat. Borden said it hopes to dis- pose of cloth diapers com- pletely. EXPANDS LINE There it runs into Chicopee Manufacturing Company, which| from 11 to five by the introdue- has been in the diaper business|tion of labor-saving devices. since 1932 and cas has ex- "en lamb) is made of 20 layers of| plastic panty (49 cents). The baby is laid out on the | chester, N.Y., and Erie, jand Fort Wayne, said lareas, |tually. GADGETS SAVE STAFF DRIVE DOUBLES NUMBER prefolded ones, diaper} liners and newborn sizes for) babies still in hospital Its (chix) diaper liners sell! since Jan. 1, 1965. diapers, A company spokesman said| New mothers across the U.S.|/there probably will 'be major| The Borden diaper (white! cellulose wadding in soft casing, | to be tucked into a reusable! which is spread open| and then folded around him and been | licensed | The first ones were imported | They currently are available jonly in the New York City met- jropolitan area, Buffalo and Ping a., Ind. Borden there are no immediate) plans for expansion into other | but it might come even- | MEN'S KS! Buy One Pair ' And Get Another Pair for Only 1.00 Men! "Cash-in" On_ This ! 1} Tailored from the finest Eng! dyed worsted ond colors. In Banker G end Charcoal young man's ' ish and Domestic All-woel yarns, s in smart neot checks and plein Brown, Olive, Slate Blue, Black with belt loops or the popular style", Sizes 28 to 44, FIRST SLACKS EXTRA SLACKS YOU SAVE 9.95 1.00 8.95 14.95 1.00 13.95 19.95 1.00 18.55 | ® USE YOUR CREDIT e Reguilc 'Continental § wr styles ECONOMY RANGE DELUXE RANGE HAND GRADE 36 KING. EAST AND OSHAWA DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | Open to 9 p.m. Thursday Open. to 9 p.m, Wed, & am a Co. Ltd. to with everyone a most successful, happy and prosperous 1966. "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" p= 'JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" a "Over 80 Years Experience" "BAKER SERVICE' -- call your local BAKER Cieaning Co- ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. PHONE 728-6218 For INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 80 SIMCOE NORTH cacemeaabaiend raepeWi The Queen has reduced the| cleaning staff at Sandringham) | | | | The Norwegian Red Cross has| |doubled membership to 320, ev ee Bid ig INSTANT TOMATO Maple Leaf - Fully Shank Portion i Smoked i For a Pleasant Change -- "The King of Roasts" -- Specially Selected -- Branded -- Chef Style -- Short Cut -- Standing RIB ROAST | Z.RIB ROAST tb. Bo i el SPROULE'S Red and White Corner Simcoe at Mill BEST BUY! Save 8c! Reconstituted Orange ec Grapefruft SAICO JUICE BEST BUY! Save 10c! Red & White BEST BUY! Save 10c! York Fancy rf BEST BUY! Save 13c! Stokely's Faney Q BEST BUY! Save 14c! White or Coloured Tissue WHITE SWAN 6: 73 FRI natn Kraft 8-on. Pkg. Phitadetphis Cream Cheese ..... 39 Ready -to-Serve Onion or DM 8-08. Kraft Dips 39¢ Kraft 12-02, Wedge Old Cheese Cracker Barrel ...... 69¢ x Wishes daens ioe: Cresia Canned Pop .. 6 for 49e jen 38e! Cheep, - Sunbeam Swiss Rolls ec Package of 4 OTRAS Marked 88¢ 3-02. aerossl Secret Deodorant 79e Large Bottles » GINGERALE A ors for 49c "SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE Refreshing Juicy Florida GRAPEFRUIT 6:3% @ Mild Arizona GREEN ONIONS Zior25c Crisp and Crunchy-California_ No. 1-Lge. Stalks CELERY each 25c Palm Garden 14-0z. Cello Tube 2for49c TOMATOES leila FROZEN FOODS OF QUALITY -- Save 4c! Welch's GRAPE JUICE ford 3c Supreme Bd. Fancy Peas 2-lb. Bag 53¢ Save 7c! White Swan White er Coloured SERVIETTES 3 pkgs. 4 49 Save 9c! Treesweet LEMON JUICE 5 for 9c Save 22c! Skim Milk Powder PET INSTANT $1. 07 Save 4c! Sweet 16-02. Jar ROSE GHERKINS 49c CELLO LES. Just Heat and Serve! -- Fully Cooked! -- Smoked HAM -SLICES ib.95c -- Four Varieties -- 6-oz, V.P. Pkgs. LUNCHEON MEATS 2for45¢ Schneiders Mild Seasoned Cryovac POLISH RINGS Schneiders 3 Varicties SNACK CHUBS Make RED & WHITE your headquarters for the best selection of DUCKS, GEESE, CHICKENS, CAPONS, plus a complete line of FULLY COOKED SMOKED PICNIGS, GLAZED HAMS, ¢éte., etc. 48-08. 3% 5-ox, Jar COFFEE 77: 14-02. Tins 5:88 48-oz. Tins JUICE 3:98 : W ¥ Y y PS nS Ann eS vs YS Ae Cooked - Mild Cured by bs i Hs ib. 8 5c iy MAPLE GROVE Red and White Maple Grove Ontario WILSON '"FOODMASTER' Red and White Wilson Rd. S. Shopping Plaza BROWN'S Red and White Brooklin, Ont.

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