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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jan 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY (Staff) -- More than|province we can see great phy- 70 per cent of today's school|sical evidence of change in the graduates will be entering occ-|form of increased urbanization. upations that did not exist 20/of life, miracles of transport- years ago, Howard Hempstead, | ation, communication and con- chief executive officer of the | struction. The problems of pro- Whitby Public Schools told the | viding education which will inaugural meeting of the Whit- |help these young people who by School Board. jlive in this greatly acceler- "This is brought about by |of years schooling. me, eeponion of knowledge iN the needs of the future, rather the last 10 years which hasithan being satisfied to keep produced more new knowledge|pace with the changes in pop- than had been discovered in ulation, occupations and number the previous hundred years." We are less certain Pupils Must Be Sharper, Creative For New Jobs 'We must plan ahead for) of} future will require than we ever were. Therefore, it is essential) that rather than stressing the) memorization of neat little bod- ies of facts, we must develop young minds which are flexi- ble, creative, often divergent and strongly analytical. "One of the greatest challen- ges we face is the necessity OTTAWA (CP)--Appointment of new parliamentary secretar- ies, a Liberal whip and deputy whip will be announced during the weekend, Prime Minister Pearson said Friday. There are 16 parliamentary secretaries -- MPs who act as to strivé for'excellence in edu- cation while' at the same time we will have to provide for unprecedented numbers of pup- ils who will be staying in school for a longer period of time than assistants to cabinet ministers j--to be appointed. The appoint- iments, which carry an extra |$4,000 a year, expire at the end jof each Parliament. Party Whip James E. Walker 'Names Upcoming: PM including light planes, being used in Viet Nam. Under pro- duction - sharing agreements with the U.S., he said, '"'we can't control the destination of exports to the U.S." OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min- ister Pearson and a committee of his cabinet met Friday with Dr. John J. Deutsch, chairman of the Economic Council of Canada. Mr, Pearson told reporters {has told Mr. Pearson that he does not want to carry on in that office in the new session. later that the cabinet commit- | tee began discussing features! of the council's second annual review, made public Tuesday. He hoped the cabinet commit- 6638-8768 tee would keep in closer touch 137 BROCK STS. WHITBY with the advisory body than it! had in the past. ee : BROCK Evening Programs at 6:55 & 8:30 WHITBY Last Complete Program... 8:30 Ifyou flipped for'Flipper'| _..> THE WORLD'S youll roar with... A IGHTIEST MEN! M-G-M presents HERCULES, SAMSON aw ULYSSES EASTMANCOLOR ling ae took "avound In. bur what knowledge and skills the'ever before." community and throughout our East Whitby Plans Butter Price Up First Meeting 9 Cents Monday | : COLUMBUS -- East Whitby Township Council will start OTTAWA (CP) -- An imme-, The announcement by Agri-| He was asked at a press con- soother year of, municiptlaiate increase of tro cents alculture Miniser J. J. Greene ference to comment on reports usiness when it holds Ms in' ) , -| Le : "lof Canadian military machines, | augural meeting Jan. 10 at angel tig, Umrao Man. (cTeasing, producers' eget for) x x 11a. m. _lnouncéed Sridhy--a° move: fet eee ete acuta The personnel of the council | neans the consumer will pay (2nd should stimulate produc- } ia st ontract Awarded is unchanged from 1965 with | on equivalent amount more for |ton: thus bringing about a bet- C Neil Smith as reeve, John How-! q ter balance between supply and gee __ |demand." | For Post Office iden as deputy reeve and A. § The agricultural stabilization! porr HOPE -- Russell C. HEATING OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min- jister Pearson said Friday that |the Canadian government can- lnot control the ultimate destin- lation of military equipment ex- NO 'HOSPITAL BLUES' HERE: dent of the Whitby Senior om tenor horn; Band, presented board offi- Earl A. Fairman hospital cials with a cheqte for campaign committee, on $189.50. The money was clarinet; Joe Ottenbrite, raised at a recent benefit vice - chairman campaign band concert in aid of the committee, trombone and, Blowing up a combined bandsman tae storm with Whitby Junior bandsman Blayne Pascoe two members of the Whitby General Hospital Board joined forces with the band at a practice session this week. During the session, Morley Smith, vice - presi- |board regulates butter priceS|toney. MP for Durham, an-| by setting selling prices for its|,oynced Wednesday that the! , stocks of the commodity and @ contract for the new Dominion| '--e ar | *\ . cA guaranteed price. at which it/pujiding to be built on John st. | will buy butter from pro-jnas been awarded to Chemong TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY $10,000.00 DEBENTURES TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS DEBENTURES ARE AVAILABLE TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC BEARING INTEREST AT 6% ANNUALLY, THE DEBENTURES ARE IN $1,000.00 DENOMIN- | ATIONS AS FOLLOWS: | $1,000 -- 16 YEAR DEBENTURE; $4,000 -- 17 YEAR DEBENTURES; $4,000 -- 18 YEAR DEBENTURES; $1,000 -- 19 YEAR DEBENTURE. High 'Double with Hdcp. -- Joan Coult- herd, 510, High Single Fiat -- €v Curtis, 272, High Single with Hdep. -- Edna Bedard, 30 In the words of a close rela- tive: "It is a time for remem- bering the many, many good times." Further information and particulars may be had upon direct application to the Treasurer, Mr. A. C. Craigie, telephone 655-3351. gend messages back to relafives| Church, and Mrs. Johnson, al-jcuit Judge Edward C. Kelly in England. ways one to. be active and|ruled this week that because the The correspondence arrived|ready to help out where pos-|U.S.S.R. will not allow a citizen The musicians are, left to ings, Morley Smith. lowe as councillors. School Principal l 100t] Bi t] 4 | ber indicated that the munici- =e e Y; lcial position and that collec-| Ivan Bildson, 33, a public school |10.9 cents for each pound Of|phe contract price is $377,906. | | ig edie : * . a nile delinquency, will face a new! The two-cent increase is be-|from today. WHITBY DISTRICT abeth Johnson a , resident of| was not known until after news-| number of close relatives joined ald public school, was found Second low bidder for the/ terday by describing the day! Almost everyone in the home- QUEEN'S TELEGRAM Team Standing -- Roses 3, Pansies 3,/and three months indeterminate /for Manitoba and 53% cents for) at $407,618. High Double Flat -- Dorothy Quantrill, S ee The incident took place 54) 54. ter Lester B, Pearson, Premier ierans. Letter Seen f |ald of Palace st., Whitby, spent} boarded the steam ship Mag- out,' Robert Johnson, eldest There was also a host of cards Pearl Sutton 179, Marg Holley 188, Nessie Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hagarty, of | The Johnsons boarded ship in| acle."' Swerdfiger 182, Dora Cook 206, Josephine | Y Cellar Dwellers -- B. Gaine 96, P. Rich-| ANS' controversial letter to the; dian people into a sense of ur-'-- berg on her maiden yoyage and The Johnsons eventually came = - - Millar 75, 1. Wolff 76, M. Willison 95 partes al hat i i. : " revenue minister's iscontent | were made public, Mr. Kierans the tale was that relatives ofjyears ago yesterday at Long-| RULES OUT RUSSIANS WHITBY AND DISTRICT } : ada, an authoritative source; He feels the guidelines imply When the couple boarded the! ried her husband. his relatives in the Soviet Union| cas "720, San) Yor vende ernie ays (a4e (302, 226); Ross Kimbell 662 (260, 231); tha federal Vesters 651 (255); Ozzie Moore 650 (273); | were set for the subsidiaries by| dian government in effect ac- at its destination indicating that/ sible, joined the women's aux-|of the U.S. to receive bequests Direct-Drive right: Blayne Pascoe, junior --Oshawa Times Photo Reports presented. at the Gets New Trial }pality is in an excellent finan- | rst atinaes é i G £ 4 | T ll Of Ti S} D e 1' | better. principal charged with four |butterfat used in creamery but-| 'The contract requires that the| trial here next month. ing added to previous selling) The bid was the lowest of : BOWLING SCORES guilty i . . sen-|the Maritimes H tario 5 * . | Fairview Lodge, Whitby, cele-| papers in the couple's home-|Mrs, Johnson in celebration of guilty in December and sen mes, Quebec, Ontari work was Eastwood Construc-| Asters 1, Tulips 0, Pom-Poms 2, Violets! j ari , I Sask nae she 'died' in the Titanic|/town of Lonthwaite, England, Saad oc bg sters, 1, Tulips 0, Pom-Poms 2, Violets! in Ontario reformatory. Saskatchewan and Alberta. the Queen, | PERSONALS years ago when Mrs. Johnson| 'You have no idea of what we John Robarts and Michael ; he ill told Ost T . e the New Year's weekend with| . ter vessel to the ill-|son, told an Oshawa Times re- j i ihahivie natic, sister ves ie il and telegrams from relatives on Shephard 181, Doris. Stennett 183), Vivien imax { Discontent swerdfiger 18 4 i Windsor, and friends from De-| April, 1912 and were at sea Olenik 212, 177, Millie Eliott 176, Irene | ardson 78, F, Carswell 64, M. Vallieres) commerce secretary of the Uni-| gency. sank. to Toronto where they settled. , . snsick Caauiin with Ottawa's policy on U.S.|has been quietly, and then not guts the Johnsons believed that the|thwaite, Lancashire, England.| MEDFORD, Ore. (AP)--The ou : (245, 236, 222); Tony Vandermale #75 (244,, Said Friday night. that U.S. subsidiaries in. Can-| WORLD § ship they picked up-post cards,| Arriving in Toronto the couple| will go instead to the Oregon Ron. Childs 660 (258, 230); Tony Perroni| believes Wayne Johnson 648 (244, 222); Bruce aa: \the U.S. government. | quiesced in that principle. hospital building campaign. watching over the proceed- (Evans, Ross Lee and Douglas jnomination meeting in Decem- jtions of taxes have never been KINGSTON (CP) Gerald ducers. It also pays producers | construction of Peterborough. | ------------ |counts. of contributing to juve-|ter production. lcompletion date be 10 months| | Bie 5: ae eS aan Say epoage ce Bildson, principal of Macdon-| lseven tendered | WHITBY (Staff) -- Mrs. Eliz-| was safely aboard tlfe Magnatic; Yesterday afternoon a large prices of 55 cents a pound for|SeVe . "ey j 7 ini iti ) j las . brated her 100th birthday yes-|town had been notified. her 100th birthday. WHITBY LADIES 'FLoweR' 'League|tenced to six months definite|and British Columbia, 54 cents|tion Co. Ltd. of Peterborough 1, Lilacs 2, Lilles 0. oonien i r believ py ha erished at disaster. pplioved sey. NaS penehed. from the Queen, Prime Minis-} + Mr. and Mrs. G. W. McDon-| and her jate husband, James, all felt when the truth came Starr; MP for Ontario Riding. 96 175 and Over Betty Beckley 175, bs . ' : |their daughter and_ son-in-law, | fated Titanic porter, "It seemed like a mir-|ho+h sides of the Atlantic. 193, Marg Connelly 235, Eileen . . , . UEBEC (CP) -- Eric Kier-|dian government and the Cana- i when the Titanic struck an ice-| CAME TO TORONTO Hancock 189. Q ) | g d ana-| troit. De gunn 2M. Metavanlin &% 4: ted States climaxed the acting) Ever since the guidelines The most unfortunate part of Mrs. Johnson was born 100} ' (wateeeiay) |subsidiary companies in Can-}so quietly, fuming. couple had sailed on the Titanic.| It was there she met and mar-| $25,000 a man tried to will to uf 233); Les Reed 668 (245); Roy Vaillant 665; The source said Mr. Kierans| ada should not be subject to Ca- letterheads and envelopes to|joined St. Barnabas Anglican|state common school fund. Cir- govern-| nadian laws and government. | 656 (256); Bill Shearer 654 (231, 224); Billl ment did not lodge a necessary; By its lack of protest, Mr.| protest at the time guidelines} Kierans contended, the Cana- Henderson 645 (234, 233); Bob Villeneuve Singles 220 and over -- Earl Cane 275,| the couple were aboard the Ti-| iliary. from Soviet residents, the re-| sili Lundmark 263, Bill Ruegg 254, Hans| The guidelines, announced) That subject - matter, the| tanic and since they were not} Mrs. Johnson has two sons|verse also holds true. Adam So ee eet Se 6, were designed to im-| source in Quebec City said, re-| listed as survivors in the At-|and three daughters, nine|Sharpek of Ashland, Ore., who/27, Ernie Shepperdson 226, Bill Gough| Prove the U.S. balance-of-pay-| flects an issue that preoccupies lantic disaster, the relatives be-| grandchildren living (two died),| died in 1963, willed his property |725. ofp eon ge th ada ayes 224, ments position. Mr. Kierans--"undue" U.S. con- lieved. they had perished. 25 great grandchildren, and four} to nieces and nephews in Rus-|277,"Harry Venstaveren 21, Jim Mifflin The source in Quebec City|trol, through the guidelines pol- The good news that the couplei great great grandchildren. sia. a Brosh ae jgave the following background|icy, over subsidiaries which Oe nr UIE ' "= | Hotel 5, J.B. McMullen Real Estate 0 Mr. Kierans' letter, made) should be subject to Canadian | Jokers 4, Crew's ' Sam's Barber Shop| public Thurslay and criticized}/law and the general economic a le Hotel 3, Lawis custom Tait:| 25 "highly irregular" by Prime|aims of governments in Can- ors 3, Joe's Barber Shop 2, Mitton| Minister Pearson Friday: ada. Machinery 3 Whitby . Police Assoc. 2 Mr. Kierans felt from the be-| a rs ' " . z 7 ou AY 7 ginning that the guidelines HE'S DEFENDER might be good for the United|. Mr. Kierans felt he was act-| States but not for Canada--and | ing as a defender, not of Que-| Quebec. bec autonomy, but rather of the | rights of Canada as a whole in MEANT TO JOLT WM. H. WALLACE, Clerk Box 160, BROOKLIN, Ontario, - Rambeirs 6, Whitby aOR Ramses es Town of Whitby Andrew's 1, Shop 0 Whitby Barber WHITBY LADIES' CANDY BOWLING LEAGUE Points for the day: Alisorts 3, Gum- drops 1, Humbugs 1, Jelly Beans 0, Life Savers 3, Lollipops 1, Maple Buds 4 and Peppermints 3. Triples over $00: Grace Sandford 604, Ede Walker 591, Gladys Wiles 585, Katie) Leyst 574, Muriel McKim 560, Dorothy |opposing what he considers to His letter was sent and later; be excesses, however occa- published as a way of jolting) sional, in U.S. policies affecting REV! HOMELITE TAX 1 ; + "la \Moore 534, Bernice Moase 529, Bimplo| we Us: government, a tba Sanada, )Gough 520 and Jean King 514. | oa a Singles over 200: Dorothy Moore | Katie Loyst 248, Grace Sandford Laura Stevenson 239, Giadys Wiles 2 Ede Walker 224, 218; Muriel McKim Dimple Gough 219, Bernice Moase Setly Pascoe 05 end Barb Caiverry. @ | Cellar Dwellers Noreen Darling 54, Muriel Grant ¥/, Goreen Kerioe By, Ruby Schieder 90, Mildred Thomas 88, and Rae Thierman 70. | Conaratulations to the Allsorts on win- jning the section section with a pinfall of | 21,207 with their captain, Gladys Wiles, and feam mates of Jean Ward, Dimple Gough, Marg Sturgess, Dorothy Brandt and Barb Calberry. Prepayment Certificates Prepayment receipts may now be purchased at the Treasurer's Office in the amount of $10.00 or any multiple thereof, the discounts are as follows: | XL-12 Weighs Only 12 Ibs. + Minty 12 the fece har and chain. ne fittle as 14 Ibs, with bar and chain @ Cuts 12* trees in 10 seconds, fells trees up to 3 feet in diameter. Has Homelite's top professional features. @ The chain sew everyone can ese GAVE A FREE DEMONSTRATION TOBAT! WILDE RENTAL @ SERVICE @ SALES @ RENTALS @ CUSTOM CUTTING i c 419 BROCK STREET N., DEV, DELOSS M, SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M. "FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST, CKLB 1350 On Your Diol 9:45 A.M, TEACHING THE BIBLE AS "THE INSPIRED WORD OF GOD" IN OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER-- REV. JACK WATT, Secretary of "The Fellowoship of Evangelical Baptist Churchs in Canada. February Ist-15th 17th-28th 9.93 9.94 49.64 99.28 January let-17th © 18th-3 Ist 9.89 9.91 49.47 49.35 98.93 99.10 500,00 494.63 495.50 496.39 1,000.00 989.26 991,00 992.78 These receipts may be applied on 1966 property taxes by the purchaser surrendering the same with the tax bill on the due date of the First instalment, April 15th. Dsicount allowed by the purchase of prepayment receipts is in addition to the regular discount allowed on prepayment of property taxes in full by April 15th. PURCHASE NOW AND OBTAIN MAXIMUM DISCOUNT JOHN R, FROST, Town Treasurer. Amount 10.00 50.00 100.00 Family Monuments bg Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST WEDNESDAY EVE, 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY 668-3552 "You are always Welcome at Faith' MON. ©.D.H. 3 SPECIALS -- ee ee OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 -- SAi, 'TiL 6 P.M. _-- @® MAIN FLOOR @ 1415 Dundas St. &. Whitby, Ont. Ph. 668-3226 COSY NOSY One Winnipeg -- resident was cozy when he put his nose into Winnipeg's 40- degree below zero tempera- Adults 'Only Allowed Specials tures Friaay morning. He had a nose muffler for the city's coldest Jan. 7 in 16 years, (CP) To Limit Quantities "GO GO STEELERS '66" O.H.A. METRO JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY Ist Sundey Junior Hockey Gome To Be Played in Whitby SUNDAY, Crszy) @ MAIN FLOOR @ : USE FOR HOME LARGE SIZE TUBE COTTAGE OR CAR WOOL BLANKETS | SRYLCREEM with FREE comb Cenedion Made of 80% wool Compore at 79e 50° ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron ot St. John Rev, W. J, S. McClure, B.A Mrs. P. N. Sprott, Organist WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister: Rey John McLeod THERMAL UNDERWEAR MEN'S 100% COTTON SHORT SLEEVE DRESSY TOPS SPORT SHIRTS by Monarch Knit and Zimmerknit PRICE SAKE Compare et 1.85 111 MAIN FLOOR @ LOWER LEVEL @ PRESTONE BRAND ZERO 'LER Cold Water Wash Organist Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M. 9:45 AM- 11:00 A.M.- "i? Schox inves Na 1 aw Possibilities" * Church Tapered fit for real comfort -- Compare at 3.95 each PRI © 2.00 11;00 A.M 7:00 P.M.--~"It Can't Be Done' 9:45 A.M.--Bible Schoo! Wed. 7:30 -- Prayer and Bible Study "'Left-Handers" and 20% viscose. Size 60' x 80" PRICE ee 3.00 @ LOWER LEVEL @ MAIN FLOOR 250 SHEETS LOOSE LEAF LARGE 6-CUP Jan. 9th, '66 ANTL-FREEZE | , Cold Water Wash | RULED REFILLS | TEAPOTS eae 7:30 P.M. FOR Compare et 85¢ tin pare at 59, Compare at 7.95 aye | fo 60*| fon," "5 65 || WHITBY LASCO STEELERS 1038 King St. W. ad Begionees price SAKE 50° PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL e LOWER LEVEL Se <> VE. oe OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE At Garrard Rd. ETOBICOKE INDIANS eV BV eV WV wae LO / SAS d IPAS ANS ANDAs Saabs ARC LOWER LEVEL Admission: Adults $1.00, Students (with cards) 50¢ FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR FOR PRICE SAKE MAINJFLOOR Nursery Care and Junior ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Centre & EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rev. Horold Hesselink woolens, Colborne Sts Mis th 'N wton I kL. pester PRICE SAKE 10:30 A.M LOWER LEVEL ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M Holy Communion SUNDAY SCHOOL AM--J For Price Sake It's No Where Else PED 2PM DUTCH SERVICE & 7PM oe ENGLISH: SERVICE Pe erga she pss gation EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED 9:45 niors seniors Intermediates, Children Under 12 Admitted Free with Adult formation

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