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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1966, p. 15

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] [Roary vou SHouLD Merion Fr] rex > MATER WHAT TH 16, HIN] Ll uar@ JUGT WHAT WE'RE A teint a a : | [HAVING "STEWED RHINCCERUS 7] joAic THAT LiKe H . la : i sil eatin aa E.--- MOST>--DESIRABLE-~-= GIRL--*IN == THE+-- WORLD > DAISY. MAE. YORUM-~ I HEARD TERRY MAKES ALMOST ALL. OF HER OWN UGH ~GOMETHING LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THE LONE RANGER RUNNING: WELL, T KEV LAD 4 Be 100 wae Hi ' ', OME, LAP 00 HOME «# Menor Coyote? y Goop! LETS ALL HAVE A DRINK { THEY'RE ON ME! MICKEY MOUSE THIS IS THE NIGHT 4--.] f MRE. GABBY WANTS 7 ME TO BASBY-SIT WITH } HER LITTLE BOY / AND RIBBON TO WRAP MONEY LEFT iT UP WITH... ne THAT MEANS WHEN WE GET UP HOUSE, WE WON'T HAVE TOSCHIMP, ITS CAVIAR INSTEAD OF LOOK AT IT THIS WAY, EVE. DURING THAT YEAR 7'MIN PARIS, WE'LL BOTH BE SAVING wg LIKE MAD, 1T MAKES SENSE, EBARL,..ONLY...ONLY IT WON'T STOP ME FROM MISSING YOU...AND LONGING FOR YOU... JULIET JONES i be _sonyor' AND HAS AT BEST... ¢ ~ HE'S WASTED AWAY TO A FEW DAYS A BEST TO USE HIM To ove ISLETIN i7.6 FIRGT TEST : REAL Mee" SECRET AGENT X39 ISSION 22 PRAYING Cr AD 19R2 0A 14-YEAR-OLD BOW 4 TSO DeRne MESS PLUNGE TOWARD HIM... eee / @pate wae = \ ( whe rve RON FOR IT! 4 THAT IT WILL RETURN TO HIM A LIFE HE HAS A CONSIDERED LOST v LREADY NEXT WEEK: THE VERDICT TRAPPIC!/ YOU + ANY 6000 AT PROKEN-FIELD | BE,ROB- RUNNING, PHIL ¥ © Kine Fonteree Syndicote, Ina, P65, Wall ddite renewed? WHO WAS ITZ AS fi i EG 7) AT BEST ITS GCT To Be A DESPERATION TACKLE / DONALD DUCK i ut : hm 17, Phonebook abbrevia- tion 18, Crowbars 23, Bends 23. Abode 27, Caravan stopover 28, East Indian 21, Weather word 22, Medieval tale [CL AW EMATE TATE) 24.Buision MEREM 25. Jap- Re JO|VIE IO BERIAINIC IH] anese a34 fi badge Be- fore: poet, 28,Where Achilles sulked 80. Wrinkle 32, La- borers or sailors 22. Viners 34. Drive away 85, Flowering plant Yesterday's Answer 38, Arm bone 39, Beverage 41. Girl'snama 42, Showman Ziegfeld 44. Toward: Lat. 1 island ' 29, Pith * 2 Lg 9 Tio 30. Purify 31. Sidetracks Zia 7. V/AA La j ZL §. Sullivan or Wynn 8 Chiefs Must NEW YORK (AP) -- New York City's transit strike is leaving thousands of '"'essen- tial" executives alone at their desks, deep in paper work usu- ally done by '"'unessential'"' sec- retaries and clerks who stayed home. * Mayor John V. Lindsay had appealed earlier to workers to stay out of the city unless they were "'essential,"" but he didn't Say who was essential. In many offices Monday it was a strange picture: The boss opening his own mail, run- ning errands, getting his own coffee. "Usually you get hit with something like a snowstorm and the executives stay home,"' said one company official. "Looking around me, I see more execu- tives than clerks." This was. the result of a selec- tive effect. Much of the city's vast clerical population lives in Queens, the Bronx and other areas dependent upon buses and subways. Brave Strike While 'Indians' Stay Home affluent, often live in the sub- urbs from which trains and buses were running, Or else they live in fashionable east side Manhattan areas within walking distance of the office. New York Life Insurance Co. said 58 per cent of its 4,300 workers were out on the first business day of the strike--but added that the great number of executives and managerial peo- ple were at their desks. Some banks opened late. Many said they were behind in processing cheques. -- Chartered buses moved key employees of some firms to work. Some executives. driving into New York made quick de- tours to pick up secretaries. Blocks of hotel] rooms were booked by several businesses so workers could stay in town. The New York Stock Ex- change, which on a routine day is alinost buried in paper, sent staff personnel, including junior executives, to the trading floor] _ to-aiil gaps iert vy missing or-| Their bosses, usually more 'der clerks and messengers. TELEVISION LOG Channe! 2~Buttale Channel 3--Barrie Channel Channel Channe} Channel 6 Channel %--Ti Channe! 11--Hamiltee A emernaaenanamnnae tet: SATYEDAY SVE. 6:00 PLM, Wi--Filpper %--Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea 63--Rose Bowl Game 3--Shindig 2--Checxmate 6:30 P.M. 11-7--Shindia %--Musical Showcase 6:45 P.M, 1-4-43--News) Weether) dearie 7:00 P.M, #--Jackle Gleason Mi--Peter Gunn 7--Big Show of the Week @3--Beverly Hilipililes 4---A New Year's Sing-in Have Gun Wit Trevei 7:30 P.M, i--Candid Camera 2--F lipper 6--Danger Man 4--Jackie Gleason McHale's Navy 8:00 P.M, 1--Jamboree %--Academy Performance $2--i Dream of Jeannie B-Lets Sing Ovt 8:30 P.M, N--Ciub 11 Dance Party 7--Lawrence Welk 6-3--NHL Hockey Boston at Toronto 4--Secret Agent 9:00 P.M. 9:30 PLM. 1--Great Music 7--Hollywood Palace 4--The Loner 10:00 P.M, #--Run For Your Life 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 PLM. 63--Juliette 10:30 PLM. NB eck buster 7--The King Family 11:00 P.M, 1-04 )-6-43-1---Neweg Weather) Sports W185 PM. tock §=Bueter Metre Pinet é--Night Metre S-4--Setvreey Night @ The Mevies 1:20 PLM. ate thew 1:0 PLM, é--Feature Showcase Movie 1n@ PM 9--Movie sunoay 9:00 A.M. li--Cethedrai Chimes $--Tides and Tralis 7--Shenenigans 8--S'wena Dew 9:30 A.M. N--itallan Journal Cartoon Playhouse 7--Rocketship 7 4--Uncle Jerry's Club The Anewer 10:00 AM, N--Carasello @--Hereid of True 4--Sunday School +-Leme Unte My Pes Church invitetion 10:30 A.M. 9--Meta 4--Extension 2--This is The Life 11:00. ALM, H--OHA Jr. "A" Hockey &--This io The ite 7--Bullwinkle 'Show 6-4--Church Service 2---Fronters Of Faith 11:30 A.M, &--The "Christophers. | F--Discovery '6 12:00 NOON $--Itallan Album TV 4--Tween Set 12:15 P.M, O--fellx The Cat 6 Reargn oe 3-Silence Please &-Tennessee Tuxedo 4--Living Word 3--Heraid of Truth Pemity Pteynews 9--Spectrum &--Meet The Press 6--French For Love 4--Ted Mack 3-Sir Francis Orake 1:30 P.M. Spotlight 9--Dougias Fisher 6--My Little Margie 7--Sunday Playhouse &3--Country Calendar | 2:00 P.M, 1l--This Space Age 9--Jr. "A" Hockey 6-3--Special Music 4---NFL Game CODE B--AFL Football 3:30 P.M, Le le 7--Dislogue 4---NFL Game 4:00 P.M, li--Top Cat Movie ' 4:30 P.M, il-Tiny Talent Time 9--Bilko 63--Sight and Cast 4---NFL Football 5:00 P.M, LU eal amily Theetre %--Canadian Talent Showcase 7--Wrestling 63--Nature of Things 4--Gadabout Gaddis 2---Wild Kingdom $:30 P.M. %--Peter Potamus J--Big Show of the Week é--Hymn Sing 3--Lost In Space 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour 6:00 P.M. %--Walt Disney Presents 6--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century 3--Filoper 2--Bell Telephone Hour 7:00 P.M, ®--Piease Don't Bat The Daisies 3--Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea 63--Hank 4 aesie 7:30 P.M, TI--A.H.L. Hockey #--Amos Burke @2---Disney's World of Color 6-3--F lashback 4--My Favorite Martian 8:00 P.M. ~The FBI +E 8:30 P.M, 9--Peyton Place +3--Branded 9:00 P.M, 8-6-3--Bonanza Pade le Perry Maron 9:30 P.M, 9--Peyton Place 10:00 P.M, 1l--Movie 9--Dr. Kildare ' 63--Wackiest Ship in The Army #3--This Hour Hee 11:00 P.M, 190)443-3--Nowe soter Seerte 11:20. PLM, N-This Space Age jd Swiltven Ghew |; 1-4+t--Lete Show B--Awers Theetre 11:30 PLM. 6--International Cinema 11:40 PLM, Wrestling %--Dougias Fisher mONBAY 6:00 AM 4--Captain Kengares o:38 AM. ll--Albert J. Steed %--Romoer Room 10 AM %-Playtime with Uncle Bobby P--Disling ter Dotlers Girl Tek 4--Mike's Cornval 9:38 A.M. 4-Gypsy Rose Lee Show 2--Dobie Gillis 10:08 AM ll--News §-2--Fractured Phrases 41 Love Lucy 10:98 AM llEd Allen 9--Bingo 8-2--Concentration 3--Donna Ri $3--Friendly Giant 4--The McCoys | 11:00 AA j11--Mike Douglas Show %--Mr. and Mrs, 8-2--Morning Star &3--Butternut Square 4-Andy of Ma 11:30 A.M, 4Dick Van Dyke 2--Abracadaban 12:08 NOOR %--Toronto Today 4--Luncheon Date +News end Weether 12118 PL, 6 peener af the Hemet 12:8 Pm 9--! Love Lucy 8-2--Play Post Office 6-4--Seach for Tomorrow B--Neonday Report 12:48 Pm. N--Recing Foum 64--Gulding Light 1:08 Pe, 1--Thestre 9--Morning Star Matinee 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 9--James Beard Show 44--As Tho World Turne 200 PM %~--Kids Is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 PLM. %--Dear Charlotte 2:20 P.M. 9--People in Confile? t--The lore 7A Time For Ue 6--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party 3--Movie 410 Pe. %--Fractured Phrases ¥-@enerel et eo &3--To Tell The Truth a:00 Pim, li--Funny Company 9--It's Your Meve 8--You Don't Say | 2--Cartoon' Carnival 40 Pm. | 9--Mickey Mouse Ch® &--The Match Game 7---Rocketehip 7 | 4:00 Pima, | l--Alvin and the | Chipmunks |.9--Movie . | 7--The Barly Show |The &Thirty Show _ Yoo! Bear 4--Secret Storm | t--Recky and Hie Priende | THE OSHAWA Times. Seiereeys cunwery we; tree Ss BRIDGE Sy 8, JAY BECKER Masten Play) (Top record-holder in Individuel Chempionship North dealer, Neither side vulnerable. Declarer is usually in trouble if he does not have adequate communication between his own hand and dummy's, Wathever the particular circumstances, the ability to enter either hand more or less at will is generally a tremendous factor in declar, er's favor. The defenders likewise gain an advantage by being able to communicate with each other, and in many hands this contact is absolutely vital to their ine terests. However, since #h de- fenders usually have muth less high-card strength than the de- clarer, they must husband their resources somewhat more caree fully to stay in touch with each other. Here is a case where East had to make a good play to defeat the contract. West led the nine of hearts in response to East's overcall and declarer played the ten from dummy. If East had made the mistake of playing the king, South would have made the contract , with ease. Whatever East re | turned, South wouldhave been able to establish his clubs in time to make at least nine' tricks. East's hearts would have. withered on the vine because he « could not both establish and cash them. } Aware of this difficulty, East decided against winning | the ten of hearts with the ing | and played the eight instead, \ This was a signal for West to.' lead another heart if and when he obtained the lead. East's only hope at this point was that. West had another heart, and also a club entry. When this turned out to be the case, South had to go down one. Declarer overtook the ten of hearts with the jack and led a club, but West went up with the ten of hearts with the king establishing East's remaining hearts. Declarer could now do no better than cash four diamond: tricks and the A-K of spades, but that brought him to only eight tricks and he wound up' going down as a result of East's excellent play at trick one. SEEK APPRENTICE CHEFS WINNIPEG (CP) -- Don A, Cutler, chief chef at the Royal Alexandra Hotel here, is re- cruiting youths of 16 to 21 for training as chefs de cuisine, The training lasts 6,000 hours, including class - room time, sprond..cres- three -poars. Mack year's work is tested before the apprentice can carry on his study. SALLY'S SALLIES X-CHANGE You Can Exchange Skates That. Are Too Smell For A New or Used Pair, j WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION, COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S 223 King St. W. l 723-3224

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