2-CLC Takes Shot | = At CNTU Aititude "OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana- dian Labor Congress said Thursday a campaign by the Quebec-based Confederation of National Trade Unions to break up national bargaining units is! a threat to Canadian unity. | UCaldanen Sciacm has a deliberate attempt_to cut the ties that bind people of various provinces and racial back- grounds together as Canadi- ans," CLC President. Claude Jodoin said in a prepared state- ment, The statement was a reply to criticism of the CLC and na- tional bargaining units made by the CNTU Wednesday in a brief to the cabinet. The CNTU brief attacked the Canada labor relations board over a recent decision refusing to certify the CNTU for 600° CBC stagehands in Quebec who are part of a 1,500-member national union unit in the CBC. It demanded that the cabinet correct the situation and threat- ened to pull out of all federal organizations if something wasn't done. Mr. Jodoin said the CNTU there heen suchi; titude 'is an assault on the labor movement's dedicated policy of seeking equal conditions for all) Canadian workers. This couldn't be done if bargaining groups. were splintered. i He said this kid of awitude) ible for the present iS respons a wide differentials in incomes he-) &. tween various regions of Can- |" ada. Quebec, for example, ranked sixth among the prov- inces in per capita income. "The CLC will fight threat with every ounce of 2n- ergy we can command," he said of the CNTU campaign. "We re- spectfully suggest that every Canadian has the same respon- sibility." The issue was one of the most significant in the history of the country. If the CNTU achieved, its aim, it would disrupt labor) legislation, collective bargain-| ing and the whole structure of Canada. Mr. Jodoin said the CNTU is) a minority organization even within Quebec. The CLC still) represented a. majority of that at-|province's organized workers. Corruption And Corrupted Face Trouble LAGOS (AP) -- The military, regime has opened a campaign) to rid Nigeria of corruption A HARNESS with a V- shaped yoke attached to the ba 2 | roof of the car is far su- n igerla perior to conventional seat- political figures. Tourists found customs agents at Lagos airport had a sliding scale of bribes to belts says Andrew J. White of Lee, N.H., an automobile safety engineer. White, 60, has proved his point by wearing harness similar to these models and hitting a brick wall at 50 miles per hour without injury. (AP) MP Demands Gov't Move "THE OSH 'Minor Changes Proposed In Riding Boundary Lines TORONTO (CP)--The, Ontario; Hamilton-Wentworth and Went-| In Northern. Ontario, new rid- redistribution commission re-|worth-East. The three ridings) ings are added at the Lakehead ported to the legislature Thurs-|replacing these two are Went-| (Thunder Bay), Sault Ste. Marie day for the second time in little| worth North, Hamilton-West and | (Algoma), and Sudbury (Sud- over a year, proposing oniy mi- | tamiiton-Moiuiiiain. iw - Stiges to tame countess; i they nor changes to riding ey Niae er ee ee eee lines submitted in 1965. three ridings--Lincoln, Welland) 0) ny suet. Ba Stade No changes were made in-the|and Niagara Falls--are ex-) ~ three-man commission's recom-|paned to five--three existing 'atio is in Ottawa, where Ot- mendation for the creation of|ones plus St. Catharines and tawa Centre is added to Ottawa nine -new ridings, increasing| Welland South. __ South, West and East, representation in the 108-seat| In the Windsor-Chatham area,| Carleton riding is split into legislature to 117. 'the ridings of Kent West arid| Carleton and Carleton East, but The commissioners were)Kent East are abolished and re-|the Prescott and Russel ridings asked by the ae es = placed by three Eidings "Lat inte combined. year to reconsider their repo jham - Kent, Essex - Kent and! . s after members criticized them Kent. Pe ag en 6 Po for arbitrarily drawing bound-| East of Hamilton, the existing | ment dissolves the 27th a rlke ary lines to meet population re-|riding of Halton is divided in) ont 'This is not likely until quirements. two--Halton West and Halton |i9g7 5, perhaps 1968 y The first report, brought in| East. Peel riding b s Peel | number of seats in Eastern On-| AWA TIMES, Fridey, February 18, 1966 3 | Dope, Ravalts MGAGLL, © . Switch-Blades ~ SARNIA (CP) -- Thomas Jerome Leyes, 27, of London, Ont., "hursday pleaded guilty to charges of having unlawful pos- session of marijuana, two. spring-knives, and a .25-calibre: Beretta automatic pistol. 5 ety ons as Peeerrene Woy tS 1 aw ; piotessionaty as Tommy Deans of The Caners* la London musical group, a Leyes will be sentenced on: each of the charges Monday,. Feb. 21. Bail of $400 cash or $1,000 property was allowed. af How fo relieve: Use Dodd's Kidney ~ Pills for ager oat relief from the" systemic econdi-~ tion causing the ~ backache. Soon" you feel better--~ rest better. Des" pend on Dodd's, Feb. 3, 1965, created 13 new/North and Peel South. North of ridings but wiped out four exist-| Metro, the riding of York North} ing ones for a net gain of nine.|becomes York North and York Three of the disappearing rid-| Centre. ings were in the Toronto area) In the Lake Huron area, four and the other on Lake Huron. ridings -- Bruce, Grey North, | Northern Ontario gained three |Grey South and Huron Bruce--| new ridings, the Miagara pen-|are reduced to three: Grey jtario area between Hamilton South. | and Toronto two. ino : " 4 . ' jated in the Chatham-Windsor | Killer Told To jarea, Hamilton, Toronto North, jand Ottawa. The shuffle in the City of Tor-) gaycor (CP) -- James Ivey, 9 " | ings -- Bellwoods, Bracondale, 20, of nearby Port Dover, was St. Andrew, St. Patrick, St./fo- a year and ordered to re- Beaches and Woodbine -- into place a dog he shot in the deed insula two, and the Lake On-|Bruce, Huron Bruce and Grey Single new ridings were cre- lig . . |Kitchener - Waterloo, Oshawa} Replace Victim onto combines these nine rid- placed on probation Thursday George, St. David, Riverdale, ence of a 12-year-old girl. THE ULTIMATE | * | PRESTIGE DISTINCTION BEYOND COMPARE * UNDERGROUND PARKING * N LUXURY LIVING!! which wasted many millions of overlook duties on some ar- pounds in the five years since' ticles. independence. Waiting lists for telephones The campaign ranges from aj and other services could he six. They are Bellwoods, St. | Andrew-St. Patrick, St. George, | St. David, Riverdale and He had pleaded guilty to the charge of unlawfully killing a G@ORGIAN Mansions 124 PARK ROAD crackdown on those who try to| avoided by offering "dash." To Force Safety In Cars. bribe traffic policemen to a re- view of tariffs. rigged by crooked cabinet ministers to} protect their own business in- terests. Shocking tales of official graft circulated before Prime Minis-| ter Sir Abubakar \Tafawa Ba-| lewa was killed and his govern-| ment overthrown iast month. Foreign businessmen planning investments here found they) had to accommodate cabinet| ministers and their friends with} "dash" (bribes), jobs and spe-| cial favors. "You can't buy a Nigerian cabinet minister,"' said one for- eign executive, "but you can rent them for the afternoon." DEAL IN REAL ESTATE | High government officials spe- cialized in real estate deals. Some of the profits were cached in numbered Swiss accounts. Reclaimed swampland in La- gos somehow fell into the hands af cabinet members who sold it to the government although it as government property in the/are expected if only to demon-|ices Administration for U.S. gov-| strate that the army means ernment vehicles. Corruption was not limited to! business. rst place. This lower level grafting has os : : : not disappeared and likely will TORONTO (CP)--Fred Young be harder to eliminate than big: (NDP -- Yorkview) charged time chicanery. Thursday that governments are shelving responsibility for the SQUANDERED MILLIONS structural safety of automo- One economist estimated the piles. government squandered £%4,- Speaking in the throne speech 800,000 ($73,800,000) since Nige-|debate, he said that in 1964 ria became independent Oct. 1,/there were 111,232 motor vehicle 1960. accidents in Ontario which The military governor, Maj.-\claimed 1,424 lives and injured Gen. J. J. T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi, | 54,560 persons. has promised to stamp out cor-' He said property damage was ruption, punish those responsi- $55,452,730 but there was no ble and overhaul the country's economic planning. More than 20 officials including one cabi- net minister have been detained under suspicion of 'certain criminal offences." One of the army's first acts was to dust all ministers and politically appointed boards of directors of state-owned corpo- WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nine| rations. new automobile safety features, | Foreign businessmen report) ranging from recessed or break-| the economic climate has vastly! away controls to wreck-resistent | improved. ___|fuel tanks and fuel lines are} Wide - ranging investigations/ proposed by the General Serv-| | | The new standards, which the | Guaranteed Pay To Aged agency proposes to make effec- tive in September, 1967, for 1968 models, include: 1. Window and door con- trols placed either in out-of- the-way spots, recessed, or of Nine New Safety Features For U.S. Government Autos evaluation on the lost time, lost;defined and above all there is production, disruption of homes |the powerful pressure of the mo- and "just plain agony andjtor car industry to keep costs grief." |down and profits up." | "What we do know is that wee ss | much of this injury and loss of |QUOTES EXPERTS life and property is avoidable) Mr. Young said experts be- and completely unnecessary if|lieve 50 per cent of the persons we were willing to more real-|"0w being killed in highway ac- istically prevent the carnage Cidents could be saved through and destruction." improved car design. But he said governments) Hsaid that governments set seem to be evading the issue--|Safety standards in. house con-| "jurisdictions are not clearly struction, aircraft manufacture and rail transportation. "The time has come when governments also must insist upon building into motor trans- | portation those features which will save life and limb and curb the disastrous events which are making a shambles of our high- ways." 3. Arm rests, shaped so as| Mr. Young urged Transport to provide a fairly good-sized |Minister Irwin Haskett to set} area without any sharp cor-|up an all-party committee to) ners that might cut into a per-/meet the New York legislative| son's pelvic region. committee on motor vehicle 4. Padding the backs of the safety which, he said, would front seats for tecti welcome co - operation with a back seat ae on of egislature committee. | Mr.- Young said the all-party 5. Head rests on the backs|,roup should examine the New| of the front seats to help Pre-| York body's safety car program | vent whip-lash neck injuries. .nq explore ways of co-operat- 6. Side markers, either elec- ing with it on further develop- trical or reflective, so that the ment of a safety car. | Outline of stopped cars may animal. Beaches-Woodbine. RE RESET IER SNCS A FEW 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES AVAILABLE * Only By Appointment 723-1712 o 728-2911 NORTH: OSHAWA Premier. Robarts did not indi- cate in the legislature what} course of action the government | will take on the redistribution | report. The house could either) debate it or a bill could be! brought forward based on it, he! said. The commissioners were Mr. Justice E. A. Richardson of the Supreme Court of Ontario; Prof.| R. Grant Crawford of Queen's) University, and Roderick Lewis, | clerk of the Ontario legislature | and the province's chief election} officer. One member pleased with the 1966 redrafting is Robert Nixon) (L--Brant). When the commis- sion first submitted its report a year ago, changes in the bound- aries of Brant and Waterloo South moved Mr. Nixon into the latter. This year, Mr. Nixon is back in Brant. The town of Paris also reverts from Waterloo South back to Brant. | Extensive changes are made| in the Waterloos. The Kitchener and Waterloo ridings proposed i. 1965 to represent the urban area are juggled so that Kitch- ener becomes the main urban riding while part of Kitchener, all of Waterloo and some. rural area is included in Waterloo North. No riding by that name was proposed last year. In the Hamilton area, as in} earning only 3%-- that's not as much So why settle for less? Our special account is The Savings called a Savings Deposit Receipt Account. Here's how it works: You are given a special pass book and can like yourself. New kind of account pays 50% more interest Yon may have $5,000 or more tn savings which ts Guaranty Trust has a special account for people in your position which pays 4%7% on the daily balance. used by corporations, trustees, clubs, hospi+ tals and churches as well as by individuals Draws 'Gov't Circles' Nods be seen at night. 7. Rear window defoggers types that would break away | upon impact. withdraw your money at any time on demand, 1965, five ridings are shuffled but you do not have chequing privileges. about to make six. The two Please visit, write or telephone the manager of the Guaranty Trust office nearest you. ¥« government as a means of rais- OTTAWA (CP) -- A Senate committee recommendation for @ guaranteed annual income for the elderly is getting a favor- able. reception in government circles, informants say. The committee recommended Feb. 3 an annual minimum in- eome of $1,260 for single per- sons 65 and over. Couples would get $2,220. It would amount to $105 a month for single persons and $185 for couples. Informants say adoption of the Se ate recommendation would be an acceptable political course for the minority Liberal ing old age pensions--now $75 & month at age 69. Government acceptance of a flat old age pension increase is not politically feasible, the rea- 2. Ash-trays and the like, out of the way, recessed or break- away. soning goes, because the Con- servatives and NDP cam- paigned on that platform in the Nov. 8 election campaign. The government is reported to, be under some pressure from Liberal members of Parliament to take more direct action to raise old age pensions. i Adding to indications that a) P B change for old age pensions| réss a may be in the offing is a claim by Conservative MP Erik Niel-- OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition sen that the Liberals are think- Leader Diefenbaker . Thursday ing of instituting $100-a-month|sought assurances from Prime} | Diefenbaker pensions. The Yukon member Minister Pearson that the press}. has a reputation for coming up|will not be barred from MPs' with advance information. Hobbies in the Commons. He told.a reporter the 80V-) speaker Lucien Lamoureux ernment has either begun nego- interjected that this matter is op age with the ak treme ina not under the jurisdiction of the | ie ee a vlan to provide yime minister or any. other shad ' | minister. ' Astor Would Of Rhodesia PressIf... LONDON (CP)--Hon. Gavin Astor, chairman of the Com- monwealth Press Union, saidjing British publishing _ family, just off the floor of the Com-| Thursday he is prepared to fly} to Rhodesia "at short notice" if Rhodesian members of the or- ganization feel it would serve, any useful purpose in helping) the Rhodesian press in its stand! against government restric-| tions. "We have been watching events in Rhodesia with very great interest and have regis- tered our admiration for the courageous stand made by the Rhodesian newspapers in the cause of press freedom,"' Astor said in. a speech to the Royal Commonwealth Society. "I. personally saw the chair-| man of our Central African sec- tion when he was in London just before Christmas and our sec- retary is in constant touch with him, "But as yet we have not been called upon to interfere." Go To Aid | Mr. Diefenbaker said barring jor te press from the lobbies would be in contravention of the | spirit of the Bill of Rights. Ac- tion should be taken by Parlia- ment as a whole. The Parliamentary Press Gal- leny passed a resolution Wed- Astor, 47-year-old chairman of nesday opposing any move to The Times and scion of a lead-\restrict access to the lobbies, said the Commonwealth Press) Union -- which now comprises) _ : by PEDATONS: 600 publications and news agen- Gallery President Sam Ross cies from 22 countries--is op- had said earlier that there had posed to censorship "or any- been complaints from some Lib- thing which tries to limit the} eral MPs about reporters loiter- freedom of the journalist before|ing in the area. publication." Last Saturday, a similar res- He'said his younger brother olution was passed by the Cana- and deputy chairman of The'dian managing editors confer- Times, Hon. Hugh Astor, wholence at Hamilton, deploring is on a trip to East and Central|"'limitations direct or implied" Africa, has been authorized to,on the access of reporters to-the represent the Commonwealth! lobbies. Press Union council in any dis-| -- cussions he might have with the Rhodesian papers. mons chamber, JOINS BIG WORLD The newest British Common. | wealth legislature is that of Na- uru, a Pacific island with 2,800 people, inaugurated Jan. 31, 1966. CITY OF ASSISTANT PR 36% hour week Libe To operate No. 450 A. B. Dick Photocopier; No. 4 Zerox Unit and ef paper stocks. High School education Personnel SALARY RANGE -- 72. Previous experience on these machines preferred, general knowledge OSHAWA INTING CLERK 00 week to 80.00 week ral employee benefits. Zerox ] Offset Machine; No Gestetner Machine 914 Officer, City Hell Gshewa capable of clearing 75 per cent of the glass area within 10 minutes, 8. Roll bars for soft top ve- hicles to protect the occupants Chrysler Will | Expand Plant ; WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Chrys-| names which disappear are HEAT WITH OIL The minimum deposit is $5,000. Interest at 414% is calculated on the daily balance start- ing from day of deposit. However, interest is not paid on money withdrawn within 30 days of deposit. He will arrange for the opening of your Savings Deposit Receipt Account. Why settle for 3% when you can get a big 414% with safety guaranteed, in case the vehicle overturns. jer Canada Ltd. Thuday an-! The officials said the govern-| nounced plans for a $12,000,000 ment does not buy converti-| expansion of its car and truck bles, but does use a number! manufacturing facilities here. of other types of soft-top ve-| The plans call for a 360,000- hicles. square-foot expansion at the} 9. Fuel tanks and fuel pipe-| present car assembly plant, to lines strong enough to with-| cost about $10,000,000. Construc- stand impacts without break-| tion is to start next month, with ing. | completion in the spring of 1967 DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER A Federal Trust Company--Capital and Reserve Deposits over $350,000,000 32 KING ST, E., OSHAWA JAMES I. VESSEY, MANAGER Guaranty Trust Company of Canada as it could, . Deposit Receipt Account is $25,000,000 TEL, 728-1653 50 YEARS PSTAIRS at the GRAND RESTAURANT TRY US TODAY! We also specialize in delicious Businessmen's Luncheons @ LIGHT LUNCHES and taste tempting @ CHINESE FONDS Including Take-Qut-Orders, AN OY vob RESTAURANT Upstoirs 14% KING ST. E. 728-4666 -- 725-0075 Drink that's older and COISCR' Wiser's Oldest, 18 years old: Wiser's De Luxe, 10 years old: Wiser's 101, 6 years old: Wiser's Old, 5 years old Wiser's Special Blend, 4 years old. WISER'S DISTILLERY LIMITED, BELLEVILLE, CANADA 4 Sad whisky 2 IT'S ON NOW! SHOP TODAY! BEAT THE SALES TAX INCREASE! WAREHOUSE CLEAROUT! 'IN-STORE' CLEARANCE, SURPLUS WAREHOUSE STOCK NAME BRAND APPLIANCES Ranges . CARPETS, BROADLOOM Every colour of the rainbow! Mats, Rugs, Runners, Ends- of-rolls, Full and Part Rolls Luxurious Broadloom, QUALITY FURNITURE . Refrigerators . . . » Washers . . Dryers -- Natichally known Freezers , . Living Room, Bedroom, Din- ing Room Suites and Pieces. Tables, ---- all priced for elearance. brands, riames you know you Lamps, Accessories ton depend on NAME BRAND ELECTRONICS Radios, Record Players, Tape Recorders, Television -- Big Savings on factory clearouts, demonstrator models, end floor samples. EVERY ITEM IN THE STORE REDUCED IN PRICE! Cherney's r