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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1966, p. 10

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was six, her father arranged a,cirai piays with nite Meces, concert--in--Berlin. end-tesk hie! Then come Tennesces WitHame' wife and three children. They|The Rose Tattoo, which made never returned ~~...) her acstar. : "My father'had been marked| Roses became her favorite for shooting by the Soviets," she} flower, hence the bouquets for said. "One 'Of the officials was| He? oscar. a former pupil, and he let us es-| cape." | "After two years in Berlin, the) family moved on to Paris, which| had been Lila's home ever \ "T had. given Cacoyannis my word; and I-could ot go back on my word,' she said, 'But when the pley wes pestroned, 1 nearly went crazy with wait- \Kendrova"s Oscar Not Lucky Icon a Hitchcock offer broke her l long wait, and now Cacoyannis wants her immediately for The displaced Polish countess in| Derry eee are East Berlin who is trying to find) iB s a sponsor for entrance to eg bing eel ae is: meagre i rT ife, eee ean in Leningrad, whore fein parentslsince. She married Pierre REFUSED STAGE ROLES | | were noted singers. When shelValde, who directed her in sev- Miss Kedrova said that she} Y had received offers to appear on the Paris stage. But she had to : refuse them because she was committed to a New York pro- duction of The Cherry Orchard! Furniture & Appliances. 452 Simcoe St. S. 723-00 for Michael Cacoyannis, who se-| lected her for Zorba's Madame! Hortense. | Oshawa's New Furniture and Appliance Store feat- uring Admiral T.Y., Zenith, Top Service and many top lines of furniture and appliances. COMPUTER PLANS BOATS Piegianiuica wiin Gata aDOUt |s0 traditional designs, a Brit- Bit im put now pier plans for new types of fishing boat. eee) ae 3 By BOB THOMAS HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- In a shrine-like setting in Lila Ked- rova's Paris home sits her Os- car, surrounded by roses. _ The position or Honor gives evidence of Miss Kedrova's gra- titude for the Academy Apvard, which she won last year for her flamboyant performance as the agin gdoxy in Zebra The Greek The honor made the Parisian actress a world-wide celebrity. Curiosly, Oscar failed to be- stow his famed golden touch ca- reerwise, "Movie offers? 1 have had none," said Miss Kedrova. "None from American, none from Europe. Until now.' She had come to Hollywood for a brief but co-starring role with Julie Andrews and Paul Newman in Torn Curtain, with Alfred Hitchcock. She plays a Dry air in your home ? | need e wa 7 . HUMIDIFIER Call 725-3581 ond talk it over with Lander's air-conditioning experts. Instal- lation's easy, 'cost is surprisingly low. _ NEED... Fuel Oil CALL PERRY Day or Night 723-3443 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 AY Somaenhing thar's ath FUN KEEPING TURMOIL AMONG FACTIONS Guillermo Patricio Kelly, Peronist Alliance head, talks with newsmen after lead- ing a raid on central head- quarters of the Justicalist party--a rival Peronist org- anization -- in Buenos Aires. Beneath portrait in back- ground of ex-Argentine dic- tator Juan Peron the word "'paz'"' (peace) is crossed out and replaced by '"revo- lution," while a stroke of paint covers the word "miedo" (fear). (AP) Australia Prime Ministry Finally For Harold Holt CANBERRA (CP)--Harold E. Holt, Australia's new prime minister, must have wondered confidante and adviser since, Holt never appeared to be-| Holt was first elected to Parlia-;come impatient and probably} ment in 1935 jnever was, so intense. was his| many times if he would ever Like Menzies, Holt graduated make it. But his mentor, Sirjin law from Melbourne univer- Robert Menzies, finally retired|sity. He retains an interest in a today. | Menzies, 71, resigned be-| cause of his age, and members| - Sydney law firm but does not} practice | He was first elected to Par- admiration and loyalty for Men- zies. He also had the comforta- ble knowledge that the prime minister regarded him as his heir apparent. As prime minister, Holt will of his Liberal party in Parlia-jliament at the age of 27 andjlead a coalition of the Liberal! ment elected Holt party leader| served in Menzies' first cabinet,|and country parties and head of the government,/1939-41. The prime minister re-| Holt is expected to continue posts which Menzies had held|called him from the army after|Menzies' policies of close ties for the last 16 years. jthree cabinet ministers were|with Britain and the United The succession of Holt, 57,|killed in a plane crash. iStates, including Australia's was @ foregone conclusion. He} As the Menzies era moved|commitment in Viet Nam where had been deputy Liberal leader|well into its second decade, itlits troops are fighting alongside since 1956, federal treasurer | began to look as if he would/u.s. forces. since 1958 and Menzies' close'never retire. | Canada Rapped As Employing 'Double Standard' On Exports -- WINNIPEG (CP)--The Cana-|Canadian raw materials on dian government has adopted a} which tolls had to be paid were double standard for the nation's) placed in an unfair competition| exports, Stuart Armour of Tor-| with similar raw material from/ onto said today. ithe U.S. moving toll - free Mr. Armour, president and|through the Great Lakes Pg gl * = ab Text of Mr. Armour's address wakes Waterways Development|, 3] a iss Association, told the Winnipeg|nos ceo Advance of de- Lions Club that the federal gov-| ernment is constantly urging Ca- nadians to increase their volume of export. But on the other hand, he said, the government has estab- lished an "inconsistent and dis- criminatory"' policy~of tolls on the St. Lawrence Seaway which: worsens the competitive posi- tion of Canadian produce in overseas , ntarkets, He said Canada's part in the building of the St. Lawrence Staway irs Bionireal to Lane Ontario totalled about $313,000 - 000. Then Canada, along with the United States, imposed tolls on coal, grain, iron ore and other bulk and general cargoes. The tolls, he said, were im- posed to recover costs within the next 50 years. Mr. Armour said St. Lawrence tolls collected on the largest bulk carrier, fully loaded with raw materials, are estimated at $100 a mile--"a pretty stiff price for the use of navigational facility vital to every Cana- dian." Toll charges on raw materials to and from Canada affected the prices paid by consumers in all parts of the country, as well as prices in export markets, he} said. Mr. Armour said Canadian manufactured goods made from FEARS OUTSIDE ORDERS MONTREAL (CP) "The | more a state pays, the more it! can demand," says Rev. E. Clifford Knowles of McGill Uni- | versity, speaking against the abolition of students' fees. "A future provincial government could say -that -a-man -should study English literature when | . se Arrive at the Opera on horseback Sine i Rent a Merry-Go-Round for the weekend to ARJAY ALUMINUM PRODUCTS SAVE 10% ON ALL ALUMINUM PRODUCTS FROM NOW TIL APRIL 1 , doors, ig%, siding, railings ond shower doors. Al WHITBY 668-6431 } 904 GREENWOOD AVE DAY! @ in delicious Businessmen's Luncheons @ LIGHT LUNCHES and taste tempting ° @ CHINESE FONDS Including Take-Out-Orders, NAN SOE ALLAAH: : a ce . renames MOTORS VALUE es SUPPLY TEACHERS OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION invites applications from qualified teachers inter- ested in positions os SUPPLY TEACHERS in OSHAWA PUBLIC SCHOOLS Requests for application forms stating experience, qualifications should be addressed to the RESTAURANT Upstairs 14% KING ST.-E. 728-4666 ---- 725-0075 Drive the 1966 Beaumont We call Beaumont our "iun car". We've styled each of its nine models to be more than beautiful. We don't want you to just admire the car. We want you to fall in love with it. We want you to get emotional about Beaumont's performance, too. That's why we offer three V8 engines with top power at 360 horses. And two potent sixes that sometimes make even us marvel at their overwhelming economy. We've spent a lot of time developing the behaviour of our "fun car". We want it to be good to look at, nice to be with and fun to drive: It is. Beaumont is also comfortable. And low priced. And everything you want your next'car to be. Do you get the idea we're trying to sell you a Beaumont? You're right. Drive our "fun car" today. SALES & SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN WERNER'S SERVICE CENTRE MANCHESTER and Highway Ne, 12 985-7162 Superintendent of Public Schools, or Telephone 728-1644 Cc. M. ELLIOTT Superintendent of Public Schools 555 Rosstand Road W., OSHAWA, ONTARIO | A SPIRITED ONE FROM GENERAL MOTORS See your local Beoumont-Pontiac-Buick dealer THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED --_-H. DICK PONTIAC -BUICK LIMITED 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT. PHONE 723-4364 PHONE 668-5846 Be Sure to see The Fugitive' Mondays at 8:00 P.M. -- "The Red Skelton Hour' Tuesdays ot 8:00 P.M, -- and "Telescope" Thursdays, at 9:30 P.M. on Channel 6

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