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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1965, p. 18

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WONDER WHAT HELL ADD TOHIS LITTLE WITH THAT BLANK SIGNED CHECK | GAVE HIM--, DARRELL MSCLuRE™ (2-28 JANE, THESE ARE THE ORTEGA SISTERS mee ROSALINDA AND. OFELIA, . TO MEET/J HAVE Sen. § 3een A. RAUL? ITS NICE} LAREDO, MICKEY MOUSE ARR ROSALINDA, ry OH! IF HE 16 WITH ANOTHER WOMAN...| Db we TLL KILL HIMS, ORDINARY PUGHING | AND SHOVING DIDN'T WORK, GETTING TO THE BARGAIN 4 TABLES / 1 HAD'TO Use As) JUDO AND RATES BUZ SAWYER Verve \( eaten MY FATHER'S HOW YOU ui ye u RIGHTEN- ME. AT UV.OF T. OBATH OF A PLAYMATE IAB: GREATLY INFLUENCES FREDERICK DECISION TO STUDY MEDICINE NO WITH THIS TRAINING, H& THe LOCK THAT SECRET Y THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 King Feerares Syediceta, Ine DONALD DUCK NOW COOL OFF, BOTH OF YOU! ) FIGHTING NEVER SOLVED ANY THING! REMEMBER, "THE PEN 1S MIGHTIER LA THAN THE SWORD"! /! 10, Tropical vines 12. Circles 13. Apprehend 14, Bishop's jurisdiction 7. Single 15, Editor's unit injunction 8. More 16. Son of Ra impudent: 17, Bar colloq. 19. Dam 9, Defeat 21, Rumen 11, Robust 22, Pay 15. Potato attention CIAIO REV {1 ICTAIR] OBS) BUA ase Si ee guage 20. Poetic cone trace tion 23, String 24, Dis- coverer 25. Otherwise, in Aberdeen 32. Of the sun 26.Goes with 33. Stait julep 36, Instead 28. Colored 39, Girl's name flares 40. Familiar , 81, Cinder verb Yesterday's Answer 23. Celerity ae 26, Marked by Ss 7 48 gaiety 27. Money drawer 28. For shame! 29. Rose genus 30. Except 34, Article 35. Bird's home 37. Cousin of a wisecrack $8. Part of a compass 40, Competent 41, Contrive 42, Harvest 43, Divisions of mankind 44, Blunder DOWN 1, Proof mark .% Pigment YOUR HEALTH Frozen Shoulder? TELEVISION LOG 12:30 P.M. G-- I Love Lucy +-2--Let's Play $4--Searc For Tomorrow B--Neenrday Repert Channe) 2--Buttele Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buftalo Channel 6~Torontoe Channel 7--Buftalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel %--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilten ener ermenen e TUESQUAY «VE. 5:00 P.M, 63--News Magazine 7--The Fugitive 4--CBC Reports 10:30 P.M, 63--The Public Eye 4--Chopin Singing Society 11:00 P.M, 119-4-)-6-4-3-3-- News: 12:45 P.M, 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. N-- Theatre %--James Beard Show S--Matinee 7--Ben Casey Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 5: PLM, The Saint 3--Summer Carousel S-Loave it Te Beever $3--Tonight shew B---Mike Dougles Show 7--Rocketship 7 é--Music Hop 6--Sports 1:30 P.M, 3--Rawhide Move $--Sergeant Bliko Pm 11:40 PLM. #4--As_ The World Turns At *--Pierre Berton 2:00 P.M, 7--Twilight Theatre é--Nightea: 6--Generation seapiions $-- Kids Is People News, Sports with 12:30 P.M, 7--Nurses Chuck Healy 1l--News, Weather, Sports| ¢4--Password 6:20 P.M. | 6-Newscap Moment Of Tre WEDNESDAY 2:15 P.M. News 8:00 A.M. y Coptain Kengeree %--Dear Charlotte N--Pemily Theatre 9--Five O'clock Movie 8--Supermen 6--Passport Te Adventure 3--Stingray. SLleyd Thaxten tite Pm P-+--Lete Show é--Night Metre 11:30 P.M, 6:30 P.M N--Family Theatre Movie No. 8 9:00 A.M. | 2:30 P.M, 9-43--News) %--Pisytime With Uncie| @---People in Conflict Weather; Sports | Bobby &3--The Doctors 8--Huntiey-Brinkley | %--Dialing For - Dollars 7--A Time For Us 7--Maverick | With Girl Talk 4--Zene Grey Theatre é--Across Conade 4--Mike's Carnival 4--Linkietter's Party 7:00 P.M 9:30 A.M. stad N--Daniel Boone o~--Meta o--The Littiess Heme Ly 4 q @--Biography 4--Gypsy Rose Lee é--News, Weather, 2--Doble Gills Sports 10:00 A.M. 4--Cor 1 Where Are 11--Whiplash You? 9--Playtime With. Uncle 3~Giiligan's Isiand 2--Huntiey- Brinkiey Report 7:30 P.M, %--Musical Showcase 8 3--My Mother The Car 3--Combat ¢-On The Scone 4--Rawhide 3--Hogan's Heroes 3:00 P.M, Ni--Donna Reed §--Fractured Phrases 62--Ancther Werld ¥--General Hospital +43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M. Vi--Funny Company Site Your Move @--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show +3--Take 30 4--Edge @ Night 3--Kartoon Karnival 4:00 PLM, Bobby 6-2--Fractured Phrases | 6-3---Iivanhoe 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M. Nl--Ed Alien %--Bingo |8-2--Concentration | 7--Donna Reed 63--Friendly Giant Tuesday, December 28, 1965 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER ail nail A M (Top in individual Championship Pley! South dealer. North-South vulnerable, NORTH @A108762 9762 @Q7 #97 WEST 3543 9 @AICS BI984 EAST ese oK98642 #10652 SOUTH @kKQs @AKQI1I053 #10 Aa The bidding: South West North Pass 2@ Pass 5¢@ Pass Pass lead -- three of East Pass Pass Dbie Opening spades. When a player not on lead doubles a slam contract vole untarily reached by the oppo- nents, the, double practically always has a_ conventional meaning. In effect, it asks part- ner to make an unusual lead, in which case, if the leader in- terprets the message correctly, the doubler expects to defeat the slam. There is an excellent reason for this convention. Ordinarily, if a pair undertakes to make a slam, they either make it or go down only one, and there is little to be gained by a double. But if the double by the play- er not on lead is reserved for cases where a particular lead is required to defeat the salm, the gain is enormous when the double is successful. Thus, in the present case, if East's double induces a spade lead fol- lowed by a diamond return, it gives East-West a plus of 350 points (counting South's honors) instead of a minus of 1,780 points East's double clearly calls for a spade lead. Since a diamond or a club lead would be normal on the bidding, the double bars either of these leads. West did lead a spade--the three--which East ruffed, but East faced with a very difficult choice of returns, led back a club. As a result, South made the rest of the tricks, Strangely enough, the real culprit of the misdefense was West, not East. West should have reasoned that East might have a problem of what to re- turn after winning the first trick. He could have made good use of t e suit-direction con- vention by leading the five of spades originally instead of the three. This would have suggested that as between diamonds and clubs, he wanted the higher ranking suit returned because he had led a high spade rather than his lowest one. With this slight help, East might have found the killing line of defense, Delay Funeral For Viscount NASSAU (AP)--Funeral ar rangements for Viscount Mar- gesson, Britain's war minister during part of the Second World War, awaited the arrival in the Bahamas today of his son from London. Lord Margesson, 75, died Fri- day night SALLY'S SALLIES to ees...) "Take it easy, Gran, No one at the office has missed you! | 4--The McCoys | 10:45 A.M, Pyle |&-3---Chez Helene +2--Plesse Don't at The 11:00 A.M Daisies }11--Mike Douglas 63--Red Skelton Hour 9--Mr, And Mrs. 8:30 P.M, 8-2--Morning Star. --Mickey Mouse Ciud 6--The Match Game 7--Early Show i 63--Bonnie Prudden Show 4--Becret Storm B--Rocky ond Mie Friends 4:30 PM Secret Squirret See Hunt t--farly thew "on Pm 4---Movie 3--Bwanna Don &3--Rarzie Dazzie | oe.' | 7--Supermarket Sweep ia oe vids |63--Butternut Square 7--McHale's Navy | 4-Andy, of Mayberry 4-Red Skelton i 11:30 A.M. $--Abracadabra 8-2---Paradise Bay 63--Across Canada 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today 4-2-----Jeopardy 7--Money Movie | @--Luncheon Date +News end Weather | &-Popeye end Pete 12:18 Pm. 9:00 P.M, ~The Wacklest Ship in The Army +-3--Movie 63--Front Page Challenge 1--F Troop 4:30 P.M. 6-3--Dick Van Dyke a! t if 4--Petticoat Junction apo ms 7--Early Show 63--Razzle Dazzie 10:00 P.M. } i---The Mery Griffin Shew | #1 Spy ! 'or of the Mewes 4--The 4Thirty Show "SKATE X-CHANGE You Can Exchange Sketes Thet Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP To HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. Keep It Moving By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD together of tissues);and whatever the treatment, the almost always must (clinging COMPLETE LINE OF MUGGS AND SKEETER @ ing Poatores SynMinatn, Yon, £965, Wastd cidicy semmreall, 7 He cuarse \ || Sameer [ayee epoie won't Hurt.) |HEARNS LEA\ | AGAINST YOUF \ j | i | STEALING }| | gir net ee \. EQUIPMENT BELONGING TOVeNuS jf RNED ) Dear Dr. Molner: I have a frozen shoulder and would like to know what to do for it. Noth- ing so far has done any good, and I have had it for a long time.--Mrs. M.C. A "frozen" shoulder is one that is too stiff or too painful to move, but I'm afraid that too many people have the idea that nothing can: be done about such a shoulder (or other joint). The longer such a joint re- mains "frozen,"' the more diffi- cult it will be to get it moving again. Still, 'it often can be re- stored to some activity if you are willing to do the right things, or have the right things done to it, and will endure some pain. What causes.a "frozen'"' joint? Sometimes injury--such as a dislocation or fracture; some- times bursitis; sometimes arth ritis; sometimes the aftermath of having to keep the joint. in one position, without moving, for a certain length of time, as with a broken collar bone. Or re- moval of a breast leaves the shoulder area tender for some time. Such patients are warned to move the arm and shoulder, even though it hurts, to avoid a "frozen" shoulder The trouble actually is not so much in the jolat diself as in tis- sues around.the joint. Adhesions from lack of movement can oc-|patient cur. There may be irritation|make up his mind that it is go- from certain tendons riding/jing to be painful, especially in over the joint. lthe beginning. .The discomfort People.who are highly sensi-|will lessen as the "frozen" joint tive to pain, or who don't fol-| recovers the ability to move nor. low instructions after certain op-| mally. If you look for an "'easy"' erations or ailments (including|or painless cure, there isn't acute arthritis) are the most/much reason to expect good re- likely candidates for a "frozen" | sults. But if you make up your joint, |mind to stand some pain, the How to correct it? Physical) joint becomes less painful as its manipulation of the joint, under/ability to move increases. anesthesia, to loosen the Seen, In cities with qualified bon: tn ok use, ole a pa. |sPecialists (orthopedists) or or tient's own efforts to move the|thopedic clinics, highly skille: joint gradually, is-another. treatment can be obtained, bi Sometimes surgery is required | it still means that the patie to release adhesions and free|has to do his part, and som HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 8 am, te 9 p.m trapped 'tendons. pain is 'the price of getting tha Whatever the original cause,' "frozen" joint "unfrozen." Set. 8 aim. te 6 p.m.

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