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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1966, p. 14

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° THE YEAR OF THE HORSE Glynis Chan, 4, and Cindy Leong, 18 months, are a little too young to under- stand, but they will be among 30,000 Vancouver Chinese who will celebrate their New Year --the Year of the Horse. Vancouver's Chinatown, largest in Can- ada, will begin celebrations at midnight Thursday. Sauve Dwells On In A Place Of Opulence TORONTO (CP) -- Beneath at the face of poverty which the crystal chandeliers the con-| federal studies show frowns on servatively - dressed, well - fed audience sat at their sparkling! luncheon place-settings Thurs-! almost 500,000 rural Canadian families. Mr. Sauve told his audience Poverty The federal minister told of bape poor, using false names. | Locations were revealed except| | to say they were in Nova Sco- | tia, Ontario and Quebec. There day and heard how the other/that more than 500,000 rural|were under - educated people, Canada lives. | families have an income of less| board shacks, unpaid debts, un- The members of the Empire, than $3,000 a year. They repre-| found jobs, outdoor toilets and| Club had expected an address| on the need for Canadian unity from Forestry Minister Maur- ice Sauve. | Instead they got a hard look/ PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS THURSDAY, Jan. 20, 1966 Opposition Leader Diefen- baker moved non-confidence in the government at the start of full Commons debate on the throne speech. He suggested if the Liberal government is voted down on the motion, the Conservatives be asked to form a govern- " ment. Specifically, his motion con- demned the government for mot increasing old age pen- sions to $100 a month from $75 Prime Minister Pearson said turning over the govern- ment to the Conservatives would be nonsensical. He said "the consequences of defeat"--usually a general election--"are obvious to us ail in our parliamentary sys- tem of government." He spelled out his govern- ment's pledge for bigger grants to universities--to $5 per capita from $2, an in- crease of some $60,000,000. New Democrat leader Doug- las moved a similar motion calling for $100-a-month pen- sions at age 65. He suggested defeat on the question should not constitute non-confidence in the govern- ment. The Liberals and other par- ties voted down 123 to 65 a Conservative attempt to change the order of speakers in the debate. | The Conservatives sought | another speaker in the debate | before Creditiste leader Caou- | ette was heard. | Friday, Jan. 2100 The Commons meets at 11 | a.m. to continue the throne | speech debate. The Senate is | adjourned until Jan. 25, GEORGE MEEK Proudly Presents ROY KENNOR And The ASSOCIATES - 8-12 PM. THIS SAT. Tickets Available At The Door CLUB . ESCAPE At Whitby Arena rs | provincial | realistic hope of betterment. sent 42 per cent of Canada's rural population compared with 19 per cent of the urban popu- lation in that income bracket. Mr, Sauve said the federal- rural development program wil] provide $25,000,000 ually for the t five years 1 a special 14 of $50,000,- 000 will come from Ottawa to fight poverty. The government is prepared to spend $15,000 for each of the 500,000 families to make them productive members of the community, he said HINTS MORE AID The $15,000 could be used by a family to buy a farm, a house or to retrain the wage earner for up to two years, he said, and hinted at broad new pro- grams to come within the next six years when new federal- provincial agreements are signed. Mr. Sauve said detailed stud- jes by the Canadian Welfare Council of individual families showed they havea---sense of self-worth, have retained self- respect and are svilling to con- sider changes if offered a a | barely-preserved dignity. But, Mr. Sauve said, the con-| ditions were not due to lack of | ambition or laziness or mis- | management but lack of oppor- | tunity. | He said that the monthly in- comes of the examples he cited, ranging from $25 to $35, were higher among persons receiy- | ing welfare payments than |} among thse who tried to work. | He said the cost of trying to jerase poverty may seem high jin dollars but is far less than the present system of govern-| ;ment payments which average The reports will be broadcast Move Over Fat Men, Spies, Enter Such As "The Baron' wovmess cere over weight can take no solace from By CYNTHIA LOWRY what was said Thursday by two} NEW YORK (AP) -- Theidoctors at scientific confer-| Baron, the last of ABC's four! ences here. | \new...television gtartine Srarung Serios series fF One of the medical men said} this week, is yet another child! badly overweight, or "obese,"| of James Bond. |persons are more likely to suf-| The first episode of the Brit-| fer from diabetes than their} ish import Thursday night/fellow-humans in better trim. | | never got around to explaining! The other expert said excess| why an American named John|weight can hinder breathing, Mannering--a handsome bache-|thus reducing the supply of) lor antiques dealer--is called'oxygen the bloodstream re-| The Baron. |ceives and hindering discharge! | But Bond, The Man from of unwanted carbon dioxide. |U.N.C.L.E. and Agent 86 of Get) News of a possible develop- |Smart could take lessons from) ment during 1966 in the vital} him. The Baron emerged well-|field of kidney - transplanting jpressed and unruffled from 8 /also was given to one of the |plot that. containing everything| meetings, the annual confer- |from foreign intrigue to elec-jence of the Royal College of | tronic gimickry. |Physicians and Surgeons of On a mission for the British | Canada. : government, his assignment; Sir Peter Medaware, a Nobel |was to recover a golden Fa-!prize winner, said "it's a safe| berge sedan chair. The assign-|bet" that a useable system for | ment carried him to the|matching patients with donors People's Republic of Pama-jin cases where human. organs ranea behind the Iron Curtain' are to be transplanted will be jwhere he encountered every-|available before the end of |thing from attempted assassina- | 1966. |}tion to being framed for mur- | der. REFERS TO DIABETES But he got the Faberge back, 'The reference to diabetes and plus a priceless French snuff overweight came at the confer- box stolen from the British Mu-|e"ce from Dr. G. A. Klassen, | gem, This is one adventurer assistant professor of experi- @ith real class ; mental medicine at Montreal's ' '4 Royal Victoria Hospital. | Craig Stevens, the first - = | television's really smooth ad-| He said overweight persons venturer types as Peter Gunn, Show what he called 'some de- | never had hunted in his life and 8tee of insulin block. | counted himself a poor marks- _ Diabetics usually are found} man. Even so, he was picked|fo lack the insulin that comes | |for what any sportsman would/in adequate supplies from the consider a chance of a lifetime,/pancreas of normal human It was an opportunity to go to bodies |Bundai, a remote province of; As for the breathing difficul-| of physiology and medicine, said; The election of Dr. Robert « the matching process in the |Kerr as new. president of the transplantation field will be " based on blood tests. It will be |College was announced Thurs = tent Nods oe Dr. Kerr; of Vancouver, cumparavie to present meinods |*-* , ver, i onors into general | iS professor of medicine at the hyee he Sonors into general niversity of British Cohimbia. Sir Peter, director of Brit-| ain's National Institute of Med- ieal Research, said the results of kidney transplants are still not good though "very much better than anyone five years ago would have dared hope." mazA EPI From To Cavertin' It's Of 2 Be 'oung Cou nniversory Celebrants raga Sonacne JERRY REIDT. A ed 192 U.A.W. EARN UP TO $100 | A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES. Marvel Hairdressing . Schools in principle cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" training. Complete course DAY or EVENINGS. For free brochtire, write or visit MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS Established yover 40 years. Dept. OT, 219 Bloor St. W. TORONTO Manitoba's medicine depart-|breathing muscles to move. ; wali to tne brain, and breaining Ch hill F d But since breathing of this ders the exit of carbon monox- campaign to raise money for SPOKE AT CONFERENCE Churchill's. name, said Thurs- annual conference of the Cana- the launching of the drive. : Sir Peter Medawar, who won paign on the first anniversary | died Jan, 24, 1965. unlikely the drive will start on NIGHT 168 Banting 1.25 GENTLEMAN ties of the obese, Dr. Reuben|overweight persons tends to be- ment said the "chest wall' of; The result seems to be that jis made faster and less deep, sort denies the bloodstream its TORONTO. (CP). -sGeorgs ide, the system as a whole an international scholarship Dr. Cherniack spoke during day an announcement will be dian Society for Clinical Inves- Mr. Drew had said earlier it the Nobel prize in 1960 for of the former British prime However he said in a tele-/f< ae DANCE DANCE TO THE ,1.00 LADIES beware Effects Cherniack of the University of}come stiff or hard for the |signals go out from the chest Word Soon On |Dr. Cherniack said. proper oxygen supply and hin- Drew, head of the Canadian suffers. and trust fund in Sir Winston the last day of the two-day made "very shortly'? regarding | tigation. was hoped to start the cam-| minister's death. Sir Winston! SATURDAY phone interview that it now is) Polish Hall 9 te 12 P.M. |India, and with the help of its maharajah shoot a tiger. , The assignment was for a se- quence of ABC's American Sportsman series. Stevens got in some practice, killed a female tiger with his first shot, and then found the | film had failed in the 118-degree| heat. The second time--days later--he felled a male man- eater. Sunday afternoon. Recommended viewing: Tonight -- Peter Pan, NBC, 7:30-9:30 EST, repeat of the mu- sical version of the children's classic starring Mary Martin. Sunday--The Ages of Man, CBS, 4:30-5:30, with Sir John Gielgud reading Shakespéare. gives you FRIDAY - SATURDAY ANN MARGRET in "Pleasure Seekers" MARLON BRANDO in "SABOTEUR" SAT. MATINEE SPECIAL CHILDREN'S SHOW Color Features "MISTY" "SNOW WHITE & THREE STOOGES" BILTMORE | $2,500 a year a family. att PPP eeresecesecnesene eeovesee, aetet hoe, oa persenrs DORIS DAY FEATURE TIMES; SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN ny ' vance To RUDY VELTRI AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group 1:30 - 3:30-5:30 7:33-9:40 LAST COMPLETE SHOW 9:25 eeeeeeeoornes ia Aaron Rosenberg - Martin Melcher Production Also Barring HERMIONE BADDELEY - SERGIO FANTONI Praduted by AARON ROSENBERG & MARTIN MELCHER waaay try Serenpiay by MILT ROSEN & RICHARD BREEN GinemaScope Color by DE LUKE H. G. WINTON Beansennneenners OHONEA INTERNATIONALY KNOWN Ukrainian Canadian Singers MICKEY = BUNNY = FIRST WITH THE EXCITING NEW SOUND = __OF HALF UKRAINIAN ENGLISH SONGS AND MUSIC Presenta -------- UKRAINIAN #2 ENGLISH CONCERT FEATURING THE FASCINATING SONGS, COMEDY, AND MUSIC OF THE VERSATILE D-DRIFTERS-5 DNIPRO UKRAINIAN HOME WED. JAN. 26 8:00 P.M. Adults $2.00 -- under 16 $! Neo Advance -- Rush Seots Only In picture of the yea ----_% | co-nermpg james macarthur pees Incident | martin balsam/wally cox /eric portman @ ADDED HIT e | & jaa lemmon ©" yo Tpday. Thrill for Thrill... Kill for Kill... Charles Vine more for your wwmon |0M ADAMS « CHARLES VINE wste KAREL STEPANEK: PETER BULL: JOHN ARNATT FRANOIS DeWOLFF FELIX FELTON VERONICA HURST - GEORGE PASTELL temergiy ty HOWARD GRIFFITHS me LINDSAY SHONTEFF tenets Peter §..H. WARD teecew wy LINDSAY SHONTEFF COLOR Mate ty Pe «OG PWRASSY PICTURES OETENSE | SAVY DAY J. te ett en Soerrey Cahn ond domes Von Hersen ora ase ven eR? fo RePRrS? frre FEATURE SHOWN DAILY AT. . 1:30 30 -5:18 - 7:20-9:20 ne senerereves e\ ---------- ee =aa8 g | mE NOW PLAYING POST THESE TORO E TEE reeeseereresesesseeeeeeseeeeess® OSHAW if this Alt rl Widmark Sidney Poitier bi OMT ENTERTAINMENT TODAY Pontral YY GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge FINES THE "UNPREDICTABLE" OSHAWA'S FINEST ® Entertainment MATINEE SATURDAY 4 to 6 P.M. Matol KING WEST Peay w iH, OSHAWA T NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT ve ESCORTS Nightly at 9 P.M. SAM LOCHRAN -- Manager chiatesneens se A-Go-Go-Dance Featuring the Fabulous FUGITIVES And A-Go-Go Girls This Sat., Jan. 22nd Admission 50¢ "G ET" THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Featuring... WALLY and the SHANDELLS 50c MEMBERS @ 75¢ NON-MEMBERS DRESS: Shirt & Tie Next Week-THE SPARTANS No Jeans Your Old Favorites Are Back! ot the BLUE HORSE LOUNGE SMILEY BATES *,; "NORTH STAR RAMBLERS" @ Rose-Mary St. John @ Leroy Come visit with us for on evening ef fun end frolic. Bring your friends and really enjoy yourself in the. friendly atmosphere of the Blue Horse Lounge. HOTEL LANCASTER "The Friendly Spot" APPEARING THIS WEEK "The Sons Of The Saddle" ™ The VAL JAYS POPULAR and COUNTRY MUSIC at it's BEST A at the NEW & Georgian [Pi J = MOTOR HOTEL Thornton Rd. South and Champlain Ave, Phone -- 723-4693 Visit Our New. DINING ROOM @ SPECIAL @ Businessman's Lunch Daily

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