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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Dec 1965, p. 5

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STUDENTS ENTERTAIN AT Dinner music with a novel flavor was provided at the Whitby Lion's Club Ladies' "WHITBY P at the Gordon Guests at Christmas home of Mr. and Mrs Ward, 1309 Giffard st., were Mrs. James Cleary, Charles Cleary, Lunenburg and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Ward, Ajax Mr. and Mrs. lioyd and daughters Susan, Peggy, Nancy and Joanne, Woodville spent Christmas Day with Mrs Lillico's parents Mr. and Mrs James Charters and brother Wil liam (Bill). Holiday guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ru- dolph Zeisner, RR 1, Whitby were Mr. and Mrs Robert Zeisner and son Jeffrey, Sud- bury, also Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Haugh, Toronto. Lillico Guests during the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Yates, 112 Hopkins st., were their daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Painter and daughter Jackie, Colling- wood, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Phil lips and daughter, Cathy, Hamp- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stewart, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wyatt, 215 Lee ave., had as their Christ- mas holiday guests his mother Mrs. S. J. Wyatt, Willowdale and Miss Maureen Wahrer, Osh- awa. Dinner guests at Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duke Zilstra, 210 Palace st., were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGary, Debbie and Steven, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Vanslageren and chil- dren John, Elly, Anita, Whitby. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Louis Bedard, 603 Mary st. e., were Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Bedard, Montreal and Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Be- dard, Asbestos. Christmas dinner guests at the home of their daughter and son- in-law Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Well- ing, 500 Centre st. were Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Roberts, West Hill. Guests at Christmas at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Ga Weir, 601 Anderson st. were: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Weir, Miss Sandra Weir, Ajax, Robert Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson Jr., Whitby, Edward Weir, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown and daughter Michele spent Christ- mas weekend visiting her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. NOW BEGINNING OF THE NEW YEAR Is The Traditional : Timeto... Review The Past Look to The Future YOUR WILL? e y WHITBY NEW VEAR EVERYONES | "| R AT THE A HAPPYE PROSPEROUS|| Night last week. Providing the dinner hour music were three talented Anderson ERSONALS Brey McMullen, Ottawa, and on Christmas day they were the 'guests of her parents Mr. and} Mrs. Arthur Griese of Beach- burg. Christmas dinner guests at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. William Vesters, 513 Ash st., were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Post and John Post, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Len Brasier and family spent. Christmas weekend in London visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bardo. The Misses Beth Ann and} Frances Parise, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parise, 205 Kent st., are vacationing at! Fort Myers, Florida, for a cou-) ple of weeks. Best wishes are offered to \Larry Smith who is celebrating \his 14th birthday Jan, 3. | Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs \Duke Zilstra is celebrating his lsixth birthday Jan. 3, to cele- ibrate the occasion a party has |been arranged. Mrs. V. D. Richardson, Peter-| borough, is at the home of her daughter and_ son-in-law, Mr. land Mrs. Elmer Treen, Euclid) |st., and attended the funeral of the late Jack Sheridan. 'Four New Men | County Council | WHITBY (Staff) -- Four new Arthur and)» ynicipal representatives will| defied geographie and economic i sit on the Ontario County Coun-| | cil next year, joining their coun- | ter-parts at the inaugural meet-) jing Jan, 18. | | A fifth representative, Reeve) |H. Wescott, Township of Thor- lah, will sit on council this year| as reeve, having moved up from) |Deputy - Reeve of his munici-| }school, Jamie had been visiting | gible for the warden's office,"| 4 nena THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Gecember 31, 1963 5 a a = iy LE FOCQTMGIIE WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby's; Councillor Edwards suggested sewage treatment plant hass/a side-effect from such enlight- ome of the finest equipment and|/enment on the part of the pub- is adjudged to be the most effec-|lic will be a much easier appre- tive in the Great Lakes area, | ciation of town council's efforts, says Councillor Tom Edwards. |and municipal employees who He was referring to a recent|have too many brick-bats thrown tour of the town's facilities made at them needlessly. by a group of civil engineers} from both Canada and the Unit-| PROBLEMS | Looking back at the past. two ed States. a | I "Unless all household and in-/ Years, Mr. Edwards recalled the) forgiveness factor of 25 percent dustrial waste water is process- |€@zly ays of his election to under the winter works program ed through the sewage treat: | The projects are_highly* ineon- ment plant, having the equip-) h jvenient to motorist and pedes- ment will serve no useful pur- jtrian alike and this is regretted | pose," Mr. Edwards said. He : | by council," he said. "In opposi- explained that a worthwhile told such action was necessary | tion to the inconveniences how- start has been made on such'a| because of a shortage of neces-|ever, is the knowledge that peo- program. 'This must continue jsary sewage 'Services,' he said. | pis will be able to live in Whit- on-a planned orderly basis," he} Council promptly dropped the by without the danger of a typ- added. jentire matter in the lap of the |hoid epidemic breaking out."| "We must also ensure that] ue eae ay rig "is heat sed Pert of the problem was de- | new development contributes its Re ee ie commented. | scribed as poor construction of fair share toward increased ser- A serious problem was point-|the Annes st., pumping station. sites." Mare wawands sald, eles out in the northern area of) There are twe pUnips EMF stated he personally would never) (own, Edwards said. Sewage|pended in a well and when a} be content while people in the | 74s backing up in neighborhood! flooding condition occurs the} 'Anderson st., and-other areas|>asements and unless prompt) pumps stall," Mr. Edwards) are forced to tise septic tank, |2c#on was taken a typhoid epi-|said. He said town employees) "At all costs we must ensure demic could break out. "Thejare called out at all hours of} we are not caught unprepared question was what measures | the day and night to operate }eould be taken which were the the pumps, manually. Raw sew- | most impartial," he said. age has been pumped onto the) when the pollution problem tain nea jreaches epidemic proportions." : Oahawe: Times FAov0 : ent The sanitation committee pro- surface ground, the councillor) line be drawn along stated. "If the new work was) cop claim there will be no re- |currance of the sewage problem | 'in that area," |NEW PROJECT | 'Another sewage project has 'been started along Annes st., to |Arthur, Clemence and Hopkins ists.", Mr. Edwards said. 'This project was delayed to some extent to take advantage of the LIONS CLUB DINNER High School students. The three students, members of theeschool's accordion club, from left are: Don Boychan, Colin Brown and Frank Warman. Z s E ra aaa : a0" _| He said he felt this will definite- | s j lly happen unless the provincial | Pose¢ a ; : | s | government takes effective re-| Beech st., and that no building not carried through a back-up | 1 ot scapes 1ve ee | medial action. permits be issued north of this could occur all over the southern) | : hock ., line in either asterly ortion of the town," he said. | "Unlessthis action is take es an easterly or P | | ss 'this s taten it] osterly directi . i acs Ne ras n urt | rT] lcould become impossible for| Westerly irection. South of this Another pump is being in-) 'Warden ob new industrial - residential de- Rg rade gare hai ipo at|stalled at the pumping station| PEMBROKE, Ont. (CP) --| S velopment to take place in the {Pie Urovicion 'the committee 22 Alleviate the problem, with) Jamie Biggs, 18, of Brampton,! : |community," Mr. Edwards Se é 5 ' | cccaped injury. Wednesday|. WHITBY (Staff) -- Five On-|warned. He cited an ecanple| ee ee, ee a * a wa . seg bie when the light plane he was|'@tio County councillors are|where a neighboring municipal- 1 ngs ih e e435 060." ex pete bal els we hbogs pe piloting struck a telephone line|C@™Mpaigning for the covetedjity was forced to halt all de- Hd ei Py puis l oes OE erm < i cys Pugs and nosed into the Muskrat|Position of Warden of the Coun-|velopment because of a large asauiceas: desta of ate ts Hd hese ft Sree a River, about 10 miles south-|tY. The election for a new war-|number of septic tanks. Wells 'At this moment the work has /Fectllying ie pron | east of here, Ontario provincial|4e" to replace the present offi-/and natural drainage was in been completed in the northern) Councillor Edwardspsuggested | police reported Thursday. Icial, J. J. Gibson, Reeve of Port\danger of pollution, Mr. Ed-|Portion of town," he said, ad-jthe sewage problems in the Jamie, son of Everett Biggs, Perry, will be held at the coun-| wards pointed out. ding, "the" engineering consult-|town have not all been cleared oad deput minister ik tan meeting, Jan. 18] fe called on the general pub- --____________ agriculture, was flying low and ne lic to become more informed on ~. : . e . ' Campaigning for the top posi-|this subject in order to provide f GO GO STEELERS 166" following the course of the} river shortly after takeoff when|tion on the council are: Reeve|necessary support and instruc- the plane struck the wire which|C. Healey, Township of Mara: ition for the council which he crosses the river. The plane,| Reeve F. Hockley, Township of| said is attempting to do the best owned by the boy's father,| Scott; Reeve N. Smith Township|job possible. 'An. enlightened 0.H.A. METRO Tg hiage. but nue Up, definite head-way is be-) save OLDEST Bovews : mea f Se in North and South America traces of two 10,000 - year - old huts near Guernsey, Wyo. He called on all citizens to bear with council in the diffi- cult days ahead when inconven- ience appears to out-weigh the actual results. Only through such inconveniences now can the future be assured, free from recurring sewage problems, he said. SHIP DEMANDS POWER The U.S. nuclear-powered air- craft carrier Enterprise devel- ops 200,000 horse-power in her eight atomic furnaces. ee CARS Re "TALKS A NEW YEAR This is the time of year when we should all add up. our assets and count our blessings, Some of these ore seed a$$et$' and some are spelled 'assets'. The 'a$$et$' of course keep a roof over our heads but the other 'assets' of living ine free society and being able to seek happiness in our Own way aes life gal that roof worthwhile. _This is the time for pledges. We're going to play safe sticking to the ones we've mode throughout the Hsne-f Thet 2 we promise to sell used cars as good as honest reconditioning con make them at the lowest possible price and to spore ne effort to help you get the maximum satisfection out of your new car. It will continue to be our aim to attract greater numbers of ee are seeking honest treatment, good service and fair dealings with an absence of "' ick" i and hard sell double talk. seer peebee We'd like to thank our many c for the they have shown in us by buying their cor from us and letting us service it' We'll continue to try and deserve that confidence, as we proudly state, "To Be On The Safeside, Deol With Northside" We wish a Happy New Year to you and yours. From Myself and My Staff bid, NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER oDeE crashed into about four feet of}0f East Whitby; Reeve W./public will be in a better posi- open water. Jamie managed to|Gould, Town of Uxbridge and/tion to insist on extension of | scramble on to river ice and|Deputy-Reeve George Brooks,|such services making sure their walk ashore, Town.of Whitby. wishes are carried out to the A student at Brampton high) 'Any county councillor is eli-|letter," he said. JUNIOR "B" | his grandmother, Mrs. James|says County clerk Iti it i i Be : , S| Says 3 - treasurer,| tion but it is thought unlikely as ---- who has a farm in the)'Wm. J. Manning. The present/it has seldom been done in the area. | warden could also seek re-elec-| past. | New Year Note From Socreds OTTAWA (CP) -- Social Credit Leader Thompson says n & new year's message that Canada has "'limitless oppor- tunities for pioneering in hu- man relations and world under- standing." ie said in a statement that the Fathers of Confederation BROCK. Evening Programs at 6:55 & 9:05 WHITBY Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 SATURDAY, JAN. Ist, '66 Darryl Leach 2:00 P.M. WHITBY LASCO STEELERS -- VS. -- BRAMPTON 7-UPS Admission: Adults $1.00, Students (with cards) 50¢ Children Under. 12 Admitted Free with Adult logic to create a nation in which the rights of minorities were protected and in which individ- ual freedom of choice was a dominant factor. "As we look to the future let us take action to ensure that these foundation stones of our nationhood remain firm." ! pality. | The new representatives at |county council are: Reeve Hec- {tor MacKinnon, Township of | Rama; Deputy - Reeve A. Gray, Township of Thorah; Deputy- |Reeve L. Doble, Township of each and, Deputy-Reeve John |Batty, Township of Whitby. | | | | HOMELITE XL-12 WORLD'S LIGHTEST DIRECT-DRIVE CHAIN SAW ONLY 12 LBS.* Why pay high prices for cordwood when it's so easy to cut your own with the new Homelite XL-12... the world's lightest Direct-Drive ain saw. The 12-pound XL-12 cuts throu 12-inch logs in 10 seconds, fells - trees up to 3 feet in diameter. Gaso- line engine driven, it's completely portable. So light and small anyone tan carry it long distances without effort. So safe and simple anyone can operate it. *less bar and chain GAYE A FREE DEMONSTRATION TODATI WILDE RENTAL | @ SERVICE @ SALES @ RENTALS @ CUSTOM CUTTING 1415 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Ph. 668-3226 £ aoeewere non foe STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge AT THE WHITBY HOTEL .207 Dundas St. West, Whitby Proudly P.esents LEE WEBB AND HIS WEST VIRGINIA BOYS-- NORTH AMERICA'S MOST ENTERTAINING WESTERN TRIO ON TOUR FROM NEW YORK ®@ LOS ANGELES e CHICAGO WHITBY'S FINEST Appearing Nightly at 9 P.M. MATINEE SATURDAY 3 P.M. TO 5 P.M. JAMES MAHER -- Manager SUNDAY, JANUARY 2, 1966 Billy Graham Film... "The Heart is a Rebel" Featuring Billy Graham and Presidential Nomination Singer ETHEL WATERS TWO SHOWS -8 and 9:30 P.M.- SALVATION ARMY AUDITORIUM i Pictures Taken at Ajax Community Hall on -Successful Salvation Army Rally "KNOW HOW" The result of training Experience and Skill OUR TRUST OFFICERS HAVE THE "KNOW HOW" SO NECESSARY FOR THE EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION OF AN ESTATE. ONE OF THEM IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE TO ENSURE THE PROPER HANDLING OF YOUR ESTATE. 308 Dundas St. W. Whitby MR, C. R. BROWN, Manager.

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