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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1965, p. 2

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v t THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, December 28, 1965 CHIEF WALKING EAGLE WALKING EAGLE HAS MADE LAST WEATHER PREDICTION A Bold Plan Waa Fil ee Ali A"VGLELy By RALPH DIGHTON BERKELEY, Calif. (AP)--A new concept of nuclear war shelters--a multi - billion - dol- lar network of underground con- crete tubes to protect city dwel- lers from blast as well as fall- out--was discussed Monday at a meeting of the American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Eugene P. Wigner of Princeton University said the concept, developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, an- swered many of the questions raised by opponents of exten- sive civil defence measures. Wigner said the blast shelters under study would be built in addition to fall out shelters. The system would have inter- LBJ Wants Industry To Cut $1 Billion Deficit NEW YORK (AP) -- Presi- dent Johnson's administration is counting on U.S. industry to chop $1,000,000,000 from the U.S, balance of payments deficit in 1965. That would bring the interna- tional accounts close to the bal- ance points, said Andrew F. Brimmer, assistant secretary of commerce for economic affairs, in an address prepared for de- livery to the American Finance Association. Brimmer said that target is the reason the so-called volun- tary restrictions on export of dollars for foreign investment have been clearly focused on in- dustry. rspending during investment limit such the two-year 1965-66 period to 90 per cent of the level of investments in the three-year 1962-64 period. BOOST EXPORTS Corporations also have been asked to boost exports and re- port quarterly on foreign trans- actions, The number of corpora- tions to report quarterly will be more than 900, compared with about 500 in 1965, Brimmer contended that the 1965 voluntary program "is likely to be a major source of the substantial improvement in the U.S. balance of payments for 1965." Aid ic 1 1 That came about, he said, through increased expansion of exports and the repatriation of income earned overseas. "On the other nand, the con- tinued high rate of direct in- vestment has dampened the over-all improvement," Brim- mer added. Consequently, in the face of the possibility of more of the same in 1966, the guidelines were redrawn to attack the in- vestment situation. The voluntary program was inaugurated last February after the U.S. payments deficit soared over $3,000,000,000 in 1964. The deficit was the 14th in 15 years, The 1966 "guidelines" on for- secting and parallel tun- nels with enough entrances so that one could reach safety from any point on a city street within 10 minutes--well within the 15 - minute warning time available after detection of on- rushing missiles. All the tunnels would be inter- connected, he said, so families Jealousy Figured In could reassemble below ground and so medical care could be rushed wherever needed, Strangling The tunnels would be strong MONTREAL (CP)--Jealousy enough, he said, to protect)may be the motive behind the against all but very close ex-|brutal slaying Sunday night of plosions. jairline stewardess Claire La- Wigner said the system was/roche, 21, police said Monday. designed to protect people, not} Miss Laroche was found dead houses and factories on the sur-|in her apartment in Montreal's face. |north - eastern Rosemount dis- "Every nuclear war would/|trict. Her body bore stab cause great damage to the econ-|wounds and lacerations and omy," he said. "However, the| there were slashes in her cloth- ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Alta. (CP) -- Chief Walking Eagle, 76, a Stony Indian known throughout Al- berta for his weather predic- tions based on signs of nature, died Monday. The chief died at his home on the Big Horn Indian re- serve, about 75 miles west of Rocky Mountain House, which is 100 miles southwest of Ed- monton. His last weather prediction was made in September. At that time, he said the outlook for this winter would include "much snow and cold weather »with one big, though short- "lived, blizzard and numerous =» $mall ones." The chief said the sinter would not be as bad as last year's,-one-ofthe worst. in Alberta history, and there would be an early spring. His winter forecasts for the last five years have been fairly accurate. Walking Eagle claimed he was 75-per-cent correct in his predictions and 25 - per - cent nearly correct. This, he used to say, was more than professional fore- casters could claim, with about 50-per-cent accuracy. The chief based his fore- casts on such things as the state of animal furs, the num- ber of rabbits, and the stars. =Mercer: Homesick Woman resulting suffering could be|ing, but doctors said she appar- much alleviated by foresighted|ently died of strangulation. arrangement: Surplus food! An autopsy is to be performed stocks could be 4 buted uni-|today and the coroner's in- formly over the country, tools;quest has been set for Thurs-| and supplies could be held in| day. | birth control reserve for the repair of power| lines, gasoline could be held in storage and vehicles shielded against radiation to make pos- sible the evacuation of people to unaffected areas." 'Hope, As Usual Ol' Dependable | AN KHE, Viet Nam (AP)-- |Bob Hope brought a young U.S. soldier his first picture of his twins today. Performing for 7,000 troops of | the U.S. 1st Air Cavalry Divi-} sion, the comedian called Spe-| cialist Bryan H. O'Connell of} Studio City, Calif., to the stage} and handed him a picture of| the twins, born in November} Police said they went to the japartment after receiving an| | anonymous telephone call. They | found the body on the floor and 'a man sitting nearby easy chair. | Two men evidently had en- jtered the apartment with Miss Laroche, police said. One man, |described as being in his early 20s, was being held as a ma- |terial witness and another was being sought. Officials of in an Quebecair, the jairline for which Miss Laroche | issued by the weather office worked, said the attractive ste-|5:30 a.m.: wardess was highly regarded by FUTURE SEX, FORESEEN AS BERKELEY, Calif. (CP- AP)--A University of Wiscon- sin professor says that wide- spread use of birth control pills may lead to sex becom- ing more a recreational pur- suit than a means of procre- ation. Dr. Martin B. Loeb, one of the panel members consider- ing the social revolution be- ing wrought by the new, simplified methods of contra- ception, said the methods lead to a subtle shift in moral values. The group of scientists met Sunday as a section of the 132nd annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. In the United States, Dr. Loeb said, the pill and other measures are GRATIS 'PILL' RECREATION leading to 'conscious control over reproduction," affording man "greater capacity to create his own environment according to his own hopes and expectations." This, he said, permits sep- aration of sexual from reproduction. produc- tive technology provides the environment in which the lux- ury of choice may thrive, he said. He said family relation- ships "will continue to under- go tremendous change," that planned parenthood may be timed for the birth of mar- ried students' children to co- incide with the less active summer months ov, for the woman factory worker, the less productive industrial pe- riod. Ra ne WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy And Seasonable Both Today, Wednesday TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts Synopsis: A weakening ridge both her superiors and co-work-|0f high pressure will cross On-/ ers. |tario today and most areas will| | get some sunshine. Afternoon} {temperatures will be near sea-| }sonal normal values. .| A disturbance is developing ti nthe Dakotas this morning and is forecast to move to NOW--INSTANT SHIPS LIVERPOOL (CP)--A British shipyard has designed a freigh ter to cut the time spent in por Forecast Temperatures at\ Low tonight, high Wednesday: | Windsor ... St. Thomas. London .... Kitchener ........ Mount Forest......» Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines Toronto 38 35 35 35 32 eeeeees enjoyment | =Touched Off Yule Trouble after the division left for Viet| by cutting the vessel itself in| | Peterborough .... TORONTO (CP)--A homesick | during the height of the "party "woman ran wild touching off re-|the women broke chairs an . of an attempted mass | knocked over a Christmas tree. ™ out Christmas Eve at the) "Mercer Reformatory for Fe-|a Christmas tree had been over- Saales, Superintendent Glen nj turned. | » | Nam. d| Hope said Mrs. O'Connell| engines and crew and the other jceame to his plane as he was|half the cargo, A fully-laden Mr. Thompson confirmed thatjleaving California and asked| freighter could enter port, ex- 'him to bring the picture to her husband. } 'half. One part would house the change cargo sections, and be on its way within hours. "Thompson said Monday. |: "It is unfortunate to make) = He refused to comment in de-| capital of the actions of one dis-| ~¢ail on reports which said a|turbed individual," he said. "It! be at the institution|was an incident related to the) "shad drunk wine made from|usual unhappiness around) "Yruit and stolen table sugar,| Christmas time in institutions." | when tried to escape by the} Asked in an interview) ding's front door with a key| whether other persons had, been) «taken from a matron. involved, he said: ~ The published reports said; "A disturbed individual is| athe prisoners tried to escape but | bound to have an effect on those "were stopped by guards and that! around her." =Pugwash's Founder Eaton =Celebrates 82nd Birthday Khiriishchev and last May talked} with Premier Alexei Kosygin| and other high Soviet officials. | "The way. to destroy capital-| jism is to get into. wars all over the world," he said Monday. | "The way to discourage com- | munism is to make capitalism} an outstanding success." | Eaton has entertained a num- ber of Soviet leaders at his 800-| "CLEVELAND (AP) -- Cana-| w4ilan-born Cyrus S. Eaton, a "controversial capitalist who has m"pn occasions dropped in for a chat at the Kremlin, celebrated "his 82nd birthday Monday by wetaking a ride on a horse to look "over his prime steers ba " Eaton is chairman of the "board of the Chesapeake and "Ohio Railroad and exerts either «control or important influence --over an empire with an esti- eetnated $3,000,000,000, It em- "braces iron ore, coal, shipping, utilities and railroads. In 1958 he had a 90-minute "jnterview in Moscow with for- acre Acadia Farm about 20} miles southeast of Cleveland, where he raises shorthorn cat- tle. Eaton also started in 1957 the Pugwash thinkers conferences 'in his native Pugwash, N.S. PANTS MIGHT BUT NOT IN T OTTAWA (CP)--They may be high-fashion cocktail pants to couturiers but to Rudi Prins they're just slacks Mr. Prins, executive assis- | tant manager at the Chateau Laurier hotel, has turned thumbs down on the latest feminine fashion as far as his establishment's posh Grill Room Supper Club is con- cerned. "An iron curtain of fashion ignorance," claimed former model Mrs. P. J. Murray after being turned away from the supper club after seeking en- trance in cocktail pants. "This same outfit can pass BE IN LADY, HIS PLACE through the majority of doors all over the world without question but not in conven- tional Ottawa, it appears." Mrs. Murray said she was wearing pure silk cocktail pants, a velvet top and high- heel evening shoes. Mr. Prins stuck to his anti- pants guns. Many guests like to wear dinner jackets to the grill, he said, and this was hardly the: setting for "slacks." "They may be alright in some places but not in any luxury hotel--anywhere." | He said the grill room ban | will remain in force. | Ex-Editor Says Not Guilty CAIRO (AP)--An American- educated Egyptian newspaper man, Mustapha Amin, pleaded not guilty today to charges of «mer Soviet Premier Nikita =Pugwash Goes To Africa, - 120 Delegates Will Parley ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -- Thirty delegates from Argentina, France, Britain, Po- Jand, Tanzania, Uganda and the Soviet Union arrived here Mon- 'day for the 15th Pugwash con- "ference on science and world affairs which opens in Africa Hall Wednesday More than 120 delegates and 'observers from 45 countries are "expected fo participate in the "six - day conference, which "meets on African soil for the "first time. PLAN NEW COMMUNITY GLASGOW (CP) -- Another "new town is to be established to bring more industry to north- "ern Ayrshire. Planned for 80,- 000 people, the community is he- "gng designed by Hugh Wilson, "who was responsible for the new atowns of Cumbernauld and Skel- "mersdale. SOLDIERS TOOK SNIFF MORECAMBE, England (CP) "An army bomb squad was called <grhen--a--grey--metal--box -at- "tached to a glasss bottle was "found on the beach of this Lan-| been granted to two Oshawa cashire resort. After careful ex-| district "amination the experts decided ___..| gether scientists from East and {West to discuss problems of | HERE and THERE | | Why Pay More... | false alarm | SAVE 1 C | ON PREMIUM QUALITY gal. | | ambulance answered five rou- | tine house calls. | Dancey Properties Limited, "it was an eau-de-Cologne dis-| Oshawa mser stolen from,a ladies'| port Sowder-room. jhanding over military informa- |tion to a U.S. intelligence agent. Amin, 53, former editor of the) Cairo newspaper Al Akhbar,} \was arrested last July and icharged with passing informa- tion harmful to the United Arab Republic to Bruce T. Odell, U.S.. embassy political affairs 2 : : officer. | se ae cnimtaae | The Egyptians tthe United! g S, lwas Init and will cover education, the tate P pucvotl wis Totstieee organization of scientific insti- |) cy. He was arrested with | ot ees seme, pas Ae but later was released at shy ' "land rR pt ical and social problems. and lett Beyp | Rha coiterehte bp iolutiy Amin told the special military sponsored by the Haile Selassie |'Tibunal trying him he was in- I Foundation and the Haile|nocent of the principal charge} Selassie I University. \of contacting agents of a foreign) The first Pugwash conference Power in order to pass on in-| was held in Pugwash, N.S., in 1957, primarily to bring to-| NEED... Fuel Oil a PERRY H | Day or Night 723-3443 | disarmament and world secur-| ity. It has a permanent secre- tariat in London. To Passing UAR Secrets | formation, including details of} Egyptian military strength,! harmful to the U.A.R. He admitted he was guilty of | smuggling personal funds out of | Egypt illegally, however. | Prosecutor Sala Nassar de-| manded the death penalty. He | requested that the trial be held| in secret, saying state secrets would be revealed, and the} court granted his request. The trial is not expected to last long, but officials said the verdict would not be announced | until after President Nasser ratifies it | NEW YEAR'S CORSAGES CARNATIONS SWEETHEARTS GARDENIAS --- ORCHIDS REED'S FLORISTS 728-7386 Oshawa Fire- Department . dealt with only one minor yesterday. City The current issue of The Ontario Gazette states tetters patent of -incorporation have | FUEL OIL firms They are: and Hale's 'Trans- Limited, Township of Clarke. | a Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajax Districts Northern Ontario Wednesday. | Kingston .... This should bring snow to north-| ern region tomorrow w hile|lrenton anes cloudy skies are expected in the| Millaloe -++++++ south. The trend will be to mild|Muskoka .. temperatures in all of Ontario, | North Bay.. Lake St. Clair, Lak: Erie, |SUQDUTY -+-++++++ Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On. | ©@z/ton tario, Windsor, Hamilton, Lon-|Sault Ste{ Marie.. don, Toronto: Cloudy with a|Kapuskasing ...+. few sunny periods today and| White River.. temperatures much the same/|Moosonee ...- as Monday. Wednesday cloudy | Timmins is and not much change in temp-| eratures. Winds light. Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with a few snowflurries | today. Clearing tonight. Wed-| nesday mainly cloudy with) chance of light snow late in the} day. Turning milder. Winds light. Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, White River, Cochrane, Timag-| ami: Cloudy and colder today. | A few. snowflurries this morn-| 723-4663 ing..and_.sunny _neriods _ this! VING- OSHAWA- OVER afternoon. Wednesday cloudy | 50 YEARS with light snow. Turning milder. | Winds light. "NORM" FISHE Meat Market For Personalized Service Holiday Specials! op eenecene HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE aC "o> | Vice - president Hubert Muriel, wave from ramp of Humphrey and his wife, their plane at Andrews Air Panama Seeks Extradition OFF TO THE MYSTIC EAST Force Base here today as they left for Far East. They will visit Japan, the Phillip« pines, Korea and the Re public of China. (AP) 'Of Accused "7-Seas' Killer | MIAMI, Fla. (AP)--The gov-|Burywaise Elwin, a seaman jernment of Panama officially} who hid in a chain locker. He| | asked the U.S. Monday to extra-| testified against Ramirez during | jdite Roberto Ramirez, 35, for|a hearing here in which Ram-| Good no Fong or REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--Presiaent Bill MeFeeters--Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd, 723-2265 jtrial on charges that he mur- |irez was ordered held without | |dered five shipmates aboard | bail. |the banana boat Seven Seas. | U.S. officials have delayed) prosecution of the case pending | the Panamanian extradition pe-| tition. Ramirez is charged by| U.S. officials with the Aug. 7) murder of the Seven Seas' cap- | tain, its first mate, the second | engineer and a seaman. He is also chargedSwith the murder of the ship's cook who} is believed to have been} drowned after he jumped over- board in terror. A charge of piracy also has been filed against him. The only survivor of the high seas drama was 17 - year - old OSHAWA FIRE 4 CADETS - AGE 18 to 20 DEPARTMENT || Capable of and interested in becoming a Fireman. Able to pass a physical examination. Minimum of Grade 10 educetion. Apply to: Fire Chief Hobbs Fire Department Headquerters 113 Simcoe St. North | ee TURKEYS All Weights 4 5 c lb FULL LINE or HAMS, BUTTER- BALL TURKEYS AT THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Fresh Killed 2 LARGE BOTTLES Never Frozen PINK LADY DETERGENT 79: FRESH BEEF LIVER 39: SKINLESS FRESH CHICKEN Legs or Breasts 49: BLADE or SHORT RIB BEEF HAMBURG SKINLESS WIENERS SWIFT'S GEM -- MARGARINE ALL MEAT GOVERNMENT INSPECTED STEAKS & ROASTS Sirloin T-Bone Wing Rump Boneless Round Stea Steaks k 79: RIB STEAKS is, 99° ¢ $1.00 SPECIALS ¢ CHUCK STEAK Country SAUSAGE BY THE PIECE BOLOGN 2 LBs, 5 LBs. 3 Les. POULTRY DRESSING cr--- 8 FREEZER l Fron Beer SPECIAL ¢ Hindquarters . |b, 53¢ t Quarter . Ib, 33° Sides ....... Ib, 43° | Ne Chorge for Cutting, Wrepping end Freezing Lic pn cs ik lees I Sls ne Norm Fisher's 22 Simcoe St. North Meat Market Phone 723-3732 SHORTENING -- LARD 4 us. ron *] 00 TO FIRST 20 ORDERS BEEF BOLONGA 3 ues. ron *]. OO FREEZER SPECIALS TURKEY TOP COMMERCIAL BEEF 40 C SIDES sd 250 J 308° Ibs. HINDS lb. 49¢ 125 to 150 Ibs. RED BRAND BEEF 52: SIDES * 250 to 300 Ibs. HINDS Ib. 62¢ 125 to 150 Ibs. BLUE BRAND BEEF 50: SIDES "3 250 to 300 Ibs. HINDS lb. 60° 125 to 150 Ibs: CUT, WRAPPED AND DELIVERED CITY WIDE DELIVERY BIR] I OJGIETLTAINDD, 909 SIMCOE ST. N.

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