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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Dec 1965, p. 8

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©. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuasday, December 28, 1965 VETERAN PILOT RETIRES R. M. (Bob) Smith, a Stratford, Ont., native and onetime pilot with Ontario's Provincial Air Service, is leaving his job as air flight operations manager with Air Canada to work as adviser to the department of Civil Space-age F urniture Irks City Hall Folks TORONTO (CP)--Some reg-|have ordered new cabinets ulars at the new city hall are|added to their drawerless $800 unhappy with the space-age fur-|desks and several department niture supplied them in their) heads are keeping their old of-! new quarters. fice furniture. The city has drawn compli-| Secretaries have complaints ments on the furniture, supplied|too --they're against the wob-| by Knoll International (Can-|bling that accompanies each re-| ada) Ltd., for the way it fits|turn of the typewriter :arriage| in the lines of new building. and talk of damage to their But when it comes to effi- nylons from concrete desk iegs. ciency Controller Margaret) ie Campbell, for one, is not) Tourists Flee pleased. Mrs. Campbell wiil replace) Cruise Liner ATHENS (AP)--Three East her $800 knoll desk with the first good second-hand desk that appears in the surplus of used) purgnean tourist furniture from the old city hall.| Cruise liner "onich sailed inte She has found the Knoll fur-| Piraeus port last week and| niture "not functional . ms I\ have sought political asylum in can't do without drawers." She| Greece, the ministry' of public has already pe "gpd = order announced today. Knoll chesterfield with a large) 4 ministry s : ; istry spokesman identi- green one from the old hall. | tied them as Penko Bezaniiskl, Controller William Dennison, | 40, of Pernik, Bulgaria; Nicola who opposed Knoll 8 bid in 8) Tendzerkov, 42, of Varna, Bul-| long battle with city council.| garia, and Sanos Hollo, 20, of says his desk s "a gem ms Budapest, Hungary. restaurant table with a single) me three were on 5 a Mediter- steel pedestal supported bY|+anean cruise aboard the Bul- crow-foot legs. It has two tiny garian liner Nessebar. paciggtind -- fag Dba The ministry spokesman said) , ' " the request he th stay) few pencils and business cards. |;, econ 'Sy bales tev The other three controllers | considered if | ~-- The ministry announced that a 148 persons from various East a TY: Pick iB. R. Sen aviation in Saudi Arabia. He is seen greeting his son Rod, right, an Air Canada cap- tain. (CP Wirephoto) POINTED UP FAMINE ROME (AP)--Andre Malby, young Algerian painter, ended fast of 28 days in response to Enters The bomb-and-battle strat- egy begun by the United States in Viet Nam ll months ago has failed to bring North Viet Nam to the conference table. What's next for President Johnson? As the war roars on, diffi- cult choices seem ahead. This is the first of four ar- ticles assessing the U.S. role in Viet Nam. By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER WASHINGTON (AP) ~The war in Viet Nam is entering a new phase. that threatens grow far more costly and dan- gerous before the next year of conflict is many months old. Active fighting is likely to spread from the battlegrounds of Viet Nam into strategic jungle areas of Cambodia and Laos. The expanding struggle will re- quire more American troops and ithe level may rise toward 500,- 000 men. | North Viet Nam probably will jlose its bomb - free sanctuary laround Hanoi and Haiphong. China may send troops and planes to help the North, lead- ing to a direct U.S.-Chinese |struggle. The pressure on the Soviet Union to line up with China. and North Viet Nam against the United States would then be very great This grim view of the possi- bilities of the conflict has arisen here following the failure of the |bomb-and-battle strategy that \the United States began putting jinto effect 11 months ago. | The prospect can be over- turned at any moment by an agreement between the United States and North Viet Nam-- which might be engineered by Britain or the Soviet Union or the United Nations or some other third party--to stop the & fighting and transfer the conflict &\to the conference table. No such agreement is in sight, however. an appeal by Director-General ganization. Dr. Sen said he a preciated Malby's world's starving life. Malby lost 22 pounds, ta ing only salt and water. ESCAPE Whitby Arena Wed., Dec, CONSULS Door Prizes Spot Donees Autographed Pictures , | of the United Na- tions Food and Agriculture Or-/| good inten- tions--to focus attention on the millions--but said he should not endanger his FORESEE WORSENING The judgment of U.S. officials p-|- NEW YEAR'S k- PAR This is it -- for Holiday ord and his all new u all time million dollar sou WED., DEC. 29, SUN., JAN. 2 (ofternoo New Year's Eve Butfet - Favors - Prizes Dress Semi-formal DANCING & to) dement 0 HOLIDAY DANCE GORD'S A-GO-GO CLUB KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE the swingingest guys and dance spot, Gord's A-Go oad pel sounds in North America -- featuring still hot off the press. So get in with the "in" crowd and hop on over to Gord's A-Go-Go Dance Club. 5 BIG DANCES FRI., DEC. 31, V Le New Phase is that the war: probably will|derstood to include possible air have to get much worse before| strikes on Hanoi and Haiphong. it gets better. No one can figure; That same day, news dis- out a compromise between the|patches told of an _ interview Viet Cong demand for terms giv-| given by President Ho Chi Minh ing them a decisive voice injof North Viet Nam to a West-| South Viet Nam's future and the| ern visitor. He denounced Amer- | U.S. demand that North Vietjican terms for peace--that thet Nam abandon its alleged efforts) Communists must quit the South} to conquer the South. --as "absolutely unacceptable to) The bombing strategy adopted both the Vietnamese people and} by President Johnson last Feb-| World public opinion." jruary was aimed at defeating) Meanwhile, China was re- |an expected Viet Cong offensive| ported promising increased aid) against South Viet Nam during|to North Viet Nam and warning ithe monsoon season, and forcing|its own people about a danger! |North Viet Nam to the confer- |of American air attacks. In Mos- jence table by the end of 1965.|cow, Premier Alexei Kosygin| |But bombing North Viet Nam|charged the United States with) \failed to break its will to fight,|aggressive behavior and creat-| lor to disrupt its assistance to|ing a "war psychosis" all over the Viet Cong guerrilla armies|the world in the South, Moving close to) ys, policy - makers thought | | 200,000 U.S. troops into the coun-|that China would probably talk try and smashing at guerrilla|tough but act prudently, as in| forces with land and air offen-| the past, and that the Soviet Un-| sives failed also to break their jon wanted no part of the Viet-| will, although it did blunt their) ;amese war, aside from giving} offensive. limited arms aid to North Viet The response of the other side,| Nam. But no one here was sure} in fact, has been to increase its | what the leaders of the big Com- efforts. U.S. Defence Secretary munist countries, quarrelling be-| Robert McNamarareported tween themselves, Ay decide | three weeks ago, after a trip to to do if the conflict in Viet Nam Saigon, that infiltration of troops shows signs of developing into from North to South Viet Nam|® broader war. was going up from 1,500 a Thus was the stage set for the month to 4,500 eT round . Viet ny ; stepp: - D rocess e a McNamara predicted a step- with many variations over @ up in U.S. military operations decade of U.S participation in| against infiltration routes. That|in. affairs of Southeast Asia It| could mean enlarged bombing all began on a small scale and attacks against the Ho Chi Minh has grown mostly by small trail in Laos, and against routes steps 5 reported to run through the 5 Cambodian jungles. In a speech Dec. 9, Johnson said '"'we are determined to do all that is necessary' to defeat| Communist conquest of the South. But he put his emphasis | for the moment on new peace| efforts, saying, '(We are equally determined that every prospect for peace be exhausted before| other hard steps are taken." MORE AIR RAIDS LIKELY Those "hard steps" were un-| bd as /€ oace 'a and conquered a dream! Ne | | | HNICOLOR® © 1957 Wait Disney Productions EVE and... and Mine, WALT DI |Steelworkers Tob in Ousting Mine, Mill Twice TORONTO (CP)--The United Steelworkers (CLC) will be try- ing to oust the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers Union (Ind.), from two major units during 1966, USW District Director Larry Sefton says in a year-end statement, He names the units as the Falconbridge Nickel Mines in Sudbury and the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co.'s lead zinc operations in Trail and Kimberley, B.C. . "Tt have again repeated my frequent invitation to leaders of Mill to begin. merger talks with us to the end that one powerful union in the metal mining industry is established," Mr. Sefton says. | "We would rather negotiate) union unity in the metal mining | industry than fight it out in the| hustings."' The USW successfully fought | Knights of Columbus NEW YEAR'S EVE BALL FRI., DEC. 31, 1965 9 P.M, TO 2 AM. At the New K of C Holl (2 Doors North of the Theatre) Brock St, N. -- Whitby T Door Prizes---Buffet--Spot Dances For Reservations Coll 668-8112 668-5139 668-2561 Price $10.00 Per Couple They challenged the wilderness % cm SNEY | Re DOROTHY MoGUIRE wa FESS PARKER A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE TIES FEATURE DAILY AT: 2:25 - 4:50 - 7:10 - 9:35 NOW SHOWING Dancing pleasure, follow Fi to Oshawa's newest -Go Club and hip to the eeoerere, Itra-sound presenting the nds and the latest on wax, convent 10% rs DORIS DAY ROD TAYLOR SAT., JAN. 1, evening 8 - 12) Members 2.00 Guests 3.50 New members welcome to 2:00 A.M. a 2+8, eeeeeereeres An Aaron Rosenderg- Martin Melcher Production Aigo Starring HERMIONE BADDELEY - SERGIO FANTONI Profucad by AARON ROSENBERG & MARTIN MELCHER Directed by RALPH LEVY ermnpiey by MILT ROSEN & RICHARD BREEN | European countries had been |Grescs political asylum" in' The Best Of Worst Greece in 1965. By CYNTHIA LOWRY NEW YORK (AP) -- Along, with the end of the year comes| the usual assorfment of blank ballots from magazines and trade publications urging tele- vision reviewers to fill in their choices of the best of this or that category. But 1965 has been, on the whole, such a dismal year in terms of television entertain ment that. picking the best of this or that is about as easy as choosing the best loaf of bread in a commercial bakery. One questionnaire asked, for instance, my candidate for "the best show of the year." The winner of the general election will probably be My Name is Barbra, the Streisand special of last May, or the Julie Andrews |= THE MIRISCH CORPORATION pee BURT LANCASTER. LEE REMICK JIM HUTTON -PAMELA TIFFIN DONALD PLEASENCE BRIAN KE MARTIN LANDAU 5 TECHNICOLOR® iit paansione <2 THEATRE 1:20. 3:50 - 6 see NOW THE WEST WAS [7 © PLAZAl :25.- 9:10 -- as Red ae en NATED ARTISTS PHONE 723-2843 hw, eo Last Complete Show 9:00 2 HITS IN COLOR TiuDson DoRis Day Tony /canpalt _ Senp Me No Lowers wos ube Sema me! STARTS WED. Matinee Doily 1:30 Hour of more recent date. But as one looks back over 12 months and hundreds of hours of viewing, it is hard to recall off - hand many specific pro- gfams during which one was really transported with delight Who recalls with any senti-| ment, for instance, The Enter- tainers, an ambitious variety hour, or The Cara Williams Show, or even the well-inten- tioned Profiles in Courage which tried but never got off the ground? TV MEDICS TIRE "This was the year when the audience finally wearied of medical problems as a substi- tute for real drama. It was a yéar when TV turned to military stories in order to get a high qtiola of conflict into its plots. Dick Van Dyke kept tripping over the family hassock once a| week but his scripts began to) show signs of age and attrition. | The Man from U.N.C.L.E. got so far out, possibly to confound its imitators, that it lost all touch with reality. © HATS © NOISEMAKERS 9 P.M. RED BA More Fun F THE ODEON BILTMORE ° POE eR CCCP ES ere ee ere ere reer errr errr eee eas sod 2ND HIT Color by DE LUXE | RIO CON Richard Boone -- Tony Franciose -- Color CHOS with PHONE -- TORONTO -- 282-3969 -- WHITBY 668. +2692 IAA |. TL RL bb: |Ffay 101 réacte ay |e Giese | MOSCOW (AP) -- Patriarch |Alexius of Moscow and all : | Russia, head of the Russian Or- off a bid by Mine, Mill earlier|thodox Church in the Soviet this year to regain bargaining | Union, has called upon the faith- rights for workers 'at Interna-|{v) i ype mend oe a " wh ; . aS y tional Nickel Co. of Canada's | peace, the news agency Tass Sudbury operations, reported today. Commenting on the union's | The patriarch's message said activities during the year in| the "defence of peace is the his district, which covers the |duty, of every Christian." : . | "Peace, internal and exter- five provinces from Ontario} pal, is man's most valuable pos- west, Mr. Sefton says it en-|session on earth. All sensible rolled 51 new plants, mines and| people strive for it. mills, These new bargaining} "It is A) rag oye _ nti F : . jour motherland in peace an WSL asc. ATE WORRETE, desiring to fight for peace e district's embers? isd desiring to fight for peace now stands at 95,000. among all peoples." STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge AT THE WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundas: St. West, Whitby The Finest in Nightly Entertainment PROUDLY PRESENTS LEE WEBB AND HIS WEST VIRGINIA BOYS NORTH AMERICA'S MOST ENTERTAINING WESTERN TRIO ON TOUR FROM... NEW YORK ® LOS ANGELES ¢ CHICAGO WHITBY'S FINEST Appearing Nighily at 9 P.M. JAMES MAHER -- Manager Tike = aT ger ts my EVERYONE'S PLANNING NOW TO ATTEND SHINDIG HOLIDAY WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29th BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M.. (Including Sundays) REE ELECTRIC IN-CAR HEATERS CUDDLY...cU eterereeeereeenesereerenees, Meet Secret Agent 00% (he's a fraction stupid) on the trail of an appalling apparatus designed to demoralize the men- NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE Old Time-- Modern Dancing © HORNS © BALLOONS e FUN GALORE TILL? Table Accommod ation For 600 COUPLES -- $6.00 SINGLE TICKETS $3.50 Reserved Tables Available PHONE 725-3093 or 725-0022 oney"' Less M ONE PERF DOORS OPEN 11:15 @ TO PATRONS IN HATS! 1.25 ALL SEATS | mmm (09 K's Nov | ' ORMANCE ONLY ! . «+ AND ON OUR STAGE... $250.00 in Valuable Prizes HORNS ! attesreenecesevecesessenoeeee, of America! *, "enreveee SHOW STARTS 11:30 THE AUDIENCE BALLOONS ! RVESOME and DEADLY | Meet Diane...she's not a gifl ; it's a machine built part by part in the secret laboratory of the evil Dr. Goldfoot It has a KISS- BUTTON anda KILL-BUTTON press the right : button and It'll G0-G0-60! . secereveeees®® & esececes| | omen VINCENT PRICE FRANKIE AVALON DWAYNE HICKMAN susan HART wex MULLANEY frre avert cua rrep CLARK ND PATHECOLOR © ADDED FUN HT. © ff "WHEN COMEDY | WAS KING" | 8:00 P.M. "Oshawa's Largest Dance" FEATURING @ The COMMANCHEROS @ The SPARROWS @ The YOUNG SET @ The REEFERS -- PLUS -- LYNDA LAYNE RCA Victor Recording Stor -- AND -- : A-G0-G0 DANCERS Advance Tickets 1.50 @ At the Door 2.00 @ TICKETS ON SALE AT @ WHITBY ARENA WHITBY MUSIC SHOP RAY'S SMOKE SHOP --~ BAY RIDGES CREST HARDWARE -- PORT PERRY BUS SERVICE FROM DOWNTOWN Leave Simcoe St. N. at Bond St. 7:00 -- 7:30 -- 8:00 P.M, -- Return after the dence, AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE DISC SHOP -- SHOPPING CENTRE BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS THE CENTRE SMOKE SHOP-- AJAX

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