'Sharp Works 4 Probiems 'As New Session Kicks Off | By JAMES NELSON OTTAWA (CP) Finance Minister Sharp 1s juggling four inter-related problems in prep- aration for the new parliament- ary session opening Tuesday, Jan, 1 They are: --What to do about taxes and government spending in the fiscal year starting April 1. --How to revise federal-prov- incial fiscal relations next year to keep both levels of government healthy. --How far to go in adopting recommendations of the Por- ter royal. commission on banking and finance. On the key issue of tax and spending policy in the year ahead, Mr. Sharp has already said the federal government will lose some revenue through in- creased abatement of some tax fields to the provinces, while federal spending continues its normal annual growth. This means Mr. Sharp may not have as much room as would first appear in which to make significant tax cuts. MAY COME IN MARCH Mr. Sharp probably will in- Nigerian Election Rioting troduce his first budget in late March or early April, if nor- mal practice is followed. In his budget last. year, former fi- nance minister Walter Gordon projected revenues of $7,350,- 000,000. This would mean a defi- cit of $300,000,000 in the parlia- mentary accounts, but Mr. Gordon said the effect of that budget might be a modest sur- plus of $152,000,000 in the na- tional accounts, The minister now has révised those figures on the basis of the buoyancy. of government rev- enues, fed by the growth of the economy. He is basing his current thinking on an expected in- crease of five per cent in the gross national product during THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuary 12, 1966 3 OTTAWA (CP)--Acting Prime Minister Martin said Tuesday it's about time. the Canadian government had a long-distance jet plane for official use. Mr. Martin, the external af- fairs minister, told an inter- viewer he was just expressing a personal opinion after Prime Minister Pearson and Labor Minister Nicholson ran into dif- ficulties in reaching their des- tinations in the last few days. -Mr. Nicholson had to hitch a ride or a U.S, government air- craft to.arrive in New Delhi in Martin Would Like A ] For Ottawa Officials' Use Jet time for the funeral of Prime Minister Shastri. Mr, .Martin said that Mr. Nicholson would not have been able to get to New Delhi in time on commercial jet, The fastest government plane available to take the Pearson party to Lagos last week for the Commonwealth conference on Rhodesia was a propeller-driven Yukon. Mr. Martin said the flight to Nigeria would have taken 22 hours. A commercial jet air- craft was chartered instead to make the trip. ' COMPUTER BOOTS ANOTHER THIS TIME BEER SUFFERS 1966, apart from price in- creases, The real value of goods and services produced in 1965 \is believed to have risen about stopped by thugs demanding! six per cent from 1964, and Mr. money for safe conduct through|Sharp may be too conservative makeshift roadblocks. in his estimate. Old boundary disputes and long-standing family feuds are| REPORT EXPECTED BURTON-ON-TRENT, Eng- land (AP)--The biggest brew- ery in this home of British brewing is busily pouring bar- rels by the thousand into the public drains. "The trouble started with a computer used by Bass's brewery to estimate demand nied it was happening. But to- day its spokesman said: "I'm afraid it is absolutely true, Nearly 10,000 casks have to be disposed of. "Most of the beer was stock- piled from late November so it would mature for the Christ- mas rush, But it wasn't needed and we decided to get rid of it because some of it might have gone off. "The error was caused by the group's computer. The clerks who previously forecast the year-end trade were far more accurate."' Still Going After 3 Months By KENNETH L, WHITING IBADAN (AP)--Rioting, arson and looting continue in Nigeria's} western region three months) | after a controversial election. The uproar which grew out of/being pursued under the cloak; About the time the new fi- her eight-year-old German Shepherd pet Frosty. They're on a ride through a park on Kennedy road in the Toronto suburb of Scar- borough. (CP) into a dogsled and she's getting lots of pull from Four-year-old Karen Ram- age has turned her sleigh yt ee ee 1 to 5 year G.1.C.'s 4%% * Investment Funds * Estate Planning * Executors & Trustees @OUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Open Friday Nights and All Day Saturday Central Ontario. Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North 23 King Street West - Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling h REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--Presiaent , Bill MeFeeters--Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 723-5221 623-2527 Oshowe Bowmanville . + That Big Savings Event Staris THURSDAY, JANUARY 13 JANUARY CLEARANCE BUT FOR OTHERS, TRAGEDY waiting ambulance today of Rio de Janeiro hit by after she was found under floods and landslides result- rock and mud in an area ing from the worst rain in Bombed Negro's Funeral: A How-To-Retaliate Arena HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP), tions Tuesday aimed at longer/un-American activities contin-| The fire bomb that ended the | hours for open voter registra- ued its probe of the Ku Klux! fife of a Negro civil rights leader! tion offices in Hattiesburg, Miss., started a balloting for the regional legis-| of political unrest. |nance minister presents his di A Sigg and New |lature provides a cover for| Thousands of extra police pa-|first budget to Parliament, the) "The oracle guessed wrong to jthieves and roving highway trol the region of 10,000,000 peo-| S0vernment is expected to re-| tha tune- of 2,800,000 pints | gangs, |ple, Army units have been on|Ceive recommendations from} worth £250,000 pounds ($750, | Motorists driving the 88 miles the alert since the Oct. 11 elec-|the Carter royal commission on) 999) at bar prices. All has to |between Ibadan and the federal tion, jtaxation, The commission,| pe poured away. -- |capital, Lagos, scene of the cur-| The federal government's|(eaded by Kenneth Carter of] 'phe brewery for a while de- lrent prime ministers' confer-| Morning Post reports that po-| Porento, was appointed in the i lence on Rhodesia, have been)jice pian to launch "Operation| Summer Of 1962 to study the dis-| |--__--_-------" Suppress Thuggery . . . aimed|'tibution of the tax burden and) | ild at curbing acts of looting, ar.| how yf naiged it. sas ae | |son, killing and all sorts .| . Mr, sharp has sa at until) } Our Bui ers in western Nigeria the commission's findings have| : }been studied and assessed, it! % EXACT FIGURES LACKING | would be improper to make any| ré etter "ie No precise death toll or dam-|drastic change in current tax] pet jage figures are available. The| laws. Some studies of the com-| Sevings eccounte | LONDON (CP) -- Construc-| eastern region government or-| mission's findings already are| Poid se compounded tion workers in Canada are up|8an Nigerian Outlook --jbeing made by a special staff| quarterly to twice as efficient as their) Which opposes the regime in the|in the finance department so counterparts in Britain, the|Wwest, contends 567 persons were|the work can be completed head of an international build-|killed and 1,002 injured. Other| quickly when the formal report} ing firm says. ;Sources indicate about 200 died|is submitted. W. Kirby Laing, chairman of and 400 others suffered injuries Perhaps the longest and most John Laing Construction and) Among those slain were|technical work of the new par-| president of the British Build-jelected officers, police, local|liamentary session will be on|/ ing Trade Employers Federa-|tribal chiefs, bystanders and|the revision of the Bank Act| tion, said Tuesday productivity) scores of "party stalwarts"--the which now is two years over-| on his own company's projects | local term for political thugs. | due. The Bank Act is the basic in Western Canada was 100 per} More than 100 homes and|law governing operations of the| cent higher than on compara-|shops were burned and the re-|chartered banks and normally | ble projects in Britain. |gion's roads are littered with] revised every 10 years to keep) His evidence to royal com-/ overturned and burned autos. ~J/it up to date with banking) mission on trade unions and) The elections retuaned Chief| trends. employers associations W&S|/Samuel L. Akintola's Nigerian| challenged by George Wood-/ National Democratic party to cock, general secretary of the| power, Leaders of the defeated Trades Union Congress and &|United Progressive Grand Al- member of the commission.|liance assert the election was Laing dropped references to 190-| rigged, per-cent better productivity in| 'my# observers agree there Canada, but said it was "'con-) was evidence of irregularities in |siderably" above the British|the ballotting. |figure. - The whole cost of building in ithe two countries is about the lsame, Laing said, but a crafts- man's take-home pay in Canada is about $90 a week to about $60 a week in Britain. Asked why Canadian produc- tivity should be higher, Laing said: "It is a different attitude to |life as a whole (in Canada). We are too contended with life in |this country, aren't we? In Can- ada, there is a freedom and a |will to work that is not present \here."' A Brazilian woman, iden- tified only as Theresinha, is carried on a stretcher to a 80 years. She had been bur- ied 13 hours prith the bodies of her husband and two of her children. (AP) Before you buy any } J 'Piano or Organ | -- | | Kian, About 300 sign-carrying, sing-| John H. Gipson, a_ disillu- blazing argument at his mem-/ing Negroes created traffic|sioned Klansman became the orial service over a possible re-|snarls Tuesday night as they| /i!st KKK member to testify on taliatory boycott "of white mer-; marched to the court house/2cts of violence attributed to chants ' ' through downtown Birmingham. the secret organization. Gipson told the committee he Negroes in a crowd of 250 to THROW ROCKS turned informer and now felt 300 hooted and shouted their re-. Earlier, about 300 Negro high\'"'my life is not worth two sentment Tuesday after a local) school pupils went on a 90-min-| cents," official of the National Associa-|ute rock-throwing binge when| Gipson, 29, a Slidell, La log- tion for the Advancement of/school officials barred them ger and lumber mill worker, de-| Colored People, J. C. Fairley,|from joining one of the marches.| scribed the whipping of a white! told them his group "'does not' In Washington, the House of! youth and a Klan plot to burn! anticipate a boycott at this mo-' Representatives committee on! two Negro churches : ; TROU oS fH | 165 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 728-2921 a | Doug Wilson's Men's Wear have reduced prices 20% to 40% on all their fine quality merchandise. Their spring merchandise will soon be arriving . , they must have the space. We suggest you take advantage of these low, mid-winter clearance sale prices now! SUITS TOP COATS SPORT COATS WINDBREAKERS SWEATERS SHIRTS SHOES Reductions of 0x to 40% "Doorway to a Man's World' he said ','then this man has died in vain already." Meanwhile, city and. county leaders launched a fund drive to aid the family of Dahmer, who was fatally burned Mon- day when his home and store were set ablaze. Mississippi of ficials pledged an all-out effort to apprehend those responsible Dahmer's wife and daughter were burned by flames created by firebombs. In Birmingham, Ala., the Jef- ferson County court house re- mained the target of civil rights! protests today after demonstra- As the rally boiled up, Charles Evers of Jackson, state NAACP HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS field director, restored order by calling on the crowd to show LEAN MEATY, BLADE-BONE REMOVED _ es > Fresh Pork 5G: respect for the 58-year-old vic- time. Vernon Dahmer, "If you don't have any more ¢ U.S.A, NO. 1. SUNKIST ORANGES 3 = 99- Clorke's Tomato & Veg. 10 ox. tins soup 1) ~S] tes" " 349. 39¢ - WE DELIVER | ANYWHERE IN OSHAWA ORDERS OVER FREE TWENTY DOLLARS poz, BAG PROMPT. GERVICE. POT ROAST SHOULDER |SHORT RIB |PRIME RIB Shorteut Ist 4 rib | PRIME RIE ~ Ib Cc Ib Fresh Pork Fresh Pork 214 to 3 th. Ava. LOIN END © Fresh Killed Oven Ready Chickens 2314 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Downtown Oshawa C Ib City-Wide Delivery 2 QUART CARTON 2% MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Oper' Evenings Till 9 P.M OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. te EE HY a respect for his death than this," 2% TO 3-18, AYG. 79