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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1965, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, December 28, 1965 STOCK sTOeKs FORONTS Weise Ashe Toronto Stock -Exchange--Dec. Quotations in cents unless. marked $. 2--Odd lot, xd---Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. INDUSTRIALS Stock Abitibi Alta Gasw Abitibi Alta Gasw Algoma 1215 $11% 250 $11 1 975 362% Alumini 1053 $322 Alum 44) 175 $39% Anthes A 100 $23% Atl Suger 220 Auto 1 100 723 197 'Bell Phone 'Brazil BA Oil BC Forest BC Pack B Burns CAE Ind Cal Pow Can Bread C Bread A Can Cem Can tron Can Perm Cc Brew cB AimA 2199 4577 690 100 110 740 oS Ws 210 50 50 200 700 806 100 100 215 282 425 2s 1297 100 Can Pet 6 C Refract 125 Cc Vickers 180 Cc Westng 190 ctl Fond A 2m Chemce!! Con Bidg 100 225 Con MS 400 $47\%--_ 47 Con Paper $392 39% 3 Con Gas $154 154 Crain RL 210 $28 28 Cygnus A 100 400 «6400 Dist! Seag 375 837% 37% 3 Dom Elect 100 $144 14% Dofasco $26% 26% Dom Store. 525 $23% 23% 570 $18% 18% 212 $324 32% $107% 107 $153 (153 $54 5% $109 «(109 265 265 $2814 4 $12% Hard Carp Hard CrpA Hawker § Horne Pf Husky HB. O11 @ Im ol Ind Accep Ace 450pr Inglis Inijand Gw Int<ty G Int Nickel Int Stl P Inv-Grp A James Stl Jefferson Jockey ¢ Labatt LOnt Cem LOCem w Lau, F2.00 10:40 Sales High 'Low a.m. Ch'ge 1215 $114 W%4 W4+ 250 $112 112 114 W% W%4+% m% iia MARKET -- COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.jtoria,"" McLeod said, "but they (CP)--Jackie McLeod, veteranjcame back and beat us 4-1 in coach of Canada's national]Winnipeg. hockey team, expressed confi-] "We missed three or four dence Monday night that his|chances in that game and it team will beat the Soviets in/could have gone either way. tonight's international hockey "We've got a young club and game: _ Jit takes a while for us to jell S| 'I feel we can beat them,'"|We've only been together for Liberian $19% 19% 194+ talthe 35-year-old Swift Current,j914 months while the Russians 9 1% 1% -- 2/Sask., native told The Canadian|haye been playing together for Press in a telephone interview.|seyven years." "We beat them 6-1 in Vic-' The games in Victoria and 'OBITUARIES MRS. JOHN J. LAWLOR MRS. WALTER A. WARD The death occurred suddenly ; an death posure Det. 27; j ollowing a 'short sickness, at ' Dec. 22, at her home in Or0lt.. Oshawa General Hospital, of Township, near Orillia, of Mrs.) Mrs. Walter A. Ward, 204 Chest- ee Catherine Anne Sheridan Law-jnut st. w., Whitby. She was in lor. her 53rd year. : ,| The former Lillian Shelley, She was the mather of ag the deceased was a daughter of J, E. Lawlor, pastor of St. Pat-|the late. Albert and Anne Shel- rick's, Wildfield and Holy Fam-|jey, Born in Winnipeg, she at- ily parish, Bolton; Mrs. J. V.! tended public and high school in Leahey, Thomas and Daniel|g;hawa and was. married in Lawlor, all of Jarratt, Ont. |-Toronto in 1940. | Tbe oa as ta a Mrs, Lawlor, who celebrated; A_ resident of Whitby since | Coach Jackie McLeod oe cae 2 ewan z Stock Joburke Joliet 27 Jonsmith 2 Kerr Add 935 K Anacon 295 K Anacn fr 3 Kirk Min 2 Kopan 2% 12 L Dufavit $13% 13% 13% Lake Lyn 2 7 627 I La Luz $i6% 16% lba+ Leitch S65 S65 S65 + Sales High Low 32 Marchant 25 25 -- Mattgm! $162 16% 164 Maybrun 2%, Be B+ a Mc Adam 95 95 McWat 7 57 Mentor 47 +2 Metal Min Midrim Min-Ore Muiti-M Nat Expl Nealon Newconx 200 Neonex w M5 N Hoseo s 265 N_ Kelore 500 n Newiund N Mylama N_ Senator Nick Rim 12% 124 12% Nisto s % 154 16 Norbeau 149 «148 «148 + 3 Norlex 6000 17 «16 1be-- Ve Normetal 470 --(A70 N Rank 33 32% 33 Obaska 12% 12% 12% her 92nd birthday Nov. 30 Jast,)1948, Mrs. Ward was an ad-| O'Brien 180 180 180 -- 10! was predeceased by her hus-| herent of the United Church of | psa d we Tala fay t | Dand, the late John L. Lawlor;|Canada and a member of the | Pating ' 10% 10 10%+%\a daughter, Maude M. Lawlor,| ladies' auxiliary of Branch 112, | ay = S RN, and three sons, Keith Al-| Royal Canadian Legion. | Poe Expl Pick Crow She was a; Besides her husband she oe OE gpa eg eee winnipeg were part ora Tecent | mignt on rignt wing on a nne tour by the Soviet squad, dur-|with centre Gary Dineen and ing which they had a 4-2 wan-|. . ae See She nites lost-record In_addition to losing ie winger George' fr auikner, to the national team, the So-, Dineen, a 22-year-old Mont- viets lost-2t-to-a~--strengthened+real_native and veteran of the hontreal J wiser Cansdiose iol wetignalvteam:cplannad team. The. Soviets now have teak. out thie ceenebn won 10 of 11 matches with the i 20 Canadian national team. pressure of studies at the Uni- Asked whether the team was/|Versity of British Columbia, but working on any particular|decided recently to return to strategy for' tonight's game, ithe team. McLeod said "we're just trying | ai tives, Mipeataid to improve in general." The ia tat : team arrived here Sunday night of Harbor Grace, Nfld., and worked out Monday plays defence. His brother, , Alex, played for Detroit Red He expressed confidence ; Lae team will be able to improve|Wings of the National Hockey enough to win the world cham-/ League pionship in Czechoslovakia next; Czechoslovakia defeated Swe- March 3-13. den 8-3 Sunday in the tourna- McLeod, a veteran of 19 pro-|ment's opening game, The So- fessional 'seasons, also serves|viet Union, which won the as manager of the club. He!championship in Tampere, Fin- came out of retirement as ajland, in 1964, is favored in the player for the Victoria game six-day tournament. The Czechs and scored two goals. finished second in 1964, Canada He will be back in action to-ithird and Sweden fourth. vareeee tert native the Me due to} also} 'Canadian Football Clubs 'Find Themselves Outhid_ Ralph Sazio of the. Grey Cup champion Hamilton Tiger-Cats and Bob Shaw of the Jast-| place Toronto Argonauts agree) on at least one point. They say it's almost pointless for a club in the Canadian Foot- ball League to go after a coll- ege player that the National or |Ameriean Football leagues are} interested in. "The guys you really want you can't afford ia get," said} Sazio Monday. "I just lost a kid today to New York Jets. He was a free agent n't even drafted--and they gave him a real good bonus." Sazio and Shaw have been trying to sign talent at colleges) in the United States. " mee seit see en TORONTO (Cry = Coates; | Bowl! game there Friday night. The Argos hope to land Mike Wadsworth;.8 born. tackle attending Notre Dame University in South Bend, ¢nd, oranta (tawa Roweh Rider star Bani Wadworth, is. recovering from damaged ligaments and car- | tilege to his knee and his future jis uncertain because of the in- jury. He expects to get word on his knee by. Easter and will discuss terms with Toronto Tr signing safari after an early start when the 'Argos missed the Eastern Football Confer- ence playoffs, said he thought he had a good chance of Jand- ing one voungster, but the player signed with an NFL team for $80,000. then: Shaw said he has signed; The Argonauts also have about 12 players, but did not/their eye on George Prieditis, reveal all of them. a graduate of Parkdale Collegi- One, however, is Wally Gab-|ate in Toronto who played end ler, a quarterback for the North|for Dubuque University in Du- in last Saturday's Blue - Grey jbuque, Iowa, during the last college all-star game.in Mont-| Season. gomery, Ala. The Ticats hope to land some Sazio said he has signed four.| American - trained Canadians, He left Monday night for New|among them defensive end Jon- York City to talk to prospects|nie Maich of Brantford, attend- and then will go to Jackson-|ing Kent State University in ville, Fla., to scout the Gater!Kent, Ohio. In- Year Out Wadsworth,..son--of former Ot. Pine Point Probe M 3 or Purdex Q Mattgmi Radiore + 7 Raglan Rayrock Rio Algom Ryanor San Ant Sherritt Sil Eureka Silvmaq Sit Miller y Siscoe 3 230 Steep R Sud Cont Texmont 22 Thom L Torbrit Tribag Trin Chib U_ Mining U Asbestos U_ Buffadn } U Mindam 1 Upp Can 1530 150 + Urban @ 1 OR Violam 380 - 380 West Mine 505 505 w Sur i 1 125-12 White Star Wilco 4a 47 Willroy 10 «6176 «180° + Windfall 7 252 254 254 Yale Lead 12% 12% 12% Yukon C 2 70 69 om 1 Zenmac i 2. 33 '3 Zulapa 2a 202 2a -- Va OILS 12% 12% -- %| Township. |. 7,42| Church, Warminster, $4 >149| Father Lawlor offered the Re-|awa and Albert Shelley of Sud- 21% "a ne 3\field, directed by ss +, 5| Denis, IBVM. Mrs. J. P. + 3)van was organist y,| of Barrie; Rt 5} Oshawa; Rt 5| O'Leary, 364 36'4-- 'a 4) Rev. W. B. Firth, Rev phonse and Aubrey native of Uhtoff, in North Orillia|survived by a daughter, Mrs. R. Jarvis (Madeline) of Whitby. | The funeral from Doolittle Also surviving are a_ sister, | 3| Brothers Funeral Home in Oril-;Mrs. 0. H. Taylor (Violet) of | lia, was held in Sacred He art|/Oshawa; three brothers, Ed-| Dec. 24, ward and Roy Shelley, of Osh- quiem Mass, which was sung bury and two grandchildren. by St. Patrick's Choir, Wild-| The funeral service will be i Rey. Mother held at the W. C, Town Funeral Sulli-; Chapel, Whitby, at 2 p.m., Dec. 29. Lawn Cemetery. Rev. John Smith, minister of St. Mark's United Church, will conduct the service The members. of the Legion ladies' auxiliary will hold a rvice at the funeral chapel at Assisting at the Mass were Rt. Rey. James M. Clair, Dean Rey. Paul Dwyer Rev. Frederick K Rev. William. J Pastor of. Warmin- ister; Rev. Paul D. Connolly,'¢ At Rey. T. F. Mohan, CSB; Rev.|® ?-™: today M. Mulcahey, CSB; Rev. -F GEORGE Voorwerk, Rev. A. G. Quesnelle A | Lee, Orillia; LESLIE SCOTT farmer in the area north Charles east of Oshawa for many years, Downes, Rev. Thomas Cain, Lor- George Leslie Scott, RR 2, Osh- etto Sisters from Wildfield, and) awa, died Dec. 27, at the Osh- the Grey Sisters of St. Mary's awa General Hospital. The de- Convent, Victoria Harbor ceased, who was in his 82nd Pallbearers were three grand- year, had been in failing health Interment will be in Mount |-- THE SIGN OF SAVINGS Maple Leaf. Fully Cooked. Mild Cured Famous Cooked 3 to 32 Average Schneiders Glazed Fruited Fully Lau. F1.25 tobfo A LobCo B LobCe pr Loeb M MB PR MLf Gard M Leaf Mi Mass-F Mex LP MAE Brick Mont Loco Mort Trst Moore Nat Trust Nofanda Nor Nor Ont Pac Peet Am Leduc 2800 17 16% 17 sons of the deceased, Paul Law-/ for a few weeks. He was the last} (Shank Portion) PICNICS Reveilstk Revenue » Rommfield Rothman Royal Bnk Russel H Salada Selkirk A Seven Arts Shell Can Shell | pr Shel iw Simpsons Simpson $ 7 Sales to 11:00 @.m.: 627,000. 194 wy Ve 25% ~~ Ve 660 660 = 10) FOREIGN TRADING 500 46 66 COMPARE AT 75¢ -- KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ COMPARE AT 39¢ -- WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE COMPARE-AT 29% -- MAPLE HILL CHEESE SLICES 16-0Z, JAR 24-02. needs SCNEIDER'S MILD SEASONED POLISH RINGS "":: SCNEIDER'S SMALL COCKTAIL 79° SAUSAGE 89° SALAMI SLICES 2 ,.. 65° PIZZA PIES) =. 1. 99° +10 12-02, 4-02. PKG. Yr Knit B 130 «(130 130° : TIN Tord Lundstrom brought The memorial service will be|conducted BORDEN'S ° GOLDEN HOUR Zenith 235 235 «(235 MINES Sweden to within one goal of a held at the Armstrong Funeral| ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme- C 1000 24 «24 2\tie with less than four minutes Home at 2 p.m. Dec. 30. Inter-| tery | EGG NOG HOCOLATES 3ito go. ment will be in Oshawa Union| The pallbearers were Fred) Sweden pressed the attack| Cemetery. Rev A. Dyck, minis-| Elliott, Leslie Willis, Vince Co- | BRAZIL NUTS and got two shots on goal in| ter of Albert Street United | burn, John Darch, Dennis Lar- the last minute but couldn't get | Church, will conduct the service.|ocque and Barry Locke ' 40-0Z. TIN os 22 Monday's game I e, Inter- Vienna pone elope 69° Am. Larder Ang Ruyn Ang U Dev Ans}! Area A Arcadia Aunor Bary Expl Bask a 12 the equalizer against the world) ™ : 8 ony champion U.S.S.R. RE i ie RS EER. eeaner Sweden was beaten 8-3 by 5\Czechoslovakia in the opening Camilo ost Camp Chib i ye Wo tee DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Cc Malart eX , Jie . fovki caus I exandroy and Victor Kuzkin. « 7 Coch will Com Lake point where they could beat the! Russians tonight "They didn't bring their best team here . They brought '"\the Russians. The Swedes were | more aggressive than they FRIDAY, DEC. 31st To 6 p.m. SUPREME FRUIT CAKE Save On Large Family Bottles COKE = 6. 1.00 Plus Deposit AMERICA DRY GINGER ALE Large Family Size 5 FOR 89° Plus Deposit CANADA DRY GINGER ALE KING SIZE 1.00 PLUS CARTONS DEPOSIT Bratorne Briinswk Sunday. + SCORE FOR RUSSIA beat the Swedes Sunday night | and was not impressed with : the Czechs' performance. « "They didn't show too much,"'| , To 6 p.m. Buftker .H Cam Mine Scoring for the Soviet Union were Vladimir Yurzinov, Alex- said strong." To 9 p.m. Con Negus 3 ' he € Rambler Cop. Corp Cop. Fields Cop Man "They're not too Se RE aN Watt Coulee 24a, 24a 24a + Va! Coyrvan Pay 25 27 +2 Craigmt 00 $12 12 «#12 Cstland oe ae D'Eldona Denison Digcovry Dome Donalda Cc 'Tung Cc Dyno Caw Keely bencourt Captain 30% 30% + %2|Sweden's other goals. = Wve tee | «(Jackie McLeod, coach and Chib M manager of the Canadian team feels his team has reached the SWEDES AGGRESSIVE The Canadians could have} taken a lesson from the Swedes! Monday night on how to handle | Asamere 12100 250 235 «(235 -- n lor, Bernard and John Leahey;/member of his family CS Pete 100 276 26 26 -- C Ex Gas 100 258 258 258 -- 2iward and Wilfred Dawe and Margaret. Scott, the deceased West P 100 137. 137. «137 "John Kibbee was born in East Whitby Town- French Pt a ae chael's Cemetery vault, Orillia.|in the schools of the township C f | very highly respected resi- ee er MRS. WILLIAM KARPINSKI lb te farmed all his life until his re- N Cont ~v\denly, at the Oshawa General tirement about 12 years ago. A| Nad ALL. TOP QUALITY ; : Ee AND TOP QUALITY GRADE " BUTTERB , Okalta --% William Karpinski, Apartment he served for three vears as. a GRADE A" 'MAPLE LEAF BR D TOP Q 'etrol 4, 32 Athol st. e. She was in member of the Esst Whitby Ponder -- The former Ruth M. Davis, member of Columbus United Spooner 33. 33%4--% the deceased was a daughter of Church U Cans 700 385 8S + Un Reef P 1000 2514 2814 2514 |Ernest Davis. Born Dec. 23,/| wife, Nellie Scott, whom he mar- wu: FR " |1920, at Webb, Sask. She was|ried Mar. 9, 1911, at Enfield; al) For A Pleasant Change -- Red Brand "King of Roasts Station, Ont. A resident of Port! (Grace) of Brooklin; a son, Ray} Short Cut Chib M +1 | Perry for five years, Mrs. Kar-| Scott, of RR 2, Oshawa and 11 2B 2B =e, Yo haired He 19 | the past 20 years. The funeral service will be} omen pre ae ee] UN Keno 100 }4) Besides her husband, the de- held at Steel Can $254 25'4 8 survived by Suptest od $23%2 23% 23Y in| TorDm Bk 5 Be R i Ed (Vera) of Newcastle and Mrs.|#Wa Union Cemetery. Rev. Win-| ower sees UuSSla ges |William Baker (Eleanor) of nifred Bridges, minister of Col- $25% 254 25Va | , é s ginwtel i | Ski, of Whitby. uct the service. c a a ae Sweden 4.3 | 3 : a Contributions to the Mission- S186 17% ie | Also surviving are her mother, 39% We 9% who lives in Swift Current, the United Church -of Canasta ae Se (CP-AP) -- The Soviet Union 7. -. would be appreciated. \$ y a 52% ( y "2 i 2 ie ySgaaeehg plays a confident Canadian na- ag " shan Duncan ts c veutatl Da en tal Mrs. Faye McIntyre of Saska- Vic. G Tr $14% 14% 4% ing Sweden 4-3 in an interna-| | JAMES HART BOYD Webb Knp 1d (Jacqueline) and Mrs. Floyd! 'The funeral service for James Well Fin A 6 4'day night i Br 5 oe A ASD: w= 10 let, Sask.; three brothers, Ralphjat the Oshawa General Hos- Westeel $20 2 y ; A tod pce Tew i tii pide Bag pater fi Wilfred Davis of Swift Current,/97, at the MclIntosh-Anderson ,|Sask., and Daniel Davis of Jas-| Funeral Home YORK -- COCKTAIL LIBBY'S effort by the Swedes to win! 24-07. dren Paul's Presbyterian Church, 25¢ TIN 49° V7 BOX 89 1-LB. 49° 1.93 1-LB. BLOCK 4-LB, BLOCK ° ) NEW YEARS FEATURE... ROYAL CHARGER Pius Deposit Large Family Size Bottles Ib ' s Country Fresh Grade "A" Medium 2 1.0 4 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS TILL 10 O'CLOCK esr 100 9% Os me gland three grandnephews, Ed A son of the late Robert and Cent Del S45 $10% 10% 10%4 -- c Dome Pete $i5% 15% 154+ Entombment was in St. Mj- ship. He received his education Gridoil dent of the district, Mr. Scott Marehy The death occurred very sud Northid 4 | Hospital, early today of Mrs. / resident of the area for 54 years, | Place G 0 +2 |her 46th year Township Council. He was a large aT) t small size . Scurry Rn i Ib Triad Ol 1500 236 237 Mrs. Eva Davis and the Jate| Mr. Scott is survived by his W Decalta 100 355 355 355 married Feb. 26, 1939, at Myrtle| daughter, Mrs. Edwin Down} Chef Style Coch Will 1300 "4 ~25 | pinski had lived in Oshawa for grandchildren WM Nick Rim 1100 the McIntosh-Anderson | C Southam $2912 WY, a . lceased is > two| Funeral Home at 2.30 p.m. Dec. 3 daughters, Mrs. Ralph Wright/29. Interment will be in Osh- tb, Texaco $5454 $11% 11% 11% Oshawa and a son, Earl Karpin-|Umbus United Church, will con-| d $38% 38% 38% ary and Maintenance .Fund of : COLOR: ' - . 410 410 410 5 OLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. Sask.; four sisters, Mrs. Ernest Versatd 0 425 425 425 F y ¥ tional team tonight after edg- toon, Sask., Mrs. Korty Beverly es wie aa Walk GW $14% 34% 34% {ional hock t tM | 1 ion ockey y Mon- 5 : s : - Chey Senne n-! anderson (Connie), both of Haz-|Hart Boyd, who died Dec, 25, i 33% % 23 <i, The Soviet Union, which h : > Ww 48'Davis of Brandon Manitoba; | pital, was held at 2 p.m., Dec 4 PKGS. 1 00 Weston A $192 19% 194 f bd had to fight off a last-ditch 5 per, Ont. and four grandchil Rev. W. Jackson, minister of 1B. ic CELLO BAG 59 Fresh White @ AMPLE OFF STREET PARKING @ OPEN SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE °' corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA BL' Hawk game of the tournament here antre 1550 36 32 --3 |Bjorn Palmqvist scored both of RETAIL STORES McLeod watched the Czechs) a lot of young kids." were against the Czechs They drew first blood with Palmqvist's first goal but Yur- zinov matched it before the first period was over The Swedes bottled up the| Russians behind their own blue- gel i Ps line in the first part of the sec- Hollinger 100 925% 25% 25% jond period but the Russians Huds Bay $76 76 «66 = albroke through for two goals 6 6 ; ' 14 174 174 -- 1\after the nine - minute mark 192,13), 13) = WKuzkin's third - period goal looked like an insurance »jmarker before Lundstrom ase. 'brought the Swedes within! 2» w» +1 (striking distance. ' Goltiray GOlrim Geortdrm Granisie Granduc Gunnar Hastings Headway V 3 Heath %% fi Bam 2 230 -- 10 Int. Heliun in nt. Helm ¢ ) 4 3 [) 1 Kenville 0 2 Irlah Cop Me 2 fron Bay % % WM + $0 00 200 Jelex § 3 Cuure vapatiuy sav yours oor

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