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Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Feb 1966, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 23, 1966 15) roe : - | memberships in the form Lander, Mrs. C. O. Miller, of illuminated scrolls citing Miss Vera Moyse, Mrs. R. their devotion to the cause of Simcoe "Hall. 'The five, & Mills and Miss Grace left to right, are Mrs. E. V. Burns. League on Monday after- noon ,when five menrbers were presented with life A PRECEDENT was set at the 3lst annual meeting of the Women's Welfare Building Committee Faces > $250,000 Project Confidently Welfare League, Mrs. H. F. Millen. Mr. McCallum gave a confident report on the start of the campaign to re- place the old school build- ing on Bloor street east which has served its pur- pose and is now inadequate interested spectator is Mr. John N. Haddad, executive director of St. Christopher House, Toronto, who show- ed slides of his settlement house and its activities, fol- lowing the annual reports on the three divisions of Simcoe Hall. --Oshawa Times Photo to present requirements. An | | PRESCRIPTIONS Smooth and creamy City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. Knee-Make-up Newest Fad By SALLY RYAN NEW YORK (AP)--Beauty experts say a woman can't get by just making up her eyes anymore--she needs a knee knack. With skirts thigh-high, no one looks at her eves anyway. "Why stop your" beauty treatment at your chin line' asks Charles of the Ritz, a cosmetics firm. "The knees ery out for attention, too." Elizabeth Arden, another firm in the beauty business, BOTANY GENERAL CHAIRMAN dren's School and Treat- architect's drawing to 'the 215 nutria, Canada's newest fur-| Russians do. jmittee for the Crippled Child-|before the advent of Public | Cecil Peters here. He said this HOUSEHOLD HINT Find Help At Simcoe Hall | Re-Elections, | stated at the annual meeting of} milk." jnecessitated changes in the|its clubs and programs, extend- : : 7 | the three centres of Simcoe Hall|the year, 613 families came for | s Gictabey w lacze trailer wits settled in the area 170,000 men, women, and child- for counselling. Behind each re- Mrs. H. F. Millen was_ re- space for therapy treatments] rd Mitchell, director of Boys' Harold McNeill stated: "Re-|er, instability, illness, housing|annual meeting on Monday | tained plans for a proposed ad-| cnith. regional director and Mr Cc ie REAL communities across the country, |its were received requesting |cers and Mrs. C. H. Vipond|Oshawa citizens, interested in| , i : are abt attracted to organized |issued. Public response in this|ton; president, Mrs..H. F.|sibilities. It was found to be WILL TRAIN VOLUNTEERS to seo if some more effective |for children's clothing and foot-|dent, Mrs. J. D. Galbraith: 3rd|League embarked on a $250,-/the Canadian Women's Army "Attendant more club membership had emerged | ete tet eo, eae i tie said © the all important task of keep-|1i9, of simcoe Hall Boy's Club|/E. V. Lander; honorary secre-| ted, also the therapy rooms, ap-|'echniques. large numbers but we areigram involved 57,384 or 58 per Counsellors: Mrs. K. H.| hoard. School rooms are under Shrove Tuesday pancake Tally and be sensitive to their the club opened a number of| Vera Moyse. |McNab stated that letters of edly began when a flustered known and we are most grateful) | + ctors 38 Red Cross leaders|and| Program, Mrs. D. H.| Dyson Brooks. Notices had also} dren, coaches, instructors and) ,¢ trained personnel facititated|unteer Workers, Mrs. C. C. Mc-|tion that bequests from patrons Mr. McNeill reviewed the ac-/cuards for adult sessions and|S. F. Donnelly; Canteen, Mrs.|funds and pledges have already} school, after school recreation,|creational swim periods, held|Vipond; Public Relations, Mrs.|executive director of St. Chris- dances. groups of handicapped children. | Coulter. mentary of the location and) filled the need for social COD-| rippled Children's: Selinol and tony, lurst -- Dundas area of To-| long-standing ces of sewing and 26 knitted | highest in the city. The houses) Social and welfare services| for 8 ; --.. Thirty - seven children are|ber and twice president; Mrs.|ments and few conveniences japy treatment as out-patients.|er street was built; Mrs. C. 0.!---- manville, Newcastle and Orono. |chairman of the welfare com Women's Welfare Lague and recording secretary of education under the super-|with an illuminated scroll and | DYLANIZE ection of a voluntary medical! WANT MORE PROBATION of the building committee for the new Crippled Chil- t Cent Mr. Frank SEES NEW FUR TRADE _ ought to recognize the value of men entre, i McCallum, passes over the GODFREY, Ont. (CP) -- Of|nutria fur farming as well as president of the Women's bearing animal, sold to Russia, ow Chairmau of the building com-| gether. It was started in 1912,/five came from the pens of All Ages And All Conditions | ren's School and Treatment} Health, with a health nurse and|consignment should bring $10,- Give old powder puffs to the | Centre, Mr. F. N. McCallumija milk station of pasteurized /000 profit and North Americans/ kids for shining shoes. | the Women's Welfare league that} The centre: follows Bor of > \the increase in enrolment hadjthe pattern of Simcoe Hall in Over ten thousand hours of,played an important part in the| Presentations its cl i volunteer work were devoted 'o|settlement house work. During original old school house on|ing its work " the many -- } Bloor street east. pean _ nationalities a ave in 1965 bringing recreation, com-|some kind of material assis-| At WWL Meeting, hs ys : er er -assurance to over|tance, besides those who came ' 4 iti Among the guests at the well- fort and re-assuranc rented to provide additional) st ended meeting were Mr. Ed:| ATM EAL quest is a story of distress: |elected president of the Wom-|" z a "| ey his annual report Director|unemployment, low earning pow. |en's Welfare League at the 31st|2"d members of the league ob-\ 4) oe Canada, Mr. Keith | 2 dition tomthe existing building. | > . ae ; ; -|problems or a personal family|afternoon. Mrs. D. H. Moore) Fraser Woodhouse, training and ccna . ae con emergency. Many calls and vis-|presided for the election of offi.) A committee of prominent/nersonnel director, all of To ngl} A ; b ; ' 'lhelp, in finding housing and 32,-\presented the slate as follows: |the w ork with crippled children} ae gto ny brome who 425 articles of used clothing were|Past president, Mrs. A. P. Ful-|was formed to explore the pos- re ( spiel ce auntie peantic || VICTORIA (CP) -- Audrey] ; s lepartment was excellent but|Millen; Ist vice-president, Mrs.|more practical to build a new ago jak g hora Aor 3 demand is endless especially|John Chmara; 2nd_vice-presi-| centre and the Women's Welfare|Diercks, a former member of ook a " | ' ; i ¥ roject c sor is the first woman train wear. vice - president, Mrs. Morris 000 project confident that it Corps, is mar bod Pd eo gee gat Me McNeill stated that a solid |S€84!; recording secretary, Mrs.|would be a reality by this Sep-|ing officer of the provincial civil can . wat, SECINGHI 6 f | with the | secretary, Mrs. Leonard Wake-| Already the architects' plans|WOrk on casualty simulation in| obvious part of our work, 4S\from the second year of opera-|ford: honorary treasurer, Mrs.| for the exterior have been acep-| demonstrations of civil defence ing the personal touch. The | astview. The swimming pro-|t@ty, Miss Grace Burns proved by the staff and medical! : ; cuusieea's prog tem, involves) OO ae iy RACE HAD A START wh oe : |Braithwaite, Mrs. A P. Fulton, | consideration aware that to be effective we/cent of the attendance. Since|Mrs. John Harris and Miss| publicity chairman, Mr. Ian|races for housewives suppos- must know the children individ-| : jcourses and clinics had been| Committee conveners: Wel-| appeal had been sent out headed| woman hurried to church with needs. Every child needs to be|, iq" qualifying 42 Red Cross |fare, Mrs. A. C, Clifford; Clubs|by a crest designed by Mr.|a pan in her hand. to all who have helped meee and three Royal Life saving So-|Moore; Property and Mainte-|been sent to members of the ly at the club meeting the chil-|-i4ty instructors. This reserve|nance Mrs. C. C, Murty; Vol-|Ontario County Bar Associa- junior leaders who have @ Wel-|+1, swimming program, pro-|Gibbon; personnel, Mrs. H. P.| would be gratefully received. come for each of their group." | viding paid instructors and life-|Hart; Ways and Means, Mrs.|In a few weeks of campaign tivities at Simcoe Hall Settle-|2.091 hours of volunteer time|F. N. McCallum; Nominating/ amounted to $39,714 | ment House covering nursery |to assist with the children's re-|and Membership, Mrs. C. H.| Mr. John N. Haddad MSW, evening and Saturday gamesifive times per week. | Douglas Coombs, Mrs, J. R.|topher House, Toronto, showed and programs and _ ten-age| Special time was alloted for|Hamilton and Mrs. A. G.'slides and gave a running com- 3 work of the settlement house a eee ie neg SCHOOL and CLaNte RECOGNITION OF LOYALTY) hich is situated in the Bath. one ae The purpose of Simco Hall) For the first time in its his-| | the Women's Welfare] ronto. | ne booth tie os be Treatment Centre is threefold; |League honored | "A dead end of back lanes,") so yah to give a good education to give|members for their loyalty andine called the district "where| treatment through physical, oc-jendeavor by presenting life|the street idaet " sets for layettes. cupational and speech therapy|memberships. eet accident rete is' they WELFARE SERVICES and to provide an opportunity; Those so honored were Mrs./are mostly over one hundred y uW r social contact and recreation | F;, V. Lander, a charter mem-|years old and have no bas jenrolled at the centre and 17|R. G. Mills during whose presi-| "St. Christopher House jadditional children receive ther-|dency the gymnasium on Fish-|really five houses joined to- |The majority come from Osh- | Miller, counsellor during depres- |awa, others come from Bow-|sion years; Miss Vera Moyse. yew FROM KITTEN! SWEATERS THAT YOU CAN MACHINE-WASHI The administration of the cen-|mittee and Miss Grace Burns, jtre is the responsibility of the|charter member and charter the school classes are under ihe} Each was introduced by Mrs. | direction of a three-man board John E. Harris and presented | vision of Dr. C. M. Elliott. The|corsage by Mrs. John Chmara. | medical work is under the dir-)|-------- board under the chairmanship) ae fas of Dr. Richard Gill, with the| WINNIPEG (CP) -- of 14.000) Women who answerea a com- SWEATERS BY "Ka ) | ARE MACHINE-WASHABLE! Now you can put these lovely pure wool sweaters through your own washer! -Pure wool fashion-right sweaters are so easy to care forl family--doctor- of each child an|7°™ ex officio member of the board. | unity welfare council question- | The medical board is respon-|"@!re on crime here, 67.3 per| sible for the admission, pres- cent said more ee a cribing treatment and the dis-/b@ put on probation. About 84 proposes some knee spanks, |charge of children from the Per cent said they would be will-| 19 knee circles a day and a | centre, ing to employ an ex-convict. few old-fashioned knee bends Sees With the growing number of TRANSFERS FACE CARE patients and staff available) 0 OFF Charles of the Ritz is ready through a government grant, it Bt eS Toys - for the new fashions with a has become necessary to pro- Hobby Kits whole beauty treatment for the | vide more space and after care- Purchases: Over $1.00 legs, transferring facial care |ful consideration it has been Special Change-Over Sale south of the hemline. deemed advisable to build a at Newton's It proposes the use of a new centre and a campaign for] 95 aryo. sr. WEST, OSHAWA facial mask to give the knees funds is now being conducted. | proper tone, a lotion to lubri- cate them and a moisturizer to keep them dewy-fresh. Then for glamorms nings, recontoured knees, with a darker shade blushed on to | deepen dimples or slim away | the knobs and light shades for delicate glow of color. There is one more sugges- tion--a glossy irridescent il- lumination, the pearly stuff more normally found on eye- lids Semi-Turtle Pullover % Sleeves 9.98 eve- What is the baby-pleasing secret of Gerber Oatmeal? hs texture. Creamy and smooth when mixed with mifk or formula. Nice to the tongue. Not to mention its mild, delicate flavour . +» purposely bland for young palates. Iron is added for its blood-building properties. You'll have no trouble at all mixing this oatmeal to a perfect consistency in seconds. All you do is mix the tiny flakes with the liquid for a smooth, even-textured mixture. It keeps its creaminess from beginning to end of every serving ... moist and nice, just as baby prefers it. Matching Slims 16.98 TO MATCH Classic Short Sleeve Pullovers 7.98 8.98 The QUALITY name to look for when buying GINGER ALE SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED es Long Sleeve Cardigans Cardigans the smartest spring astyies and shodes PURE VIRGIN WHOL New International mark of quality, now in Canada BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 Simcoe North In alt Specialists control both selection of cereal grains and cook- ing of all the Gerber Cereals. These devoted experts work solely in the interest of better infant nutrition. Babies are our business ..our only business! In handy cans too FREE ZoNsULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshowo ot the Beneshe Hotel, Thurs. Feb.24, 25, 26 and Mon., Feb. 28. Mor. 1, Mar, 2 PHONE 723-4641 for eppointment on these dates. Serber Baby Foods NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA TRY WILSON'S TONIC WATER, COLA, ORANGE. LEMON 5.4 Open, te 9 P.M. Fridays " Apour- Town' witht Ann Sonuiers An automobile dealer who wants to stay in business knows that one of his least important, jobs is selling cars. Even, the finest and most expensive cars are, after all, still mass produced products. This, i why, at MORLEY STALKER MOTORS, service. is their watch-word. This means that should anything go wrong with a cor you have purchased from Morley, he is ready and willing to OR tas. Hines etbe seen Tike ees peopre coming hack 46 MARL SY STALYER MATA sam ates notte they know that Morley stands behind his work, car from MORLEY STALKER MOTORS, 137 King West, Oshawa is there- fore only « product for sale but his service is the reason that the upside-down car sign has become so well known to prospective cor buyers. * * * If you are planning the big step of moving into your own little home, | am sure you are wondering if you should entrust your prize possessions to a mover. When you plan to move with LOCKWOOD MOVING & STORAGE, you can be sure of all your precious items being handled with "kid gloves". They handle everything as if it wos their own. Everything will arrive at your destination in the same condition as it left. They will move anything that is moveable. They have trucks for every nan of rst job, and the staff is completely trained in every ase Of moving or storage. Forget your worries and move with pani of = & grton located ot 557 Bloor _ wa. "You call . . . We haul! For fr timat 725-2831 todey, ul or free estimates cal * * * ! am sure that mony people are under a misconception as to what, exactly, a welder does. The welder of today is on artist! He creates and custom styles many beautiful articles out of _ wrought iron, Now, you can call BUD'S WELDING and have a custom ornamental railing, made to your exact specifications. If you have an idea, but don't know exactly how to put it, call Fred Rowell at 942-0720 and | am sure he will be able to give you many new and exciting suggestions on how to beautify your home with the addition of wrought iron. The latest trend in headboards is the antique black wrought iron designs. Live mod- ern, add some elegance to your surroundings, call BUD'$ WELD. ING, located at R. R. No. 1, Pickering * * * When buying clothes, everyone looks for the finest and most guitable apparel that will give them the most presentable at- tractive appearance. To maintain this appearance, clothes should be cleaned, such as suits, coats, 'dresses, slacks, by qualified cleaners, at all times. The OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEAN- ING ore certainly, in my estimation, the clecners that will give you complete dry cleaning service satisfaction. They ore inter- ested in seeing that all your apparel is as fresh looking as it was the day you purchased it. Why not make 50 Mill Street your next stop, when service is a must and quality work is guaranteed, or call 723-1471, * * * Don't get discouraged! Spring is just around the corner. As you all know, spring is the select time for weddings, banquets and parties in general. When you are searching for a beautiful place to hold your wedding party, banquet etc., | am sure you will find no place that will create a more lasting memory than the FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL at Interchange 75 off the MacDonald-Cortier Freeway. Their banquet capacity will accommodate 100 people, and considering that they have the tinest facilities available, their prices are quite reasonabie. But, if you. don't book your space in advance, you may not be able to reserve for the date you wish. Either put on your coat and muff ond hurry on over to talk to Mr. James Bourke (who will give your banquet his personal attention) or call and make your arrangements today at 623-3373. * * x The OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD, offers the highest trade-in prices for used outboard motors anywhere in the Ushowa area, For the best deal possible, take your used outboard motors in to OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. between now and Spring. If you bring your motor in now for appraisal, you will be sure to beat the April Ist sales tax increase, They still have a few new 1965 Evinrudes in stock which they ore offering at special sale prices. Be sure to hurry on down to the "YACHTHAVEN" -- You'll never make a better deal than right now, They are located ot the Harbour in Oshawa, For any further intormation call Mr, Norm Courtney ot 723-1901, * * * All you people who lova to sink your teeth into a nice juicy steak be sure to remember that every inursday, Friday and Sat- urday are 'Steak Nights' at the O2HAWa ds1EAK HOUSE on 1626 Simcoe Street North. This mouth-watering full course steak dinner includes 4 beautiful wing steak well garnished ond sea- soned to your exact taste, and also includes French Fried Pot- atoes, @ delicious Chef's salad and beverage. You won't believe it, but all this is only 1.95 per person. For a wonderful way to start out or end an evening, dine by Candlelight in the relaxing atmosphere of the OSHAWA STEAK HOUSk, 2 x 2 * At TURNBERRY INTERIORS the focilities are such that you can choose your chest suite, occasional chairs, tables, broadioom, and drapery to co-relate. You can @lso choose accessories for the home such as crystal, marble, oil paintings, lamps ond mirrors. they have an excellent selection of mirrors from con- temporary to Mediteranean to Baroque. TURNBERRY INTERIORS is tne one-stop shop whereby you can come in, take a seat, and relax while you select all your home decorating needs. When | was in the shop this week | glimpsed a beautitul hand-wrought screen, This screen is black wrought iron and is very heavy despite the delicate-patterned appearance, It is. an import from Spain, Located at 312 Stevenson Rd. N. or call 723-3889, * x * Ladies ! With winter being so harsh on your hair and skin, you should give them both a little extra care! To help solve your hair problems, you should have an cecasional oil treatment and a good hair shaping to remove the broken ends. Treat your complexion to the beautiful Sons Soucis creams and lotions. Sons Soucis cosmetics can be used an all types of skins, even if you have allergies. For problem or nervous skin types, | would rec- ommend you try the herbel Sap and the Balsam or Herbs mint cream, Remember, for exceptional specials on hairpieces, excel- lent hair creations, and the best cosmetics available anywhere, call HEIDI'S MODERN HAIRSTYLING ot 725.5421, or visit them at 367 Wilson S., Oshawa, * * * While talking to Mr. Frank of W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD., 21 King W., Bowmanville, he mentioned a beautiful home and property, ideal for a professional man, which is now listed. This home is nestled on 22 acres with a view of Lake Ontario, the lights of Oshawa and Toronto and is located near Raglan. This beautiful home has 4 bedrooms, living - dining room 40' x 17' with one entire glass wall, big stone fireplace, 3 bathrooms, wall-to-wall broadioom, underground lawn sprinklers, piped musi¢ in. every room, ultra modern kitchen, 24' by 70' patio, 40' bal- cony, two car heated garage attached plus an extra four cor garage, and a cold storage room. The grounds are professionally landscaped with 50 fruit trees, unfinished golf course, and an underground sprinkler system. The house has 3,600' square liv- ing area, recreation room 15' by 26' with bar. The price is $79,000. with terms available, which makes it on exceptional buy for all the beautiful extras it features. For further particu- lars eall 728-7518. * * * Hit the Gold Head Pin! If the gold pin comes up as a head pin and you are able to get o strike, you will receive a package of Nobless cigarettes. EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES LTD. also feature "Beat the House' for both men and women! This is at no extra cost to the bowlers outside of their usual line money. You can win $25.00 or more as the amount accumulated weekly if it is not won, Last week there was $30.00 in the pot for the Ladies. The EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES LTD, is open from 12 noon seven days a week for your convenience. You will be sure to_spend many happy hours of relaxation and fun when you visit the EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES at King Street East in Oshawa, * * ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES have new and used tele- visions available for rental at the most reasonable prices in town. They also feature a complete appliance repair department specializing in wringer washers, ranges, and dryers. Their prompt pick up and delivery service is excellent. The new 1966 Ad- miral stereos (in solid state) have "arrived! There ore many stunning new styles to choose from. For some really terrific buys, you can still take advantage of the remaining stock of Marconi new 1965 model T.\V.'s and beautiful new 1965 Moffat stoves. ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES are located at 452 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa. -For pick up cal! 723-0011. * «6% ¥ The new line of winter programs on television have just made their debut and many are very interesting. If you are a mem- ber of the "Squintstone Family' (Oshawa branch it is time you had OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY check your ontenna or tower, Make note: OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY purchased some good an- tennas at wholesale cost, arid therefore, can offer you a better quality antenna than is normally sold in this area at 2 price, The T.V. channels on this sale are on display at OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY, Taunton Rodd East, Oshawa. Drop by, or for further Information call Mr. Bill Leask ot 723-8131,

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