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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1966, p. 13

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;|your mind cuts the pattern for) hind are Mrs. C- M. Elliott, treasurer and Mrs. Neil Felt, corresponding secre- tary. election. They are in the front row, from. the left: Mrs. Harry Taylor, Ist vice- president; Mrs. James Mc- Cansh, president; and Mrs. Oshawa Times Photo on Monday, following the K. R. Wagg. Standing be- a Annual Meeting of OGH Aux. Mes Jas. McCansh Shows 1965 A Successful Year 02s OGH Bux. For Second Year The regular meeting of thejof the members of both the par- Women's Auxiliary of the Osh-/ent organization and of the, Mrs. H. B. James presided awa General Hospital was held/Evening Chapter added much/for the election of officers at on Monday with an attendance|to this success, The Hospital the annual meeting of the Wo of 37 members. Mrs. A. T.|Board had been helpful as had|men's Auxiliary of the Oshawa White of Whitby, Mrs. Andre| the Administrator and the Hos-| General Hospital, when Mrs Durand and Mrs. T. J. Heath'pital Staff |James McCansh was re-elected were welcomed as new mem-| The fund raising projects of for her second year as presi- bers, and a guest, Mrs. G. B lthe parent Auxiliary were the dent Attersley was also welcomed to|St. Patrick's bridge, a mammoth, Mrs, C. the meeting by the president,|bake sale and the Dolls of All|the Mrs. James McCansh. Nations and the operation of the which w GER Members stood for two min-| gift shop WHICH Wan eccepled ates silence in memory of the! The Candy Stripers, now Other officers ate Mrs. Walter Branch who their third year, are firmly en-jelected are: honorary president, had been a valued member of|trenched in hospital life. They;Mrs. T. H. Everson; honorary| the Auxiliary and the commun-'contributed a total of 16,390| vice-president, Mrs. G. D, Con- Ity. jhours of service in 1965. ant; past president, Mrs. C. D. Miss Vera Moyse, reporting! $1,500 was distributed in schol-| Russell; president, Mrs. James for the Christmas Cheer project,|arships to three students. 61|McCansh; Ist vice-president,| thanked all who helped in this) knitted articles were received|Mrs. Harry Taylor; 2nd_vice- tommendable project and stat-|\during the year "and 96 baby| president Mrs. Charles Robson; } ed the patients were pleased!gowns and 85 pairs of slippers! 3rd vice-president, Mrs. F. C to receive the small gifts and'sewn. As in the past, a cheque|Molloy; recording secretary, especially the visits of the mem-)was sent to the Oshawa Public Mrs, K. R. Wagg; correspond- bers. Mrs. Neil Felt reported| Library for the purchase of new/ing secretary, Mrs. Neil Felt receiving letters of thanks for|books for the Library Cart. En-and treasurer, Mrs. C, M. flowers sent to Mrs. T. H. Ever-jtertainment was provided for) Elliott. son on her 98th birthday and/nurses in training. Delegates! Conveners -are: Mrs. George Jewell and a Christ-|were sent to the convention of|Mrs. J. L. mas card from our scholarship|the Ontario Hospital Auxiliaries! Mrs. winner, Miss Diane Savoie. jand regional meetings. The/retany, SOME OF the incoming ex- ecutive of the Women's Auxiliary to The Oshawa General Hospitai, are pic- tured at the annua] meeting dD. of Russell presented report the nominating committee, jin Unanimously, Beaton; Alfred Austin; assistant, press sec- 'lretiring « officers membership, | Mrs. E, F. Cuthbertson; | KEEP IN TRIM | There's Magic In Thinking Slim By IDA JEAN KAIN To triumph in reducing, ad- venture in a new way of think- ing. "Let this be an exciting, challenge. Think slim and pic-| ture vourself at shapely weight. | By this plan you can actually develop a built-in-slimming sys- tem. To gain fresh insight, first examine your attitude toward) the whole process of reducing. To reduce it is necessary for you to change-to less fattening} food habits, and add a little more exercise. Are you willing to do s0? You can't win if you ing to curb calories. In that 'frame of mind, giving up favor-) ite fatteners would be an un-| bearable sacrifice. Take.this point of view. The| science of nutrition applied to/ everyday eating assures success in slimming, You're doing yourself a favor. Charinel you r thinking in direction of you goal shapely weight, vith bounce and nerve restored. Give that picture to-your mind. It is a psychological truth that what tends to be brought into reality.! | Expect success! 1 vividiy recall an interview with Cary Grant. This debonair screen star keeps lithe and lean by "thinking thin,"' as he terms lit. The technique is to picture yourself slim and you will be slim. In reducing, this pvon't happen all at once, for it takes time to turn excess fat back into energy. What does happen is that you find yourself choos- jing the food pattern that will help you to reach desirable weight A reader who has achieved shining success by this positive way of thinking, writes Six American Girls Find feel sorry for yourself at hay-|------ = THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, January 21, 1966 13) |tall, blonde athlete, " she said | | with a ina ow, I'm not so sure, F gi i HOt 3 finicky, jif I find the right one." Joan made it pretty clear Ten Thou d Men T M Y | | she's going to be thinking of the SAIGON, Viet Nam (AP)--jvery few female "round eyes" \right one some place else, in |There's a place in this mad/in an Oriental world. |due time. world where six American girls|) How do the girls feel about | Meantime, the girls live in a have the choice of 10,000 men it? : swirling, dusty day-time and a for dates. : On, we survive," ; * rt- The half-dozen are the only Ray ot Greenville, Pa, vedi gp ucragitans pe scowl American girls on the balloon-| She works for the deputy chief}ment where "you ing U.S. air base of Tan Son|Of intelligence and has the soft|seem to be able to get anything Nhut, a key to military liftlines| voice and buttoned-up lip to go| done." to the war. with the delicate job. Before "No matter what you want The girls walk past so many this she worked as a secretary | jdone, it seems too difficult for touch, good-looking guys every | io" four years in the Atomic' the Vietnamese,' said Janie. day they get so they don't see | "ersy Commission Loy Be: 80) But that's all part of the beau- them any more, The same can't |!0P-Secret conscious she won't titi jittle frustrations." be said: for the gu who see| even give her age. It's probably around a cozy 25. "You - get used to it," 1963. 1 sent for your Eat To Joan. |Build Leanness diet, and tuned; boat home. into your column for advice and Biscay pay seen io meas | As for: fiighting off the men, (ee ae es ee ee interjected: 'It's. a manless|that happens seldom=-probably | your idea to 'think slim,' Ravi. ,world anyhow. Those boys work| because there are just so many sion yourself in a smaller dress so.hard all day and part of the|of them around there's safety night they' re bushed. So do we jin | the numbers. says Joan Janie's been here three years, s Joan about half that long. They're not hankering for a say: | size," you suggested. and we're bushed." "T weighed 147 pounds for |tive- foot-three. By the end of MEETS VIPS summer I had lost 25 pounds In thé fall I slimmed down an- other seven pounds without too! Janie is private secretary to Lt.-Gen. Joseph Moore, air force commander in Viet Nam, and NOT FOR much effort for by then I had made the protective way of eat- ing a habit pattern. "Now, 2% years later, I still). "I wrote my little old grand- weigh 115 pounds. This is the!mother in Council Bluffs about first dieting by which I was|meeting Bob Hope and senator ever successful in staying slim.|so-and-so and lots of others and I control calories, of course,|she didn't think much of it,' and weigh myself regularly the pert, petite Janie observed. prefer to eat this way. If I find '"'But when I was home on leave the pointer edging up, I take! and told her I met Perry Mason needed action. Above all, I con- (Canadian-born Raymond Burr) tinue to 'think slim' and to pic-|she got real excited and im- ture myself at my right weight.| pressed." Assure your dieters that think-| The Iowa girl confesses to ing slim is really effective." keeping an eye out for the right Dieters, let her story give you| man but the trouble is there are renewed hope. Picture yourself|too darn many around with too at desirable weight. Expect to darn many things to do succeed! bP used to think in terms of a as such sees every VIP (Very Important Person) who shows up. THE DEAF The "SPECTRA", aid -- so small it can barely be -- a miracle to say the least. Fantastic, for anyone with nerve deafness. As powerful as aids three times its size. Once you see and try it you'll be convinced that this is whot you have wanted for Ask about 5-yeor Just phone or write 723-5401. a new tiny seen when vorn years our guarantee Poul Bellinger (Acousticon Hearing Aids) 1119 Northridge St., Oshawa 'THINK SLIM' "This letter is long overdue but perhaps of more value be- cause of the lapse in time. Now I can report that I have stayed slim. "T started my diet on May 1, SUNDAY ABANDONED COLOMBO (AP)--Ceylon tried jout its new poya holidays in the Hfirst week of 1966. The 1% day jweekends are based on the moon's phases in the Buddhists calendar rather than the West- fern Sanday. Christians are al- jlowed off work for two hours jeach Sunday to attend church. for their as- |sistance during the past year. New business discussed was the annual St. Patrick's bridge ito be held on March 16 with Mrs. A. E. Johnson as the con- vener. Mrs. J. W. Payne poured tea for t ocial hour. Mrs. Eric Sutherland, chair-jemergency supply cupboard] student nurses, man of the Evening Chapter, |proved valuable and Christmas|ter: assistant, presented a cheque for $500 to gifts were presented to all pa- lett; the auxiliary and told the mem- tients. bers the Evening Chapter has| Mrs. Jack Lockwood, gift\George Cane; cards and flow started a fund to furnish a play|shop treasurer, read the. an- ers, Mrs. H. B. James: social toom for the pediatrics ward! nual report. Under the able con- |Mrs. Kenneth Crone; assistant. when the new wing is added to venership of Mrs. W. F. Mar-|Mrs. H. A. Finer; chapel, Mrs the present hospital. shall and her committee, the|M. L. Morris; scholarship, Mrs Mrs. C. M, Elliott, treasurer,|gift shop has had another suc-|pD. E. Smith: library. Mrs, J tead the annual treasurer's re-jcessful year. This success had|H, McDiarmid; visiting and port and the members werejonly been possible by the will-lcheer, Mrs. W. J. Salter: prop- pleased to hear the Auxiliary|ing cooperation of members who) erties, Mrs. J. W. Payne; Candy had a successful year financial-'gave freely of their time. \Stripers, Mrs. C. D. Russell. ly. The annual reports were adop-|constitution and by- laws, Mrs ergy R. Wagg, secretary,|ted as read. Mrs. McCansh!A. W. Armstrong. read the annual report, copies|thanked the members who gave of which were distributed to}such concise reports which in- Pg nS ag cee he i the members, which showed! volved a great deal of time and |the honor of being re-elect ar that under the excellent leader-/ work. She thanked the members| Ithe nominatin hs tt * # ship of the _president..andher and her executive for the splen-! g mittee for executive, 1965 was a success-\did cooperation she received as Mrs. J. G. Car- Mts, W. J. Scar- sewing and knitting, Mrs. W. J. Bone; assistant, Mrs. a fine slate of officers and her Superfluous Hair PERMANENTLY REMOVED By Electrolysis with ady method, from face, arms, legs. pur anced free of worry end embarrassment. REE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshowa et the Genosha Hotel, Jon, 24, 25 and 26. PHONE 723-4641 For eppointment on these dotes tul year. The he willing- co0y operation 'their president. To aii Oe Not Tolue.- That Is The Question In Rome By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON | Gregoriana was a tease with ROME (AP) -- Flesh is in| Such see-through fabrics as chif- fashion with Italian designers fon and lace over other mate- for spring and summer, but rial that interfered with the they can't agree which part of | view Her dolls' dimpled knees the body to bare. were bared by short skirts, but Should they clip from the hip, /unstshty~so snip from the been, deepen rede th Most designers cut their decolietege, or slice a bit from slacks low at the belt line. or the midriff? Each of the design-|'ed their party pants or hos- ers showing their collections in|'®S5 80wns well below the hip Rome this week and in Flor- lime. exposing plenty of middle ence last week has his own Defore covering the chest ideas, Designers who opened their a : collections earlier this week : io Baha Christian Dior's Mare Bohan often cyt diamond windows in started the startling neckline the midriffs. plunge two years Then At the Florence boutique show each designer in the United anything went, particularly side States tried to outstrip the Seams to skirts, They slipped other's deep decolletege unti} UP to the hip bone some Rudi Gernreich left nothing but ©48eS, leaving shapely shanks a couple of straps exposed. Shorts, too. were After a siege of sensational shorter than they should have toplessness, U.S. garment mak HARVEY DANC OPEN Sat., Jan. 22nd Visit Ballet Classes 10 a.m. to 12 noon Baton Twitling Classes 2 p.m. until 4 p.m, ago. NEW REGISTRATIONS TAKEN in STUDIO SHOPPING CENTRE HOUSE See Lessons In Session on Phone Irene Harvey - 725-6122 E ACADEMY OSHAWA been ers have swung into reverse, 7 building necklines up to wom- en's noses, Rut with an eye to the thigh-high skirts introduced by the British Mods, Americans are raising hems higher and higher. Forquet sent his brave mod els 'into the tittering audience Wednesday in midnight bathing costumes. One consisted only of a filmy flowered sheet> In -an other the shapely miss wore a necklace instead of a blouse for her black crepe patio gown. IT'S CHINS TO SHINS Except for a few bikinis un der pants, Biki covered models from their chins to their shins with bright-colored leotards and skirts, and shirts over these Modest Marucelli dropped hems to the knees of her mod- els, but bared the backs and shoulders from time to time Veneziani tried everything in moderation. Backs plunged to the waist. And fronts on some linen dresses failed to cover alt that they might. Some line daytime sheaths were solid a the shoulders and sliced to rib- bons in the back. i February SPECIAL 10% OFF PERMS Each Customer having o Perm. will re- ceive a Large Economy Size of Jutta's Own Spray Net. 43-45 Simcoe St. N. 728-9411 FURNITURE & APPLIANCE WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE SAT. LAST DAY FOR GREAT SAVINGS OUR WAREHOUSE 1S JAMMED. WE MUST MOVE THESE ITEMS, BUY NOW AND SAVE DOLLARS FIRST COME FIRST SERVED, MANY ONE OF A KIND AT GREAT SAVINGS. 30" Electric RANGE switches, auto- timed removable oven door and racks for easy clean- 179 95 ing. Reg. 199.95 . COPPNERTONE $10.00 EXTRA WRINGER WASHER Top performance and cleaner clothes at a low, low price Timer, pump, lint trap, roto swirl agitator. Lovell oo. ae TELEVISION 23" Compact Lo-Boy 27 tube-function- power transformer for cooler opera- tion. Hand wired, keyed automatic gain control contemporary styling -- round tapered legs -- walnut grain - 219.98 Reg. 239.98 SEWING MACHINES REDUCED '3 PORTABLES --- CONSOLES ZIG-ZAG -- DECORATIVE STITCHING CHESTERFIELD SUITE 1 ONLY -- 2 pc. Chesterfield Suite. Gold nylon fabric covers, soft luxurious foam -- Tapered walnut 199. 00 legs. Reg. 279.95 CRIB OUTFIT The safest crib outfit we know of -- Solidly glued joints detachable wood guard rail -- Spring- -- serofoam padded mattress Reg. 59.93... SIMPSONS-SEARS 7 PC. DINETTE SET Chairs covered in supported vinyl table tops by Arborite. Beautiful walnut woodgrained top -- Coppertone fin- ished legs. Reg. 129.95 13.2 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator Freezer Completely frostiess at an unheard of price. 120-\lb. freezer. Refrigerator fully deluxe inside and 'out: Rich-in- terior with twin porcelain crispers, plus removable porcelain. meat keeper. Space saver design. 299 95 Reg, 339.95. . . COPPERTONE $10.00 EXTRA Infinite heat oven, rotissiere, Automatic Washer Fully flexible 3 program washer. You choose from 3° fabric programs -- Normal, delicate, wash & wear 5 wash & rinse temperatures ~ <3 water builtin tine?® pus 239.95 ELECTRIC DRYER Infinite-Heat Dryer grams For normal, delicate and wash & wear with 10 minute cool down, 1001 temperatures for just right heat, high speed drying. Built in screen traps lint and fuzz. Reg. 159.95 ievels money saving suds saver. Reg. 259.95 pump - 3 drying pro- STEREO Enjoy spine tingling realism -- Solid state AM-FM stereo. Six speakers Garrard changer --- Diamond stylus-- 5 push button selectors -- stereo light ~~ 30 watt power makes your records me al ee ee es 329.95 CHESTS of DRAWERS, NITE TABLES ALL REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE! SMALL APPLIANCES | on Fry Pon, Reg. 17.98. 13,95 Reg, 24.95, 21 95 r) FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Table Centres, Reg. 7.88. SPECIAL Hanging Pots, Reg. 4.88, SPECIAL FREE COFFEE ENJOY A CUP WHILE SHOPPING FOR THESE GREAT VALUES STILL AVAILABLE TRIPLE & DOUBLE DRESSERS Table Mixer, Reg. 38.95. SPECIAL 4 Slice SPECIAL Hand "Mixer, Reg. SPECIAL Electric Carving Knif Toaster, Reg, 16.98, 9 bad caster, Reg, 16.98 SPECIAL 10.98 Vapour Kettle, Reg. SPECIAL 11,98, " Apout Town" WITH Ann Sommers - For good taste and excellent interior decorating ideas visit the unique shon of TURNRERRY INTERIORS Mre Mary Clarke the proprietor informs me that her customers have access to the showrooms of her suppliers. As another service they have a fully quolified English craftsman for custom-made upholstered furril- ture, At TURNBERRY INTERIORS you will find only first class furnishings with Spanish and Italian imports. | noticed, in the shop, o beautiful bedroom suite in the Spanish tradition manu- fectured by one of Canada's leading firms. For your convenience they ore located ot 312 Stevenson Rd, North, Oshawa, * * * When visiting the OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING ! noticed one big factor when | was taken through the plant by Don Robinson, the proprietor. The laundry was 'Whiter Than White', and the 25 employees were as friendly os could be, The OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING is the only laundry in this area that uses "Loxene"', the locked-in: deodor- ant. that makes your clothes odor and mildew proof. For fast and efficient pick up ond delivery service five days a: week; including Soturday mormings, call 723-1471. Only $1.00 minimum delivery charge, Located ot 50 Mill St., Oshawa. * * * Aré you planning on moving in the neor future? Moving is certainly a big headache when it comes to deciding which mover shall it be. LOCKWOOD MOVING & STORAGE features two big factors: qualified and experienced employees, plus reasonable rotes. As another service to the area, LOCKWOOD MOVING & STORAGE serve the local businesses in moving oppliances and other store goods. When it comes to any type of moving, whether it be o large or small job, LOCKWOOD hos the dif- ferent types of trucks to do it, For free estimates call 725-2831, * * * When entering the popular OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE | was welcomed by Helmut Kitschke, proprietor, whose wonderful personality creates a friendly atmosphere in his dining room. After enjoying the delicious businessman's luncheon, which 1 may mention had nine different dishes to choose from at only $1.50 per plate, | found the food was superb and the service excellent. May | suggest: that if you and your family are looking forward to dining out,. visit the well-known OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE located at 1626 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, * * * While talking to Mr. Frank of W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD., 21 King W., Bowmanville, he mentioned o beautiful home and property, ideal for a professional man, which is now listed, This home is situated on 22 acres with a view of Lake Ontario, the lights of Oshawa and Toronto and is located near Raglan, This beautiful home has 4 bedrooms, living room 40' by 17' with @ large glass front, big fireplace, 3 bathrooms, wall-to-wall broad- loom, underground lawn sprinklers, piped music in every room, ultra modem kitchen, 24' by 70' patio, 40' balcony, two car heated garage attached plus on extra four car garage, a golf course has been started, ond a cold storage room, The house hos 3600' square living area, recreation room 15' by 26' with bor. Fifty fruit trees on grounds, The price is $79,000 with terms available, which mokes it an exceptional buy for all the beautiful extros it features. For further particulars call 728-7518. * * * Mrs. Heidi Suess, proprietor of HEIDI'S MODERN HAIRSTYLING in the Windsor Plaza on Wilson St. S$. specializes in three important services: latest hoir fashions to suit you; tints end bleaches to enhance your natural beauty; and complete customer. satisfaction. Heidi informs me that she has on excellent selection of hairpieces (wiglets, switches, and postiches) made from human hoir imported from Germany. There is a wide color range to choose from and | om sure you will agree thot every women should have ot least one hairpiece in her wardrobe. Very rea- sonably priced at $32.00 to $75.00. So, if you ore planning on a new hairdo, may | suggest Heidi's, phone 723-5621 v4 an oppointment, Heer * al * The only thing upside down at MORLEY STALKER MOTORS LTD. is the sign on his lot which is fast becoming an Oshawa londmark, When | was at Morley's this week | was very impressed with the clean condition of the cors on his lot. He mentioned @ few points to look for in a car which | will pass on to hes They are |. Look for body damage and extent of repairs. Be surw the upholstery ond interior is clean and in good repair. 5 Always | test drive the vehicle yourself. Never take anyone's word for the way a car handles. 4. Have the cor checked by @ competent mechanic before you purchase, An exceptional buy ot MORLEY -- STALKER MOTORS LTD. this week is a 1963 Pontiac Sedan; lic, 82506D at only $1350.00. Remember a trip to MORLEY STALKER MOTORS LTD. con be well worth your while, Located at 137 King St. W., Oshawa, * * * lf you are planning' a banquet, wedding, or some special occas- ion which will involve beautiful dining facilities, may | suggest the FLYING DUTCHMAN 'MOTOR HOTEL, located on' Liberty Street interchange just north of the MacDonald-Cartier Freeway. At the FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL you will find service ot its finest and its facilities the best in the entire area. Their banquet capacity will accommodate 100 people and their prices are very reasonable. For excellent suggestions ond ideas regarding any aspect of dining, call the FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL and ask for the manager Mr. James Bourke who will give you his personal attention, * * * Many of you tind, | am sure, thot your T.V, reception is not ° always at it's best. This is not always the fault of your T.V. set as | discovered the other day when talking to Mr. Leask, pro- nrietor-of OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY LTD, Bill was soving that some of the faulty reception may be caused by a low priced, poor-quality antenna, or the antenna moy be in oan incorrect position to give maximum performance. Another possibility is that the antenna may be too old to do the job it was designed to do. Bill tells me that they have an antenna that will bring into your home, depending on your location, "a great many stations. Bill Leosk is always available to assist you in any T.V. problems, located at @ new location, Taunton Rd. East, phone 723-813t. * * * One thing | enjoyed about the EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES was the air of enthusiasm created by its manager Mr. Bert May. Bert informs me that the EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES was the A.M.F.'s first location which was six years ago, when they opened their building. As many of you know, bowling is an excellent sport for old and young alike. EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES is open from 12 noon, seven days « week for your con- venience. | am sure you will enjoy many hoppy hours when you visit EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES LTD., King Street East, Oshawa. * * * If you are looking for someone who speciglizes in ornamental roilings for interior and exterior, then be sure to coll BUD'S WELDING. Manager Fred Rowell has been in this line of business for the past 29 years, and | think you will agree that when you have been in business that long, the customers he has served must be satisfied. As Fred always says "Others imitate, but cannot duplicate'. For free estimates, phone 942-0720 in Pickering. : * * * If you ore o sports enthusiast, you will certainly enjoy shopping ot the OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. Norm Courtney' informs me that they are now having a clearance on snow cruisers, also on demo models. For those sportsmen who enjoy boat riding at its best, it is not too soon to see the wide selection of new Evinrude outboard motors on display ar tesenela prices. You can buy now at savings ond lay away with their- spring plon, Locoted at the Harbour in Oshawa, Norm awaits to serve You. : * * * The biggest mews in Oshawa is that ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES have just opened to serve the area with top quality name-brand appliances at lowest possible prices. It would be worth your while to visit ALCAN and see for yourself, Alcan feotures 4 complete appliance repair department' special- izing in -wringer-washers- ond--ranges.- Why -not--visit- the ~store where service ond price go hand in hand, locoted at-452 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. | would like to take this opportunity to wel- come ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES to Oshawa and | am sure they will be en asset te this community,

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