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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jan 1966, p. 2

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By JOE DUPUIS TORONTO (CP)--Rev. Ron- ald C. Smeaton said Thursday his book on the Horsburgh case isn't meant to be an attack on the church or courts but to assegs 'methods and motivation. "I do not sit in judgment, but assess judgment," Mr. Smeaton said at a press con- ference arranged to Jaunch the oS a ---- HW ee ee eet "INO ALLGCK, Ai ASscGssimicii 153-page book The Horsburgh Affair: Disciple or Deviate? First copies of the 30,000 first- edition of the book, put out by Baxter Publishing Co. of Tor- onto, goes on sale here today at $1.95 a copy. But the book will have a two- page deletion from the original 5,000 copies published in ad- vance of distribution. Publisher William H. Baxter OVERTHROW NOT RULED OUT SANTO DOMINGO (AP)--The| Dominican armed forces moved) Thursday night to block Presi-| dent Hector Garcia-Godoy's at- tempt to send controversial fig- ures of the April revolution out} of the country. | Dominica Tension Raised As Army, President Split By ROBERT BERRELLEZ ing" with the president's deci-|ci5reme Court of Canada. sion. WON'T ACCEPT The armed forces radio at the San Isidro airbase outside the capital broadcast a commu- nique saying the military chiefs would not accept changes in the said an affidavit of a youth changing key court testimony was deleted on the advice of the firm's lawyers. EXPLAINS CUT Lawyer T. T. Sahaieak said the deletion was made so as not to prejudice any chance Mr. Horsburgh has of an ap- |peal. | Rev. Russell Horsburgh, 49, was convicted last spring of encouraging sexual activities among youths at his Park St. United Church in Chatham, He ministry in June. His appeal to the Ontario Appeal Court last November was rejected, and he is cur- rently serving a one-year term in Kent County jail. His law- yers are seeking leave Jan. 25 ito appeal his conviction to the | Toronto - born Mr. Smeaton, 30, served as Mr. Horsburgh's assistant for two years at the |First United Church in Water- 'loo, Ont. | His book criticizes the con- duct of the Horsburgh trial, and resigned voluntarily from the}' That Book On Horsburgh: | aa It was not c'sax whether the| Military high command or) suggests that Judge W. H. Fox oi Ses 'of platelets, Strike Has wy f.2.. For Biood NEW YORK (AP) -- Two youngsters being kept alive by massive transfusions of blood are getting donations during the transit strike from doctors, nurses, clerks and cooks at memorial hospital. . The strike has caused a crit- ical shortage of blood in New York city because normal col- lections are being hampered. Emergency supplies are being flown in from as far away as Los Angeles. The two children have acute leukemia and need daily doses small colorless disks in the blood that aid clot- ting. Eight pints of blood are aga to get one pint of plate- ets. A seven-year-old boy has re- ceived derivatives of 42 pints of blood since Tuesday, A two- year-old New Jersey girl has required eight. Across the city, 400 pints were donated Thursday by in- mates and correction depart- ment personnel of city prisons. » Another 100 pints came from WOUNDED AND WET, AWAITING HELP {military planned to overthrow} |the provisional government in-| stalled with such difficulty through the efforts of the Or-| ganization of American States) or was just trying to force the based his judgment on the testi- jmunicipal employees in other transfers abroad. One transfer involved Col. Manuel Ramon} Montes Arache, ordered to Ot-| tawa as military attache. | Garcia-Godoy said in an in-| terview early today: mony of untrustworthy teen-age delinquents. IS PASTOR Married with two children, Mr. Smeaton is in charge of the ! | departments. Hopes Dim president to back down. PR ag = presign wien United Church in Sharbot Lake, . i 7 » ores > e as 0) ; | pgensnergee 4 tala, piso prevent tragedy from befhile| ae asi he hiBiocagy aregy aN rot 7 usd gee all the|ing the country. I will not be} wij) ate up public opinion and Seek aan inter Anvil peace| Urned out by force. [bring on a correction of this force. H hasized that his}, . 0n't know phat the army injustice." | \gecision 'Thursday t replace) intents to do. If they don't want| 'The attorney - general's de-| lthe leadership of the armed to obey my orders, then let/nartment has called the book lforces and to transfer abroad them take the government over|"a cheap, vicious attack on the the key figures on both sides of | PY fe diy Moog ni see what| administration of justice' an the Dominican conflict was "ir-) 'cnricaeaer wat oa: peel constitute a defam- gerry i | "If this is an act of rebel-|' Mr, Sehaieak said there is This was the known picture/tion on the part of the armed/nothing defamatory or libelous early today: |forces, it will not succeed un-|in the book. "It might be Troops had occupied the Na-jless it has the support of the | strong in a few spots but basic- tional Palace and the govern-| United States." lally the book falls under the i Romen Catholic church sev- ment radi¢ station and had) This gravest of all crises for|category of fair comment." Perry, who was appointed Saigon, for an assault on areas dominated by the Communists. It was the southernmost penetration of Viet Nam by Americans and their first move into the rich Delta lands. (AP) < Soaked by swampwater "and mud of the Mekong Delta flatilands, a U.S. para- trooper puffs cigaret and presses bandage on wound- ed cheek as he awaits medi- eal attention. The paratroop- er, still holding his weapon Rhodesia Cuts Gas Ration To 1-2 Gallons Per Week By JAMES BROWN the new measures amid reports;of gas a week, depending on the SALISBURY (Reuters)--Dras- | that Britain was studying even|sjze of their cars. The amount! by its sling, is a member of the 173rd Airborne Brigade. The brigade was pinned down for hours Jan, 2 by Viet Cong sniper fire as they moved out from Bao Trai, about 20 miles west of In Tashkent TASHKENT, U.S.S.R. (AP)-- Prime Minister Shastri of In- idia and President Ayub Khan of Pakistan met today for the first time in two days at the deadlocked Tashkent summit conference, Shastri and Ayub talked for 50 minutes and made tentative plans to meet again tonight. A well-informed source said VIEWS FROM EXCOMMUNICANT Negro Bishop Harold R. Orleans, is the nation's only Perry (second from left in Roman Catholic Negro cap) passes a white picket bishop. Holding the placard : is Mrs. B. J. Gaillet, a New during his consecration pro- Orleans resident -who was cession in. New Orleans excommunicated from the Thursday morning. Bishop Tiff Airing will receive a similar allowance of aviation fuel. Foreign airlines are also af-| Cold And Cloud Arriv jelder'"' among his congregation since inserting himself actively into the case. Last Sunday, he }son announced Thursday. 12 An economist and career |policy secretary to the prime |minister had duties similar to those now assumed by Mr. Hodgson. state of Kashmir, the stumbling block of the conference. Despite the trouble he obvi- ously was having, Kosygin ap- sald 50 of his congregation shook his hand after service civil servant, Mr. Hodgson has been assistant deputy of de-| fence for the last 30 months,| concentrating on financial ad-| ministration. peared to be scoring a consider- able personal success with both delegations. Officials of both nations pub- licly and privately praised the Soviet premier for his efforts here. 15 Mr. Kent, whose salary was $25,000 annually, became dep- uty minister of immigration Jan. 1 and will become deputy minister of manpower shen that department is created by Parliament. Mr. Hodgson was born in Montreal and attended McGill and Oxford Universities. He joined the civil service in 1940 NEED... Fuel Oil CALL PERRY Dey or Night 723-3443 that despite active mediation by | eral years ago for her ac- | Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin jsealed off the major highways|the four-month-old provisional) 'The author said the deletion| by Pope Paul last October, tions against integration in ; into the capital. | government began last Dec. 19\of pages 136 and 137 removes|_** auxiliary bishop of New tic news measures by the Rho-|tougher economic sanctions|\, j... than half the already day shuttling between Shastri -| ag i ion| ~ : . ; cet ae 'yale pleat ial | and Ayub. - desian government to curb gaso-|against Rhodesia in retaliation) ings in some unspecified cities|diers in Santiago, the country's|deleted affidavits "for anyone| Cc reer CS M 0 oe ae oak ape by reg iments "'disagree-| second city. |who wants to make use of! @ | an other exclusively through him. 'caused by Britain's oil embargo| New regulations, to take effect | introduced Dec. 28. them. | against the breakaway colony. |Tuesday, will restrict private : : | THINKS IT'S TIME The government announced motorists to one or two gallons; Bulk buyers, including farm-} WEATHER FORECAST | a es ent '@) e scheduled to meet Shastri early -------- ers and commercial users, will) | in the afternoon and probably |place where decision in the| would confer with Ayub later. |amount of gas they have drawn fi | OTTAWA (CP) -- John §.j|various departments of govern-| Kosygin's difficult task is to jover the last 12 weeks. Commer- cial aviation operators, includ- " | 7 | ; i ; |to speak out. ointed "principal secretary to jing Central African Airways, ; ed P pene? ty dispute over the Himalayan F For Kash ir He said he. had lost ON€lthe prime minister," Mr. Pear- departure of Tom Kent who as y' By MICHAEL ARKUS _ | gates are said to feel it wouldifected by the new restrictions. TORONTO (CP) -- der pup Merc : HAVANA (Reuters)--The In-|be out of place to discuss the|Aircraft registered outside the|issued by the weather office @ gee ** : : ' 'dia-Pakistan dispute over Kash-| question while the Indian prime|country will be able to draw|5:30 a-m.: St. Catharines.... 18 jand "'wished me Godspeed." | ; gh " ; feonference after a scathing at-|sponsored Kashmir summit at/landing outside Rhodesia. tario has very nearly reached|Trenton .... 10 ities described at the trial could as : tack on India by the Pakistani / Tashkent. | i ws end. Cold air which has cov-| Kingston A 10 |go on in church buildings with- Mr, Pearson _ 4 a -- 'Melegation leader. The Kashmir clash is the/ CONFIRM BELIEF lered northern regions of the/Killaloe «+000 -5 jout Mr. Horsburgh's know]-| ment that oe yor po agg --The Kashmir issue gras also|third open collision between| Observers in Salisbury regard| province is slipping southward, | Muskoka edge. |secretary has not been occu- x : ' : IE i . + 3 ri -ordinate all d4nto the wings Thursday by the} China has accused Russia of|spread belief that Rhodesia's oil| Lake Michigan. |Eariton ... it secretively, and get away|Hodgson will co-ord Kashmir flareup. collaborating with U.S. "'imper-|situation has reached a critical] Snow ahead of this storm has) Sault Ste. Mar with it," he said. programs and Rudge yy of the/as one of the authors of the ~ Conference sources said Pak-|ialism." | Stage. reached the southwestern sec-| Kapuskasing .. "Also, on the contradicted|Prime minister's office. | | Unemployment Insurance Act, Astan, with the full support of | \testimony of the young people| He will also maintain liaison) served with the navy during the Mees x4 the chufch, (AP) prospects are not too bright. Authorized armed forces|with a battle between army|some of the strength of the ine consumption today indicated/for its unilateral declaration of MEsEre allowance made under Kosygin apparently was in for He admitted that the Su- Horsburgh case should be . 4 has been ap-| ment. find some approach acceptable 'mir today claimed the spotlight] minister and the Pakistani presi-jonly enough fuel to see them| Synopsis: The spell of mild| Toronto 15 | Mr, Smeaton was asked sev- expected to intensify the China-| China and Russia since the con-| the new measures as the first of-| but its progress is being slowed North Bay.. 5 | "I'm suggesting in the book| pied in recent years but that it Russia has announced support | | China, would insist on bringing lthemselves, he did not know] between the prime minister and| Second World War and returned tions of the province and is ex-| White River...... - Kosygin spent much of Thurs- sources reported military upris-| regulars and former rebel sol-/hook. But he says he has the 'the full extent of the fuel crisis|independence Novy. 11. ja temporary rationing system more of the same. He was be allowed only half the average| E d d A 0 }preme Court of Canada is the Red Par le New Theatre xten e utumn ver = ®' made. 'But I felt it was time| Hodgson, 48, y | . The appointment follows the|to both sides for handling their 'at the tri-continental solidarity} dent were meeting in the Soviet-|safely to their next scheduled| weather across southern On-| Peterborough ' leral times how sexual activ- 'Russia clash, which was nudged/ference began Monday. ificial confirmation of the wide-\by a weak storm centre near| Sudbury ... that a few young people can do|existed before in Canada. Mr. for a new single tri-continental| Ever since Britain introduced | nected to spread eastward ra-| Moosonee -.. 'up the Kashmir question in the| organization, to have its next|its embargo the breakaway gov- 'mon - governmental conference's | conference in Cairo. 'political committee. * 'The Russian delegates, with) thers, have issued urgent pleas 'against introduction of the Kash- mir issue in committee. * The Pakistani delegation ig-| ynored strong behind-the-scenes appeals from Russia, Egypt and 'others not to mention the Kash- air dispute at Thursday's plen-| 'ary sessions. "ACCUSES INDIA | * To the applause of the Chi-| mese delegation, and the, stony| lence of the Indian group,| tani leader Maulana Bhas-| fhani accused India of ignoring) international commitments and of turning Kashmir into a "vast prison." | » The sources said India, Rus-) Bia and Egypt apparently have) @ safe majority and could vote| out discussion on the question. | : India's position in all interna- tional forums has been that the Kashmir dispute is a domestic! one and not subject to negotia-| on. | » Russian and the other dele- EITHER SLACKS OR FROSTBITE FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) -- Like many school boards the one in Fairbanks, has--or had--a rule against oo! wearing ook, air schoo! - girls igi slacks in the classroom. "Girls in slacks lower the general morale in the schools," said an adminis- tration spokesman. But morale or no morale, when the mercury hovered between 35 and 45 degrees below zero. for several weeks, the girls and their parents said it was just too cold to go to school in skirts. As a result, the board has ordered the school adminis- tration to allow the girls to wear 'proper slacks" be- tween Oct. 15 and March 15. jernment of Prime Minister Ian |Smith has maintained outward ;calm and confidence over the re- jsultant situation and less than three weeks ago Smith himself said the country had enough oil \stocks to last at least six |months, | But today's move by the gov- jernment, following vain efforts |by Smith to have oil extracted }from the 190-mile pipeline link- ing the Mozambique port |Beira with the Umtali oil refin- jery, seems clear proof that the government was bluffing, ob- servers said. The only other explanation would be that "backdoor" sup- plies which may have been promised to the Smith regime jhave either been delayed or have not materialized. Anxious eyes are therefore jturned on Beira to see if any jtanker dares to bring '"'pirate" joil supplies to beleaguered Rho- .|desia. HERE and THERE Fifty-six patients were ad- mitted to the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital during the week ending Jan. 2. Four 'births were reported. Eight major and 19 minor opera- . tions were performed. Twenty- 'six emergency cases were handled. Forty-six patients were discharged Bowmanville Town Council learned this week there were -118 recipients of welfare and supplementary aid during December. The net cost to the town was $873.82. Building permits, represent- tor during December, Many membes of St. John's Ukrainian Greek Orth- odox Church will participate | "Carol observ- in a_ house-to-house service' tonight in ance of Christmas, which is | being . celebrated today by those who follow the Julian calendar of the church are White Rus- sians. Oshawa Fire Department dealt with only one minor fire yesterday -- a garage blaze at 460 Simcoe 'st. s. which caused an estimated About 25 members. The Rod and Gun Club of Local 222, United Auto Work- ers, has scheduled March 12 as the date for the club's annual dinner and get-togeth- | er. Other events lined up for | the hunters and conservation- | ists is an ice fishing trip to Lake Simcoe in February. pidly. Snowfall amounts should range from one to two inches in southern Ontario with lesser amounts in the fringe area north of Georgian Bay. Cold northerly winds on Sa- turday will bring partly cloudy skies to most sections of the Or) province and snowflurries to \the lee of the lakes. | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, isouthern Laks Huron, Lake On- | tario, Haliburton, Killa 1 oe, Windsor, I,ondon, Hamilton, iToronto: Variable cloudi- ness and cold tonight and Sa-| turday. Winds increasing to |northerly 20 this afternoon. Niagara, northern Lake Hu- ron, southern Georgian Bay: | Mainly cloudy and cold with oc- | casional sno w flurries tonight jand Saturday. Winds becoming |northerly 20 this afternoon. Northern Georgian Bay, Al- goma, Sault Ste. Marie, North |Bay, Sudbury: Variable cloudi- | ness today. Mainly clear and cold tonight and Saturday. | Winds northernly 20. | White River, Cochrane, Tima- jgami: Variable cloudiness to- |day. Mainly clear and cold to- |night and Saturday. Winds {northerly 15. | Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Saturday: | Windsor .. ee | (St, Thomas. ca+eee London .. Kitchener Mount Forest..... seeeeeeee ateneeee ENJOY ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN... ! We serve a special businessmen's lunch, Timmins ....+... 'what was going on." the cabinet secretariat, and the! to Ottawa after the war. CLEANERS 361 Wilson Road South 'ing an estimated value of $161,802, were issued by the Bowmanville building inspec- including main course, soup, bread, butter, vegetables and desert, for 80¢ and up. Tea or coffee 5c extra. TRY US TODAY! We also specialize in delicious e LIGHT LUNCHES ond toste tempting @ CHINESE FOODS Including Take-Out-Orderg, $40 worth of damage. City ambulance answered four routine house calls. WINDSOR PLAZA Why Pay More... SAVE!! 1 65 C ON PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL wy zal. Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa -- whitby & Ajax Districts = 728-2303 REST AURANT For Fast Courteous Service-Pick-Up & Delivery T20 ALLE FIL ANTE

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