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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Jan 1966, p. 13

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Lue Killer' Is Sought By DeGaulle By MICHAEL GOLDSMITH RABAT (AP)--In the French Indochina war, the Communist guerrillas called Mohammed Oufkir 'The Killer" and put a price on his head. But he lived to become powerful man in his native Mor- occo, the main prop behind the throne of King Hassan Il and the cause of Morocco's gravest crisis with France sincé the end of French rule in 1956, Few men in Africa are more feared by Communists than this battle scarred Berber who, claims to have won more de- corations risking his life for France than Gen. de Gaulle himself. As long as Oufkir remains re- sponsible for Morocco's secur- ity, his country is likely to stay firmly pro-Western. Yet de Gaulle is doing all he can to have Oufkir arrested and put on trial for allegedly organ- izing the kidnapping of an ex- iled Moroccan leftist hero, Me- hdi Ben Barka, in Paris last jyear. | Ben Barka, Oufkir's bitterest| |political enemy, was seized in a Paris street Oct. 29 and is be- lieved to have been killed. _ | CHARGE KIDNAPPING French authorities charge Oufkir organized the kidnapping with some of his own men and a gang of hired ex-convicts, and personally came to Paris Oct. 30 to "inspect" the prisoner in a secluded Villa. Remember Sir Winston? He Died One Year Ago iia wou» nder the hammer at Sotheby's. merely ie a to ee a ae , | Per i , se 27-28 Hyde|dren in school in Switzerland. | LONDON (AP)--It wil be listed 10 bay homage | Hig London hous 2728 Hed ie "genie any participation Ih year today since he died but his} has nearly reached its goal of|cember for $287,000, about dou- the welego we : : countrymen are obeying the} ¢3 990,000 ($9,000,000) to set up| ble the normal price to a Lon-|. or ee has a oie command chiselled on a com-| travelling fellowships in Church-|don apartment but the home jected French demands for Ouf-) memorative stone in Westmin-|ill's name. Fund raisers can-| Churchill loved best, Chartwell Kir's arrest. As a result France ter Abbey: 'Remember Win-|vassed the country door-to door| Manor in Kent, is now national|Tecalle its ambassador from ton Churchill." lwith the slogan: 'Give gener-| property. It opens this summer LEADER OF REVOLT greeted him Sunday at San Juan's International Airport upon his arrival in a char- tered airplane. Col. Manuel Ramon Montes Arache, in dark suit at right, and two other rebel leaders accom- panied Caamano. They left immediately for New York. --AP Wirephoto Col. Francisco Caamano Deno, leader of the rebel movement in the Dominican Republic, waves to a small crowd of Dominicans who By GODFREY ANDERSON [persons are estimated to have|u predecessors. Oufkir led his surrender. At a signal, the men a * | for photographers ist Viet Minh, the Viet Cong's | men out behind a white flag of | pulled out their concealed sub- machine - guns and opened fire on their unsuspecting captors, _* ill BEATLE GEORGE AND HIS BRIDE Beatle George Harrison and his bride, the former Pattie Boyd, pose Saturday during Koufax Is Named Athlete Of Year ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) --| Chalk up another trophy and} another record for baseball's | amazing Sandy Koufax. The 30-year-old, left-handed | pitching star of champion Los| Angeles Dodgers was named winner Sunday of the S. Rae} Hickok Professional Athlete of the Year award for 1965. Koufax, also a winner in 1963, | became the first to receive the| $10,000 diamond - studded. belt} twice since the competition was started in 1950. | The fastballer with the ar-| thritic left elbow captured the trophy by the largest margin} and with the most first - place} votes ever. | Koufax was named first on 114 of the 146 ballots cast by a panel of sports writers and sportscasters across the U.S. | gg aT aerate gan ST THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Jenuery 24, 1966 12 Awa MAD RANG. Cnansibse- A mockingbird kept in Bos- ton's arboretum could repeat 39 bird songs, 50 bird calls, and the sounds ofa frog and a cricket. iy HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS Oii-Shore Diiliiig In Lakes 'Opposed LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A_re- gional meeting of the Ontario Federation of} Anglers and Hunters durjhg the weekend opposed off-sfore drilling in the Gréat Lakes The group passed a resolu- tion asking government author- ities to prohibit drilling for gas and oil in the lakes and waters adjoining them. t present, drilling is per-| mitted only in Lake Erie. The group's resolution said there has been evidence of oil spillage from off-shore drilling. This has been going on, it said, {while millions of dollars were being spent to control pollution. | DON'T, FORGET Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL don. Harrison is 22, his bride 21. press conference in London. They were married Friday in Epsom, Surrey, near Lon- --AP Wirephoto passenger train service OSHAWA- OTTAWA starts today, January 24th 'Quebec House To Meet 'Social Legisiation Due QUEBEC (CP)--With socialjprovince's projected medicare _ legislation in the forefront, the scheme, which is schedule] for) « s . Tevihla. introduction in 1967. The throne} session of the Quebec Legihla speech is expected to include an} tive Assembly which opens announcement that a joint com-| ' Tuesday will be the last of the) mittee of the upper and lower] 27th legislature. houses of the legislature will be! Premier Lesage has already|set up to study the project. said that while the speech from} It is also expected that much the. throne will include the an-| of the speech will be devoted to! nouncement of many legislative; the province's agricultural prob- measures, it will also inaugu-)lems and measures aimed at rate a session of which the most|improving the situation, among outstanding feature is likely to}these the establishment of a} be the announcement of a gen- crop insurance scheme for eral election in the province. |farmers. A major overhaul in One ministerial source has the tax structure as applied to) said that the elections will be farm buildings, land and equip-| held before the end of the year.| ment is also thought likely. NEED... Fuel Oil matt Ae PERRY Day er Night 723-3443 Rabat Sunday and seems As yet, no monument has| ously--he did." as a Churchill museum. Min is ieee' hea : : i yee a ain "ch sou- been raised in the capital where} Much of Churchill's personal) The sale of Churchill sou Ouikir 41. "don ob & wrulihy a quarter century before) property, including the London venirs, which flourished after) sudal hae ee er. guiied 4 Chuchill broadcast his con-|house where he died, has gone/his death is down to a trickle, | mmission an ¢ french ce tempt for Adolf Hitler and de-| under the auctioneer's hammer,| but the specially struck 22-carat are chiens in. tek Hel fied Nazi bombers to do their! much of it to souvenir collectors} gold medals have more than loucht with Breich < Morocean worst, or to persons who want to have) doubled in value. bets in "Staly cand France He But there is the stone in West-|a Churchill memento. Spink and Son Ltd., the royal wen 1d tines mentioned in dis: minster Abbey, resting place of PAINTINGS SELL medalists, sold out the 500 med- natihos and in an officer oF thé Britain's great, which was un-| Other Churchilliana -- has) als of 22-carat gold, which they Frmich Legion of Honor veiled by the Queen. And _ his) turned up in auction rooms. Sev-| struck in Churchill's honor, in| In 107 Oulkle Volanicetad grave in the Oxfordshire village|eral Churchill paintings fetched) a matter of hours at $280 each.| pesyite Sn the: Indéoniin of Bladon has become an un-| good prices. Even the passport| A smaller version--1,000 at $98 ae whark he won further bat- official shrine, which 1,000,000)he forgot to sign in 1895 went) each--went even faster. ' ; | Memorial stamps came out on/tle honors. ' we | |May 24, Commonwealth Day. FAKED SURRENDER | a Lacan tne | MO ONCS WHE Surrounded with Blaton Would Retain ae |his detachment by the Commun- | FEN ang ng gated Ms Boge Ra "" ss g Ing killi 1 Il of th establis' about two m ng nearly all of them. ay gare ary Centers) away on the éstate belonging 'Second Time When Morocco gained inde- This tiny Oxfordshire v sy the Duke of Marlborough, owner pendence, he became military where Sir Winston Churchill lies! 4¢ historic Blenheim Palace TACOMA, Wash. (AP) -- A/aide to Hassan, then the crown buried today shows signs of svin-| where Churchill was born. handsome physician goes on/prince. He accompanied Hassan ning its battle against commer-| There is also a new antique) trial here today, accused of try-|in suppressing a revolt of cialization despite the arrival of| shop which the villagers resent) ing to poison his wife. She con-|the Rif tribes and later was ap- more than 1,000,000 visitors) but which does a thriving trade|tends he is innocent. |pointed head of the national se- since the statesman's death ajin Churchill souvenirs. But Bla-| [It's the second time in 43 {curity forces with the rank of year ago. jdon has not become a fair-|months that Dr. Robert E. |colonel. He became interior The parish council is deter-| ground. Boehme 45, has faced a charge |minister in a 1964 cabinet shuf- mined that Churchill will "not; The great statesman was of first-degree assault with in-/fle. do for Bladon what Shakespeare) buried 'on. Jan. 30, 1965, in the | tent to kill--involving differerit); His. enemies see him as a| has done for Stratford," parish yard of the village Church of/ spouses. ruthless hatchet man, perfectly | clerk Charles French said. |St. Martin. Visitors often gvon-| Dr, Boehme, who practises in capable of carrying his political | Bladon is a simple workaday|der why such a great man lies|Port Orchard, Wash., was ac-|vendetta with Ben Barka to the village of stone houses, three| buried in the country church- | quitted in 1962 after he was ac-|point of murder. stores, two bars and a filling) yard when he could have been|cysed of trying to kill his previ-; His friends say he is the vic- station. It has none of the/laid to rest in such great na-/ous wife, Dorothy, by injecting |tim of a frame-up by "'eftist) thatched cottages of the nearby|tional shrines as Westminster), lethal substance under pre- trouble-makers" wh have been! Cotswold Hills, a noted scenic! Abbey or St. Paul's Cathedral.|text of taking a blood sample.|smashed again and again by spot. A man with a great sense of/ Dorothy Boehme stood tiy her} Oufkir's-security--ferees, However, its 988 inhabitants) history and family tradition, he/husband, testifying she did not ee want to retain their rural way|chose to be buried next to his|helieve he tried to harm her.|she was under treatment for the of life and avoid the hustle and} parents and brother in sight of; Three months after that trial, | injury in a Tacoma hospital, Dr. ; bustle associated with such! his birthplace, built for his fa-| Dorothy died of natural causes.'Boehme entered her room and shrines as Stratford on Avon.| mous warrior ancestor, the first) About a year later, Dr. Bo-| injected a toxic substance into The villagers also want to| Duke of Marlborough. ehme married Mary Boehme, her right~hip. avoid the opening of tea -gar-| Tapping with a stick at the/now 33, divorced wife of one of, Dr, Boehme pleaded not guilty dens, hot dog stand and bus sta-| spot where he now lies, Church-|the physician's brothers. During!and Mary has described the tions, and so far the council has) ill once told the church sexton: |the first trial, the prosecution charge as "a frameup to harass succeeded in preventing this. 'This is my place, here," |had called Mary Boehme as a and destroy his (Dr. Boehme's) 4 a Wiens: personal life." She----refused-ta testify on ees grounds of possible self-incrim- ination. | Last June 29, Mary Boéhme |was injured by a falling plank |while working in a boathouse |with her husband and other family members. The state charges that while ill e ? Bills soaring? Pay them with an HFC Bill Payer Loan Are bills, instalment " contracts, other money obligations getting out of hand? Get an HFC Bill It is expected that the throne Legislation to cover urban re- Payer Loan... up to ADULT EDUCATION % Finish High School! y i F You can study ALAR i, at home in your whe spare time and prepare to write qualifying exams provided by the Dept. of Education, Industry and Government are about to launch retraining *° programs for persons with Grade 10 or better. Check off program that will get your plans underway. ("A" for university entrance "8" Grade 12 equivalency and job opportunities £1"C" Grade 10 equivalency Preparation for many Gov't. sponsored trade courses, Assessment tests given ta all enrollees to determine proper starting level. For full information fill in coupon end mail to: CANADIAN ACADEMY 40 Main Sreet. W., Hamilton, Ont. 2 Name POP We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities PACKAGE OF 5 SEVEN INCH 45 RPM, KIDDIES RECORDS 2 trains each way-every day CN's money-saving Red, White & Blue Fares apply Starting Monday, February 14th, an overnight train--each way, daily except Saturday--will be added: For information and reservations call your CN Passenger Sales Office. --k--LyZTy Wy The way of the worry-free Adults Only TUES. Allowed Specials WED. @ ONLY SPECIALS OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 -- SAT, 'TIL 6 P.M. JERGENS 'LOTION MILD @ MAIN FLOOR @ BABY BASSINETTE OR CARRIAGE New Scientific Discovery SOAP Most of the selections in the six assort- ments feature Mitch Miller and his MONTHLY PAYMENT PLANS BLANKET MATTRESS speech will announce the first|newal and a bill to create a $5000. Then take up |amount OF steps in the streamlining of the! general housing corporation in province's welfare structure,|the province will be presented and the codifying of new wel-|during the session and Lucien fare laws, under pians already|Cliche, minister of lands and outlined by Rene Levesque,|forests, is to present a white) family and social welfare min-|paper outlining a complete re-| ister. vision of all the laws governing In addition, the departmeiit of|the utilization of the province's health has been working on the forest resources. Why Pay More.. a SAVE!! 1 6 C i | ON PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL gal. Phone 668-3341 &4 King Street East--Telephone 725-6526 DX Ss U E L O i L | (next fo the Genosha Hotel) | 74 Yorennd Avenue South. o... Telephone 947-4929 Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajax Districts aie cara 60 4" 36 30 20 12 months months months months months months «| $.... | $6.12) $9.46 at 18.35 | 28.37 23,73 | 32,86 | 51.24 to 60 months to repay Household with one payment each month that's lower than the monthly total you're now paying ! Also, ask about our lower rates on loans over $1500, LOAN $100 300 550].. 1000 1600].. 2500) ......) 7 3000 4000 5000 101.01 117.377144.30'- 126.26 | 146,71 | 180.37 Above payments include principal and interest and are based On prompt repayment, but do not include the cost of tife insurance, Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates. HOUSEHOLD FINANC. Ask about our evening hours 2 OSHAWA OFFICES ~~: Suite 208, Oshawa Shopping Ctr.--Ph. 725-1138 (northwest corner, over Fairweather's) <> DW /\\ Orchestra. Regulor 1.95. FOR PRICE SAKE MA Y N. FLOOR N Regular 3 bars for 29¢ FOR PRICE ¢ . 3 for 19 SAKE MAIN. FLOOR Gives worm comfort without weight winter or summer. 100% cotto: ize 72" x i"... @ practical si for twin or double beds. Compare at 10.95 tach, FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN FLOOR Waterproof vinyl cover. Compare et 98¢ FOR PRICE SAKE MAIN. FLOOR 1.66 Vf \] E> FOR MAIN FLOOR PHILISHAVE PRE-SHAVE LOTION For use before shaving with any elec- tric shaver, Compare at 63c, PRICESAKE....... BELOW WHOLESALE Cleerance Purchese of Filtro Appliances Full one-yeer werrenty by Sunbeem CORN POPPERS .. 444 TEFLON COATED Automatic Electric FRYPANS thot list at 27.95 ON SALE FOR ONLY . . 13.88 COFFEE PERKS from ... STEAM IRONS from LOWER LEVEL @ LOWER "STA-FLO" SPRAY STARCH 16-ox.° pressure can. Compare at 79c. FOR PRICE SAKE LOWER LEVEL LEVEL @ Package of 10 26" x 36" Plastic GARBAGE BAGS Get rid of garbage the easy wey. Compare at 89¢ package PRICE SAKE' LOWER LEVEL 44° For Price Sake It's No Where Else 1038 King St. W. OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE At Garrard: Rd.

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