- 14 THE OSHAWA Times, -- "Ting fe ZONE BE A UAL Bown a Mendey,. Jonwary 38,1986 BRIDGE FINGERS CROSSED, - By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) aaa a sin emmiceeotn ; as a. eiwaA REO} | a ; ea CRS Fao > AND OLE 5 ; ' CLIMB IN. FAMOUS HANDS North dealer, E PLANE TAKES A SICKENING DROP INTO THE CANYON AND ie ate : HEADS STRAIGHT FOR A HUGE ROCK. ag wom Bee velnerene. © King Foateren Syndicate, ine, 1066, Word sight rom veh NORTH 4Q53 9 a ag 84 1 : AS : #AK1006 FO' BUSTER BULLMOOSE !! : : To Pick | [S ED 18 HE BY THIS DISPLAY OF WEST EAST poe oe HET} ; EON MESO aN an A lA MINER 4 THE GEESE, HE COMES IF AH DIES MAH, greys pe tag ; Owe OF THE C "Nile Pk .GITS AMI id (THAR PAIN" : j \ im 17S FALLEN COMR, J North East South Wea le Pass %NT Pass 3NT GF i \ Opening lead--five of hearts. al al Hh . wine iy? This incredible hand occurred * So last year in the finals of the an- LONE RANGER AND CLAY CHALMERS THE MASKED MANIL Dram' THE SECONDS SLOWLY PASS. nual Riviera Masters Inter- GRASP OPPOSITE ENDS OF THE HANDKERCHIER, EACH WAITING FOR| Hh) WIS END AEST. , NEITHER MAN MAKES THE rvet.| Inational Bridge Tournament THE SIGNAL TO DRAW *** id a * played in Las Vegas, Nev. The winners of the event -- Ron Von der Porten and Kai Larsen -- could trace their vic- tory to this hand, where their North-South pair succeeded in making three notrump after a highly unusual series of plays Perfect defence would have resulted in a three-trick defeat for South, but, as sometimes eee happens, the defence went et Mein *¢ wrong. (oo ¥ West led a heart --- which was . reasonable enough -- and de- ail , clarer took the trick in dummy sauiniiee ONE THING AT? : 9 AT. WHAT Is THIS 4 THE BOMB fi with the queen. Conscious of a YOUR MANNERS, @ril heads Red Tigers bomb- Sori Ree: f EXPLODES AT THE RNER! /§ serious deficiency in diamonds, a ' : . | rigged car toward The river . : and hoping to muddle the situa- : a ' f f tion as much as he could, South a led the ten of diamonds. at trick two. East followed low and South "finessed" the ten, losing to the jack. : West had no idea that South was executing a psychological coup in diamonds, and, quite understandably, did not continue the suit, Instead, he played a low heart, the nine forcing the ace. Declarer now led a spade to the queen, which held, and at this point could have run with eight tricks. But still undaunted, " res mr o he continued his desperate effor SUGGEST YOU REA' co, . | to steal the hand. He first cash- YOUR TEN Oe TWeLe | : ed the ace of clubs, acting like POLINDS! / a man who intended to take a p we (eb club finesse later, and then played a spade to the king, West took the king with the ace and cashed the K-J of hearts, but now, instead of tak- ing the setting trick with, the ace of diamonds, he got greedy and returned a spade. East had discarded two diamonds on the K-J of hearts and this had led West to conclude that East had club values which he was guard- ing. The spade return handed Cees Se ipa "sg ee) oe | TELEVISION LOG (ereshait THE LONE RANGER THING AT A TIME AT THE TABLE! SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK . = CIO] cessful conclusion one of the . O ACROSS DOWN anced CIO Channei 2--Buttate 0 PM. 11:30 AM. most' sensational steals on rec- 10 j jubsi 5 f I Channel 3--Barrie 11--The Mery Griffin Ghew| $--Abracadabra ord. 2% oe . sae a ete 4--Buffale %~The Big Valley t2--Paradise Bay 2. Small 6--Toronte |b2--Run For Your Le | 4-Dick Van Dyke Show 7--Butt --Ben C ' ( -- is ea Faerie, omer caer MACHINE BOOSTS PAY 3 ' 3] Channe! %--Toronto =| 4--Art Linkletter lp. PHILADELPHIA (AP)--Phil- es RO mScicrinicl] | ShanmeltcMaminen | 10:30 P.M. adelphia school district author- _ Deputy SUNAMISIE SIGs monvay avEnne | Serene acceey | Sheen unde ities. are holding up the pay Lom ae a a 5:00 P.M. a B---Pepeye and Pate cheques of about 900 employees N--Pamtty Theatre because of a computer error. . Tavern tant " 6--Passport To Adventure| 11:00 P.M. | 4--Speaker of thy House 5:30 P.M, | | Treats Ghturtay's Atiwee 2s. dae The authorities say a computer urday's we +32-- t} IM. i j * tk gpa sua! VW} emusic Hop Weather ond soorte | ia? P was placing the decimal point peras, a bine Movie 1h BM eB ba one: place too far to the right. bers seid 7 NW "A Lar peas nh To Beever! +-Vieweat \§-2--Let's Play When officials discovered the ILL! . a Pow ar a . 4:00 P.M. | -ietro Pinet 1 A Rear et Somerres machine writing cheques for | | 6. x Tht CALLING "YOU fis 11, City in fablétat 84.Employs | 7--Twilight, Theatre to 15 11:20. P.M, ccs WL, ae case ead of $150 they FROM MY } a Belgium 27. Hoists 37.Pen'spal | News wie | 6 Might Matre | 11--News 12, Squander 29. Not 38. Trouble t e Healy | 11:30 PM, 4--Guilding Light 13, Bishop's harsh 40, Nursery : . jN--The Saint 1:00 P.M. ' 5 jurisdiction 30. Help word 'ie coctenigns eae [NC TNastre SALLY'S SALLIE Te | & Third Man $--Matines 3 ae ee Oe 7 Mavie 11:40 P.M. | T~Ben Casey %--Plerre Berton 6--Luncheon Date % Sports é--The Long Hot Summer; 4--Meet te Millers 9 Y --Huntley-Brinkley 12:30 A.M. 3--Movie News V1--News; Weather: Soprts| $Me Dewgine Show 12 y--Cheyenne News Cap | 1:30 PLM. f | TUBSOAY | 7:00 P.M. bk perth | 9--James Beard Show y : | hg $3--Lunuieen So 28. Marshiand a ie ee | 4~Coptein Kengeree GaAs The World Turne game-bird Y 8--Doble Gillis 9:00 A.M. | Movie 25. Continent: Vf é--News, Weather, Sports | 4_Mike's Carntvel | 2:00 P.M. = 4--Littlest Hobo &Plavtime With Uncles wine is Pannle abbr. 3-Honey w (aed lest | _ Bobby : ' 27. Pronoun $--Huntley-Brinkley PH Dialing Fer Oellers | ¢4--Password IT'S GETTING 28, Silk fabric YW 7:30 P.M, with Gin Tale | 2--Days of Our Lives LATE, KIDS / | 30, Incite 1--Combat | 9:30 A.M. | 2:15 P.M, -- %--The Lucy Show hariotte = ' 32, Changes Y, $3--Hullabaioe pagal cas oS eo ., oe 33. First name 7--12 O'clock High pam Ader Gite | 130 PLM, 63--Don Messer's Jubilee | @--People in Confitet 4--To Tell The Truth 10:00 A.M, | 66--The * 11-~Whiplash 7--A Time For Us . 9-Bewtices be | $--Playtime Wit® Uneclt| ¢---June Allyson Show "You say you're ~~ #2--John Forsythe Show 4&Linkietter's Party enough for me. Bobby | your answer." 36, Contrive +3--The Fugitive [ Sat acorns Phrases 30k ba. "that's , 38. Nipa palm 4--l've Get A Seeret | #1 Love Lucy |\1-Donne Reed - $ : 8:30 P.M, | 130 ALM, %--Fractured Phrases 39, Sand hill Th-Laredo | 10:30 A.M. orld 62---Anotner Wi 40. Quern 9 Andy Grittity [1-4 Allen | 1--@enera! Meepitel |g 41, Inquires +2--Dr. Kildare 9--Bingo \@43--To Fell 42. Pub items y--The Legend of Jesse 9.2 Concentration 2:90 P.M. James 7--Donne Reed 4-The Lucy Show &3--Friendly Giant [ eeeeny, Sony 9:00 P.M | 4-The McCoys | g-You Don't Say | %Country Music Hall | 10:45 A.M. | 7---Superman Show bad #-2--Kraft Music Hall iste " | 63--Chez Helene LS WELL TELL HIM To STOP , 7--Man Called erage eae oan ' 1 WERE enandes ar ' | &-Kartoon Karnivet 1" CoTouT MISSILES | | STUFFING HIMSELF! $3--Show of the Week : | : New and Used THE : 4--Andy Griffith | %--Mr. and Mrs. | 4:00 P.M, PRINTED ON THE BOX! | 7" onuar mana race! : YOUR HEALTH ; ; " bere sed |8-2--Morning Star | Mickey Mouse Club BI ee. ,| eo 11--Mona McClusky | 7-Supermarket Sweep | g_ tre Match Game ' 2 63--Bufternut Square 7Early Show Yo Exchange Skates Thet i i ' at ee ig Place +-Andy of Mayberry |¢3-Bonnie Rudden show if 4 . nag Saat tod ign tialeine Ir es n arters i | 4 The "Law and 11:0 AM, | 4--Secret sterm re Too : Mr. Jones 6J--Across Canada 3---Rocky and Hie Friends Used Pair. 22. Tellurium: G MICKEY MOUSE ~ ee Of Expanding Concern 5 : varicose veins, I urge women to! Third, bails interpret any- vuniee Cost ad ie sien P 4 go to their doctors early in| thing I have said as meaning DITION, By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD BE pregnancy, you can assume that|that girdles or garter belts are he will tell you so if you happen jharmful, if you use ordinary 3 to be one of those who should |good judgment. When you begin COMPLETE LINE OF avoid tight girdles; garter belts,to find that your regular girdle HOGKEY or round garters is getting too snug for comfort, Dear Dr. Molner: In earty|circulation, involves formation pregnancy how long is.it safe to|of varicose veins since veins wear a reguiar girlde or garter are usually near the surface of delt?--Mrs. G. M. the body (arteries are deeper). Ithat's ime to change to a) ) sk about the|that's the time to chang | EQUIPM N ~~ ey" on. NOTHING. A Good question--and I have no The majority of women don't The medical cost is abou pevetey one, of maternity girdle, > ? nee ql B 5 T'S § | a BE ri doubt that some of my com he , f 'eag.isame, and in some instances| ' bh i A | - ; DIFFERENCE.MY -- \ : f EXCEPT THAT THIS! indies Gi gurtle get varicose veins from preg- even less: if you start going to|Which can be adjusted as; Hockey Sticks, Pants, "Gave FINDS SHE AND HER : WHIT HAS A MOTH , | SET OF PARENTS ments on tight girdles or garters) ancy no matter what they ee P ants needed, It will, if you'll accept ROOMMATE SKEETS PRICE \ = AND FATHER. >-- - { Bm WOULD RATHER BE | | have had some effect in influ-|,, pe ra the doctor early in pregnancy. Sweaters, Stockinas HAVE MORE IN COMMON THAN a) wear. A minority meaning charge ajthe terminology, give support " 98, Z 4 j bstetricians h . if af JUICE THAN SEE encing it * -- |those who have fragile veins, or |Many 0! ; : will be most hin Pods, ete. WOOHLING CAREERS ARO A \\ WHIT MARRY ME! I'll give you some answefS,/tq: some other ib show] flat ne for . gh rargild Poe Sng Bay Stl off the s é ® 4 | "1 | and you can choose the one that | jong of developing varieose|Cause if a woman s S g 8 small of your back. After all,| lt : f its your ' re early, problems A ? ee ee veins at child - bearing age--|medical care y\ded. When|when you are carrying a baby, i ee i <| § First, so far as the baby isichould be careful arn, minimized oF Sy olde trelit changes your balance, and! at rou | { fa concerned, you don't have to! a woman waits until late in the|!! ¢ oe , £ SHALL START FROM 4 ES 4 . } y "J "3 nigh . hae schge '" . , i cy, if a problem exists|that puts added strain on cer- | eae a a ; fer ¥ -- cere ny = her. He is|SEE DOCTOOR EARLY a aggre Ben ht severe and|tain muscles, especially those in SHARPENING & LOVE AND WE BOTH ARE ) ss we. protec insiaeé, And any; DOCS @ DiUe Vin ihemd 4 aoj4e 1s US uy Tore: $ th i. : Loven BACK! exterior pressure would become) varicdse? Not hecessarily, How/harder to. treat. sri ae Ee re RENTAL LTD. ape annoying to you long before itido you. know whether a blue! (Thus the doctor has easier Note to "y eRe e : could possibly harm the. bab vein is or isn't varicose? The)problems, and the mother-to be | pills virtua ly te end vaT- 223 King St. W. : t , aly} P ; ke yourii tte f » baby jis/cotics, and your husoand just Second, the danger from tight/ouly reliable way is to ask yourjis better off, and the baby cS, } | ' 4 girdles, garters or other gar-|doctor. And since, for a great|safer, and the cost is less ifjdoesn't understand. ote alas ments which restrict surface! many more' reasons than just'care starts early.) jyou mention are transquilizers,