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Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jan 1966, p. 21

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TITTLE ANNIE ROONEY JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES So ICING ROUND THE COUNTRY \aamaeegs AFTER BOUN IN War OLD CARAVAN TRUCK WITH MISS WINNIE, THIS ROOM SEEMS SWELLER THAN. EVER-- BUT EVERYTHING MR. FLING H AN' RIC way |) ee. oe Kal © CE agecernennmenme nt coerce LOOKS FAIRY te Hiker, BUZ'SAWYE! » FREDERICK BANTWG @ ON Oiaoetee BRINGS HIM 'MACABRE Weis A SLAUGHTER. ONLY HER y OBTAIN ENOUGH A TO PROVIDE A PE IKES ME-I PONT FREL wy NO MATTER WHAT < PUT JUST PONT THINK I LOOK 4 RICH KIP OUGHTA LOOK~ IKE A Wow Tord SE Korn THE LONE RANGER GiVEE SURI A BIG JUMP | SCRATCHED ON THIS MUDDY TRACK, PHIL / WHILE We SECRET AGENT X39 ~ N ee | = BSARY HORMONES iy = ° - FROM CATTLE PANCREASES. SHELL JUST BE EASING ALONG Se RAE _-- Dr. Frederick Banting NO NUA\ 19 ' NTING AND eg ier aurea cae 1 OWN ARMS . see n\ ---NOT KNOWING WHE WOULD ACT IN THE HUI STREAM AS A HEALER SHE WONT KNOW SHES IN A RACE UNTIL WEVE CLOSED THE GAP / RE ; LG TURNING ON ALL THE Horses! 74 1 pm EN oO1S Dry sa Berbice abe we TWO WITH LA PISTOLAS pind LOOK! THISS A PUBLIC PARK AND IMA ER! DONALD DUCK | 21 THE OsHAWA THES i haneey, Janvery 6, 108 4 BRIDGE . - By 8. JAY BECKER: (Top record-holder in Individuel Championship. Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. Opening lead -- three of spades. The opening lead hag a vital effect on the outcome of many hands. Here is an extraordinary case from a rubber bridge game. Star of the hand was Alvin Roth, New York expert, who sat West. His double of three notrump was both imaginative and bold, but his efforts would have come to naught if he had made the wrong opening lead. Suppose he had led the queen of diamonds, which is what many players should have done in his position. In that case Seuth wauld haye made the con- tract with an evertrick for a score of 650 points (if we count the value of a game as 300 points.) Similarly, if Roth had led @ heart or a club, South would have made three notrump for a score of 550 points. 3 But Roth led a spade and South was a deceased pigeon.In desperation, he put on the queen but it lost to the king. Peculiarly enough, South got squeezed on the very first trick. Had he had the lead he could have grabbed nine quick tricks, but, with the opponents in the lead, he was in bad shape. Reluctant to part with one of his winners, South discarded @ diamond. East thereupon re- turned a diamond, which lost, to the jack. 'Roth now made the excellent play of the jack of spades, fol- lowed by a low spade. He wanted to be certain that Bast would play a diamond back when he took the ace of spades, Roth was afraid that if h¢ played the four instead of the jack, East might get nervous and return a spade in order to make sure of cashing the set- ting trick. East did return a diamond and the outcome was that the CROSSWORD DOWN 19. Island 1. Persuade off 2. Porch Den- 3..An old car mark 4. Electric 21, Blacken unit 22, Guiding 5, Seed 23, Sting- 6. Lack of ing courage insects 7. Russian 25. Agave city fiber 14. Grape 8. Healthy 27, Storage 15. Virtuously 9. War horse: areas 16, Where poet. 29. Limber 11, Cunning 31. Choose SaOk @naa AOROSS SICIUIC IC MEL IAIBIONS 1. Anxiéty 1A |e K 6. Trailer of a sort 9. Fruits of the pine 10, Stomata 12. Upon 18. Amy or James Russell is SO eis DIVE ISMmAIVIETS Yesterday's Answer 34. Unroll 36, One kind of biscuit me tee > Bis SJ iS. Moos 32, Harvest 15.Encounter 33, French Tver 38. One kind of verb: auer, . Traps Sp Fates YA Go ei Vp 24. Glory rT) . ae 25, Horse 26. Pause 27. Wrangle 28, Choice group 30. Print Gi47 measure 4G 31, Simple 7s wind instru- ment it. piGuieny GRANDMA REUPHOLSTERED YESTERDAY! ij i MODELING SERWICES! ITLL MAKE YOU FAMOUS--HOW CAN YOU MIS b> I MEAN ABOUT THE MAGAZINE WP | ing $4. Mineral source 35. Etchings 36. Point of land 37, Jewish law $8. "Salad Days" 39.-Goddess of volcanoes: Haw. 40. Chimed YOUR HEALTH Effort Is Needed By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: I am a 14-) your problem. If you get your year-old girl and weigh 130) weight under control now, you'll pounds. | want to lose weight) probably be able to keep it at but I just can't and I don't know/a correct level the rest of your why. My family and friends say| life. I will lose weight when I get} Why does one person get fat older. Is this true?--B.J. |while another stays lean, yet Do you know any other beaple they both seem to "eat the same who magically lost weight as} amount'? they grew older? No, neither do} excRSs TURNS TO FAT I, It takes some individual ef-| wel}, let's say that 95 per cent fort. These people who told you! of what you eat is used up in that you would lose were just! providing energy, and body trying to make you feel good:/ heat. and growth. What happens You didn't tell me, young! to the other 5 per cent? It turns friend, how tall you are, so [\into fat. can't estimate how much extra| Now let's suppose that another weight you have, but 130 pounds girl of your exact age and height is too much for a girl of 14,/eats 5 per cent less than you and obviously you know that. | do. And she isn't fat at all. Her You are smart to start worry-j figure is fine. (Or maybe, at 14, about it now later. The longer you delay the| natural.) harder it is going to be to solve| Where is this difference of 5 TELEVISION LOG 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today | 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie ¢--Luncheon Date 4+-News ond Weether S--Popeye and Pot 12:18 P.M, of te Meves 12:30 P.M. ll---Noon Time I! Love Lucy #2--Let's Play 64--Search For Tomorrow a -Neenday Report 10:00 P.M. N--The Merv Griffin Shew #4#-2--Dean Martin Show 7--The Long, Hot Summer! 6-A Man Called Shenandoah #-Man From UNCLE 0:30 P.M. Channe: 2--Buttalo Channel Channel Channe! 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channe! 8&--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronio Channel tl--Hamilton cemenigermsnernernnennr sm, 6--The Serial eve 11:00 P.M, Maar E, 110-6-7-4-43-2-- News, A--Pemity Thestre 9--Movie +--Supermen $--Passport To Adventure Atom Ant we 12:45 PLM, i--News @4--Guiding Ligh 1:00 P.M, 1\--Theatre %--Morning Star 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers Movie 2--Mike Dougias Show 1:30 PLM, %--James Beard Show' @4-As The World Turne 3 lia Fim 7. '1--The Saint é--Music Hop B-Movie 6:00 P.M. Twilight Theatre @--McHales Navy 4+--News, Sports Cwck Healy 6:20 P.M. 'News 11:40 P.M, 6--Gunsmoke %Plerre Berton 12:30 A.M. '--News - Weather - Sports 6--Newscap 6:30 P.M. eatpay \l---Family Theatre Me, 8 6:00 A.M. 9-4+3--News; and rte @--Huntley-Brinkley. News 1--Maverick é--Acrose Canada 4-Captein Kangeree Bobby ore ter Deters Girt Tek 9:00 A.M. &Playtime With Uncle) 2:00 P.M, Kids is People 7--The Gator Bowl 64--Password Profile instead of}a bit on the thin side, which is} 7:00 P.M, 1--Farmers' Daughter 9--The Munsters @--Littieet Hobe +--News, Weether Poorts 4-Mike's Carnival 9:30 A.M. 9--Meta 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2-Dodle Gilils 10:00 A.M. 1--Topper 9--Playtime With Uncle Bobby 0-2.-Fractured Phrases 6-3--Ivanhoe N--Donne Reed 4--I Love Lucy %--Fractured Phrases 10:30 A.M. O8--Anecther World 11--Ed Allen Tare vel Minted +42--To Teil The T 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M. ®--Dear Charlotte 2:30 P.M. %--Peopie in Conflict 68--The Decters 7--A Time For Us ¢-Zane Grey Theatre 4--LInkietter's Party Movie 4--Forest Rangers 3--Green Acres 2--Huntley-Brinkiey 7:30 P.M. 1l--Donna Reed 9--Hollywood Palace +2--Daniel Boone 7--Shinding @--Hogen's Heroes 4--The Munsters 2:00 P.M. def scored four spades and five diamonds to inflict a five- trick defeat--900 points. All of which came from a well-judged double, and, lest we forget, a well-judged opening lead. BLIND ARE NOT JONAHS . SEOUL (AP)--Taxi and bus drivers in Korea have been told by the justice ministry not to refuse rides to the blind be- cause of an old local supersti- tion 'that blind people attract accidents, Protests from a ma. gazine for the blind caused prosecutions against two taxi drivers who refused to pick up blind passengers. SALLY'S SALLIES 2--The Adams Family 8:00 P.M. 1--OHA Jr A. Hockey | 7----Donna Reed. shew 6-3--Seaway | 4-Gilligan's Isiand 8:30 P.M, tI" Your Move +2--Laredo 7--Okay Crackerby 4--My Three Sons 9:00 PAM. 9--Branded Bewitched 63--! Dream of Jeannie 4--Movle S--Quarter Back Club 9:30 PLM, %--Let's Sing Out 8-2--Mona McCluskey 1--Peyten Place +-3--Telescope §-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 3:30 P.M, 4-The McCoys '--Funny Company 6-3---Friendly Giant t--Ite Yi they a 9--Bingo $8--You Den? Sey 1:45 AM. 7--Superman Show 63--Chezr Helshe +3--Take 36 11:00 A.M, 11~Milke Douglas %--Mr. And Mrs. 82--Morning Star 7--Supermarket Swaep 63--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Mayberry 4 Bdge of Might #--Kartoon Karalvel 4:00 P.M. %--Mickey Mouse Chub ha Tee Match Coene 7--Early Show 63--Bonnie Prudden Show 4--ecret Storm t-Recky And Hie Friends 4:30 PLM, 1:20 A.M, 63--Across Canada Super Car Ny: oM, "* $--Sea Hunt 9--Abracadabra 1--Garty Show 8-2--Paradise Bay 63--Razzie Dazzie Musical Interiude 4-The &Thirty Club 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 3--Sting Ray per cent in phat you eat? Does|ing weight. If you can, for a she avoid snacks, candy bars,| year or two, cut down by 7 or pop? Does your .family serve|even 6 per cent, you'll lose, rather high - calorie foods| gradually. (gravy, fried foods, starchy; 'Pq go this, you have to know foods, desserts) while hers | which foods are very fattening, serves foods that don't contain! or just average, or not very fat- much fat?' And maybe she) tening. Some folks seem to know doesn't care much about des-| this automatically -- or absorb serts, especially rich ones? the knowledge because they are A difference of 5 per cent can| brought up with the habit of make the difference between be-| avoiding high-calorie food. ing fat or not fat. Others have to learn the dif- Exercise also is important, be-| ference. Don't try to lose weight cause the more calories you use| overnight. But be sure that you up in exercise, the fewer are|can lose weight. left to make you fat. And the fatter a girl is, the less she feels like exercising. EYES ARE FINE The glasses worn by Danger If you can-chatige- your ealing, Maw Patrick MeGoohan are of by 5 per cent, or even less, in|clear glass, since the television total calories, you can stop gain- | actor has good eyesight, New and Used You Can Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. . WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST iF IN GOOD CON. DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & -- RENTAL LTD. 223 King St, W. 723-3224

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