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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1966, p. 7

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place. ish woman, West Berliners the sign The woman's picture appears Auschwitz Put On Display And West Berliners See BERLIN (AP)--An old dressed in black The and wearing a Star of David,|20th Century, where an exhibit has become for thousands ofjdepicting the Auschwitz Con- that}centration Camp run by thelinner workings of the largest they have come to the right/Nazis in occupied Poland nowW/death camp run by the Hitler ret bi posters that flank the mainjpears the single word "Au- entrance of The Gallery of The|schwitz." Inside, in. stark tones of black and white, are laid bare the lis in its third week. regime, There are bigger-than- Above the woman's head ap- life photographs, atrocity docu- Two Clergymen At Odds ments, prison uniforms, and zyklon-B gas cans used in the camp's four gas chambers. There is a movie, Night And Fog, which is shown three times a day, bringing into mo- Over Millbrook Conditions i> '=i n: Driver Sate After Plunge MILTON, Ont. (CP) --.A Mount Forest driver survived a 40-foot. plunge into a creek in his tractor-trailer dump truck Thursday after his vehicle col- lided with.a panel truck and a car on Highway 401 at the Oak- ville Creek Brilge. Roy Van Sickle, the truck driver, was admitted to hos- pital in Guelph. Van Sickle's truck struck the other two vehicles which had slowed down for an accident in the opposite lane. Following its collission, the dump truck rammed into the bridge tearing THE OSHAWA TIMES; Friday, Jonuery 23, 1588 7 LONDON (CP) -- A_ British minister called again Thursday for Canadian co-operation in heiping Britain to cut its "hor- ribly large' deficit of trade with Canada. Lord Brown, a joint minister of the board of trade with spe- cial responsibility for exports, made his pitch at a crowded luncheon meeting of the Cana- dian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain. Brown, 57, a metals company SRSA AERA tn To Canada: Help' Cut Trade Deficit rnevenesteitile thinks the Canadian governmént could help cut Britain's trading deficit with Canada, which néw represents more than one-quar- ter of Britain's total imbalance in international trade. < One is in customs. barriers and the other in governmept spending. Amendments to the customs regulations which could help British exports had been prom- ised in the Canadian budget nearly a year ago, he recalled, chairman who became a life baron in 1964, singled out two areas in which he said he but they "are not yet being ad- ministered as expeditiously a: we had hoped." : TORONTO (CP)--Two promi-| riding of Bracondale. A West Berlin City spokes- dn ac TD TON ATER RT groups are the exhibit who come ZONE neetee PROVINCE tecencsmen . BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA ere Plt eee ee eee ee decks son Terry, 5, with sign at Kingsway Trans- ports west of Toronto Thurs- 'day as Teamster's Union members staged wildcat Strikes at four Toronto-area transport terminals. The in- dustry quickly replied by serving notice of a shutdown Bergeron BOAC agent . . . 728-6201 AIR CANADA agent 728-6202 Four Seasons Travel 728-6203 BOOK NOW FOR SUMMER "66" OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! toke advantage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- Quebec Return To Class Mere Lip-Service Effort MONTREAL with strong opposition to ? ss :,| Off 13 feet of stee: railing and nent Anglican clergymen ap-| Mr. Ben says the interim re-jman, Hans Kirchner, said) then plunged between two sec- pear at odds over a or i on pet big agtginvans iw Meet eas Wis tae ad tions of the bridge to the creek. ; Ps arges of brutality and un-| mittee after a meeting wi ris ; s erline a "pa agg teh dpe Mill-)Grossman and his senior offi-\come to see the exhibit in what xpalph Douglas Palmer of Gu oo ot oe om St os om ot A oe a on oy brook Reformatory, near Peter-|cials last December. He says)Was once a soldiet § m4) mobile which: vas demolished : : |the report was supposed to have|side street near the zoological] shed, g E OU arm G. West, director ef|heen released Reece Una ee nr gig teal ait a wna " THIS COUPON CAN SAV Y : the Toronto Anglican correc-;mas and New Year's but has' ,. : Pre se N tional chaplaincy, says = Bel bi ha because of the Meo Mmguinbe & hate are tte panel truck was unhurt, | HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS 0 terim report of a clerical-lay/| drafting. bigger than those that went to| committee in general corrobo-| Mr. Grossman says Mr. Ben th ; Y M t D f F rates the Satie. |is absolutely tanype Panghina4y he pe ding Leagoer in West cae e To e ence YOUR TRIP TO EUROP But Rev. G. W. B. Wheeler,! received a copy of the draft re-) ve ay curs ine | cae chairman of the Toronto dio-| port and noted its contents but Ms ag ayy Si an fot C t Cl d | il ih this compe oe ool nd ho oes ee cesan council for social serv-jdid not suggest any changes. | 104 9 display developed dur-| en re ose 72-page ibeaine wets to Europe. It's called "European ices, and head of the committee,, The committee was appointed |, the Auschwitz trial. Kirch-| yew | Vacations '66" and it tells you how you can have a tour of has denied this. jlast September by Right Rev.|ncr said a total of about 200,000, Nv WMARKET, Ont. (CP)--| Europe from as little as $314 (including special Economy There is disagreement too be-|F, H. Wilkinson, Anglican' 3. i+ in Frankfurt. Stutteart,, 4 department of national de-| @ Excursion air fare by BOAC or Air Canada from Montreal tween Allan Grossman, reform) bishop of i ee ss investigate] Nuernberg Duesseldorf Han: fence headquarters to provide! y pine Bag Pg ie e eet pe ip ive lnt 5 institutions minister, and/allegations of brutality and un-)) 0' ye : 'ei ia : ; Nae. get details of 34 fabulous low-priced tours. Don Geolge Ben, Liberai member of favorable conditions at the cha ica fis pelors the) defanne se protection: tor ae Send for this free book today. the legislature for the Toronto! maximum security institution. (""cohool and youth onto in case of a nuclear attack) To BOAC, P.O. Box 426, Station B, Montreal 2, Quebec. Please _ ¢ : SP will be closed down here Sept send me the free 72-pagé book. encouraged to visit ' | D | Sh S h and many of those a or Pda spokesman said NTT enna eutannt cours Mates meh tea MDa | lare young people, ursday. | i | Some uc un out Ll A eae 51 was asked wh He said the operation of Tor-| | ans tegaus 1 r] jhe had come and what he) onto target area headquarters, | ] CITY: |thought, "I came to satisfy myjalso used as training. area for) NO AGE LIMIT ON THE BRICKS But They Just Gotta Go jown curiosity; he said. '1 was| militia units of the Queen's | S | a soldier for six years, and 1| York Rangers and the Cana-| & sid about 8,000 truckers. The | CALGARY (CP)--Some 5,000)land and Washington state's|knew little of what happened|dian Army Signal Corps, will be 55 firms involved carry the | hardy and obstinate ducks are| West Coast. The operation will/behind the front at the time."" moved to Camp Borden, Ont, major share of supplies 'pale trapped and trucked out) start Friday. : a x moved by truck between | 4+ Calgary for points south. The experiment may offer al cities in Ontario and Que: | The ducks are the last ofjsolution to the controversial bec. (CP) _|larger flocks encouraged to|problem of wintering ducks in L | winter in the city because of} Calgary. FUE open water along the Bow in previous years, game asso-| : | River and grain handouts in|ciations and individuals pro-| oy oie bdat ten oat past years from wildlife lovers.| vided grain for as many as| ol |" 'The 5,000 die-hard ducks have| 20,000 ducks and the ducks de-| vo temeline toch Gals, refused to fly southward de-|cided Calgary was as far south) spite explosive noisemakers set|as iley were going | out by biologists and sub-zero} But this year, federal- and) McLAUGHLIN cold. provincial biologists asked that) : . > | Federal biologists began pre-|the birds not be fed. The ducks Neoit Miag 5 hg ae og Ay Ss nym rt have been on strike for! iiminary preparations for trap-|they said, were creating a haz COAL & 723-3481 Ad - hident strike: sbttlenient aad Foy ee ehaceh ancl than two weeks. At issue) ping the birds for crating andjard to aircraft at McCall Air-| SUPPLIES KING ST. W. tpt es ae h ees . i : en MANY| sre salarie's, seniority and|shipment to open waters of|pert and were becoming biolog-| ened ge ward Paul Pilied Thocedey oe be eats | working conditions. 'British Columbia's lower main-\ically dependent on man. Lajoe, leaders have adopted a|study. Other students did not policy which amounts to con-)show up at all tinuation of the strike. The students went on strike The strike seemed to have Monday in protest against the been settled Wednesday: when|lenghening of the school year the students--attending Quebec|by 24 weeks. They maintained trade and specialized schools-- | this hurt their summer employ- agreed to return to classes fol-|ment potential. lowing acceptance of the edu In the agreement Wednesday, cation minister's proposal. ithe Quebec government did not However, the arrangement,/back down to student demands sapere em eas nemnennecn RRR Baia Si i these willing| still 18,009} Province French-speak- are which had been agreed to by/that the old calendar be reinsti- vs jtuted, but agreed to establish a s jcommittee to study the question Jailbreaker jand also to set up a student employment agency. Several schools Thursday held votes on whether . they jshould abide by the agreement Bad Refu e of their representatives and re- g jheavily against returning. NEW IBERIA, La. (AP)--) Thursday, commercial stu- Two young Canadians escapedidents in the llth grade at Que- jail here Thursday and dodgedjbec City followed the example until their recapture Thursdayjalso went on strike against the night. school year extension. How- Sheriff Jerry Wattigny identi-jever, in the same schools, the fied them as Lawrence A.\Grade 12 and 13 students de- sier, 19, both of Vancouver. In addition to Des Rosier, trailed by blood-|\strikers, there hounds through the freezing Quebec night, swam the bayou which'ing Roman Catholic students Theria.. Chilled to the bone, he|cause of strikes of 750 teachers rang the doorbell at a house! The teachers are striking un near the bayou = the home;|the areas of Hull and Papineau,| though he didn't know it, of dep-/both near Ottawa, and in le] Pj HOLD VOTES icked jturn to school. Votes were a sheriff's pose all around townjof the technical students and Lazeo, 19, and Ernest des Ro-!cided not to strike cuts across the middie of New|;who are without classes be Je uty Dave Lasalle. Gardeur region near Montreal! | Highlights FROM OUR 1965 ANNUAL REPORT Company Funds «leew epre $ 14,277,749 Guoranteed Funds ......... 237,212,834 38,299,200 "live it up" hardtop! If you're a member of the "live-it-up"' generation,Valiant has hardtops styled to match your mood.There's LIVE- IT-UP action with an optional 235 hp. V-8 that can be tamed with a 4-speed stick or the best automatic in the business. You can't go anywhere else and get so much hardtop for so little money . . . that's why Valiant outsells them all. See your Plymouth or Dodge dealer. He has convertibles and 2-Door and 4-Doer sedans too! Estates, Trusts and Agencies . Total Assets under Administration 289,789,783 Garsrontes| lenectreent Certificates weecismee $176,090,956 Trust Deposits ...:<c-care spe « 61,181,878 Valiant 5-VEAR -- 50,000-MILE POWER-TRAIN WARRANTY NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER-DODGE (WHITBY) LIMITED, 916 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY, ONT. DISNEY MOTORS LIMITED "°° .c.ctng" on : Profit before taxes ......... $ 2,007,007 823,099 1,183,908 nobody beats " ~CRANFIELD MOTOR SALES 331 PARK ROAD SOU: ri, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Net Profit for the year ..... CHRYSLER CANADA LTD. Top Quality | Dependable USED'CARS

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